Yengem Bir Harikaymış

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18 yaşındaydım liseyi yeni bitirmiştim. Abim ve yengemlerle birlikte aynı evde oturuyorduk. Yengemle aramız cok iyiydi. Yengem 28 yaşında olmasına ragmen sanki bakire bir kız gibi duruyordu benim gözümde. Abim kamyon şöförüydü ve eve 2 haftada bir gelirdi. Yengemde cok azgın oldugu için o iki haftayı zor geçirirdi. Yengemin hareketleri ve tavırları beni öldürüyordu. izmir escort Bir gece abım evde yokken gizlice anahtar deliginden yengemi gözetlemeye başladım ve bende bu alışkanlık yaptı. her gece bunu tekrarlıyordum. Vücudu harikaydı. Ona hissettirmeden, şaka yapar gibi gögüslerine ve amına elliyordum ve bunların onun hoşuna gittigini farkettim. Artık iyice arkadaş gibi olmuştuk. izmir escort bayan Herşeyi konuşsabiliyorduk.Ve ben birgün ona sordum. 2 haftada bır kez seksle nasıl yetindigini. O da bana soruyla karşsılık verdi. Ben en azından 2 haftada bir seks yapıyorum ama sen bekarsın sen ne yapıyorsun dedi. Benimki kocaman olmuştu artık. Onunda sesi titriyordu. Ve ben onu geceleri escort izmir gözetledigimi itiraf ettim ona. O da bunu bildigini ve birazda beni baştan cıkartmak icin ugraştıgını söyledi. Ondan sonra ben ona yaklaştım ve kucakladım, elimi amına attıgımda fena şekilde sulanmıstı. Sonra pantolonumu indirdi ve sikimi agzına aldı. Benimkinin cok daha büyük ve sert oldugunu söyledi. Bende onun amını yalamaya başladım. Daha sonra sabaha kadar defalarca seks yaptık. Abimin evde olmadıgı her gece aynı yatakta yatıyoruz ve her gece degişik bir fantazi deniyoruz. Harikasın yengecigimö abimede banada yetiyorsun.Gönderen: serhan

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Halamın Çıtır kızı

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Merhaba benim anlatacağım olay daha çok yeni. Bundan 15 gün önce dayımın kızı ankarada bize geldi.dah 16 yaşında lise son sınıf öğrencisi ama harika bir hatun.Kısa boylu,küçük göğüsleri ve kocaman götü var. Neyse olaya geçiyim. O gün bizde kalacağını duyunca çıldırdım. Gerçi bana abi diyordu ama bana bakışlar durup duruken sarılmalar ve öpmelerden beni istediğini anlamaşıtım. neyse akşam oldu bizimkiler yattı oda kardeşimle öbür odada yatmaya gitti. Ben azmıştım ne yapıyım diye düşünürken arkadaşımdan aldığım porno filmi vcd ye taktım ve 31 çekmeye başaladım istanbul anal escort tam boşalacağım sıra kapı açıldı ne yapıyorsun abi dedi hiç dedim film izliyorumgel sen de izle dedim içeri girdi beraber izleme başaladık. O filme bakıyor ben ona baktım nefes alış verişi hızlandı ne dedim sen hiç sevişmedin mi? Hayır dedi sevişmek istermisin diyince bilmem belki diyince benimki gene hazırol vaziyetini aldı hemen yanına gittim saçlarıan dokununca titremeye başladı öpmeye başaladım bir yandanda elimle bacak arasına gittim sırlsıklam bahçelievler escort olmuştu. elimi tuttu yapama çok tuhaf oluyorum dedi ama dinleyen kim hemen üstündeki şortu çıkardım sadece külot kalmıştı. Onu da çıkardım mükemmel bir manzaraydı dayanamayıp amını yalamaya başladım o ise bağırmamak için elini ısırıyor altımda titreyip duruyordu. Sonra yukarı çıktım üstündekileri öıkardım göğüsleri yaladımçKendimde soyunmaya başladım benim alet kocaman olmuştu kız görünce afalladı dokunmak istermisin dedim der demez avuçlamaya istanbul tesettürlü escort başladı yalnız hiç görmediği için çok sıkıyordu bir an kırılacak sandım. Sonra ağzına alsana dedim hayır dedi ben bu sefer domaltım harika kalçaları vardı göt deliğine masaj yamaya başladım.Bir yandanda göt deliğini yalıyorum.Götten sikecem seni dedim o da arkadaşım yapmış çok acıyormuş ben acımaz dedim.Güç bela ikna ettim Göt deliğini parmaklarımla genişlettim.Sıra bizim alaeti yerleştirmeye geldi. Kafasını dayadım hafiçe bastırdım çıkar acıyor dedi dinlermiyim yarısına kadar soktum hafifçe bağırdı artık sadece inilti seslerini duyuyordum gitip gelemeler hızlandı ne olur artık yeter diye yalvarıyordu. Ben de daha fazla dayanamadım ve götünün içine boşaldım. O gece 3 kez arkadan becerdim.Ama şimdi istiyorum vermiyor. Neyse ben onu gene dek getirim.o günü dört gözle bekliyorumGönderen: azgın boğa

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Babamıda Siktimya Helel Olsun Bana

