Pipili kızıma

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Pipili kızıma

Gerçeklerle birlikte fantezilerimi katıştırıp, buraya hep muhteşem hikayeler yazardım hep.
Birgün bir de baktım bana bir mesaj gelmiş, birisi hikayelerimi beğendiğini ve benim kendisiyle ilgili bir hikaye yazmamı istiyordu. Olur dedim ve kendisiyle ilgil bana biraz bilgi vermesini istedim. Ayrıca profiline de baktım: çok güzel tenli, mis gibi bir vücuda sahip bir Crossdresser dı kendisi. Organı ise muhteşemdi, resimlerden çok temiz ve bakımlı olduğu anlaşılıyordu. Oturdum klavyemin başına ve onu hayal etmeye başladım; onu yatağın üstüne yatırmış, o parlak vücudunun üzerinde ellerimi gezdirirken parmak uçlarım penisinin ucunu bulup sıvazlamaya başloyordu, benim nazik hareketlerimle organı gitgide sertleşiyordu, ardından penisimi ağzıma alıp onu o şekilde tatmin etmeye devam ediyordum ta ki birden o ağzıma boşalıncaya dek. Bir türlü aklıma başka hikaye gelmiyordu, profilinde görünen organından aklımı bir türlü alamıyordum.
Günler böyle geçerken, bir gün “hikayemiz ne oldu” diye sorarak mesaj attı bana. Anlattım durumu, resimlerde penisini gördüm o yüzden başka birşeye konsantre olamıyorum dedim. benim hangi şehirde oturduğumu sordu, aynı şehirde oturduğumuz ortaya çıkınca bir akşam benim evde buluşmaya karar verdik. Nasıl strese girdiğimi anlatamam, ben oldukça yaşlı biri olarak o gencecik bebek tenli arkadaşı memnun edebilecekmiydim diye sürekli düşünmekten kendimi alamıyordum. Sonunda vakit geldi; ben caddeye inip, kendisini karşıladım. Selamlaşırken gayet normal ve ciddi bir şekilde selamladı beni, gizliliğe benim gibi o da çok önem veriyordu. Birlikte eve geçtik. Eve geldiğimizde metronun klimasının çalışmadığını ve çok kötü olduğunu, kendisini tazelemek istediğini söyledi ve banyoya geçti havluların yerini göstererek kapıyı kapattım ve içeri geçtim ve koltuğa oturdum; kalbim küt küt atıyordu…
Bir süre sonra banyonun kapısı açıldı, yavaş ve ağır adımlarla oturma odasının kapısına doğru geldi ve kapının pervazına dayandı, çekingen ve utangaç bir eda ile bakışlarını yere dikti ve öylece kalakaldı. Karşımdaki manzara muhteşemdi: Siyah jartiyer çorabı ve onları tutan bir jartiyer, kırmızı ekoseli kısacık bir mikro etek ve eteğin altından görünen pembe şirin bir tanga, üstte ise kırmızı sütyen üzerine giyilmiş siyah bir askısız bir body ile karşımda duruyordu. Bir elimi yavaşça çenesine götürdüm ve hafifçe başını yukarı kaldırdım, diğer elimle saçını okşadım ve sessizce “hoşgeldin” dedim. o da bir elini omuzuma attı ve hafifçe beni kendine çekmeye başladı. Amacı öpüşmek olabilir diye ben hemen kontrolü ele aldım ve saçını okşadığım elimle başını kendime doğru çektim ve yanağından öperek kulak memesine doğru dilimle ilerledim. Kulak memesini emerken hafifçe inlemeye başlamıştı. öylece yavaş yavaş odanın ortasına ilerledik, boğazımı öpmeye başladı ve gömleğimin düğmelerini çözmeye başladı. Gömleğimin açık bıraktığı bölgeleri öperek aşağı doğru ilerledi ve kemerimi de çözmeye başladı. Pantalonumu, iç çamaşırımla birlikte indirdi ve açıkta kalan penisime dilinin ucuyla dokunmaya başladı. Müthiş bir haz duyuyordum, çok fena olmuştum ve penisim de sertleşmeye başlamıştı bile. Oturma odasında duran yer yatağının üzerine geçtik, orada artık penisimi ağzına almaya başladı, ben de dayanamadım ve kalçasını çekerek bana yaklaşmasını sağladım, pembe tangasını kenara çektim ve penisini ortaya çıkardım. O da yeni traş olmuş herhalde ki, penisi tertemiz karşımda duruyordu, daha fazla dayanamadım ve ben de onun penisini emmeye başladım. Çok nefis bir duyguydu; 69 pozisyonunda kenetlenmiş durumdaydık. bir ara gözlerimi açtım ve bakışlarım bacaklarından poposuna kadar teninin pürüzsüzlüğüne takıldı. Bir yandan penisini emerken diğer yandan elimi poposunda gezdirmeye va arasıra anüsüne hafifçe bastırmaya başladım. Ben anüsüne baskı yapınca penisi daha çok sertleşiyor ve zonkluyordu. Yatağın üstünde doğrulduk ve o bana sırtını döndü; ne yapmam gerektiğini anladım ve penisimin başını kayganlaştırıcıyla hafifçe sıvadım ve tangasını kenara çekerek, penisimin başını yavaşça tertemiz arka deliğine dayadım. Biraz daha bastırınca penisimin başı içeri girdi, ve o da derin bir oh çekti. O kadar güzeldi ki, hareketlerim sert olmasın, canı yanmasın diye çok dikkatli hareket ediyordum. ellerimi poposunda gezdiriyordum, tertemiz mis gibi pürüzsüz ve kılsız poposunda. Elimi ön kısıma götürdüm ve penisinin taş gibi olduğunu fark ettim, zaten ardından dayanamadım ve içine fena bir şekilde boşaldım. Çok hızlı oldu ve ben çok fena utandım, özür diledim kendisinden. Sorun olmadığını söyledi ve tuvalete gitti temizlenmek için. Ben yanlamasına yatağa yattım ve televizyonu açtım; normalde geç boşalan ben nasıl olduda böyle hızlı boşalmıştım…
Banyodan çıktı ve o da yatağa uzandı, beni televizyona doğru yan yatırdı şimdi sırtım ona dönüktü. Arkamdan bana sarıldı ve omuzumu öpmeye başladı, bütün vücudu arkamdan bana yapışmıştı, her organını arkamda hissediyordum ! Setleşmiş penisi hiç inmemişti, onu aldı ve arkadan bacaklarımın arasına sokup çıkarmaya başladı. Penisi gidip geldikçe arkadan taşaklarıma değiyordu. Bir ara o da penisine kayganlaştırıcı sürdü ve hareketine aynı şekilde devam etti, ta ki bir ara durup penisini benim arkamda yerleştirmeye başlayıncaya dek. Hafif ve nazik hareketlerle arkama girdi ve yavaşça girip çıkmaya başladı. Penisi ilk bakışta orta büyüklükte görünse de arkama çok acaip bir baskı yapıyordu. O arkamda gidip gelirken yavaşça öne doğru eğildi ve nereye boşalmamı istediğimi sordu. Ben boşalmadan önce haber vermesini ve hepsini yutmak istediğimi söyledim. Belli bir süre sonra yavaşladı, ben sırtüstü yattım ve bacaklarımı yana doğru açtım. Tekrar yerini anüsümde aldı ve bu sefer bir bacağımı omuzuna alarak hareketlerine devam etti. O utangaç bebekten eser kalmamıştı ama arkama girip çıkarken yine çok nazikti. Sonunda yüzünün ekşidiğini gördüm ve kısık bir sesle “şimdi” diyebildi ancak. Arkamdan çıktı eliyle penisini sıkmış şekilde yüzüme doğru yaklaştı, penisini serbest bıraktığında coşkulu bir şekilde sıcak sıcak ağzıma boşalmaya başladı. Çok fena boşalmıştı ve menileri bitmek bilmiyordu. Hepsini su içer gibi son damlasına kadar yuttum. Kalktım banyoya gittim ve temizlendim, döndüğümde kendisine çeki düzen vermiş ve yatağa yüz üstü uzanmıştı. poposu muhteşem bir şekilde mikro eteğin altından parlıyordu. yanına gittim ve bacaklarının üstüne oturdum, beline masaj yapıyor ve poposuna doğru iniyordum. Sonra poposunu ellerimle kavrayıp, güzelce yalamaya başladım, poposunu yukarı doğru kaldırdı ama sadece yalamamı istedi. Ben zaten yalıyordum; dilim poposundan anüsüne oradan taşaklarına kadar inip çıkıyordu. Bacaklarının arasından baktığımda penisinin yine sertleştiğini fark ettim, yandan elimi uzatıp penisini okşamaya başlayınca, döndü ve sırtüstü yattı. Ben dururmuyum, hemen penisini tekrar ağzıma aldım ve deli gibi yalayıp emmeye başladım. iki eliyle saçlarımı kavradı ve başımı penisine bastırmaya başladı. Bastırıp bastırıp bırakıyordu ve bu arada direği ağzıma girip girip çıkıyordu. Sonra başımı sabit tutup alttan penisini ağzıma sokup çıkarmaya başladı, Ağzımı sikiyor dedikleri bu olsa gerek. Az bir süre git gelden sonra ağzım yorulmuştu artık, tam başımı kaldırıp dinlenecektim, eliyle başımı iyice penisine bastırdı, penisi gırtlağıma dayanmıştı ve birden muhteşem bir şekilde boşalmaya başladı. Hayatım kaymıştı ama menilerinin tadını alınca tüm yorgunluğum geçmiş, bir damlasını kaçırmamak için deli gibi yutkunmaya başlamıştım. İkimizin de işi bitmişti, kendimi yanına yatağa bıraktım. İkimiz de nefes nefese yatıyor, bir kelime dahi edemiyorduk. Çok güzel anlaşmış ve karşılıklı olarak birbirimizi çok güzel doyurmuştuk. Aslında yapmak istediğimiz daha çok sex ve denemek istediğimiz daha çok pozisyon vardı ama sanırım öncelikle açlığımızı gidermiştik. Birlikte biraz daha şefkatli zaman geçirdikten sonra giyinip gitti, ama bu ilk olsa da son değildi tabi…..
Umarım beğenirsin

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teyzeoğlu karımla yatıyor

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

teyzeoğlu karımla yatıyor
(Mahmut 38 Y., Afyon)
Merhabalar. Ben Afyondan Mahmut, 38 yaşında evli bir erkeğim. Karım Sultan 36 yaşında, 1.60 boyunda, esmer, hafif balık etinde, kapalı bir kadındır. Aslen Konyanın bir kasabasındanız. Karımla geçen sene iki haftalık memleket ziyaretine gittiğimizde, karımın teyzesinin oğlunu olan Ademin evinde kalacaktık. Adem, babası gibi hanzo tipli, kaba saba, esmer bir adamdı. Oraya varışımızın ikinci günüydü, karımı teyzesinin oğlunun evinde bırakıp, ben eski arkadaşlarımı görmek için atladım bir minibüse Konyaya gittim. Arkadaşlarla görüştükten sonra akşam tekrar kasabaya döndüm. Eve giderken yolu kısaltmak için bahçe içlerinden geçiyordum. Az ilerde Ademin arabasını tenhada park etmiş halde görünce yanına gideyim diye yolumu değiştirdim. Yaklaşınca arabanın içinde yalnız olmadığını görüp merakla dikkatlice baktım, bir kadınla şevişiyordu…

Rahatsız etmemek için önce sesizce uzaklaşmak istedim, ama merak ya bu, sonra fikir değiştirip, biraz daha yaklaşıp, çalıların arkasından gizlice izlemeye karar verdim. Arabadaki kadın kesinlikle kendi karısı değildi, Adem karısını bir başka kadınla aldatıyordu. Ama kiminle? Bunu görmek için sessizce biraz daha yaklaşıp seyretmeye başladım. Adem oturuyordu, kadın da herhalde Ademin yarağını yalıyordu, kadının sadece saçlarını görebiliyordum, kafası piston gibi inip kalkıyordu. Adem, “Yala aşkım yala, yarağımın hepsini al ağzına! O salak kocan iyi sikememiş seni, karı nasıl sikilir şimdi gösterecem sana, o boynuzlu kocanın da boynuzları büyüsün!” diyordu. Arada sırada da, “Amına koyduğumun orospusu iyi yala, dişleme!” diye küfür ediyordu. Şimdi Ademe sakso çeken kadının kim olduğunu daha çok merak etmiştim. Bu böyle 15 dakika kadar sürdü. Ben de onları izlerken yarağımı çıkarmış 31 çekiyordum…

Kadın birden kalkıpta külodunu çıkarınca, arabadaki kadının karım Sultan olduğunu gördüm ve beynimde şimşekler çaktı! Ama ne yapabilirdim ki? 15 dakikadır karım yarak yalıyor ben de izliyordum ve üstelik de aşırı derecede tahrik olmuştum. Biraz yarağım iner gibi oldu, ama ben bunları düşünürken karım Ademin yarağına oturunca, yarağım yeniden sertleşti. Karım arabanın arka koltuğunda inip kalkarak Ademin yarağın yiyordu ve bundan da aşırı zevk alıyordu ki, bu her halinden belliydi. Saçları sağa sola savrularak zıplıyor ve “Ohhh erkeğim, sikicim!” diye çığlıklar atıyordu. Bu arada bende de kıskançlık ve ihtiras bir olup zevke dönüşmüş, karımın karşımda teyzesinin oğlu tarafından sikilmesinden zevk alır hale gelmiştim. Karışık duygular içinde karımın sikilişini seyrederken, onlar çığlık çığlığa sikişlerine devam ediyorlardı…

Az sonra arabadan dışarı çıktılar. Karım eteğini beline toplayıp arabanın kaportasına ellerini dayayarak Ademe domaldı. Adem de yanaşıp karıma arkadan amına kökleyince, karım yeniden başladı inlemeye. Adem de hızlıca pompalıyordu karımın amına. Bu böylece 10-15 dakika sürdü, sonra karım titreyerek şiddetli bir biçimde orgazm olup boşaldı. Karımdan hemen sonra Adem de böğürerek karımın amına boşaldı ve üzerine yığıldı. Bense 31 çekerek çoktan boşalmıştım, yavaşca geldiğim gibi sessizce ordan uzaklaştım, karmakarışık duygularla eve gittim. Onlar da iki saat saat sonra geldiler. Bu iki saatte kesin sikişmeye devam ettiler. Güya akraba ziyaretine gitmişler de, ordan geliyorlarmış. Ben bir şey diyemedim tabi, gördüklerimi görmezden gelip, namuslu sandığım karımla evliliğimi sürdürmeye karar verdim.

