İlk kez Ben ve arkadaşım Shemale

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Adriana Chechik

İlk kez Ben ve arkadaşım Shemale
Merhaba ben Burak yaşım 18 arkadaşım Can (18) ile aramızda geçen olayı anlatıcam iyi okumalar..
Arkadaşım can ile cumartesi gecesi sözleşmiştik, güzel bir mekana gidip birşeyler içip kız felan düşürmeye çalışıcaktık olmazsa geneleve gidicektik, aslında ikiside olmadı. Saat 8 de canla buluştuk, C:naber kanka nasılsın B:iyi kanka sen nasılsın C:sağol kanka hadi gidelim B:tamam hadi kanka diyip çıktık bindik onun arabasına.C:kanka temizlendin mi? B:Temizlendin mi derken kanka anlamadım? C:sikini traj ettin mi yani kanka bol kıllı bırakmasaydın 🙂 B:haha yok kanka tertemiz parlak C: He tamam kanka Güzel bir mekana vardık, girdik içeri vodka shot içtik 3 4 tane kadar yavaş yavaş kafamız olmaya başlamıştı saat te epey ilerlemişti saat 12 civarıydı genel eve karçırmıştık artık bu saatte kapalıydı. B:kanka istersen kalkalım ortamda kızda yok bize göre genel eve Bi bakalım açıksa girelim. C:tamam kanka hadi. Kalktık arabaya bindik, geneleve doğru gidiyorduk, vardık kapalıydı. B:Ne yapıcaz kanka kapalı? C:Hmm rahat ol bu gece çok eğlenicez. B:tamam kanka. Dedim ben ilk baş diskoya gidicez sandım çünkü saat 12 yi geçiyordu, ıssız bir yere doğru gidiyorduk ormanın içine girdik kimseler yoktu ışık dahi yoktu. B:kanka nereye geldik biz? C:kanka dur bekle bagajdan birşey alıcam. B:tamam dedim. Ufak bir poşet almıştı bagajdan içinde bayan kiloları vardı, tanga, g string felan. C: kanka soyun bende soyunucam seç birini giy. Ben şaşırmıştım içimden ona kızıp küfür edip burdan gitmek lazım diyordu ama diğer bir ses giy diyordu maalesef 2. Sesi seçmiştim. Soyundum canda soyunuyordu, yeşil bir tanga seçtim ipli onu giydim,sikim 14,15 cm felan biraz ufaktı, fizğimde 185b 83kg beyaz ten sarı saç Can’ında vol büyük değildi hemen hemen aynıydı benden daha kısa ve daha zayıftı. Oda siyah bir tanga giymişti. Arabaya girdik koltukları yatırdı.Bana uzan dedi, uzandım sanki onun robotu olmuştum, her dediğini yapıyordum. Benim memelerimi başladı emmeye, boyunlarımı emiyordu, dudaklarıma geldi biraz karşılık vermedim ama sonra bende karşılık vermeye başladım, yavaş yavaş aşağıya indi, tanganın yanından zaten sikim çıkmıştı ağzına aldı,sömürmeye başladı sikimi deli gibi zevk alıyordum, inanamıyordum 1 2 dakika yaladı sikimi, yer değiştirelim dedi tamam dedim tangayı  çıkarmadım götümdeydi, aynıları bende başladım yapmaya. İlk defa başkasının sikini görmüştüm canlı olarak biraz afalladım oda ufaktı zaten. Başımdan tuttu sikine doğru getirdi, aldım ağzıma kafasını lolipop emer gibi emiyordum, çok deli zevk alıyordu. Yeter gel dedi öpüşelim peki dedim o hala alttaydı, araba dardı zaten kucağına geçtim kucağında oturuyordum altımda tanga zaten biraz batma yapıyor rahatsız ediyordu.öpüşüyorduk, B:can sakın sikini sokayım deme zaten tanga batıyor götüme ben ilk defa böyle birşey yapıyorum. O:oo oyun bozanlık yapma sıra sıra. B:hayır bak çıkar giderim. O:tamam tamam o zaman senin götün dolgun arasına al sürteyim, ufak zaten. B:tamam bak sakın sokma. Dedim sıyırdı tangasına ben kucağındaydım sıyırdı tangamı yavaş yavaş sürtünüyordu deliğime ıslak ıslak, zevk alıyordum dudaklarımı emiyordu koparıyordu. Bir eliyle sikime 31 çekiyordu.Yavaş yavaş sikini soktu götüme sokma diyemedim.İlk başta acıdı ama ufaktı siki zaten, bende kucağında hafif hafif zıplıyordum zevk alıyordum. 1 dakika felan sürdü boşalıcam dedi çıktı götümden boşaldı aynı anda bende boşaldım. Tekrar öpüştük temizlendik aramızda bir sır olucaktı. Hikayenin devamı veya başka tarz gelmesini istiyorsanız bol yorum ve beğeni bekliyorum.