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Selam ben 21 yaşında süper bir fiziği olan sexi bir kızım.O gün ailemle tatile gitmiştik.Tatilde yakışıklı bir sürü erkek vardı.Annemle babam boşanmış, annem kendinden küçük biriyle evlenmişti.Tam olarak 25 yaşındaydıve çok yakışıklıydı.Beni görünce pipisi hep havaya kalkıp,dimdik oluyordu.Bana hep seni sikmek istiyorum demişti.O yıl ahmet istanbul anal escort diye bir çocukla tanıştık.Ahmet bir gece beni odasına davet etti.Ben niyetini anladığım için içime hiçbr şey giymemiştim.Üzerimede hertarafımı gözteren birgecelik giymiştim.Tam odamdan cıkmıştık ki babam saydığım o kişi geldi.(adı cenk)bana bahçelievler escort bu kılıkta nereye gidip kiminle sikişeceğimi sordu.Bende söyledim.Oda beni içeri aldıve herşeyini çıkardı..Üstelik birde benide soydu.Ben çoketkilenmiştim.20`lik bir yarrağı vardı.Çok güzel görünüyordu.Beni hemen yatırıpsikmeye istanbul tesettürlü escort başladı.Çok hoş sikiyordu.O akşam delirircesine sikişmiştik.Birbirimizi yalamaya başladık.O gece annemin geç geleceğini söyledi.Saat 2`ydi ve annem geldi.Yanındada ahmet vardı.Annem beni babamla delir gibi sikişirken gördü.Bizden böyle birşey beklemediğini söyledi ve çıktı.Ahmet suratımıza tükürdü ve bi iki laf edip odadan çıktı.Biz hiç aldırış etmeden sevişmeye devam ettik ve benim içimde uyudu.Bende uyumuştum.sabah benden erken kalkmıştı.içimden çıktığını hissettim.beni öptü ve günaydın karıcım dedi.Bende hemen dudaklarına yapıştım ve tekrar sevişmeye başladıkGönderen: sexi kız

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Ablamın Süpper Götü

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Slm öncelikle anlatacağım olay gerçektir.ablam müthiş vücuduyla hem benim hem bütün erkeklerin başını dödüren bir hatundur.üni de okuduğu için eve az gelir.ben 17 yaşındayken ablam yine eve gelmişti ve ben çok azmıştım.kesin ablamı sikmeliydim.aklıma bir fikir geldi.babam ve annem çalıştığı içinablamla yalnızdık ve ablam dışarı çıkmamıştı.bu benim için harika bir fırsattı.hemen sınıftan iki kankamı arayıp bize gelmelerini kız sikeceğimizi söyledim.hemen geldiler ablamı sikcez dedim.ilk başta biraz şaşırdılar ama sen bilirsin dediler.ablamın odasına girdik.ablam kitap okuyodu ve noldu diye sordu.ben pencereleri kapatırken hiiç seni sikçez dedim ve o anda esenyurt escort üstüne atladım.arkadaşım kapıyı kitledi.ablam çığlıklar atarken bir tokat ile onu susturdum.ellerini yatağa bağladı hemen üstüne çıkıp dudaklarını öpmeye başladım ablam karşı koymaya çalışıyordu ama onu bi güzel dövdükten sonra kendini bize bıraktı.hemen soyunduk.benim ablam olduğu için ilk ben sikecektim.soyunduk ve ablamı soydum.taş gibi göğüslerini yalayıp ısırmaya başladım.daha sonra sikimi yalattırdı ellerini çözüp domalttım.aylardır hayalini kurduğum müthiş göt tüm güzelliği ile karşımdaydı.biraz yaladıktan sonra sikimi deliğine sürtmeye başladım.arkadaşalrım kadıköy escort ise biri ablamın azına veriyodu.biride eğilmiş göğüslerini okşuyodu.bu arada deliğe dayadım.çok heyecanlıydım.ilk defa göt sikç biraz zorladığımda rahatça girdi.meğer bizim orospu daha önce götünü vermiş.hızla gidip gelmeye başladım.ablam inlemeye başladı o da zevk almaya başladı.ve içinde durmaya başladım sonrada boşaldım.hiç böyle boşaldığımı hatırlamıyodum.baya bi boşaldıktan sonra sıramı arkadaşıma verdim.o da sikti muhteşem götü.daha sonrada diğeriben dinleniyodum biraz güç topladıktan sonra orospu ablamın eline verdi.hemen yalamaya başladı avcılar escort orospu.benimki tekrar kalktıktan sonra bacaklarını ayırıp amına dayadım.bakire değilmiş orospu onun için hadi durma sok.parçala amımı diyodu.amını da biraz zorlamayla girdim.gidip gelmeye başladım.iyice kökledim.ablamın inlemeleri beni iyice azdırdı.tam boşalacakken ağzına verdi.tüm menilerimi aç köpek gibi yutmaya başladı.sonra sıraya kankalara verdim.sabahtan öğlene kadar kankilerle becerdik.sonra onlara gidin babam gelcek deyip kandırdım.sadece birazda ben sikmek istedim.neyse onlar gittikten sonra ablamın yanına gidip daha yarrak istiyonmu orospu dedim.öylece yatıyodu.yine döndüm ve götüne verdim. fotoğraflarını çektim.saat 6 ya kadar ablamda ne göt bıraktım ne am.daha sonra banyoya girdik.bir posta da orda verdim. ve bundan sonra seni hiç yaraksız bırakmıyacağım.benim orospu ablam dedim.o da daha önce hiç bu kada r zevk almadığını söyledi.Gönderen: sseeddaatt

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Dayım Acımadı

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Ben elif 15 yaşındayım dayım bize tatile geldi onu çok severim benimle bir arkadaş gibi ilgilenir. Bursaya sinemaya gitmeye karar verdik sabah kalkıp kahvaltı edip giyindik ben üzerime bir body ve etek giydim.Neyse durağa gelip otobüsün gelmesini bekledik ve geldi çok kalabalıktı önce binmek istemedik ama geç kalacaktık mecburen bindikSıkış tepiş bir haldeydik allahtan arkamda dayım vardı ama oda erkekti sonuçta yumuşak kıçıma yaslanınca siki kalkmıştı.Ben sikini esenyurt escort götümün arasında hissediyordum ve bana çok büyük gelmişti onu hissetmemeye çalıştım ama olmadı aklımı ve hislerimi götümden ayıramıyordum o kalın yarak beni acaip etkiledi.Otobüsten indikten sonra ben memelerimi bir şekilde ona sürtüp onu azdırdım bu arada sinemaya geldik bilet alıp içeriye girdik film başlamak üzere idi.hemen yerimize oturduk dayım mesajımı almış kadıköy escort bana sevgilisi gibi davranıyordu.Sikini elime verdi bende alıp onu okşadım kalın ve uzun geldi bana ben dayımın kulagına egilip bu yarak benim amıma sıgmaz ben bunu içime alamam dedim.O ise her şeyin kolayı var sıgar dedi.Çişim geldi dedim ve çıktık ben tuvalete gittim oda peşimde gelmiş ve benim girdigim yere birden girdi ben çömelmiş işiyor vaziyette idim ne oldugunu avcılar escort anlamadan sikini çıkardı herhalde 17 18 cm vardı ben burda olmaz dedim kısık bir ses ile o ise dinlemedi ve sikini yüzüme sürttü içimden şimdi işte yaragı yedin elif dedim ve dayım beni acele ile domaltı sikini amıma dayayıp tek hamlede içime soktu o anda beynimde şişekler çaktı sandım bir yandan amım acıyor öte yandan dayanılmaz zevk alıyordum fakat kısasürdü dayım 2.3 dakika içinde içime boşaldı ben ise boşalamadım ve sinemadan kanayan ve kabarık bir amcıkla ayrıldım.Amım apış arama sıgmıyordu ben her adım attıgımda sanki amım dahada kabarıyodu bu dayıma söyledim oda bunu telafi edecegini ve beni osurttana kadar sikecegini söyledi ve ben o günü bekliyorumGönderen: meraklı