Orda kaldığımız iki hafta boyunca, onlara çaktırmadan ortam hazırlayıp karımla Ademin sikişmelerini gizlice seyrettim. Müthiş heyecanlı oluyordu ve hayatım dahada zevklenmişti. Şimdi Afyona döndük ve ben başkalarının da karımı sikmesini nasıl arzuluyorum bilemezsiniz. Nasıl olur, kimle olur bilmiyorum ama, gizlice karımın sikişmesi için ortam yaratmaya çalışıyorum.


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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Yengemden yardım eli part 2

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Yengemden yardım eli part 2
Arkadaşlar gecikme için kusura bakmayın, iş güç yoğun bir dönemdi.

Part 2 ile karşınızdayım. Hikaye tamamen gerçektir. Bir gün gerçek olmayan bir hikaye yazarsam bunu da ayrıca belirtirim.

Necla abla ile yaşadıklarımdan sonra yengemin mesajıyla adeta aldığım tüm haz yerini sinir strese bırakmıştı. Odanın içinde voltalar atıyor bu durumu nasıl toplayacağımı düşünüyordum. Ya anneme söylerse diye ödüm kopuyordu.

Sonra sakinleşip biraz düşündüm. Mesajın sonunda gülen surat vardı, kaldı ki o akşam bir kaç defa birbirilerine göz kırptıklarını görmüştüm. Belli ki bu yengemin baştan sona ayarladığı bir seanstı. Neden böyle bir şey yapmıştı?

Biraz cesaretlendim. Şöyle bir cevap yazdım.

Evinde böyle bir şey yaşandığı için Özür Dilerim yenge. Uygun olduğun bir akşam sana uğrayabilir miyim?

Sebebini sormak istiyordum, hani biraz sınırı aşan bir hareketti. Yengemi hiç böyle bilmezdim.

Yengemden cevap geldi: Yarın öğleden sonra uğrasan olur mu, oğlan okuldayken.

O anı hiç unutmuyorum, sesli sesli tekrarladım, “oğlan okuldayken. . .” ne akası var? belki de ben fesatım rahat konuşalım olanları istiyor ama yine de bir garip geldi.

Ertesi gün öğleden sonra elimde bir özür çikolatası ile kapısını çaldım. İlk iş çikolatayı verip uygun bir biçimde olanlardan üzgün olduğumu belirttim.

Yengem çok rahattı, amaan takıldığın şeye bak dedi. İçeri geçtik.

Yengem bir anda söze girdi. Sarp, Necla’yı göklere çıkarmışsın geçen akşam, bir de kendine güvenmiyorsun dedi.

Bunun üzerine belli ki bunu sen ayarladın yenge, ve benim mutlu olmamı istiyorsun, bu yüzden şu an bana objektif bir iltifatta bulunduğunu sanmıyorum ama teşekkür ederim dedim.

Karşılıklı bir iki dk sidik yarıştırması oldu inanırsın inanmazsın muhabbetleri..

Sonra gaza gelen yengem iyi Sarp gel şu mesajlara bak dedi ve telefonunu çıkardı.

Mesajlarda gerçekten de Necla abla hayatında böyle bir seks yapmadığını, çok kıvrak olduğumu yazıyordu. Bir de penisimdeki eğikliğin doggyde ona inanılmaz zevk verdiğini yazmıştı. Penisimdeki eğiklik her zaman utandığım bir şeydi ve bunun beğenilmesi gerçekten beni rahatlatmıştı.

Derken gözüm saniyeler içerisinde alttaki mesajı gördü: “Necla deme ya en sevdiğim bilirsin..”

Yengem bunu farkedip hızla telefonu kaldırdı. Paniklemişti. Bir anlık gaza gelip kendisi ile ilgili bilgi açık etmişti.

Noldu Yenge dedim? Alttaki mesajı okudun mu dedi?

Önce bir refleks olarak hayır dedim. Sonra yalan söylediğim o kadar belli oluyordu ki Evet diye düzelttim.

Sonra ancak tam olarak anlamadım dedim. Neyi anlamadın diye sordu?

“Yani beni alakadar etmez ama köpek pozisyonuna mı bayılıyorsun eğik penise mi onu anlamadım” dedim. Sonra bir yutkunup tabi eğik penise bayılıyorsan bu beni bi tık daha rahatlatır heralde diyiverdim.

Birden ikimizde gülmeye başladık, ortam rahatlamıştı.

Doggy ye bayılıyorum diyiverdi, hiç eğik bir penisle olmadım dedi. ( belli ki dayım öldükten sonra hayatına birileri girmişti, az çok tahmin ediyordum zaten)

Hani köpek pozisyonu yerine doggy değişinin beni tahrik etmesi bir yana onu bir ömür önümde domalmış bir halde hayal eden bir ergen olarak yüzümde şaşkın bir heyecan belirdi.

Noldu dedi.

Bir şey yok, sadece senin doggy i sevebileceğini / ve hatta buna doggy diyeceğini hiç düşünmemiştim dedim.

Neden bana yakışmaz mı dedi? Ayıp mı sence?

Hayır değil tabi dedim.

Tam o sırada yengemin gözü aşağıya kaydı, evet beklenen hazin son konuşmaya kendimi o kadar kaptırmıştım ki önümde yükselen arkadaşı gizlemek aklıma gelmemişti. Yengem sırıttı. Anlaşılan bu arkadaşı Necla yeterince doyurmamış dedi.

Göz göze geldik, gözlerime derin derin baktı. Ağzından hızla şu cümleler çıktı: “Sarp bunu bir kişi bile duyarsa seni de kendimi de öldürürüm!”

Hızla dudaklarımız yapıştı. Deliler gibi öpüşüyorduk. İçeri götür beni diye fısıldadı.

Onu kucağıma alıp yatak odasına kadar yavaş yavaş götürdüm. Yatağa fırlattığım gibi pantolonunu cıkarmaya başladı ve direk domaldı.

Sarp, hiç ara bölümleri bekleyemeyeceğim bence ikimizde hazırız dedi. Yengem, hayalini kurduğum o kalça, önümde domalmıştı. Hızla pantolonumu çıkartım. Yengem deliler gibi ıslaktı bir iki denemeden sonra yavaşça hepsini içine sokmuştum.

O an bir inleme koyverdiğini hatırlıyorum. Sonrasında çok da bir süpriz yok, heralde bir 20 dk boyunca onu usul usul becermiştim. Pozisyon dahi değiştirmeden.

İçine boşalmamak için çıktım yanına uzantım. Elini attı ve bana masturbasyon yapmaya başladı. Ağzına alır mı diye yalvaran gözlerle baktım, ama pek içinden gelmemişti sanırım. Çok geçmeden boşaldım, mükemmeldi.

Kulağıma Sarp gerçekten kendine gel ve git dışardaki güzel kızlara haddini bildir dedi.

Artık tüm sıkıntılarım geçmişti.

Çıkmadan bana bunu bir daha tekrarlamayalım dedi. Tamam dedim. üzerinden yaklaşık 2 sene geçti. Hiç bu konuyu konuşmadık. Bazen acaba pas verir mi diye bekledim, ama hiç renk vermedi.

Necla ablayı da instagramdan ekledim. Sanıyorum evli olduğu için çekindi kabul etmedi.

Hikayenin sonu arzu ettiğiniz gibi şaşalı olmadığı için üzgünüm. Ama genel olarak yaşananlar böyle.

Hikayeyi ve anlatım tarzını beğendiyseniz yorum bırakırsanız çok sevinirim.

Yorumlara göre kurgusal hikayeler yazmayı da düşünüyorum. Zira bu gerçek olduğu için pek tatmin edici detayları olmayabilir.


Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Merhaba ismim mert 38 yaşında fizyonomik olarak fena görünmeyen dürüst güvenilir oturaklı ve olgun biriyim istanbulda yaşar kendi işimle uğraşırım.Başımdan geçen ilginç ve bir o kadarda kudurtucu anımın başlangıcı şöyle oldu; bundan yaklaşık 15 gün evvel bir akşam üzeri masamın çekmecesinde daima bulundurduğum minik jack daniels şişesinden tam birkaç yudum çekmiştim ki cafenin kapısından iri yarı kirli sakallı ama kaliteli ve pahalı giyiminden varlıklı biri olduğunu sezinlediğim bir beyefendi girdi…ve içeri girer girmez selam sabah vermeden direkt masamın yanındaki koltuğa oturduğu için içimden hayıflanırken hemen peşinden içeri giren afet-i devranı görünce birden yumuşayıverdim.Aman Allah ım o ne güzellik ve zarafetti.Öncelikle söyleyebilirim ki tam bir hanımefendiydi.Oturuşundan konuşmasından tavırlarından soylu bir aileye mensup olduğu veya sosyal psikoloji konusunda sıkı bir eğitim aldığı hemen anlaşılıyordu.Her kadında rastlanmayan bu özelliklerinin yanı sıra fizik olarak ta muhteşem bir kadındı..zenci kadınlara has yuvarlak ve çıkıntılı bir kalça,oldukça iri bembeyaz bir göğüs,ela gözler,dolgun dudaklar ve harikulade bacaklar her erkeğin hayallerini süsleyen nitelikteydi. gizler h o t m a i l c o m
Kolay kolay hiçbir müşterime bu gözle bakmadığım halde nedense farkında olmadan çileden çıkıvermiştim.Sohbetimiz ilerledikçe 35-45 yaşlarında 18 yıllık evli ve 2 çocuklarının olduğunu öğrendiğim çiftin cafeme gelme sebepleri evdeki bilgisayarlarına taktıkları pc cameranın çalışmamasıydı.Cafenin karşısında bulunan avukatlık bürosundan çıkınca tesadüfen burayı görmüşler ve fikir almak için uğramışlardı.İşyerime fazla uzak olmayan bir sitede oturduklarını öğrenince,camerayı benim tamir edebileceğimi,büyük ihtimalle driver ini yüklerken hata yaptıklarını açıkladım.Bunun üzerine ertesi gün Pazar olduğu için ikisinin de evde olduklarını ve saat 3 gibi gelmemde mahsur olmadığını söylediler.Ertesi gün yani Pazar günü saat 3 civarı evlerinin kapısını çaldım.Kapıyı melih bey açtı beni güler yüzle karşılayıp içeri buyur etti.Evin atmosferini buram buram harika bir kadın parfümü kaplamıştı ama neşe hanım henüz görünürlerde yoktu.Melih beyle ayak üstü biraz sohbet ettikten sonra bilgisayarın olduğu yeri göstermesini rica ederek o tarafa doğru yöneldik.Bilgisayar çiftin yatak odasındaydı.Laf arasında çocuklarının nerede olduğunu sorduğumda ise birisinin Bursa da diğerinin de İzmir de üniversite okuduklarını,çocukları büyüttükten sonra rahat ettiklerini söyledi.Bilgisayarın başına geçip kamerayı taktıktan sonra driver cd sini istediğimde ben yerini bilmiyorum neşe şimdi banyodan çıkar o getirir dediğinde eşinin banyodaki çıplak hali gayri ihtiyari gözlerimin önüne gelince benim azman kafasını şöyle bir kaldırdı.Neşe nin banyodan çıkmasını beklerken belki klasörlerin içinde cameranın driver i vardır diye Melih le birlikte bilgisayardaki klasörleri karıştırmaya başladık.Seri bir şekilde klasörleri açarken birden bire karşımıza eşiyle sevişirken cameraya çektikleri sahneler çıkınca melih şaşırarak kızarıp bozardı ama belli etmemeye çalışarak başka konularla olayı geçiştirmeye çalıştı.Müsade isteyip su içmek için biraz odadan dışarı çıkınca klasörü yeniden açıp neşe nin muhteşem vücudunu doya doya seyretmeyi düşündüysem de saygısızlık olur diye vazgeçtim.Az sonra melih kapıdan içeriye eşi neşe hanımla birlikte girince sanki gözlerim yuvalarından fırlayacak gibi oldu..zira henüz tam kurumamış saçları ve vücuduna yapışan pembe bornozuyla muhteşem görünüyordu neşe.Driver cd sini bilgisayara takıp çalıştırmaya başlayınca neşe nasıl yaptığımı daha yakından görebilmek için enseme iyice sokulmuş sıcak nefesi ılık bir yaz meltemi gibi ensemden kasıklarıma oradan benim paşaya doğru esinti yaparak kan dolaşımımı aşırı şekilde hızlandırmıştı.Ellerim klavyenin tuşlarına basarken heyecandan titriyor,ara sıra yanlış tuşlara dokunuyordu.Tam bu esnada melih ben bir kadeh bir şeyler içeceğim bana sende istermisin güven diye sorunca gayri ihtiyari evet cavabı verdim.Melih odadan çıkınca eşi banada getirirmisin sevgilim diye peşinden seslenirken bir yandanda arkamdan bana dahada yaklaşmış,muhteşem meme uçlarını sırtımda hisseder olmuştum.Az sonra melih üç kadeh içkiyle çıkagelince,ben neşe nin aramıza biraz mesafe koyacağını düşünürken o hiç istifini bozmamış kocasına aldırmadan iyice sokulduğu arkamdan bazı şeyler sormaya devam ediyordu.Bilgisayardaki işim bitip camerayı test etme aşamasına geldiğimizde Melih hadi sevgilim aramızda en güzel sensin ilk seni görelim kamerada deyince neşe kamerayı kendine çevirip komik mimikler yapmaya başladı.Melih,karıcığım eski kamera uzağı iyi çekmiyordu biraz uzaklaşırmısın kameradan bakalım nasıl görüneceksin dediğinde neşe yatağa doğru geri geri giderken farkında olmadan baldırları yatağın kenarına çarpınca birden bire yatağın üzerine geriye doğru oturakaldı bu hareket ani bir reflex sonucu olduğu için zaten fluarı gevşek bağlanmış olan bornoz iki yana açılarak neşenin iri göğüslerini ve amının arasına iyice girmiş siyah tangasını bütün ihtişam ve çekiciliğiyle gözler önüne sermişti.Melih ve ben bu harikulade manzaraya şaşkınlık ve hayranlıkla bakarken neşe kendini toparlamış ama tatlı ve muzip bir gülücük atmaktan da geri kalmamıştı.İçkinin de verdiği yumuşaklıkla şakayla karışık ne bakıyorsunuz beğenmediniz mi Diye sorunca kocası,olurmu sevgilim harika görünüyordun deyiverdi.Bende bundan cesaret alıp evet bende katılıyorum melih beyin düşüncesine diye yarım yamalak mırıldanırken arzu dolu ela gözlerini benim yeşil gözlerime dikmiş diliyle dolgun dudaklarını ıslatıyordu.Melih bey ise bu olanlardan kıskançlık bazında hiç etkilenmemiş gibi sevgi ve arzu dolu gözlerle eşine bakıyor heyecandan derin derin soluyordu.Bir ara lavabonun yerini sorunca melih bana koridorun sonunda solda diye tarif etti.Lavaboya giderek hem ihtiyacımı gidermeyi hem de çifti biraz yalnız bırakmayı planlıyordum.Beş dakika sonra yanlarına geldiğimde bornozunu çıkarıp sadece tangasıyla kalan karısını kendisi sırt üstü yatarak üzerine oturtmuş bir yandan memelerini yiyecek gibi somururken bir yandan da kalçalarını hoyratça avuçluyordu.Her avuçladığında karısının (gizler hotmail com)minicik tangası kenara kayıyor tertemiz balkutusu ve daracık Karaincisi gözlerimin önüne seriliyordu.Bu duruma daha fazla kayıtsız kalamayacağımı anlayınca neşe ye arkadan yaklaşıp kocasıyla birlikte bende onun harika poposunu avuçlamaya okşamaya başladım.Beni arkasında hissedince inlemeleri çoğaldı ve daha iyi domalarak hazinesini bana sunmaya başladı.Hayatım boyunca yüzlerce kadınla birlikte olmama rağmen hiçbirinin amını götünü yalamayı bu kadar çok istememiştim.Daha fazla dayanamayıp bir hamlede minicik tangasını en ince yerinden sertçe çekip kopartarak gizli mücevherlerini ortaya çıkardım ve aç kurtların ete saldırması gibi kana kana amını götünü yalamaya başladım.Amının harika bir tadı ve eşsiz bir kokusu vardı ben yaladıkça daha çok zevk sıvısı salgılıyor kesik kesik çığlıklar atarak poposunu yüzüme doğru daha çok bastırıyordu.Amından aldığım zevk sıvılarını dilimle götüne sürüyor minicik deliğinin derinliklerine hünerli dilimi sokarak zevkten kudurtuyordum.İki erkeğin arasında olmak neşeyi çıldırtmış erkeklerim canlarım kocalarım benim diye naralar atmasına sebep olmuştu.Yarım saatten fazla bu şekilde seviştikten,ben neşenin am sıvılarını doya doya zevkle içtikten sonra melih eşofmanının altını sıyırıp o muhteşem amı sikinin üzerine oturtunca karısından derin bir ohhh sesi yükseldi.Melih alttan pompaladıkça karısının dilimle iyice yumuşattığım Karaincisi davetkar bir şekilde açılıp kapanıyor adeta sikimi içine davet ediyordu.Zaten bulunduğu yerde iyice sıkılan benim azmanı bir hamlede dışarı salarak neşenin göt deliğine dayadım.Sikmeden önce dilimle iyice yumuşatıp kayganlaştırarak yarağa hazırladığım şeker gibi deliğine sikimin kafasını yavaş yavaş sokmaya başladım.Önceleri poposunu geriye çekip irkilmesine acı çığlıkları atmasına rağmen yarağım yarısına kadar götüne girince poposunu bana doğru iterek hepsini içine almayı arzuladığını belli ederek hem amına hem götüne giren siklerin verdiği hazla cezbedici inlemeler ve buram buran kadın kokan zevk çığlıkları atmaya başladı.Neşenin bu arzu dolu davranışlarına kayıtsız kalamayarak sikimi sıkı sıkı kavrayan Karaincisinin derinliklerine köküne kadar geçirince öyle içten ve keskin bir çığlık attı ki hayatı boyunca böyle bir sikiş ve zevk yaşamadığı belli oluyordu.Bir süre sonra üçümüz birden çılgınlar gibi orgazm olduk ama neşe hala doymamış bu sefer benim sikimi amına istiyordu…ama maalesef meşgul biri olduğum için o günü kısa keserek başka bir zaman doya doya sikişmek için üçümüzde sözleşip ayrıldık. gizler h o t m a i l c o m 0543 537 14 88

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Biseksüel Anılarım 7 – Murat’la Gece

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Biseksüel Anılarım 7 – Murat’la Gece
Gidip üstümü değiştirdim. Murat’ta salona geçmişti. Gittim daracık tangayı giydim. Üstüne de sarı şortu giydim. Mavi askılı bluzumla tam olmuştum. 1.5 saatte 3 kere boşalmıştık. Yorulmuştur o da diye düşünüyordum. Viagra etkisini hissettiriyordu ama şu an halimiz gerçekten yoktu. Düğmelerim de zor kapanıyordu bu arada. Götüm tam dışarı çıkmıştı. Kadın olsaydım ne erkekler peşimde koşardı kesin. Erkek halimle böyleysem kadın halimle ne olurdum acaba. Sınıfımızdaki seksi kızları düşündüm biraz. Aslı vardı. Ümmü vardı. Tam sikilecek kızlardı. Rahattılar da. Bir çok sevgilileri olmuştu ve bir çoğuna götlerinden vermişlerdi. Aslı’nın götünün artık yalama olduğunu tahmin edebiliyordum. Ümmü’nün ise ağzı yalama olmuştu. Bir çok erkek ağzına boşaldığını, tam bir orospu gibi hareketler ettiğini söylerdi. Komik. İsteseler onlara ben daha da zevk verebilirdim. Ama sadece Murat şu an bundan faydalanıyordu. Şimdilik.
Salona geçtim. Murat oturmuş televizyon izliyordu. Allahtan seks sahnesi yoktu şu an. An itibariyle kaldıramazdım bir seks daha. Biraz nefes almaya ihtiyacım vardı. Nefsime karşı koyacaktım bir yarım saatliğine. Siki apaçık ortadaydı. Tam kalkık değildi ama fazla sürmeyecekti. Taş gibi olmuştum gene. Viagra etkisi de tamamen saracaktı bizi. Bayağı güçlü bir şey olduğunu söylemişti zaten abi. Yarım saat diyordum ama en fazla 10 dakikam kalmıştı adım gibi emindim. Yanına oturdum, omuzuna başımı koydum.

-Offf taş gibi olmuşsun gene. Şu an 18lik çıtır bir kızı sikiyorum gibi geliyor. Çok değişmişsin. Tanıyamıyorum seni.

-Abartma yaa. O kadar da değil. Hemen hemen aynıyım hala. Sadece makyaj ile saç birazcık değiştirmiş o kadar.

Bunları söylerken kendim bile inanmıyordum ya neyse.

-Yok valla çok değişmişsin. Çıksak dışarı tanınmazsın.

-Ya olur mu. Makyaj ne kadar değiştirebilir allahın seversen.

-Aşkım, manyak mısın? Aslı’nın siyah saçlı halisin. Hele bu şortla felan. Hatta çıkalım lan dışarı. Seninle dışarı çıkmak istiyorum.

-Olmaz valla. Erkek olduğumu anlarlar.

-Anlamazlar rahat ol. Zaten az biramız var. Çıkarız carrefour’dan alırız. Hadi kırma beni. Üzme şunu.

Eliyle sikini gösteriyordu. Tatlı şey uyanmaya başlıyordu.

-Olmaz. Çok riskli.

Bunu dedim ve kanepede uzanarak başımı bacaklarının arasına attım. Sikini yalamaya başladım. Sanki daha da bir kalın geliyordu bana. Doyamıyordum şu an ona. Evde şu an 5 tane erkeğin 5 tane kadının olmasını isterdim. Sabaha kadar hem sikmek hem sikilmek istiyordum. gerçekten tam afrodizyak etkisi yaratmıştı ilaç. Terlemiştim. Bu ilaç nasıl bu kadar etkili olabilirdi. Siki somuruyordum. O da sol eliyle kıçımın üzerinde geziyor elliyordu. Götümü övüyordu. Arada da beni gaza getirmeye çalışıyor, dışarı çıkalım diyordu. Bense arada bir olmaz deyip gözlerine bakıyor sonra sikini yalamaya devam ediyordum. 10 dakika olmuştu. Sikini yalamaktan, ısırmaktan kıpkırmızı yapmıştım. Yanıyorduk ikimizde. Hadi sik beni dedim ve ayağa kalktım. Şortumu indirdim. Külodumu indirmedim sadece
sağa kayırdım ve sikinin üstüne oturdum.

-Ohhhh. Sik beni aşkım. Sik beni.

O da azmış belimden tutuyor ve alttan geçiriyordu. Ahhh ahhh diye inliyordum.

Sik. Sik. Doldur içimi. Sula beni diyordum. Yarağı çelik gibi olmuştu. Bağırsaklarımı deliyordu resmen. Ama bu zevki bırakamıyordum. Bu ilaç neyse bu benim son kullanışım olmayacaktı. Bu arada Murat’ta devam ediyordu isteğine. Artık ben de bıkmıştım hayır demekten. Onun dışında tahrik edici bir şeydi de. O an o zevkle zaten hayır diyemezdim. Tamam yeter ki sik beni dedim. Dudaklarıma yapıştı. Öyle sikişiyorduk. Beni yatağa uzandırdı. Bacaklarımı kaldırdı ve omzuna koydu. Öyle sokmaya başladı. İlk kz denediğimiz bir pozisyondu ve sevmiştim. Filmler de pek sevmezdim ama tadı da iyiymiş. Benim incecik ahhhlamalarım ile onun ohhhlamaları karışmıştı. Küçük fahişe diyordu. Bende sikicim diyordum. Tekrar kaldırdı ve kanepenin yanına domalttı beni. Götüm tamamen ona dönüktü. Ona aitti. Göt deliğime tükürdü ve sikini sokmaya başladı. Artık zevkten bayılacak haldeydim. Daha fazlası olamazdı heralde dediğim anda sikimle oynamaya başladı. İlk kez yapıyordu. Orospumsun diyordu ben de evet diyordum. Dışarıda da sikecem diyordu. Sik diyordum bende. İstediğin yerde sik diyordum. bu kadar zevke daha fazla dayanamadık ve Murat ile aynı anda boşaldık. Sikimle oynamasa olmazdı ama bunu da yaşattı. İçim dölle dolmuştu gene. Bir de dışarı çıkacaktık. Gidip banyoda oramı temizledim ve salona geçtim. Bu gece daha neler yaşayacaktım acaba?

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Rapture in Rio

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


LOCATION: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

MISSION: To go undercover as a sexy Russian assassin in order to stop an assassination attempt of the president.

I arrived at Rio de Janeiro on my newest SECTION A mission. I went undercover as an assassin from Moscow, Russia named Elena Muskyaya. My mission to infiltrate and stop an assassination attempt on El Presidente, Miguel Fernando Hernandez. According to my SECTION A contacts, a political group being led by Lisa “La Intrusa” Sanchez and Cisco “El Cobra” Canseco are planning to assassinate Hernandez at the start of Carnival this week. As with any mission I do, I have my weapons, gadgets, and a hot wardrobe. My weapons and gadgets for this mission are a Smith & Wesson with a silencer, a .22 caliber, a stink bomb disguised as eye shadow, a silver necklace with a pendant that doubles as recorder, a smart phone with GPS, bullets, and a grappling hook that doubles as a hair clip.

As for my wardrobe, I had four outfits: a sexy red dress and heels for Carnival, a “stealth” outfit consisted a black leather corset, high-heeled boots, and black leather pants, my undercover outfit (dark wash jeans, black lace-up top, and black boots), and the outfit I’m currently wearing, a white short-sleeved jumpsuit, white knee-length boots, blue-tinted sunglasses, and a long, dark brown with chocolate highlights wig styled like Gisele in the Victoria’s Secret commercials. I was told that Sanchez and Canseco were to meet me in their private hangout. When I got there, they wanted to see my shooting skills. I did just that using my fully loaded .22 caliber, using a cardboard box as target practice. They were impressed with the six shots I was firing. I told them the story of how I once took out an entire Russian mob with two guns as part of my cover. Since they were both impressed by me, they gave me the nickname “La Bandita”.

While Cisco went off because he had some business to take care of, Lisa wanted to talk to me privately.

I got a look at Lisa’s face. She had dark brown hair and eyes like Penelope Cruz but her lips were her own.

“I was impressed by your aim and timing, Elena. Especially at how you hold your gun tight.” Lisa said with a smile while looking at me.

I replied in my perfect Russian accent “Well, I always keçiören escort did have keen eyesight.”