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Öğrencimle 4

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Öğrencimle 4

Karım dönüp dudaklarımı öperek,

“Sen bu kadar azmış mıydın ya?” dedi ve sırtüstü yattı. Güldüm ve

“Karım beni iki haftadır kendinden mahrum ederse ben de azarım tabii ki!” dedim. Karım kahkaha attı ve

“Aslında şu yolculuklardan daha sık yapmam lazımmış. Sevdim senin bu hallerini!” dedi ve toparlanıp duş almaya gitti.

Bir sigara yaktım ve yatakta yatarak düşünmeye başladım. Ne olacaktı durumumuz? Karımla o kadar tutkulu sevişmiştim ki… Sanki onu hiç aldatmamışım gibi…

Öte yandan da yanında olmaktan çok zevk aldığım Burçin vardı. Onun vaktini çok almak istemiyordum. Sonuçta benim gibi değildi. Önünde çok çok uzun zaman vardı daha ve eğer bana ümit bağlarsa ve ben ona bir şey veremezsem ileride çok üzülebilirdi. Hayatından bu en güzel zamanları çalmak istemiyordum.

Acaba ben kime aittim? Burçin’e mi? Yoksa karım Handan’a mı? Ve tabii ki başımda olan bir diğer dert, bizim Burçin ile olan ilişkimizi teşhir etmek isteyen birisiydi. O kimdi bilmiyordum, ancak bize çok büyük zarar verebilirdi.

Ancak onun bunu yapmakta bir çıkarı olmalıydı? Neden beni boş yere tehdit etsin ki? Benden para istemeliydi mutlaka. Yoksa bunu sapıkça bir zevk olarak yapıyor olamazdı, bu saçma geliyordu.

Niyeti ciddiyse şimdiden karıma bunu söylerdi; eğer amacı benden para koparmaksa da şimdiye kadar benimle bunu konuşması lazımdı. Hiçbir hareket göremiyordum o kişiden ve bu beni daha da geriyordu.

Bu düşünceler içerisindeyken karım içeriye girdi ve

“Öff, sana şurada sigara içme dedim kaç kere Yiğit!” dedi.

Burçin ile kaldığım günlerde burada sigara içmeye o kadar alışmıştım ki, bir an kendimi kaptırmıştım. Karım sevmiyordu evde -özellikle de yatak odamızda- sigara içmemi. Sigaramı kültablasında söndürdüm ve karımın dudaklarından bir öpücük alarak,

“Dalgınlığıma ver hayatım, çok yorulmuşum!” dedim.

Karım bu ufak sırnaşmalarımdan hep hoşlanırdı. Aramızda bir tartışma başlayacaksa ve ben tartışma çekecek günümde değilsem böyle şeyler yaparak tartışmayı başlatmadan bitirirdim. Karım üstüne geceliğini geçirdi, ben de sadece baksırımı altıma çektim ve güzel bir uyku çektim karımın koynunda.

Sabah erken saatlerde okula gitmek için uyandım ve hazırlanmaya başladım. Bir yandan da kalçasını geriye doğru çıkartmış, hiçbir şeyden haberi olmadan uyuyan karıma bakıyordum.

Zengin olmak böyle bir şeydi işte. Erkenden kalkıp yapması gereken işler yoktu. Özellikle de baba parası yiyen bir kadınsanız hiç yoktu. Ben gidip okulda ders verecektim; karım ise büyük ihtimal öğle gibi kalkacak, önce kahvaltı -hatta arkadaşları arasındaki deyimiyle Brunch- yapacak, daha sonra da tüm gününü ya alışverişte, ya da dışarıda başka aktivitelerde geçirecek ve babasının parasını afiyetle ezecekti.

Evden çıktım, arabama atladım ve üniversiteye doğru sürdüm. Karım geldikten sonra ilk kez Burçin ile karşılaşacaktım. Tepkisini merak ediyordum.