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Billionaire and the Sisters Ch. 102

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A note to readers: This is a long story that unfolds chapter by chapter through the eyes of two protagonists – Mark and Elsa, and as in many of my other stories involves a growing spate of horny characters. This story could appear in a number of genres (Loving Wives, Incest, Lesbian, Fetish, and more) depending on the chapter, but the overall theme is Group, so I have applied this moniker to all chapters. Enjoy.

Chapter 102 – The New Guy. Tori’s Prom Dates


Sheila sat in one of the chairs in front of my immense desk. Why someone thought I needed an ‘Executive Desk’ that more closely resembled the deck on an aircraft carrier was beside me. To move papers across it to someone, I had to almost throw them and hope for a tailwind.

The two of us had been going over the chart of accounts for our family finances. She normally handled all the bill paying and home financial things for me, but once in a while she’d give me an update. We were meeting about setting up a budget for the family for the coming year and I was looking at each budget line item and what we’d spent in each of the last five years. The minor issue at hand was how much cash to move into which accounts to fund the next twelve months or so. We were looking back at the past few years for each account to see the trends.

I observed, “Boy, you can sure tell when I met Elsa and Cindy, and put my life on a different track. I don’t begrudge any of these expenses, but the trip to Mexico and all the things going on in St. Croix sure show up as large blips.”

Sheila smiled, “And they keep escalating after that. Do you care?”

“No, I don’t care a bit; quite the opposite. It’s all good. Why did my restaurant bills take such a large jump?” I posed.

Sheila laughed, “Instead of eating three meals at your desk, you keep taking the entire family and any friends that are around to the French restaurant down the street or other places to eat. Each time you order expensive wine, and that usually pushes the bill for each dinner up to over a thousand. Before you started to host all of us, you ate alone a lot. Oh, you also stocked up the wine cellar both here at the condo and at The Meadows; I think that was thirty thousand about three years ago. You’re due to do that again.”

Melanie came in and stood in front of my immense office desk and waited for me to stop my concentration on the spreadsheet in front of me. She asked in a teasing tone, “Do we need to cut back and start paying for some of our own bills – like pay you rent for our share of the condo?”

“NO!” I said sharply as I jerked my head up to look at her. I knew she liked to tease me about my insistence to pay for everything regarding the people I loved. I had eased up a little, especially with the guys so they could save face and feel like they were contributing to the family. I scratched out a quick note to talk to Sheila more about that after Mel asked her question.

I looked at Melanie with a kinder expression, “Question?”

“Yes. Elsa called and she’d like to invite a nice man she knows to our next party. He’d fit in, so to speak.” She assumed a lascivious grin and lightly passed a hand over her groin. “Elsa, Sheila, Cindy, KC, Izzy and I have all met him and fit him in too. I should say, ‘Enjoyed time with him.'”

Sheila nodded enthusiastically. She apparently knew exactly who was being proposed. She said, “Matt is really nice; professional and not at all full of himself. You’d like him.”

Melanie gave me a thumbnail sketch about him, “About forty, handsome, well spoken, well educated, and can fuck like a male mink but in a way that gives his partners copious quantities of orgasms. He also likes to cuddle the people he’s made love to afterwards.”

I shook his head, “You are ever the master of the metaphor. Of course, invite him. Is this the guy you guys met at the club a couple of years ago?”

“Yes, same man. Became single recently. His ex-wife did an ego-destroying number on him. She’d been cheating on him their entire twenty-one year marriage with her high school sweetheart; very two faced.”

“Too bad. Is there an ulterior motive, besides the sex, I mean?”

Melanie twisted her mouth around as she thought for a few seconds, “Yeah, I guess we do. We were talking last night after we parted company with him and think he’d be a nice addition to the family, but it’s a little early to tell for sure. Personally, I’d like him to start to hang out with us and I know Elsa does too.” She looked to Sheila for verification.

Sheila nodded, “It’s funny, but last night as he held us, I was thinking the same thing. He’d be easy to have around all the time – another nice husband.”

I asked, “What luggage does he come with?”

“Besides needing a bit of TLC and some trust in women since he just got screwed over? He’s got two kids in college, only he told me he was having DNA tests run on the kids to be sure they’re his. He loves them, but plans canlı bahis şirketleri to go after his wife’s lover for arrears in financial support if it proves out that he’s not the father. The kids are on his side. Apparently, he’s got a real shark for a lawyer; she knows her stuff and is guiding him along.”

“Geeze, what a can of worms. Anything else?”

“Not that I know of? Sheila, did you see anything?”

“No. He’s an engineer working for a small company doing robotics. I got the feeling he was very creative and innovative. He describes himself as a ‘techy entrepreneur.'”

“Ah, now you’ve baited me. I want to meet the man. Don’t wait for a party to bring him around. Invite him for dinner at the condo so we can go down the street.” I cast a glance at Sheila and added with a chuckle, “My treat.” Since we’d just been discussing my meals budget item I thought she’d react but she didn’t say anything.

* * * * *

Matthew Henderson was exactly as Elsa, Melanie, and Sheila described him, although I couldn’t attest to his mink-like tendencies at that point. I’d leave that to the girls. We sat opposite each other at our favorite French restaurant with some of the other guys and girls in the family scattered around. There were enough of us that we had to break apart and sit at three different tables. Elsa and Sheila sat on either side of Matt; Melanie and KC on either side of me. Matt was cordial and seemed at ease in meeting me without genuflection or obsequious behavior.