“Great. Listen, Cisco and I are having a get together with friends tonight. Will you accept the invitation?” She said in her Brazilian accent.

I said, “I accept.”

She said, “Good. It’s at 8. Don’t be late.”

I replied, “I’ll be there.”

Later that day, I got myself ready for the get together with Lisa and Cisco. I changed into my stealth outfit. I arrived at Lisa and Cisco’s hangout at eight. Lisa opened the door and she looked tempting. Lisa was wearing an emerald green dress with a plunging neckline down to her belly button with matching heels, emerald earrings in her ears, and her black straight hair was put up in a curled high ponytail and adored with a sparkling barrette. She was looking like a Brazilian Selma Hayek.

“Elena, so glad you came. Please come in.” Lisa said smiling.

Cisco had introduced me to some of their friends. While the scene was social, everyone was talking business about what to do at the start of Carnival three days from now. I decided to get in on it. Lisa and Cisco were discussing the plan. Through their Portuguese language, I overheard about their plan to assassinate Hernandez for political reasons. I had recorded the entire conversation through my pendant. I told Lisa that I had to powder my nose and she showed me where the bathroom was.

I went into the bathroom and immediately transferred the conversation from my pendant to my smart phone and sent it to SECTION A headquarters. After that, I got out of the bathroom. Once Cisco and friends had left, Lisa and I were talking woman-to-woman. Throughout the whole time we were talking, her eyes were going back and forth between my face and my cleavage. She then moved a little closer and lightly kissed my lips. Once we kissed, Lisa got up removed her dress and heels and let her hair down. In the face, she’s like Penelope Cruz. But in the body, she was Selma Hayek and Jennifer Lopez. Next thing you know, she was unhooking my corset, freeing my perfect, non-sagging, natural 44C breasts.

She cupped them while her mouth was sucking them. As she was savoring my breasts, I began taking off my leather pants and my heels. All I had etlik escort on was a leather thong. Lisa slipped her hand inside my thong with her fingers rubbing my clit. I moaned as I felt one of her fingers inside my slippery, hot, wet pussy. I let out long, loud moans as she was fingering me. I removed the thong from my body and started finger-fucking Lisa who was sitting beside me on the sofa. Her pussy was also bare. We were both getting wet at the same time while moaning and groaning. Then, I was sucking and licking her perfect, similarly large breasts and nipples while my fingers were sliding in and out of her pussy. We were finger fucking ourselves into orgasm when Lisa then kneeled in front of me, ready to eat my pussy. Her slippery pink tongue started licking me. It felt like as if she had done it before.

My hands held on to her head, stroking her dark hair. Her hands were fondling my breasts as she was licking my clit and pussy. As she was moving to my stomach, my hands were caressing his Jennifer Lopez-like ass. We went into a 69 position and started tasting, sucking, and licking each other. From there, we wrapped our legs around each other’s waists into a trib position, rubbing our wet pussies against each other and touching our breasts. We came over and over. Once the orgasm washed over us, we passionately kissed each other’s lips.

Lisa smiled and said, “You were hot and so is your body.”

I replied, “I can say the same for yours.” I was putting my clothes back on because it was getting late and I need my rest.

“So I will see you tomorrow morning then, Elena.” She said.

“I’ll be there.” I replied.

Once my clothes were put back on and my things gathered up, I left Lisa’s house and gave her a kiss.

I went back to my hotel room. When I arrived, my smart phone rang and I answered it. My boss at SECTION A called to tell me that they managed to translate and comprehend the conversation I sent to them. They told me they were discussing an assassination plot against Hernandez and planned on killing him on Friday the day the Carnival starts. I asked them to look up information on Lisa Sanchez and Cisco Canseco. They looked up the info and according to the files Sanchez and Canseco are leader and co-leader of rus escort a political group. Just two years ago, they were working in a campaign for Juan Torres who ran against Fernandez in the presidential election. They had high hopes for Torres, but then financial troubles, a scandalous affair, and a very nasty divorce nearly hurt his chances and eventually lost to Hernandez. But Torres still managed to work in office at the U.S. Embassy. The so-called friends that were there that night were also the conspirators in the assassination plot and they even had nicknames such “El Jaguar”, “El Iguana”, etc.

After contacting the agency, I went to sleep that night. The next morning, I had to get myself ready for save the president’s life. I loaded up both my Smith & Wesson and .22 caliber guns. I showered and put on my undercover outfit. Once I was out of the hotel room, I was ready for action. I met up with the others at an abandoned tower where the plot was to take place.

Below the tower, millions of people in bright costumes and everything were getting ready for the Carnival and the festivities. President Hernandez was about to speak. Meanwhile at the tower, everybody was getting locked and loaded. Lisa and Cisco were aiming their rifles at their target. As they were about to pull the triggers, I made my move by kicking the guns out of their hands. I pulled out both of my guns and pointed at all of them. Cisco tried to walk up to me, but stopped him with my Krav Maga combined with jujitsu and knocked him and the others down with a spin kick. I aimed my .22 caliber at one of them and shot him in the thigh. Lisa and I began to fight so I spin kick in the lower back and then punched her stomach and chest. I shot two of the other conspirators; shot one in the heart and shot the other twice in stomach. After attacking, beating, and shooting the assassins, I took out my hair clip, threw it to the podium, and swung on down the stage. I contacted headquarters that the plot was aborted. Through a translator, I had asked the president if he was okay and had to explain about the plot on his life. After that, I filed a report and sent it to headquarters.

The boss congratulated me on a job well done. The Carnival went off without a hitch and the president had thanked me for saving his life. Lisa and Cisco were arrested while some of the conspirators either went to the hospital, to jail, or to the morgue. The mission was completed and I got to celebrate Carnival with everyone in Rio de Janeiro.

Adios until next mission, Denise


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Rain Check

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You know how you can see someone every day, and in one sudden instant your outlook of them completely changes? I know that feeling all too well. About six months ago I joined a gym in an attempt to drop 30 pounds before my 10 year high school reunion. Along with the gym membership I could attend any of their classes for free. I always hated cardio classes because I’m very clumsy and the instructors are impossible to keep up with. I decided on taking a weight lifting class. Now, being VERY into girls, the first thing I noticed was that the instructor for this class, Kristen, was very cute. Kristen is fairly tall, late 20s, about 5’10”, about 130 lbs, and has short red hair and dark eyes. Being a fitness instructor, it is a given that her body is smokin’ hot. She isn’t overly muscled as one may think, but she’s toned in all the right places. When I walked into the group fitness room, Kristen was already there setting up for class. She greeted me warmly and asked if I was new to the class. I said that I was, and she gave me the rundown on what to expect. I ended up absolutely loving the class, and it became part of my weekly routine.

As I continued going to the gym, I also noticed that Kristen was a personal trainer there. When I see other trainers around the gym with their clients, I noticed how uncaring they seemed. They provided no motivation at all. They were basically robots who told them what to do and counted off reps. Kristen was not like this at all. She genuinely seemed to care about each of her clients, and would explain each move she had her clients do and tell them what muscles the move focused on, etc. It made me wonder if I could benefit from Kristen’s expertise.

One day, after weightlifting class, I had a random spurt of energy and decided to run on a treadmill for a little bit before heading home. After about 10 minutes my energy was finally depleted. I walked to the locker room and turned a corner to get to my row of lockers. Around the corner, I saw Kristen sprawled out on a bench looking absolutely wiped out. I giggled, which turned her attention to me. She gave me a sheepish grin.

“I didn’t think it was possible,” she said “But today I succeeded in kicking my own ass.” I fell head over heels for Kristen in that instant. I can’t put my finger on it, but I’m sure it had something to do with how weak and vulnerable she seemed as opposed to the strong woman I’m used to seeing. I laughed and sat on the bench next to her.

“Well, it’s nice to see that you’re actually human and not just a mean lean weightlifting machine.” I replied. She gave a hearty laugh, and I realized this was the first time I had heard her laugh. It was a wonderful sound which complimented her heart shaped mouth nicely. I knew I had to get closer to her. “I’m actually glad I caught up with you. I wanted to ask, are you taking on new personal training clients?”

Kristen’s eyes flickered and she sat up. “Yes! Are you interested?” she asked.

“I am.” I replied. “I initially joined this gym with the intent on dropping some weight before my high school reunion. Your classes are helping a lot, but I feel I need a bit more guidance.”

“This is so great. You won’t believe this, but I’ve actually seen a lot of potential in you from the way you’re progressing in weightlifting and from what I’ve seen of your workouts around the gym. I wanted to ask if you had considered hiring a personal trainer, but I didn’t want you to think I was just after your money.”

I laughed. “Well then, looks like this will work well for both of us. When can we start?”

We went back to her office to discuss pricing and training times. As she was making up the documents, I noticed she was left handed. I also noticed the huge rock she wore on her ring finger. All the fantasies I was beginning to have about her vanished as my heart sank. Married. Hitched. Taken. Bummer.

After a few one-on-one sessions with her, my fantasies returned. Of course I would never act on any of them, but it was hard to ignore that this girl was completely awesome. In addition to good looks, she was also wickedly smart. Not just about training and nutrition, but she had an MBA as well. We also shared the same sense of humor, and we sometimes got so involved in conversing and joke telling that we’d forget where we were in the workout. It was hard for me to keep my feelings in check. I’d often catch myself blatantly checking her out. Sometimes I felt like she would have to be blind not to notice, but she never changed her behavior in any way.

Months later, in the present time, I’m 25 pounds thinner and pretty darn buff. Kristen’s work on me is nothing short of miraculous. For the first time in my life I feel SEXY. Being short, only 5’2″, it always seemed like every pound looked massive on me. At my heaviest, I was “only” 150 lbs, but on my short frame it did not look good at all. During these past few weeks Kristen has been complimenting my progress left and right. I always tell her sincan escort I owed it all to her, and she reminds me of how I worked my ass off (quite literally) to get where I am. Tonight was my last session with Kristen, and I was pretty bummed about it. The logical side of me realized that it was probably for the best, and maybe my fantasies about her would end and I could focus on finding an actual gay and unmarried girlfriend. It didn’t help, though, that Kristen kept saying how much she was going to miss working with me.

Soon, the hour was up and I was putting my things away. Kristen was giving me a few last minute tips to continue to focus on. I thanked her for everything and told her I would see her in weightlifting class. As I turned to leave, she touched my arm.

“Wait.” she said. “Since we officially no longer have a business relationship, I was wondering if I could take you out for a victory drink tonight, as a friend and not your trainer.”

My heart skipped a couple beats. I regained control of my thoughts. “I thought you didn’t like it when I drink. You know, empty calories and all.” I smirked.

Kristen laughed. “Remember, I’m just your friend now and not your trainer. And I know you like your booze.”

“That I do.” I chuckled. “Of course I’ll have a drink with you. When and where?”

We made our plans and I left in a daze. As I was showering back home, I realized this would be the first time I would see Kristen in her regular clothes instead of workout gear. This idea excited me. Every few minutes I had to remind myself of that rock on her left hand. She had mentioned her husband several times in the months I worked out with her. They seemed to have a very happy relationship and there’s no way I could compete with that, even if I wanted to. And, I really didn’t want to. One of my pet peeves has always been married women who cheat on their husbands with women because “it doesn’t really count” according to them. I swore to myself long ago that I would never put myself in that kind of situation. Regardless, it was a non-issue with Kristen. I just needed a tight reign on my hormones, especially with a couple drinks in me.

It was a chilly October evening, so I dressed in a tight knit sweater, jeans, & boots. I gave myself the once-over before I left, taking in the fact that I was very pleased with the way I looked. This new me is definitely taking some getting used to.

I drove to the bar we agreed to meet at and walked in. Kristen was already there. She hadn’t seen me yet, so I took that opportunity to check her out. She was wearing a white babydoll shirt, skinny jeans, & a black leather jacket. She had on maroon tinted lip gloss that made her heart shaped lips a little too inviting. I mustered up my best swagger and walked her way. When she caught my eye, her face brightened.

“Well hey there sexy Annie!” she exclaimed.

“Hey there yourself. It’s funny. You are a total babe and you still look like you could break out and kick someone’s ass at any second.” I replied.

Kristen laughed hard. “You know I could. I might just have to the way some of these men have been staring at me. I try to gesture or pull my hair back with my left hand hoping they’d see the ring, but it sure hasn’t stopped them from oogling.”

“Pigs.” I scoffed. Kristen laughed again and held my gaze for what seemed like a couple seconds too long.

Our evening was a blast. Conversation with her was quick and easy. The bar was riddled with our laughter several times. By our third drink, I noticed some subtle changes in Kristen’s behavior. She was speaking lower, almost in a seductive manner. She was quick to giggle at anything remotely funny that I said. She frequently nibbled and licked at her lips, and her gazes became longer and longer. Now, I’ve been out of the dating scene for a long time, but I swear I remember these are signs of flirting. I tried to convince myself that the gin and tonics were just making me see what I wanted to see, and these things meant nothing.

What seemed like one hour turned into four, and we reluctantly agreed that we should call it a night. We paid our tab and headed out. Once outside, Kristen laughed.

“It’s funny, this seemed more like a date than anything I’ve done with my husband in years.” she said.

Shocked, I laughed nervously. “Yeah, it did kind of seem like a date, didn’t it? It was nice.”

Kristen bit her lip and moved closer to me. “So tell me, Annie, do you kiss on a first date?”

I was dumbfounded. I laughed again. “Are…are you…serious?”

Kristen slid her arm around my back. “Very. I’ve had a bit of a crush on you for months, and forgive me if I’m wrong, but I believe the feeling is quite mutual. Isn’t it?”

I was now standing very close to her and could feel her body heat radiating off of her. The night had gotten cold, and I had forgotten a jacket. Being short, I was pretty much eye level with her chest. I was trying çankaya escort to avoid eye contact with her as I was quickly sorting out my thoughts. I hadn’t realized it, but I was staring at her breasts. Kristen tilted my head up to meet her eyes.