After we’d ordered, I said, “Matt, Sheila mentioned that you’re working on something about robotics? Is that anything you can talk about?”

He laughed, “Oh, sure, but once I start I may never shut up. Stop me when you’ve had enough. For starters, understand that anything that has ever been or might be done by a human is being studied to figure out how a robot can do it. We’ve had them in factory environments in limited ways for decades, and they have become more sophisticated and eliminated many repetitive and boring jobs. Most are almost task specific, such as putting an engine in a car. They’re programmed to do specific things and react in a predictable way when something outside their comfort zone occurs.

“Many people also would like a home helper robot, kind of like a combination of butler-maid-cook-valet-and-handmaiden, plus they want it to be handy around the house to do chores – mow the grass, rake leaves, take out the garbage, put gas in the car, buy groceries, do the laundry, get the dry cleaning, and so on. The sci-fi films love to promote these ideas. The more general purpose a robot becomes, the harder it is to program the beast. We effortlessly move our arms and legs, pick up something, do something with it, and set it down. We can program a robot to do mechanical things easily, but once it has to learn on the job, make judgments, weight options, and so forth, things get really sticky and the difficultly with technology platforms, software, batteries, connectivity, and so on become major hurdles. That’s where I am.”

I asked, “What kind of robots are you actually working on?”

“Because of the mass market potential, I guess the home robot, but also on robots than could assist in a health care or hospital situation. We have some prototypes, but by any standards they’re crude and works in progress.”

“How are you funded? Who pays the electric bill?”

“Oh, I thought you knew. I am a professor of bio-mechanical engineering at City University. I hold a non-teaching post, although I am the thesis advisor to a covey of masters and doctoral students working in my lab. They’re great by the way, very smart and many of them work for only some college credits or a small stipend. We have a few on assistantships too. I try to link it all together, and also get some government grants, but with the new administration we expect that source to dry up totally. We think research will be set back a decade or more.”

“What about an industry-university partnership of some kind?” Even as I asked the question, I saw Melanie break into a smile a mile wide. I was going right where she wanted me to go on this one. Years earlier she’d asked me to do something like this, and here the opportunity was sitting across the dinner table from me.

Matt grinned, “To tell the truth, that’d be fabulous. What were you thinking of?”

I spoke, “Commercializing some of the stuff, of course, but also funding some of the research and development. Melanie asked me to try to set up some kind of 10X program or a ten-to-the-ninth program, but we’ve lacked the wherewithal to do that so far. Now, you’re here with the perfect opportunity. I guess the other thing is to provide a landing zone for some of your students after they graduate. We can also provide some test beds for the stuff, and provide you some of the technology we have that you might need. Might a battery that comes close to never running out of power interest you?”

Matt canlı kaçak iddaa lurched forward, “Hell, yes. Portable power sources are one of our biggest bugaboos. We’ve almost given up, and that’s bad because it range limits our prototypes to a fifty or hundred foot extension cord or turns them into klunkers because they have to carry a car battery. Can you really do that?”

“Close. We’ll talk. Why don’t you and Melanie talk further, get some of the legal folks from the university and here involved, and let’s put something together that’s a win for each of us in some way.”

Matt smiled broadly, “Consider it done.”

I smiled, “Now, on another front, I understand you’re coming back for some other conversation and activities after dinner. I just want you to know that I’m glad to hear that. You can meet a few of the others who weren’t home when we came to dinner. I’m sure that by now everyone has heard about you and wants to meet you.”


I lay back as Ryan made love to me in his inimitable fashion; I had my ankles crossed behind his lower back, and was using my legs to help guide and accelerate his thrusts into me, although we were taking it real easy after a ferocious start. We were focusing more on loving than lusting. Like many of the other men in my life who I made love with, he maintained a laser-like focus on the woman he was with, bringing her great pleasure and satisfaction. None of us ever felt anything but love from this master of the feminine body.

A few feet away from me, Tori’s sleek and sexy teen body rode James, her taut teenage breasts swaying and oscillating wildly as she bounced up and down so that his shaft drove into her at a steady rate producing ecstasy for each of them. Both Tori and James were sweaty; they’d been energetically fucking for almost an hour, and I was sure they were burning a prodigious number of calories. By my count, she’d already experienced over a dozen serious and noteworthy orgasms, and half of those had been with Ryan before we swapped partners. Tori had become a near nymphomaniac about sex after her eighteenth birthday, so she fit right in with the rest of us and even recharged some of our own feelings and enthusiasm about sex.

I had checked with Kate shortly after Tori’s prom and hotel sex with Mark, and she’d said that whatever Tori wanted to do regarding sex and relationships, both short and long term, was fine with her. As her mom, she stated that she was always there for advice or to lend an interested ear, but Tori was her own woman and didn’t need a mom micromanaging her. There had been some motherly eye-rolling, however.

Tori, for her part, had allowed herself to fully integrate sexually into the family at a slow pace, both with the men and the women. She’d coupled with each of the men and women on an individual basis, mostly in the privacy of one of the bedrooms. It wasn’t like she was trying each of us out either. No, she was very careful to express her love and affection for each of us. She had what I thought was the right attitude about the sex and relationships, but there was that insatiable desire underlying everything as well, no doubt driven by an excess of hormones that demanded serious fucking five times a day.

Only in the previous week had Tori tried making love in public instead of in the privacy of one of the bedrooms. At her first ‘social’ evening, she had blushed up a storm to a bright pink as June and Mike made love with her, but then she realized that everyone else was just doing their thing, and that she wasn’t being singled out for observation.

Tori got it slightly wrong. Everyone was watching her, but doing so surreptitiously. She was so young, so pretty, so innocent, and so fucking hot, that we all just lusted after the exceptional eighteen year old.

Tori also admitted that watching other people fuck around her made her own libido soar into outer space. She told me, “I’ve never been so horny as I was when I was watching your sister getting fucked royally by Deke and Tom. Suddenly, I understood why everyone liked making love together. It’s tremendously arousing for both men and women.”

One part of her initiation into the family had yet to take place, and that was Ryan giving her The Experience. She knew about it from Mark’s attempts to pleasure her on prom night, but the men had decided to let her get used to the high quantity of sex going on in the family before blowing her mind with further fabulous experiences.

Tori had discovered that she could not only orgasm having sex, but also that she was multi-orgasmic, and could cum freely while engaging with either the men or women in the family. She also hadn’t been exposed to one of our sex parties although she listened intently one evening while Cindy and I talked about some of the parties, what went on, and the mind set and attitude she should take on if she planned to participate.

Initially, Tori was a little intimidated by the prospect canlı kaçak bahis of abandoned sex with relative strangers to her, even knowing that we had some implicit rules such as ‘no means no,’ and ‘everyone respects everyone else.’ I figured she’d skip the next party that first night we talked, but Tori came back with questions night after night after that, until she announced that she couldn’t wait to be at her first sex party.

I also talked to Tori about the various labels that outsiders might apply to her were they to learn of her new lifestyle that involved open relationships and a lot of sex with many different people of both sexes, labels that get tossed around in our fun and games, and labels she might apply to herself if she got down on herself about the sex she had enjoyed or participated in. Words like slut, whore, tramp, tart, mink, slut bunny, hooker, harlot, lezzie, fag, cunt, and a few others came up in our discussion. I wanted her to hear them and put them in perspective given how she’d changed her life by turning eighteen. She took the discussion in the spirit in which it was given.

Tori did say that she had two girlfriends who she was very close to and who she’d told about how she was now living – Darby and Skye. Mark had met both of them at the prom. I raised an eyebrow apparently, as though to say if you’ve told anyone, you’ve told the world.

Tori said, “Relax, they won’t tell anybody because I have an equal amount of dirt on each of them that they don’t want exposed either. I think we just needed to talk to someone since we have similar situations; for one, they both are routinely sleeping with their fathers, and in one case a brother and a couple of uncles. In some ways, my new lifestyle is tame compared to theirs. They both have boyfriends they’re screwing too, so things could get real complicated real fast in their situations were there to even be a hint of what was going on. Both girls would love to come to one of our sex parties. Hell, I’d like to come to one of our sex parties.”

I laughed and acknowledged that indeed the mutual destruction pact the trio seemed to agree to might work for them. I suggested that she try to find a sympathetic ear within the circle when she wanted to talk about what was going on. Tori agreed and informed me that I was henceforth one of her confidants. I felt very special when she said that.

Tori raised a new situation with me, “Elsa, in a month I’ll graduate from high school. There’s a formal graduation dance and party, and I’d like to invite a couple of the guys to go with me and then have some fun with them at a party-after-the-party.”


“Well, that’s the problem. I like all of them, and I don’t want any of them to feel slighted because I didn’t ask them. I don’t care which two, but I want some real sexual staying power with me that night.” She gave me a lopsided grin, but in her look I could tell she was sensitive to how our covey of men might feel if a couple got asked and the rest didn’t.

I thought a moment and said, “Do a lottery, if you don’t care; put names in a hat and do a public drawing.”

Tori smiled, “Oh, that’s a great idea. I’ll do it.”

Fortunately, that evening all the men were home. Tori asked all of them to meet her in the living room at nine p.m., and they all showed up curious as to what she wanted. The pretty teen sure could command attention without needing to explain why. Of course, she showed up wearing a thong and crop top that almost revealed her breasts; every mouth in the room was drooling. The teen had the wiles of a woman.

I stood off to the side as Tori explained finally, “My high school graduation is the last Saturday in May. That night there is a party at the Plaza for graduating seniors and their dates. I have decided to take two dates – two of you gentlemen I hope. It’ll be fun; dancing, lively conversation, and afterwards I have a room reserved upstairs and we can go and carouse. A couple of my sexy friends might join us with their dates, but we’ll have to play it by ear. It may be a younger version of your great parties I’ve heard so much about.” She paused and asked, “Does anybody not want to be my date that night?”

I didn’t like the way she’d phrased the question, because it invited a feeling of rejection on her part if someone opted out. Fortunately, none of the men did. James asked a question about dress code for the dance. Ryan wanted to know the times. Mike whether there was going to be a live band and whether there’d be a meal served there or we’d go out beforehand. Carter asked who the other girls were.

Mark just smiled and raised his hand. “I feel I should opt out, Tori. You and I had such a great date only a couple of weekends earlier. I want to share that experience with a couple of my brothers. Is that OK, otherwise I’ll stay in the running?”

Tori nodded and agreed; she thanked him again for taking her to the daddy-daughter dance. I watched her open a couple of the folded pieces of paper in her ball cap, and then set Mark’s name aside. She put the others back in.

Tori said, “There being no more questions at this point, I have each of your names in the hat. Carter would you draw the first name?”

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Dog Kennel Ch. 04

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Background to previous chapters:

After answering an advertisement to become a human dog, and then being seen at a ‘dog show’ by Kevin, the nerdy, ginger haired guy I work with at the local sports store, I was ‘sold’ to Kevin and now find myself being blackmailed by him, but also strangely enjoying being his ‘dog’.


I woke up in the morning on the floor of Kevin’s bedroom, naked and shivering, still with the dog collar round my neck. I looked up at the bed and could see Kevin lying on his back fast asleep; he looked even uglier asleep, with his ginger hair dishevelled and the white pasty skin of his thin body broken up only by the occasional ginger chest hair. I could see from the tenting of his bed covers that he had a hard on, and I couldn’t resist lifting up the material to inspect his cock again while he was asleep. My God, it was huge. There was a ruler on his desk so I decided to get an exact reading of both his and mine, which was also now throbbing hard:

Kevin, an 18 year old geek with ginger hair and without any muscle on his body…18.75 centimetres, 7.5 inches. Very impressive.

Me, a 25 year old popular guy with blond hair, and who regularly goes to the gym…11.5 centimetres, 4.6 inches. Utterly pathetic.