“And that’s exactly what I’m talking about.” she chuckled. “You may think you’re being sneaky when your eyes linger on me when you think I’m not looking, but you’re not fooling me.”

I begin to feel a little sick. I had indeed been very foolish to think she never noticed me checking her out dozens of times in the few months I’ve been working out with her. This made me no better than the men she condemned in the bar. Then, I remembered she was holding me.

“Annie, it’s ok. I like your attention. I like your wit. I like your determination. I just like YOU. And if it’s ok with you, I’d really like to kiss you now.”

I swallowed hard. I couldn’t think of anything to say, so I moved in to consent to her kiss. It has been awhile since I have kissed anyone, let alone on a cold night, so I was surprised at how warm her mouth was. She was a very passionate kisser, who had no hesitancy in kissing another woman at all. My mind was reeling and I kept on trying to remind myself to enjoy this moment. Her hand that had been holding my chin up slid down my neck, and I felt the cold metal of her wedding ring. Her ring.

I broke the kiss, but did not back out of her embrace. “Kristen, your husband…” I said breathlessly.

Kristen frowned & nodded slowly. “I understand your concern about that. It’s…it’s kind of a long story. The short of it, I love him. He’s my best friend. But that’s really all he is. I like women and I always have. I married him for convenience, and every day I’m reminded of what a mistake that was. I’m not in love with him and haven’t been for a long time…if I ever really was.”

My heart ached for her. Her situation had caught me completely off guard. I put my hand behind her head and reached up to meet her lips again. I felt a tear spill from her eye and hit my cheek, and I struggled against tearing up myself. I slid my arms around her waist and stroked her lower back. This time Kristen broke the kiss, but she planted small kisses along my jaw and grazed my neck with her lips and tongue. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this, Annie.” she practically whispered as she nibbled my neck.

“You have no idea how long I’ve been fantasizing about this.” I breathed.

“It doesn’t have to end here.” she said with tinge of urgency in her voice. “We could get a room, stay the night somewhere. Just see where the night leads us.” She grips my shoulders tightly and meets my lips again for another deep kiss. “What do you say?”

“I…I…need to take a rain check, Kristen.”


My mind was on fire as I drove home. Thoughts were going through my head like crazy and I couldn’t focus on one before another took center stage. I was halfway home when I thought it could have all been a dream, a vivid vision. However, I still have the taste of whiskey on my lips, even though I was drinking gin. I could still smell her perfume on me. Kristen. My crush. My SAFE crush, the one nothing could ever happen with. What the hell had just happened? More importantly, why the hell did I run when she wanted more??? I knew why. I got scared. It’s been a very long time since I have been with a woman. Between work, maintaining a social life, and working out a lot I really didn’t have time for a relationship. It felt like a lot of pressure put on me all at once.

By the time I got home I had calmed down somewhat. I pulled on some pj’s, but I didn’t brush my teeth. The taste of Kristen was still on my lips and tongue and I didn’t want to get rid of that quite yet. I climbed in bed clutching the sweater I had been wearing because it still smelled like her. I buried my face in the sweater and ran my tongue over my lips. Instinctively, my hand crept under the waistband of my pants. I moaned into the sweater as my fingers brushed my clit. The last thing I thought before I drifted to sleep was that it could be her hand doing this to me at that moment if I had only stayed.

When I woke up in the morning it took me a few minutes of random thoughts for the events of last night to catch up with me. I pulled my sweater to my face & inhaled. Her perfume was still faintly there. I looked at my watch, which showed me it was already 8:06. As the boss, I could go in whenever I wanted. I trusted my team, and know they get work done even when I’m not there. But, as a workaholic I always tried to get there by 8:00. I got out of bed and got ready for the day, trying to get my mind out of girl mode and into work mode. I greeted my team as I made my way to my office. I closed the door and turned on my computer. I brought up my work email and skimmed through the 19 emails that came in overnight. After I was done with those I brought up my personal eryaman escort email. My heart skipped a beat when I saw I had an email from Kristen waiting for me. I couldn’t stop a big grin from spreading across my face as I opened the email.

“Annie, thank you for the wonderful evening. I really, truly, hope that I did not make you uncomfortable or cross any major lines. I couldn’t read what you were feeling when you left. You told me you wanted to take a rain check on picking up where we left off. I hope you still feel that way. Kristen”

I leaned back in my chair, still smiling. I hit reply, but I realized I had no idea what I was going to say. My office door suddenly opened, it was my assistant Amber.

“Hey, Annie, did you read the email about the…whoa what’s with the megawatt smile?? Wait…you stroll in here an hour later than usual, looking like you didn’t get much sleep. Now you’re in here smiling like you swallowed a canary. Spill it, who is she?”

I laughed. “Christ, am I really that easy to read?” I filled her in on last night’s events. I had mentioned Kristen to her just in passing, about how she was my personal trainer. I never mentioned my crush on her until now.

“Oh I’m totally going to be living vicariously through you for a bit.” Amber said after I finished my story. “So, you gave her a rain check, eh? When are you going to make good on that?”

“I don’t know…soon? I don’t want her to change her mind waiting on me to get my shit together.” I replied.

Amber gave me a few sexually suggestive ideas to say to Kristen in my response to her email. We joked around for a few minutes and then got back to business. As soon as she left my office, my mind went from business right back to how I was going to respond to Kristen’s email.

“Kristen, thanks for writing. Honestly I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. I’m sorry if I hurt you or made you double think your actions by leaving the way I did. Everything just happened really fast and I didn’t know what to do. I was absolutely serious about the rain check. We’ll talk soon. Annie.”

After sending the email, I tried to concentrate on work for a bit. At 1:00 my stomach reminded me that I had skipped breakfast. I headed out for my lunch break, and I decided that I wanted to eat at the sandwich shop connected to my gym. I arrived there and put in my order for a half sandwich and smoothie combo. As I waited for my food, I looked out at the rest of the gym through the large glass windows of the sandwich shop. It didn’t take long before I spotted Kristen with one of her clients. I felt another smile tug at my mouth. I couldn’t believe that about 12 hours ago I was in her arms getting well acquainted with her lips. My food came out and I sat at a table with a view of the gym. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from her. I was deep in the thought that soon I would get to act out the fantasies I had been having about her for the past few months. She was finishing up with her client, and she walked past the sandwich shop. When her eyes locked on me she nearly ran into the window. She beamed at me and held a finger up, signaling not to leave until she was done with her client. She disappeared into her office for about five minutes, then came back to the sandwich shop and sat at my table.

“Oh my God, what are you trying to do to me? I was NOT expecting to see you here!” she exclaimed.

“I was hungry and started craving a sandwich from here. And, not going to lie, I was hoping to see you.”

Kristen beamed. “I saw your email a bit ago. I was so relieved.” She lowered her voice. “I really thought I blew it there for a sec.” She said as she briefly touched my leg.

I knew that she didn’t want anyone who worked at the gym, or clients who knew her to hear our conversation, so I lowered my voice as well.

“Not at all. Like I said, it just took me by complete surprise. I never in a million years expected anything like that to happen.”

Kristen smiled. “I didn’t think I’d actually go through with it. I knew I wanted to kiss you, but I needed the right moment. I’m glad it worked.”

“So, when can I see you again?” I asked eagerly.

We decided on the next night, Friday, so we didn’t have to worry about getting up for work the next morning. It was going to seem like an eternity until then. My lunch break was up, and Kristen had another client coming in shortly so we reluctantly said goodbye. Both of us knew that any kind of affection would be inappropriate, so we had to settle for a quick brush on the arm. I went back to work, let Amber in on the latest plans, and went to my office to *try* to get the rest of my work done.

That evening, I had a ton of tension to release. Of course my first instinct was to jump in bed and violate myself for hours, but I decided to save it for the following evening. Instead, I changed into my workout clothes and went on a jog, replaying the events of the last 24 hours over and over. By the time I got home I knew I had to try to concentrate on something else. I showered, made a light dinner, then poured a glass of wine and grabbed one of my favorite books. One glass of wine turned into two, then three. I was finally sleepy enough, and my mind calm enough to go to sleep.

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Kim, Lynn, and Me Ch. 01

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Chapter 01: Lynn arrives for a visit

You’ll enjoy this more if you read “Kim and Me” first. If you like this, leave glowing public comments and votes of ‘5’, please.

BTW, I wanted to add a few words about the Kim and Me series for those people who’ve asked me. No, her name’s not Kim (you’d guessed that one, right?). I’ve deliberately obscured a few important details about the character and blended a thing or two from several other people. There are a couple things that I’ve said in the stories that specifically aren’t true, but I’m not telling you which ones. But other than those minor details….

This series has its roots in chapter 10 of Kim and Me. Lynn from Alaska was impressed with the way Kim squirted and asked if she could visit us and have me teach her to squirt. Kim liked this idea and so Lynn flew in to town for a weekend with us. This is what happened.

Kim and I had been seeing each other for close to a month. We’d sleep together two or three times a week, though more often at my house than her apartment. A lot of it was the culinary arrangements: I did the cooking and would tend to wait on her hand and foot, which was easier to do at my house, where I knew where everything was and where I had a lot of those nifty little ingredients (and the wine and the tea things, of course) that made meals that much better.

But Kim really did enjoy the other accoutrements of my house, too, notably the webcam. It was fun giving her an outlet for her exhibitionist side. We’d stop in on the reflectors a couple times a week and she’d gotten to know a number of the group on a first name basis. She was still enormously popular and would get watched whenever she appeared. People would even watch me when I was there and she wasn’t on the off-chance that Kim would stop in and make a cameo. (This happened a couple of times and only served to reinforce the behavior.)

Our sex life was still incredibly hot and squishy. As it happened, I had to renew the movies I’d checked out until the following weekend before we got around to watching them, but it had been fun when we did. Kim had really liked Candystripers, and had insisted on twice watching the scenes where the nurses were sitting at the desk and getting eaten out while I ate Kim out the same way.

Kim and Lynn saw each other fairly frequently on the reflector and together they were unstoppable. Honeybare wasn’t able to log on as much, but the three of them enjoyed each other’s online company very much. Lynn told me at one point that Kim was one of the prettiest women she’d seen on the reflectors and that it was because she was very real and approachable. Kim, in turn, seemed to get off on Lynn and Honeybare’s directness, which I said was probably something that had developed by being practicing exhibitionists themselves and that I could see Kim getting more like that herself. Kim was briefly concerned but was calmed when I told her that I didn’t see a problem to having a hot, sexy woman who liked being direct about what she was after. As I recall, I got a smoking hot blowjob very shortly thereafter.

But it had been about a month and Lynn was going to be coming to town for a couple days. She had double-checked that I was still willing to teach her to squirt (yes) and that it was completely okay with Kim (definitely; Kim got warm every time she thought about watching me teach Lynn to squirt right in front of her). We’d compared notes and all of us were abundantly safe as for as STDs were concerned: Lynn admitted sadly that it had been a year since her last blood test and a year and a half since her last fling. I promised her that this was probably something that we could fix for her. Lynn responded happily to that idea and said she was all that much more excited to see us.

Finally, the big day had arrived. Lynn was flying in from Anchorage at 5:30 Friday afternoon, and we were going to pick her up at the airport. That day, Kim knocked off early from work and came over to my house. We drove to the airport in my car. I could tell she was nervous; Kim couldn’t sit still.

“Honey, it’s going to be just fine,” I said. “You’ve gotten to know Lynn yourself already and everyone’s clear on the idea of boundaries, If anyone starts bumping into a boundary issue, we stop and talk about it and do whatever seems okay. Or stop, if that’s it.”

“No, that’s not it,” Kim said. “I’m just nervous about if she’ll like me in person. Will I like her in person? Have you met her in person?” Kim shifted in her seat again as we merged onto the freeway.

“Nope, but I’m not worried about it. I’ve gotten to know Lynn pretty well online and she’s a very nice person. She’s a very attractive person. She’s definitely a world-class exhibitionist. And she likes the two of us individually for our winning personalities and also because we’re also very pretty people. Relax, petal, you’ll be just fine.” I put my hand on her thigh and squeezed.

Kim covered my hand with hers and squeezed etimesgut escort back. “Oh, I know,” she said, “but it’s still worse than a first date. I mean, we’re going to be getting Lynn and taking her back to your house and we’ll be doing decidedly sexual things with her. Or you will, anyway. It’s a little weird.”

“It’s out of the ordinary, I’ll grant you,” I said with a smile. “But it’s a great first date if you want to think of it that way.” Kim smiled at that. “If you feel uncomfortable with anything, speak up. It’ll be fine and Lynn understands we’re all breaking new ground. For all we know, she may be the one who feels uncomfortable.” That got another, bigger smile.

A few minutes later, my cell phone rang. I answered; it was Lynn.

“I’m here!” Lynn said.

“We’re not late, are we?” I said, glancing at the clock in the dash.

“No, no, we’re a bit early and we’re still taxiing, actually. But they said we could turn our cell phones back on, so I wanted to call you and tell you I made it.”

“That was thoughtful. Thank you very much! We’re about five minutes from the airport still, so this will work out nicely. Have you much baggage?”

“None, really; I packed everything into a small rolling suitcase, so I’ll just walk out.”

“Excellent idea!” I said. “We’ll wait by the Alaska passenger pickup; go down to baggage and out the door and we should be there.”

“You know what I look like? Oh, God, of course you know what I look like, that was a stupid thing to say…” Lynn sighed.

“Perhaps not as stupid as you might think,” I replied. “We know very well what you look like naked, but neither of us is used to seeing you with your clothes on.” I glanced at Kim, who was smirking. “So if you don’t see us after a couple minutes, flash your tits at the crowd and we’ll recognize you immediately.” Kim and I both laughed loudly at this. I held up the phone so Kim could also hear Lynn’s “Yeah, yeah, that’s all you guys think about is how to get me naked!”