All the attention I’d been giving his cock had kept it hard and I decided to have a little bit of fun stroking his with my right hand and my own with my left to see who came quicker. I could barely get my hand round his shaft whilst I had to squeeze tight on my own to have any effect; however, my little cock came within about a minute and I shot my load all over Kevin’s pasty stomach. After another minute or so I could feel his body begin to spasm slightly before he shot his load out, also over his own stomach, leaving a pretty huge mess of our cum mixed together and beginning to run down his waist onto the bed below. It’s no wonder that all this activity woke illegal bahis him up but it took a couple of seconds for him to realise what had happened. As he remembered all the details of yesterday he looked me up and down, laughing at my now flaccid little cock, and I got back on all fours on the floor. He then looked down at the cum all over his stomach and said:

“This is your breakfast, Samson, so you’d better start eating otherwise you may not be allowed to have your clothes back.”

Damn, I should have realised that my little bit of fun would backfire. I leaned my head forward and started to lick the cold, salty mixture of his and my own cum off of his clamy, freckled skin. It tasted vile, but not as bad as the dog food from last night so I licked him clean, including around his thick, wiry ginger pubes, some of which got stuck in between my teeth. Once I’d finished, he got out of bed and put on a pair of his slightly baggy white y-fronts before heading out to the bathroom. I followed him, crawling naked on all fours, and waited while I watched him stand over the toilet to take a pee, grateful that he wasn’t going to make me drink that. However, I was almost immediately disappointed.

“Come here, boy,” he commanded, and I crawled into the bathroom across the cold tiled floor. “You haven’t had anything to drink this morning, have you? Open wide…”

Being pissed on is one of the most degrading things imaginable and, when I was at school I was a bit of a bully, and I remember one day me and my friends cornered a younger kid behind some shops on the way home from school and we all stood round and pissed on him until he was crying like a girl, soaking wet, and so upset that we noticed his trousers getting damp where he’d pissed himself. I was now going to realise how humiliating it was, but my cock was hard again at the prospect so, instead of resisting, I crouched down even further and opened my mouth wide. Kevin took illegal bahis siteleri aim with his heavy man sized cock and started to stream the warm yellow liquid into my mouth, he deliberately moved his cock around so that his piss went all over my face, my hair, and my whole body as I tried to gulp down as much of the urine as I could.

“Look at the mess you’ve made all over the floor, ” he said once he’d finished. “I think you can clean that up, hold on I’ll go and get something to help you.”

When he came back he was clutching my own clothes that he had confiscated yesterday.

“These rags should do, off you go Samson, there’s a good boy.” I realised now that I was no longer just a ‘human dog’ to him, but was now being totally humiliated in whatever way he wanted. Knowing that he had incriminating photos of me, I felt really turned on that I had to do whatever this nerdy little geek asked of me and so I took hold of my own clothes and used them to mop up his piss from the floor of the bathroom.

“Samson is too much of a boy dog’s name for a sissy dog like you, so I’m renaming you ‘Daisy’. I also think you should have your chest, legs, arms and armpits shaved because a little girl dog like you should be completely hairless. Wait here.”

After a few minutes, he returned with his ugly, fat sister. He’d obviously just woken her up as well because she looked even more repulsive than yesterday, and was dressed in a grubby pink dressing gown that didn’t really fit very well. When she saw me pathetically crouched naked on the floor, covered in her brother’s piss, wearing a dog collar, she whispered something to her brother and they both giggled at me.

“Come over here, Daisy, there’s a good little girl, I’ll shave you and make you look all pretty for your master, Kevin,” she said laughing to herself.

Kevin stood in the doorway in his white pants, which were tenting with his obvious erection as he canlı bahis siteleri watched his sister use all of her shaving products to gradually remove all of my manly chest, leg, arm and armpit hair. It took quite a while, but it really turned me on and she kept touching my little cock teasingly as she shaved me. She was so ugly she’d have been so out of my league if I had seen her at one of the pubs or clubs in town when I was out drinking with my friends, but now I was almost begging her to play with my little cock as she humiliated me in front of her geeky brother. When she’d finished, and I was told to stand up for them both to inspect me, I was completely degraded and actually felt less like a man; my legs and arms looked like a female’s and my shaved little cock was the only sign that I was male at all, although I now looked like I did before I hit puberty. With the exception of a buzzed crew cut, I was completely hairless.

“Before you come into work tomorrow I want you to go and get a tattoo on your shoulder that says ‘my name is Daisy’ so that all your mates from the gym can laugh at you when you take a shower. And I think we’ll enter you into another dog show next weekend so you’d better come here every night after work to practice in front of my family. Now put your clothes on and go home.”

Far from being something I did every now and then for my own pleasure, Kevin was going to get revenge for all the times the older, good looking lads had bullied and humiliated him at school by making my whole life utterly humiliating, and there was nothing I could do about it. The urine had dried on my hair and body and I got dressed into my damp, piss soaked clothes, which now stank like a public toilet. Kevin went back to his room and I hurried out of the house as fast as I could. Once I was home and lying on my own bed thinking about what my life would be like now as Kevin’s pet, I started to get hard again and couldn’t help grabbing hold of my pathetic little cock and stroking it furiously for a few seconds until I came violently all over my smooth chest and face. I lay back on the bed and let the cum dry slowly on my skin, managing to humiliate myself by not getting rid of it.

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Found In the Trash

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Tick, tock, my cock is ready for you around the clock. One, two, three, four, is that you at my door? I hear the knocks and I giddily race to release the locks. When open, at the door you gawk.

“I’m not here for your cock; we need to talk.” You say, and that you need your space, and I am only filler. Then my heart fell to the floor, and you walked out the door that final day.

You have found your own place, and won’t see me anymore, or even call. I don’t understand. My feelings smart, as I had given you my heart. New lingerie for you, of lace, I go to return to the store within the mall, but it is you I want to replace. Women stand inches apart, appearing beautiful and smart. They seem to taunt me. I feel out of place, viler, mauled, and poor.

Pages of days, weeks, and months fall off the calendar to the floor, and because of my insecurities, I have stalled in my core. In a depression my heartbeat slows and falls; my will to live be a slowing clock, as the grave seems to call: with every second hand tock it gets louder more.

I walk the street to a local show, feeling my age, losing my stock. Resting against a wall, I stop. I wonder how to turn the page and restart the güvenilir bahis clock. I hear a voice. It is a vocal call. It is coming from behind the wall. I scrape. I climb. It’s a woman that I find.

She is bound and gagged; to my surprise, I heard her through the entire filter. Found, bagged, injured and hurt, but alive: She will survive, I surmise and tell her. Releasing her from the restraints, “fucking assholes,” from her mouth, she spurt.

“Are you okay?” I ask with candor.

Enraged, “I’ve been raped,” she blurts and exclaims.

I think to myself, my thoughts slipping out of my mouth. “What can I do? What can I say?”

Hearing my words, she looks into my gaze, simply to say, “It’s happened before; I’ll be okay, but sore. I just need a place to stay. It’s what they do when they want to play, but don’t want to pay any more. ” Explaining with a pout.

I listened in a daze, and then offered her my place, and explained my help was not for trade or sale. She wept, but did not wail, as she accepted with grace. Then I helped her from where she lay and wiped the tears from her face. For my hand, she reached and kept.

I was thoroughly amazed as she rose. türkçe bahis She straightened her skirt, pulling the hem down below the top of her torn hose. She was tall. Her legs were lean. Even bruised she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Worthy of prose, was she in every pose.

Upright and standing her eyes met mine. I could see that she was broke, but my heart was now fine. It had just needed a poke. As we walked, we began to talk after sometime. When she spoke, she expressed the desire for a new start. It was beginning to seem the clock was reset; it was her heart with which I was impressed. We conversed about our lives and what changes we’d make if we got a do over. We were seriously planning a life make-over, discussing a design to make the best of the rest of our time. At the landing below the door, I said, “Welcome home.”, and drew her tight before leading her in to spend the night.

I gave her a towel, and showed her the bath; I told her she was welcome to anything I have, and need not ask. She gave me a smile and not a scowl, and then retreat for a shower or possibly a bath.

I put on some water to boil, with the stove on high power, and readied the couch. I was güvenilir bahis siteleri taken to give her my bed, as a place for her to lay her head. Then I steeped the tea in the pouch. She joined me in the kitchen wrapped in a blanket after a long while. Noticing a gift wrapped box on the counter, “What is that?” She asked with a smile.

My heart felt heavy; my feelings trapped and bound up, but I received her question as a plea, and began to speak up, recounting the past. I could feel my chest begin to heave; I told her, “Lingerie: for my last… a relationship, I was having trouble getting passed.” I needed a pause; I needed a break. I needed a cause. Finding a couple of cups, I poured us some tea.

She took the box being intrigued, and saying, “Let me see. I have nothing on, and nothing to wear.” I cringed hearing the paper tear, and then she lift the top and stole a peek. Then her eyes shift back to me. I could read in her face that she liked the lace. “I will try it on.” She was saying, taking retreat behind the blanket’s span and sit on the love seat by the divan.

She emerged, stunningly beautiful with the outfit adorned. Beset by her physique, I saw my new found love, not a professional companion, not a whore. She was a treasure that I could only adore. I reached out to touch her. Her hair was still wet. I pulled her close and we fell in love as our lips first met. Restoring our hearts, our bodies sweat.

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Biker Bang

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Editor’s note: this story contains scenes of non-consensual or reluctant sex.


Growing up in the Black Hills meant that I was exposed to the scourge of annual motorcycle rally – or so that is what my parents wanted me to believe. When I was little, we would visit the town during the day and see the crazy clothes, amazing motorcycles, and stare in awe at the “bikers” and their denim and leather. I remember each year there were at least a few scantily clad women who my mother would pretend not to see and not-so-surreptitiously guide us away from the area. But the bombshell women in nothing but a mesh dress, thong, and stickers over their nipples always fascinated me.

We had attended the rally every year I could remember – it was something of a pilgrimage for locals and tourists alike. The squads of bikers rolling down the highways never scared me like it did my family. I remember my grandmother telling me how Hells Angels surrounded her car one time and “terrorized her” until finagling riding off. I never believed it. I knew that most bikers were really lawyers, dentists, and more enjoying time off of their “normal” lives. But I also knew they got rowdy and they were the most scandalous thing in the area. Which meant bikers made their way into my very first sexual fantasies. What I’ve written so illegal bahis far is true. The rest is the first fantasy I remember masturbating to.

I knew I shouldn’t be here, but I couldn’t help it. All I had heard growing up was that I should avoid these people like my life depended on it. But here I was, exploring the motorcycle rally solo. I wasn’t ready to wear the barely-there outfits I saw around me, but I made a point to wear a leather vest with nothing underneath and a matching leather miniskirt. Unfortunately, my big tits didn’t allow for a lot of modesty with my outfit even if I was considerably more covered than the rest of the people at the campground. Rally campgrounds were notorious – no rules, just respect each other. I laughed to myself as that thought went through my head as I walked past a bucking penis (ala a mechanical bucking bull) where two girls were riding it and trying to stay mounted. And I tried not to notice the vulgar things being yelled at them – or them men that were brushing a little too close to me.

Each night the concerts had a performance and the concert was amazing. I was running on a high from the show, not to mention pretty tipsy, as I ventured into the camping area again. I felt myself getting turned on as I walked around and saw the open craziness. People smoking pot, illegal bahis siteleri lounging with tits out, and other things I had never seen. I noticed the tall, muscular man that I had been next to at the concert. Of course we connected in that strangers-in-solidarity way you do at concerts with people you don’t know that you have a good time next to. So as he gave me a head jerk to invite me to his area, I figured it couldn’t hurt. He quickly introduced me to his friends and a shiver went down my spine as I realized they were almost all men – maybe 2 or 3 women besides me. But I realized it wasn’t a trepidatious shiver because it didn’t end at my spine – it went strait to my increasingly wet pussy and made it start throbbing.

I decided to stay and party with them and the increased alcohol was definitely lowering my inhibitions. When they told me that in order to be part of their gang, there was an initiation my response wasn’t fear… instead I straddled the man who said it and said, “oh really?” He grinned and followed with, “oh yeah.” HE shoved his hand under my skirt and his calluses provided more stimulation that I was expecting and my back instantly arched as they all laughed under their breath. He spun me around and said, “she’s ready” and kept me on his lap, my back to his chest, as one of the canlı bahis siteleri girls straddled my and right away shoved her tongue down my throat. I really wasn’t into women but I was so horny I went with it. I felt her stand up while she continued deeply kissing me and my legs were pulled apart and I bit her lip as I felt the other girl start sucking and licking my clit. I was so turned on I came quickly – out in the open in front of the entire group and anyone else walking by the campsite.