There was a brief pause and then Lynn said in a much quieter voice “I just got the strangest looks from everyone near me, you know.” Kim and I exploded laughing and I said “I think we’ll recognize you, Lynn. Just stand by the passenger pickup and we’ll swing by and nab you. If you’re not sure it’s us, though, you can ask them where your birthmark is. That’ll prove something.”

“You two are just terrible!” she exclaimed. In a much sultrier voice, Lynn added “I can’t wait to see you. I’m hanging up now. Byeeee!”

I closed the cell phone and said to Kim “Sounds like she almost flew down here under her own power.” Kim nodded and smiled. “But I do wonder what kind of look that last comment got her from her seatmates.”

Traffic was heavier than I’d thought as we got near the airport and it took me almost ten minutes to get to the airport off-ramp rather than the five I’d estimated. We successfully navigated the mixmaster on-ramps for arriving and departing passengers and shortly thereafter pulled up in front of the Alaska Airlines passenger pickup area. Lynn was already outside at the curb.

I got out of the car and came around and gave her a big hug, which Lynn returned eagerly. We pulled back and looked closely at each other.

“What do you think?” Lynn said.

“I’m thinking that we’ll go out to dinner and that I’m going to be looking forward to the night’s entertainments very, very keenly. You’re far prettier in person,” I said.

Kim had gotten out of the car and was standing next to both of us. Lynn took Kim in her arms and, much to my surprise, kissed her. Kim kissed her back. It was not a casual kiss and we got a few looks from people walking by. One couple clearly disapproved but several people looked shocked and then rather pleased, and one attractive woman around 35 eyed Lynn and Kim (still wrapped around each other) and then me and cocked an eyebrow. I smiled back and made a gesture to indicate that, yup, it was all three of us, which got me a smile. A moment later, a man spotted her in the crowd and hugged and kissed her. She responded, then over her shoulder gave me a look of “Damn, I’m sorry I’m not available myself.” My, my, my….

I picked up Lynn’s suitcase and put it in the trunk, then held the back door open. Kim said “I’ll ride in the back,” and got in. Lynn got into the passenger seat and we drove off.

“Okay,” I said, “I’m assuming that dinner is of interest to people. Where would you like to go and what would you like?”

“Lynn, what would you like?” Kim said.

“How hungry is everyone?” Lynn said.

“Well, not quite hungry yet,” I replied, “but sure to be hungry before too much longer.”

“Same here,” Kim said.

“How about this?” Lynn said. “I’m not terrifically hungry yet, either. And I wanted to suggest something.”

“Fire away,” I said. “What’d you like?”

“I want to go to the hot tub place with you first,” Lynn said.

“Really?” otele gelen escort Kim said.

“Yes!” Lynn said. “There’s nothing like that in Anchorage these days and I would love to get into really hot water and get the kinks out of my muscles after being cramped in that plane for the last three and a half hours. And…”

“And?” I said.

“And I think it would be a nice, relaxing way to get used to the idea of being naked together. We can soak in the hot tub and it won’t feel forced.”

“I think that’s a lovely idea,” I said. “Kim, is this okay with you?”

“I like it, too,” Kim said. “But with the proviso that we go out to dinner afterwards.”

“I think we’ll all be hungry by then,” Lynn said. “It’ll be seven or seven thirty by then and this is an hour later for me, so it’ll definitely be a late dinner.”

“Have you got a cuisine in mind for dinner?” I asked.

“I’m torn between getting a really good Indian meal versus something lighter that won’t fill me up,” Lynn said.

“Wait and see which way you want to leap, then,” I said. “Right, I’m going to try and get us on the freeway without getting us wiped out by Friday rush-hour traffic, so talk amongst yourselves.”

Kim, who’d been leaning forward between the car seats, put her chin on Lynn’s shoulder and said “We were wondering what happened after you rang off with us on the plane.” Kim reached her left arm around the seat and wrapped it around Lynn’s tummy. Lynn giggled. She put her left arm down and interlaced her fingers with Kim’s.

“After I hung up, the guy across the aisle was looking at me with the oddest look. It was clear that he wanted to ask me a question, though I wasn’t sure which one of several he wanted to try.” Lynn smiled. “I figured I wasn’t going to see him again, so I said ‘I’m flying down to meet an old friend and his new sweetheart.’ This only answered one question for him halfway but I could see another couple of questions dancing around in his head. I didn’t feel like telling him anything else, though, so I just proceeded to primp a little as we pulled up to the terminal. And I made sure that I was out the plane with in front of him with a really snappy step.” Kim’s fingers squeezed Lynn’s and Lynn responded by patting Kim’s hand with her other hand.

“I’ve been looking forward to this all week,” she said. “Kim, you are unbelievably pretty and I love the way you kiss.” Kim ducked her head in embarrassment and even in the dusky light, I could see that she was blushing heavily.

“I haven’t kissed another girl like that in over twenty years,” Kim said.

“But you had before?” Lynn said. “I hadn’t but I’d never found a woman I felt comfortable enough to kiss or that I wanted to. You’re both of those.” Kim blushed harder and looked as embarrassed as I’d ever seen her. Lynn said in a louder voice “So, you two, do I look like what you thought?”

“Gee, I dunno,” I said. “I’m not used to seeing you with clothes on. Flip your shirt up and let’s see.” Much to my surprise, Lynn did. She had on a great looking white satin push-up bra, but a considerable quantity of the large freckled breasts I’d jerked off to in the past were visible.

“You’re going to give him a heart attack,” Kim said. “Or get us all killed: John can’t keep his eyes on the road when there’s a great pair of tits around.” And, to my absolute surprise, Kim pulled her shirt up and flashed her tits at both of us. Kim was wearing a black bra that covered but was the slightest bit tight. I sighed loudly and dramatically.

“You’re right; it’s very difficult for me to watch the road and your chests at the same time,” I said. They both put their shirts down and smirked.

The drive from the airport ended up being about 35 minutes, which was actually not bad for a Friday rush hour, but we were moving counter to traffic for most of it and we made fair time. We got to the hot tub place and went in. I rented a room for an hour and we all went down the hall. The clerk went through the ritual of showing us where everything was and even gave us extra towels seeing that there were three of us. She left and Lynn said “I need to hit the bathroom; those bathrooms on the plane really suck.” She exited.

I took Kim’s hands in mine and looked into her eyes. “What do you think, Kim?” I asked.

“I’m all tingly. She’s incredibly sweet and I love touching her.”

“Are you okay with the idea of me touching her, too?”

“Oh, god, yes!” Kim said. “You love me, right?”

“Is the Pope a bear?”

“I love you, too. I’m not worried about this changing that.”

“Good,” I said. “Then I think we’re going to have a wild time. And if I’m successful, you know….”


“I’m going to have to do twice as much laundry.”

“Oh, YOU!” Kim said. She grabbed me and started kissing me and nibbling my ear. We heard a knock on the door about then and Kim opened it. Lynn came in and looked kızılay escort at both of us and said “Still clothed?”

“Sorry, we’ve never done this before,” Kim said with a grin.

“What a load of horseshit!” Lynn said, smiling.

“Actually, I need to hit the facilities, too. You two had better let me back in when I return.,” Kim said.

“I hadn’t thought of that at all,” I replied, “but now that you mention it….”

“I’m taking the key, you jerk.” Kim snatched the key from the hook and left. Lynn and I both snickered.

“Come here, you scrumptious thing,” Lynn said.

“I thought that was my line.”

“It could be, but I want you here.” Lynn wrapped herself around me and gave me an incredible kiss. I had to say that she was as good as Kim as far as technique, which was pretty damned good. Kim still had it over Lynn for the emotional content that went along with it, but I had no problems with how nice it was to kiss Lynn, either.

I slid my hands down Lynn’s back and cupped her ass. There were a lot of things about Lynn that were as nice as Kim and her ass was one of them. Lynn’s breasts, larger and softer than Kim’s, were mashed into my chest, which was a treat. An image of sleeping snuggled up to them came to mind and I smiled. Lynn felt the smile and stopped kissing me to say “What?”

“You,” I said. I thought for an instant and said very seriously “I think we should get undressed. Kim’s going to be back from the bathroom soon and if she doesn’t find us nude, she’ll think something’s going on between us.” Lynn digested this for a second and then exploded laughing. We started unbuttoning shirts.

“It’s lovely to meet you in person at last,” I said, pulling off my shoes.

“You, too!” Lynn said. “And Kim’s a treasure! I’m all tingly and my toes are curling.” I looked down and, sure enough, Lynn’s toes were scrunching up every so often.

“That’s about what she said,” I said. “That she was all tingly, anyway, although speaking from experience, I have no doubt that her toes are curling, too.”

“This is okay with her?” Lynn asked. She had stripped off her shirt and was unhooking her bra. I watched appreciatively. I’d seen it a number of times online, but it was far nicer to see it in person. The last hook released and her breasts came free of the bra. I wanted to cup them in my hands but I forbore; better to wait this first time until Kim got back.

“It is. I told her that it was okay if she felt uncomfortable to say ‘Hang on’ at any point but I think she’s so hot right now that it’d take a train to stop her. You’re welcome to say ‘This is too much for me at the moment,’ too, you know.”

“I know that,” Lynn said, “and I really appreciate that you’re being careful about everyone’s feelings. What about you?” She’d gotten her jeans unsnapped and was taking them and her panties off at the same time.

Kim returned about then and said archly “What’s all this, then?”

“Why, nothing, dear, just two naked people in a room together, nothing out of the ordinary,” I replied.

“And one of them with a hard-on,” Kim observed. Everyone looked at my cock for a moment, which was decidedly stiff.

“Well, yes, but I figured it was only reflex,” I said.

Kim sniffed and said “If I didn’t know better, I’d say something was going on.”

“Not yet, Kim, but I’m sure it could be,” Lynn said. She was completely naked by now save for a little gold ankle chain. She molded herself to Kim and rubbed Kim’s left breast and said “Unfortunately, you’ve still got too many clothes on. Would you care to join the party?”

I stood up from the bench where I’d been sitting and stretched. Both women looked at my cock, which was feeling very hard by now. I rolled up the tub cover and set it in the corner by the drain, then said “I’m going to shower quickly.” Kim was already half-undressed by this time. Lynn was watching both of us with anticipation. She was gently rubbing the top of her pubic mound with one hand while she did so.

I got the shower adjusted and stepped under the spray. I pumped a few big squirts of soap from the dispenser and lathered up my hair, then started working my way down with the soap. My eyes were shut to keep the soap out when I felt Kim put her hand on my hip and I heard a couple more squirts from the soap dispenser… and then three more. Two pairs of hands started rubbing my chest and then working their way down my body.

I spread my legs for stability and scrubbed at my scalp for a moment. I tilted my head back to wash off my hair and face. The hands were going all over me, tweaking my nipples, running down the flat of my stomach to my pubic mound and all the way out to the end of my cock, gently squeezing my balls, and running up between my cheeks. It was heaven!

I got the last of the soap off my face and opened my eyes. Kim was on my left and Lynn was on my right. They saw my eyes were open and they smiled. I put my arms around their waists and held on. They finished soaping me and Kim said “Lynn’s turn!”

“Gladly!” I said. Lynn and I shifted positions so that she was now in the middle. Kim and I both got more soap and started lathering up Lynn. Lynn had her head back and was reveling in being touched by the two of us.

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Looks Good In Black

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Revised version copyright 2006 by the author.

WARNING: This story contains scenes of bondage and domination between consenting adult males.

“You’re an idiot,” Kevin said.

“I know, I know,” I sighed.

We were sitting in overstuffed chairs in our favorite downtown coffeehouse. Outside, traffic rushed by in the sunny warmth of a late spring afternoon.

“I know it’s been rough since Jason left you,” he continued. “So I introduce you to Cary. You go out for a while. Things are going great. Now you tell me you’re dumping him. What the hell’s the matter with you, Rolf?”

Kevin could get away with talking to me like that. No one else.

“Is there something I don’t know about him? Is he an asshole in disguise?”

“No. He’s been great.”

“Some people are just too fucking picky,” Kevin said to the ceiling.

“Well, we can’t all be as lucky as you,” I retorted, stung.

My best friend had found his soulmate the night he graduated from college. A professor he had always had a crush on had invited him over for dinner, and he had never left. They had been together now for years.

He didn’t challenge my statement, just shook his head. “You are a hard case. And after you all clicked like that, the night of the recital.”

He had been after me for months about meeting his friend Cary Walsh. I had finally agreed to go to one of his recitals at the University, even though classical music is not really my thing.

When the lights dimmed, a man appeared, dignified and elegant, his black tails setting off his golden hair. He sat down to play and rich piano tone flowed from his fingers. One piece in particular entranced me. Its melodies shimmered in the higher reaches of the keyboard, now raptly still, now gently rippling. As the last soft chords died away, I swallowed the lump in my throat.

“What does that mean?” I asked Kevin, pointing to the sheet of paper in my hand, as the applause surrounded us.

He smiled. “Why don’t you ask him after?”

Backstage I shook Cary’s hand, warm from his exertions. Up close, he was shorter than me, his smile dazzling, his chiseled features animated.

“Good to meet you, Rolf, thanks so much for coming. Kevin’s told me so much about you.”

“I’m not sure that’s a good thing,” I replied. I felt a discreet swat on my rear, but refused to reward him with any sign I had noticed. “I really liked that piece you played right after intermission.”

“The Debussy?”

I felt awkward, embarrassed. “I don’t know French. What does the title mean?”

“‘Clair de Lune?’ It means ‘moonlight.'”

The silence of new acquaintances fell between us. Cary tried to fill it.

“Some of us are going out. Would you like to come along?”

“He’d love to,” Kevin answered before I could say anything. “And so would I.” I glared at him. He smiled innocently back. “Wouldn’t we?”