The man leaned forward, nibbling my neck, and let me know my initiation was to please everyone there. My brain screamed no but the desire emanating from my cunt meant all I could do was groan in anticipation as I was moved on top of a waiting dick and instantly impaled. Thank god they started me with the smallest man there. The only thing I had had inside me was a dildo and other toys. There was no way of knowing, but my first cock was technically one that I didn’t ask for but that made me even more turned on. I loved being used as a sexdoll for these amazingly masculine men.

They took turns using my cunt to their pleasure until each had a go. I was covered with sweat and had cum all over my tits and my face. I wasn’t even sure how my top had come off – I was too sex-drunk to care or notice. All I could do was sigh in satiated pleasure when they were finished with me. My hole was now stretched and sore from the use of 8 men – but I knew that I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. And I’d have to seek out similar situations to get any satisfaction in the future.

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First Time We Meet

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We are in the lounge and sitting on the couch! I am wearing my suit and silk boxers and you are wearing a short skirt and low cut top! God you look so good!

We start by having a drink and then I take your foot and just catch a glimpse of your black thong! As I move your foot up on to my lap and start to massage it I cant stop thinking about you black thong! I start to get very randy I am starting to get very hard and you can feel it on your foot and just smile to yourself, which I don’t see! I start to move my hand up your leg massaging as I go to see if I can get any closer to your black thong! I am as hard as a rock and you know it as you feel it under your foot!

And start to get horny! You know what I am doing and decide to play along! But not let me know! So you slowly move your foot that’s resting on my lap on to my bulge in my trousers! God that feels good! You close your eyes and just lay there with a small smile on your face! As I slowly move my hands up past you nee I keep going this time stroking the inside of you leg as I move my hand higher and higher I go past your skirt and you start to really get turned on!

I know you are getting turned on by your breathing and keeps going and touch you black thong by this time you are wet and I can feel your thong I is soaked and start to massage you from the outside of your wet thong! I just keep rubbing up and down and start pushing in a bit harder as I rub up and down! Then I go to the side of your thong and slide on finger in and find your clit and just put my finger on it and rub round canlı bahis şirketleri in circles for a minute! You start to rub your foot on my bulge and I move a second finger under your thong! And just dip it into your pussy just a bit to make you feel its there and then I push my finger in fast and hard and then pull my finger out slowly wile I am still massaging your clit in a circle motion! Then I take my hand out and make you stand up! I am going to tease you baby for a wile! And that’s a promise!

I pull your skirt up and rip off your thong! And pull you back onto the couch and with your skirt up round your waist and your bare pussy glisten in the light I move my mouth over to yours and kiss you passionately! And wile I kiss you I push my finger into your pussy hard this time and fast soon I have pushed another finger into your fantastic pussy it sucks on my fingers trying to get them in deeper!

All the time I am rubbing your clit with my thumb you start to moan a bit and I stop kissing you! And move my mouth down to your big left tit and start to lick your nipple then I suck your nipple into my mouth and suck hard It hurts a bit and I stop sucking when I hear you whimper! I pull my fingers out of your dripping pussy and move my mouth down to your clit and suck it in and nibble ever so lightly while you massage your own breasts and tweaking your nipples! I then dart my finger deep into your pussy and start to wiggle it about by doing the come here with my finger! I then stop and open the bag a had brought with me and pull out this 9inch canlı kaçak iddaa long 3inch think vibrator and put it down next to me you look at it and think ohhh yes!

I smile and pull out a set of handcuffs and cuff your hand you offer no struggle and I go back down between your leg’s and pick up this monster of a vibrator and turn it on you see that it don’t just vibrate but it wiggles and turns slightly!

You know what I am going to do and you open your legs more and I slowly tease your clit with it and then I slide it up and down your pussy lips and then without any warning! I push it in hard and fast but only half way and leave it there for a second then I nearly pull it out all the way very slowly and then push it in all the way and just leave it in there all the way to the hilt! And then I turn it on full and it start to vibrate and wiggle like mad and then I get a feather out of the bag and start to tickle your right nipple and then I move it down to your clit! And slowly move it round and round then left to right all the time that monster of a vibrator is still inside you to the hilt!

Vibrating and wiggling like mad! I see your not far and wile I leave the vibrator inside your pussy doing its magic I turn to you and take my trousers off and you can see my 9inch dick is so hard! And I pull it out and offer it to your mouth and wile you are washing my big dick with your mouth you start to suck like you have never sucked before! And after only a couple of minutes of working my dick in your mouth you fell my dick twitch and you know what’s canlı kaçak bahis coming next but you don’t care! As you are just about to cum your self you can feel that the big monster that is burred deep in your pussy!

And my hand and finger teasing your clit you know you cant hold on for any longer so with a very long hard suck on my cock I start to cum inside your mouth and you dribble some down your chin and I rub it into your tits! You are coming by now so hard that you think you are on a roller coaster of joy and ecstasy! After a couple of mins my dick start to come back to life and I un cuff you! And make you get into doggy stile and take you from behind I am now as solid as a rock again and start of slowly fucking your tight pussy hard but slow and I move my hand round the front to you clit! And start to massage and rub faster and faster!

And then I insert a finger into your tight pussy as I start to fuck you harder and harder and harder then I pull my finger out and grab hold of your hips and pull you back as hard as I can every time I thrust forwards in to your fantastic pussy and I start fucking you faster and faster harder and harder you know your tight pussy cant take much more of a hammering but are enjoying a fucking of your life wile I am fucking you harder and harder faster and faster you move your and to your clit and start rubbing yourself off as I am really fucking you fast and hard you feel my balls slapping against you and tell me to fuck you harder!

So I am now at full speed and know I ant going to last much longer but I don’t care as I know your going to cum soon so as I near I feel your body start to shack! And I start to cum inside you as you cum at the same time and after we come we collapse and your lying on top of me and just lay there feeling fucking fantastic!

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