A while later we were at a trendy, noisy gay watering hole downtown. To my surprise Cary had kept his tails on, looking like a young butler among the mostly blue-jeaned, T-shirted crowd. He caught plenty of admiring glances from the regulars, unused to seeing such effortless class in their midst. I felt big and stupid next to him, but oddly enough, he seemed to like me.

“We did hit it off,” I said to Kevin now, a few months later. “What can I say? Things change.”

He wouldn’t let it go. “You guys are great together.”

“I don’t know what it is. I feel like he’s too good for me.”

Kevin snorted with disbelief. “An inferiority complex? You? Please.” He added, darkly, “Just be gentle when you do it, or you’ll answer to me.”

I wasn’t being honest with him, of course. I was looking for something else. Being the tall stud with the German name wasn’t enough anymore. I had enthralled and intimidated smaller men with ease, and fucked them silly in bed. Now I longed for one to turn the tables and give me a taste of my own medicine.

What I also didn’t tell Kevin was that I’d found a man who I thought could give me what I wanted.

It happened one night online in the local chatroom. His screen name leaped to my eye: LitlTopMn. Little top man. My breath quickened as I read what he had written as his occupation: “Bringing bigger men than me to their knees.”

I sent him a message, asking permission to address–it was granted. Before long I realized I had found the genuine article. LitlTopMn was not a dimwitted brute, but a master manipulator. He was cagey, telling me little about himself other than his name: Claude. Yet, I sensed an intelligence about him that enticed me into more and more self-revelation. Over the next few weeks, I laid my deepest desires bare in front of my master, who promised to fulfill them–in good time.

“When?” I asked, frantic for a meeting.

“When your master decides the time is right,” he typed back. I could almost hear him chuckling at my frustration.

I could think of nothing but Claude, and the ecstatic torments he dangled tantalizingly before me. Cary’s charm and even keçiören escort his piano playing paled in comparison. Things came to a head over dinner, a few days after my conversation with Kevin.

“Look,” I finally said after the uncomfortable meal, “Maybe we should, you know, put things on hold for a while.”

As insensitive as I was, I imagined Cary felt exactly as I did. I was dismayed to find his eyes brimming.

“Why, Rolf?” he managed after a long moment. “I like you a lot. I thought you liked me, too.”

I floundered, mouthing cliches that sounded hollow even to me. “You’re a great guy, Cary. It’s not you, it’s me. I’m just not the one for you.”

“Bullshit. There’s someone else, isn’t there.”

“Well–there is.” I tried, clumsily, to tell him the truth. “Look–I’m not what you think I am. There’s stuff going on inside of me you don’t want to know about.”

“How the hell do you know what I want? Fuck you.” Then he was up and gone.

I dialed Cary’s number several times over the next few days to apologize and ask for another chance. But I always cut the connection before the call went through.

Then one night when I logged on there was an e-mail waiting from LitlTopMn:

Rolf: You say you want to experience total submission. You say you’re ready to put yourself in my hands. The time has come. Meet me in Bull Creek Park this Friday night just before closing time. Get out of your car and walk toward the creek. I’ll be waiting for you. Claude.

All thoughts of Cary flew out of my mind. I remember very little about the next few days except the feverish anticipation. Finally Friday night arrived. I drove to the park, situated on the banks of a creek in the northern outskirts of the city. Green and pleasant during the day, it was notoriously cruisy by night.

The parking lot was almost empty, except for a U-Haul truck parked facing out at the far end. I maneuvered my own car into a space, stepped out and began to walk toward the creek, as instructed.

I passed by the public restrooms, dark and silent. As I continued toward the water I sensed movement behind me. Wheeling around, I saw that someone had emerged from the men’s room and was watching me.

I stared at the stranger, a slim and compact silhouette in the dim light. A thrill ran through me as I was able to make out how he was dressed: a loose black vest that left his chest bare, black chaps, black boots. Through the gap in the front, I saw the swelling pouch he wore underneath. His head was covered by a hood that completely obscured his face other than openings for his eyes, mouth, and nostrils. I was face to face with Claude at last.

He tossed his head back, indicating that I was to follow him, then turned toward the parking lot. I walked after him without hesitation. Although Claude didn’t have a weapon, or any way to compel obedience, I was completely under the spell of this faceless figure in black leather.

We approached the truck I had seen earlier, staying in the shadows underneath the trees. When we reached it Claude grasped the handle on the back hatch of the U-Haul. He jerked upward and the door slid open with a loud, protesting rattle.

The man in leather turned back toward me and gestured, commanding me to enter the compartment. My breathing was fast and shallow, my heart pounding. After a moment’s hesitation I placed my foot on the bumper and hoisted myself into the shadows. I heard him following me inside. A moment later I froze as the door rattled downward and thumped shut, leaving us in utter darkness. Panicking, I opened my mouth to shout for help, but an arm encircled my chest and a hand clamped down on my face with crushing force. All that emerged from my throat was a muffled squeak.

A whisper sounded in my ear, gentle and chilling. “You said you trusted me. Are you willing to prove it?”

My mind was racing. Wasn’t this exactly what I had told Claude I wanted? Despite my fear, I was aroused to fever pitch, my cock pressing painfully against my jeans. In a split second I made my decision and nodded, relaxing my body.

There was a click and the compartment was filled with dim red light. It was larger than it appeared from the outside, sufficient to hold the two of us and one other object. In the center of the metal floor stood what looked like a sawhorse, except that its sloping sides were built of solid wood, and the top was wide and padded. Two loops of some dark material were attached to the side I could see.

Slowly my captor relaxed his grip, but stayed close. I tried to look at him but a firm hand prevented me from turning my head.

“Keep your eyes front. Strip and mount the bench, face down.”

As I pulled off my T-shirt, the hooded figure behind me bent down, untied my sneakers and pulled them off, tossing them across the floor of the truck. Next, my socks were removed. Caressing hands moved up my legs and across my crotch as Claude stood. He raked his fingers lightly across my bare stomach and chest, tickling etlik escort my nipples. My breathing deepened at the pleasurable sensations and I leaned back against him, only to jump with a startled cry as he pinched one hard enough to hurt.

Quickly Claude unbuttoned the fly of my jeans and pushed them down my thighs. My hard cock sprang free as it was exposed. He pulled them completely off and pushed me forward with a hand on the back of my neck, compelling me to climb onto the strange bench. It was tall enough that my feet barely touched the floor when I was on top of it.

“Hold onto the front with your hands,” came the whisper. I obeyed, and just as I realized what the loops on the sides were for, they were fastened around my wrists, pinioning me to the apparatus. Then my ankles were lifted off the floor and bound to the sides as well, forcing me into a crouching position with my knees bent and legs spread wide apart, as if I were riding a horse bareback.

There was a pause, as if Claude were examining his handiwork. Then, he moved toward the side wall. I looked up and saw a bag hanging from a hook. Claude extracted a hood similar to what he was wearing, then what looked like a small stick with a loose rope hanging from the end. He bent close to me and grabbed my hair, none too gently, as he whispered again in my ear.

“You’ve told me all about what you wanted, Rolf. You should have been more careful what you wished for.” A soft chuckle. “We’ll see if you’re man enough to take it.”

He raised the stick in front of my face. “My best rawhide quirt.” He must have seen my eyes widen, for he added, “Time to put this on,” and slipped the hood over my head. I realized there were no eyeholes, and began to struggle and shout. This was a mistake, as Claude slipped a thick cylindrical object between my open lips–a short dildo attached to the lower flap of the hood, making an effective gag when he pulled it tight and fastened it across the lower part of my face. Now my muffled protests were inaudible to anyone but my tormentor.

Claude let me struggle until I realized it was useless. I finally stopped and hung my head downward, my chest heaving.

“Let’s begin.”

I held myself absolutely still. The hood was partly blocking my hearing, and I strained for some clue as to what he was going to do. After a moment I felt the light touch of the quirt on my backside, moving slowly across my cheeks.

“Nice ass,” Claude said. Suddenly I shrieked into the gag, my head snapping up, as the whip cracked against my butt.

“Like that?” Another crack, and another cry of pain.

He continued, keeping me off balance, lightly stroking my nipples, butt cheeks, or my cock and balls hanging down between my spread legs, for long moments, using either the quirt or his hands. Every time I began to give in to the pleasure, the sting of the rawhide on my back or ass jerked me back. Several times he aimed a series of strokes at the same spot on my butt as I screamed. Just when I could no longer bear the pain he would desist, stroking the very place he had assaulted as I whimpered into the gag, tears starting from my eyes.

Finally the rain of caresses and blows stopped. My ass was on fire. Harsh breaths whistled through my nose, spit was running out of my mouth around the gag, and my cheeks were wet with tears of pain. My cock strained against the back of the bench, harder than I could ever remember it being.

A moist, probing finger found my asshole and slipped in. It was withdrawn and I felt a larger, blunter object push against the opening. New fire seared my insides as Claude fucked me, drilling my hole with such force that I grasped the front of the bench with my hands for dear life, crying out every time he slammed against me.

I felt heat welling, then cum dribbling from my cock. His assault had forced an unwilling climax out of my body. Claude’s thrusts increased to a frenzied pace and I sensed a low, animal growl rise from his throat. He bent down and gripped me around my chest with his arms, squeezing the breath out of me. I felt his hot breath on my neck. The scent of leather, mixed with sweat and a faint, incongruous hint of aftershave filled my nostrils.

We remained locked together in this position, conqueror and conquered. Occasional spasms shook Claude’s body as he emptied the last of his load into me. The compartment was hot and stuffy, and I was dizzy from lack of oxygen. Just as I was about to faint, Claude rose and pulled out. I heard him moving toward the back of the truck. The light was snapped off, and the hatch rattled partway open, letting in a welcome blast of cool fresh air. Was it over?

To my horror, Claude jumped out and the hatch slammed shut, leaving me in blackness. I renewed my struggles to no avail. In front of me, I heard the cab door open and Claude climb in. A moment later it banged shut, the engine roared to life and we began to move.

After the longest ride of my life we slowed and came to a stop. The engine was shut rus escort off. A moment later the rear hatch slid open once more, and someone climbed into the cargo hold. I braced myself for new torments but couldn’t keep from flinching as a hand fell on my bare shoulder. However, all my captor did was lean forward until his head was close by my right ear.

“I’m going to untie you now. We’ve traveled a bit, as you can tell. If you do exactly what I say, I’ll take you back and release you, unharmed. Any trouble, and I’ll throw you out and leave you here, just as you are. Got it?”

I had no idea how far we had come, not to mention where my clothes were. I nodded quickly.

“Good. Now hold still.”

A strip of some material was placed around my neck. Claude drew it tight, fastening it in place. Then I heard rattling and felt cold metal on my back as he attached a chain to the collar. A moment later I grunted as my head was pulled up by a hard tug on the leash. Holding me in this position with one hand, he pulled at the restraints that held my wrists and ankles one by one. When my limbs were free I let my cramped arms and legs dangle, shaking them slightly. Other than that I kept still, remembering his threat.

“Up on your feet. We’re going for a walk.”

Motivated by another sharp pull on the chain, I slid backward off the bench to which I had been strapped, dropped to the floor of the van, and crawled backwards toward the opening, being careful to keep my head down. Moments later I was standing shakily on what felt like asphalt, still naked and hooded, the night air cool on my inflamed skin.

“Hands behind your back. I’m fastening your leash to the bumper, so don’t try anything funny.”

I obeyed, and my wrists were bound. I heard the rear hatch being slammed shut, then felt a tug as Claude grasped the chain again. Abruptly he began walking, causing me to stumble and almost fall as I struggled to keep up with him. My heart pounded as I was forced to march, completely dependent on my master for guidance. After a while Claude’s hand on my chest stopped my progress. We were next to some structure, a building. I heard more rattling of metal, then a sound which I recognized as a key turning in a lock, followed by the groaning squeak of metal hinges. We were passing through what was obviously a heavy door. I heard it fall shut behind me. Where were we going?

Claude continued on, giving me no chance to collect myself. A minute later he said a single word: “Stairs.” My feet touched cold metal and we began to ascend. My breathing became labored from our rapid pace. I stumbled again, and a strong arm caught me.

“Please,” I said into the gag, my chest heaving. I felt a hand caress my cheek.

“Hang on. We’re almost there.”

Disoriented by this gesture of mercy, I struggled once more to my feet. Sure enough, a few more icy steps and we were on level ground again, on what seemed now to be a wooden floor. We stopped, and I heard Claude pull one more door open, easily this time. He pushed me through the opening. All I could tell about where we were was that it was a large, even cavernous space. Behind me, I heard him fasten the chain to the handle.

“Stay here and don’t move.”

Then he was gone. I stood, knees trembling, trying to get a grip on myself. I was exhausted, and freezing.

Suddenly I sensed light trickling underneath my hood. I realized that whatever space I was standing in had previously been dark, and was now brightly illuminated. I heard footsteps some distance away. They stopped, and there was dead silence. Just as I felt I could no longer stand the suspense, it was broken.

I heard music fill the air. Sweet music. Piano music.

After a moment I recognized it–“Clair de Lune.”

What had been a welter of blurry thoughts snapped into focus. I was on a stage, and that had to be Cary playing. He and the mysterious Claude were in cahoots, playing some insane trick on me. Anger rose, and I began to struggle and twist against my bonds, trying to shout, succeeding only in making strangled noises into the gag.

The music broke off and footsteps came rapidly toward me. Strong arms caught hold of my writhing body. “Easy, easy,” a familiar voice said. “I thought you liked Debussy.”

I stopped struggling and held still, daring him to release me.

“I know you’d love to take a swing at me,” Cary said, suppressed laughter in his voice. “Better take the hood and gag off first, don’t you think?” he said, and I realized there must be a third person nearby.

A moment later the hood was unsnapped and lifted off my head, the gag pulled out of my mouth. I flinched at the blaze of unaccustomed light. After a few moments my eyes adjusted.

My jaw fell open. I stood stunned at the sight in front of me.

It was Cary, his blond hair tousled, looking hot in black leather vest, chaps, thong, and construction boots. In his hand he held the hood I’d been wearing. My eyes flashed over his shoulder to the grand piano, on top of which rested another hood-the one he had been wearing tonight until a few minutes ago.

I turned, and got another shock as I saw Kevin, dressed normally, standing by the stage of the large auditorium we were in. He was holding my clothes and shoes, smiling blandly, betraying nothing.

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Daddy’s Dirty Buttslut Act 05

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Preface – PLEASE READ!:

This is the fifth part of what is a running story. It is all about the taboo. You will not find romance here. Any notion and talk of love is subverted to serve the taboo.

Anal sex and incest are MAJOR themes of this story.

You may want to not read this part and other parts if you take offence to any of the following in a lurid, obscene (and of course fantastical) context: incest, rough sex, submission and domination, degradation, extreme sodomy, ass worship, extreme dirty assplay, light or implied scat, and EFRO (erotic female relieving observance).

All characters involved are 18 or older.


You wake up in the morning to Ana curled up close against you and asleep. She is sucking her thumb and breathing loud and hotly on your skin. Your arm is round her and one of her legs is draped across your thigh. You realise you both must have fallen straight asleep after the last load of cum in her bottom.

Her sexy body against yours, her warm breath and your morning erection means that you don’t waste any time. Knowing she won’t complain, you move carefully so that your stiff cock is pressed against her steaming pussy. As you rub her clit with your cockhead her body responds immediately, and she gets wet without waking up.

You coat your head and shaft in her juices, before slowly pushing your cock in her wet pussy, holding her tight, with one hand squeezing her bubblicious buttcheeks, revelling once more in your daughter’s big round backside.

She squirms as your cock forces open her tight cunt, and, extremely deep sleeper though she is, her eyelids flutter open by the time you are halfway in. She stares happily into your eyes, and you smile back.

“What a lovely way to wake up daddy!” She says, taking the thumb out of her mouth. “Mmm… big daddycock screwing my silly pussy. Can you wake me up by pushing inside me every time? I mean if I don’t wake up first and cram your cock in my little mouth.”

“Absolutely.” I say. “I think we’ll be sleeping together from now on.”

She smiles, eyes half-closed as you start a pace, pumping your daughter’s sopping pussy, lathering the insides with creamy precum.

After a while of sexy daughter-fucking, she rolls away from you without warning, and presents her ass, pulling her cheeks apart to reveal her sordid hole.

She looks back at you cheekily, and you grin and cheesily thumbs up your approval.

“Did my asshole ever look nice and pretty daddy, or was it always this fucked up and distended?” She asks, flexing it out at you.

“I’m not sure baby, maybe one time you had a pretty innocent pink asshole but after all your huge thick poos, and now your daddy’s hard cock, I’m happy to say that now you possess an abused-looking big fat rubbery brown butthole like I’ve never seen.”

“I’m so glad I do. I love it. I look at it in the mirror all the time. I think it looks cute. I bet it looks even cuter now, bulging out for my daddy.”

“Oh yes honey, you and your fat juicy butthole look so fucking cute right now. I haven’t seen a cuter sight in all honesty sweetie.”

“Mmm I bet daddy. Watch me push it out even more for you. Do you like my engorged steamy asshole? Getting all hot and red, masturbating to your daughter’s huge ugly bumhole puffed out in your face?”

“Fuck yeah, push that hot fuckable ass out for me you nasty little girl. Oh baby, I can see your anus getting damp.”

“I know daddy, it’s gonna get wetter and wetter for you. It always gets moist when it’s excited and I’m straining to push it out. It makes my thick hard poos easier to force out.”

“I bet.” You say, and reach out with your finger and touch it, rubbing your daughter’s moist bumhole.

“Does sincan escort my engorged asshole feel all rubbery and hot daddy? Finger my greasy fat butthole. Do you like your daughter’s obscene pouting bumhole, all fat and sticking out like a whore?”

“I do honey, your fat suckable asshole is a temptation impossible for anyone to resist!”

“Then suck on it daddy, suck on my slutty butthole and taste how warm and dirty it is.”

“Oh fuck yes.” You say, and move into position. Your face buries itself between your daughter’s big fat asscheeks, feeling them squeeze around your face until your mouth hits gold, or rather, pay dirt: Ana’s dirty brown butthole, burning hot from her own libido. It tastes gorgeous. You begin to lick and suck your her asshole with wanton abandon as your her moaning increases in intensity.

“Oh fuck yeah.” She moans. “Suck your daughter’s dirty warm asshole. Eat my filthy ass. Do you like the taste daddy? Do you like the taste of your own daughter’s dirty wet butthole?”

You ‘mmmph’ in agreement as Ana continues her nasty talk.

“Stick your tongue in daddy. You’ve cleaned the outside of my asshole now get in there and clean the inside. Give my nasty bum a thorough workout. I bet the warm inside of my ass is real nasty, it needs my daddy’s wet tongue to make it nice and sexy. Yeah that’s it daddy, tongue my fucking ass! Eat the honey from deep in my juicy rectum. Fuck your daughter’s bottom with your hot tongue just after you fucked my pussy.”

After another minute of deep rimming you pull your tongue out of her slick butthole with a wet noise. “I think I’m in love with your juicy asshole, baby.” You pant, trying to catch your breath.

“Only ‘think’, daddy?”

“Alright I know I’m love with my daughter’s greasy butthole. Not to mention your tight, horny rectum.”

“Make love to it then daddy.”

You aren’t about to disappoint her. Ana’s bottom is really wet now, and you pull away properly, your mouth all covered in her dirty ass juice. You can still taste her smelly brown hole on your tongue and you savour the nasty flavour as you move up behind her, pressing your big cockhead hard against her sopping wet brown asshole and pushing forward.

With a slight cry from Ana you watch as your cock slowly starts to open up her tight ass and slide in. She moans as she feels her ass once again being stuffed full of thick cock. There is a great pressure on your cock as her ass grips it tight, but you continue to stuff your huge cock in your daughter’s ass, both of you utterly revelling in the feeling.

Finally you are as deep as you can go. Her bowels clamp round your heated cock, and the cum that you left in her from the night before lubricates it so when you start a motion going your cock comes out sticky and wet.

The sounds and smells of sloppy hot assfucking soon fills the room, turning you both on to even greater extents.

“How does it feel to have your butt stuffed with your daddy’s fat cock, babyslut?” You ask Ana as she groans deliriously and furiously rubs her pussy.

“It feels so good daddy! I feel like there’s a massive log of poo in my bottom. It’s stretched my poor bum so much and it’s so deep inside! Pound my hot teenage anus daddy, fuck it hard and deep and get your big cock covered in my warm bumbutter.”

“You gonna taste my cock when it comes out darling?”

“What a silly question daddy. Of course I want to suck on it after it’s been buried deep in my gorgeous anus, and gotten covered in my tasty bumbutter. Mmm I love that word. My hot bumbutter, smothering my daddy’s cockhead and leaking out around it and coating your balls as deep inside me you pump it into a mush.”

“Yeah çankaya escort baby, I like it too. Your sexy bumbutter feels so thick and warm around my shaft. I bet your buttsyrup will get even tastier when I’ve mixed it with dollops of my creamy jizz.”

“Oh yess, I’d love that! Mmm fuck my bottom deep daddy.”

You start to fuck her ass slowly, relaxing her butthole with your massaging cock. You decide not to fuck her rough like before, but give her a deep, short and sensual penetration, only withdrawing a couple of inches at a time, taking great pleasure in rutting away so far into her rectum, the previous deposit of cum squelching out around your shaft. Your embrace her, holding her to you in your arms, and she kisses you with longing passion as you slowly ream your daughter’s sticky bowels.

“I’m so glad I started buttfucking you.” You say simply.

“Mmm. So am I, so much. I don’t know how I survived before. Daddy-daughter buttfucks are special.”

“They sure are. You like it when I make love to your bottom, baby?”

“It’s already my favouritest thing in the world daddy. I love it when you fuck it rough and hard like before too, and treat me like a nasty slut, but this is just so lovely and special, just you and me, my daddy making love to my bum and making it all warm and wet. I feel so loved and adored. Being held so close in your big strong arms while you lovingly pump your little girl’s bottom as deep as you can and get all warm inside me.”

After another ten minutes of incestuous buttfucking, you half close your eyes as you pump harder into Ana’s anus, about to blow your large wad up your darling offspring’s buttocks.

You feel your testes churning, and after another few aggressive thrusts you can’t hold back any longer. Ana’s bloated, dilated asshole sucks away at you as you let out a deep bellow, pouring out fountainous surges of your ballmilk to fill up her bowels like a waterhose.

She lies there, flexing and winking her butthole, letting the odd globule of cum squeeze out but reaching out with her finger, scooping it up and pushing it fiercely back inside, then taking her cumslick finger and sucking on it noisily.

You move up to her face and push your cock, dirty from being deep in her ass, to her cumslippery lips, and she happily takes it into her mouth. The cock was still hot from her ass, and no doubt tasted carnal and sexy. The taste of her ass makes her incredibly turned on. She takes the cock deep in her mouth, sucking hard to get as much flavour as she can.

“Mmm suck your daddy’s fat cock.” You moan. “You seem to love the taste of your dirty little butt. There’s gonna be a lot more where that came from. I’m going to give you a lot of filthy ass flavours to taste from now on.” You withdraw the cock from her sticky lips, a strand of cum-thickened drool attaching her to it.

“I hope so daddy! I love the taste of my ass, I can’t get enough! But right now I want your cock back inside me. I’m so empty!”

“Okay honey.” You get her on all fours. “I can’t believe I just can’t get enough of my little daughter’s juicy bowels. But your sticky wet bowels just feel like Heaven when they open up to your daddy.”

“What’s not to believe daddy? Who could resist my big bottom, when it’s just so warm and dirty wet inside? My slutty bottom is so full of sticky hot anal jam and bumbutter today, it needs mushing up really bad. Can you help with that daddy?”

“It’s my pleasure baby, you want your filthy teenage rectum pounded up? You want to engage in some sloppy hard anal with your daddy?”

She waggles her bottom at you, looking all innocent.”Yes pleeaase.”

You elicit a piercing scream from Ana as her sensitive butthole eryaman escort spreads obscenely open, invaded as it is by a thick root of swollen, veined meat. You make no attempt to cease your push, sinking your cock right into the fat-assed slut’s clutching bowels, the tight walls of which are given no chance to adjust, simply stretched out as they are driven into by your daughter-pleaser.

You feel your hard cockmeat plunge into what feels like thick, warm honey, encased in the close confines of the tight hot water bottle that is your daughter’s delicious teen anus. Maybe the buttfucking somehow brings it out from deep inside her as her ass muscles relax to a pounding cock.

“Can you feel how greasy my anus is inside daddy?” She whispers in your ear.

“I can feel it baby, I can feel it squelching away. I can’t believe my daughter is such a sloppy buttwhore.”

“Since today that’s all I want to be daddy. Fuck my sloppy, squelchy, stretching asshole and cream me good.”

You fuck your daughter’s ass harder and harder, with a fistfull of her hair, a hand slapping her jiggling asscheeks, and her big sweaty tits swinging beneath her.

“Mmm yesss!” She cries, fiercely banging her bottom back against your groin with each thrust. “Fuck my warm and messy teen bottom and teach me what it means to be daddy’s silly fuckdoll! Punish my horny brown ring for wanting nothing less than to be sodomised every second of every day non-fucking-stop like the pretty little buttslut I am.”

Her sex talk has got your libido on fire, and you change position so you don’t cum too soon, lying down on the bed and having her straddle you reverse cowgirl. She makes as if to immediately sit her ass down on your cock, but you steady her.

“Not so fast…suck my cock with… no baby, suck it with your butthole. Do you think you can do that honey?”

“I think so daddy, I’ll give your big cock a blowjob with my hot bottom.” She slides very slowly down, letting your engorged cockhead just inside her rubbery brown ring before sinking down a little, pulling up a little, sitting down a bit more.

“That’s a good girl, suck daddy’s cock with your warm sloppy wet butthole… Push your juicy brown hole down on daddy’s cock.”

Her asshole slurps away at your cock, drawing it deep inside with suction and squeezing it tight for a second before pulling itself free, then bearing downwards once more in the superb anal blowjob — your daughter’s special buttjob — that you are receiving.

After a few minutes of this slow Heaven, you spin her around so she is facing you, and grab her fat buttcheeks. She moans as you start to fuck her properly, pushing her up and down on your lap with your hands and you upthrusting thighs slamming into her butthole.

“Bounce me up and down on your cock daddy.. bounce my little round bottom up and down like your little whore! Your silly buttslut daughter loooves bouncing on her daddy’s cock, all safe and snug in her hot teenage bottom.”

As she is bouncing up and down on your cock, your thick shaft fucking in and out her sticky, sweaty buttcheeks, her warm bumbutter runs down your legs.

Her hand moves to her rear, and she groans as she feels the mess she is making.

“You wanna taste your sloppy whore butthole baby?” I ask, squeezing her tits now. You wanna taste your bumslut juice on your father’s cock?”

“Fuck daddy I wanna taste it so bad, my slutty rectum feels so wet and full, I can feel my juices running out of my pounded buttpussy, covering your cock and drenching your balls, I wanna lick and suck it all off… suck on the butt lube that’s dripping off your balls, making a ‘your-daughters-a-buttslut’ puddle beneath us.”

“Well here’s your treat…” You pull out of Ana’s clutching anus, pushing her on to her back. You hover your sticky, dirty cock over her face, and smile as you see her tongue stuck out and her eyes closed in absolute anticipation of tasting both her daddy’s cock and drooling precum, and her own nasty ass syrup.

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