Okula girdiğimde gözlerim Burçin’i aradı, ama yoktu. Derse geleceğini umarak erkenden dersliğe gidip oturdum, ama gelenler arasında o yoktu. Derse neredeyse 15 dakika kadar geç başladım onu beklediğim için, ama o ortalıklarda yoktu.

Tüm gün kafam onda olduğu için ilk kez dersi pek verimli olmayacak şekilde anlattım. Dersten sonra da direkt atölyeme inip aşağıda yarım kalan heykelimle uğraşmaya başladım.

Belki Burçin gelir diye yaklaşık altı saat kadar atölyede birşeylerle oyalandım. Bir tabloya başladım, ufak iki tane seramik nesne yaptım ve heykelimin son rötuşlarını yaptım. Ancak Burçin yine gelmedi.

En sonunda gelmeyeceğini kabullenerek üniversiteden ayrıldım ve eve döndüm. Moralim fena halde bozulmuştu. Kapıyı açtım ve içeriye girip,

“Karıcığım ben geldim!” dedim mutsuz bir sesle… Cevap gelmeyince karımın bir an dışarıda olduğunu düşündüm. Ama daha sonra karım yatak odasından,

“Buradayım, gelsene hayatım!” diye seslendi.

Çantamı kapının girişine bıraktım ve gömlek düğmelerimi açarak yatak odasına doğru ilerledim. Kapıyı açıp, karımı olağan dışı bir kıyafetle görünce de büyük bir şok geçirdim.

Birkaç saniye konuşamadım adeta ve karşımdaki manzaraya ağzım açık bakakaldım. Karım benim için özel hazırlık yapmıştı. Üstünde siyah deri bir elbise vardı.

Elbise derin bir göğüs dekoltesine sahipti. Karımın göğüslerinin yarısı dışarıdaydı neredeyse. Elbisenin alt kısmı da kalçalarını zor kapatıyordu. Dizlerine gelen bir çizme ve file çorap giymişti. Harika koyu tonlarda bir makyaj yapmıştı elbiseyle uyumlu olması açısından. Yüzünde o muzır gülümsemesi vardı yine,

“Bakalım erkeğim dünkü kadar formunda mı?” dedi ve diz çöktü yerde.

Dizlerinin üstünde bana doğru gelmeye başladı. Handan farkında değildi, ki bu haliyle seksten en soğmuş erkeği bile azdırabilirdi. Karım daha yanıma gelmeden sikim taş gibi olmuştu.

Dibime gelince yavaşça kemerime doğru uzattı ellerini. Kemerimi açıp, pantolonumu indirdi ve çıkartıp kenara attı. Daha sonra ayağa kalkıp, benim yarım bıraktığım gömlek düğmelerimi açarak gömleğimi de çıkarttı. Atlet giymeyi pek sevmediğimden karşısında bir baksır külot ile kalmıştım.

Karım beni yatağa ittikten sonra karşımda dans etmeye başladı. Harika bir tempoyla hafif hafif dans ederek beni azdırıyordu. Karım tahrik etmek konusunda gerçekten çok iyiydi.

İstediği zaman o kadar güzel bir biçimde bunu başarıyordu ki. Sikim baksırımı delecek seviyede kalkmıştı. Karım gözleriyle bir işaret çakarak sikimi gösterdi ve yine seksi bir biçimde güldü. Ben ise karşımdaki bu güzel gösteriyi izlemekle meşguldüm. Birazcık daha dans ettikten sonra yanıma gelip,

“Şu canavarı serbest bırakalım artık!” dedi. Baksırımı çıkartmasıyla birlikte sikim meydana çıktı. Eline alıp birazcık okşadıktan sonra eğilip göğüslerine sürttü. Delirtiyordu beni bu yavaş hareketleri. Ona,

“Ağzına al hayatım!” dememe rağmen,

“Dur ya, ne acelemiz var?” dedi. Tekrar ayağa kalktı ve bir viski koydu kendine. Makyaj masasının önündeki tabureye oturup viskisini yudumladı. Sikimi okşamak için elimi attığımda,

“Dokunma! Ona benden başka kimse dokunmayacak bugün!” dedi.

Bir süre daha karşımda bacak bacak üstüne atmış bir biçimde viski içmeye devam etti. Dayanamıyordum ve istemsizce elimi yine sikime atınca,

“Demek söz dinlemeyeceksin?” dedi ve yanıma gelip sikime hafifçe bir tokat attı. Ereksiyon olmuş bir penisi gerçekten acıtacak bir tokattı. Sonra tekrar oturup viskisini içmeye devam etti. O halleri beni acayip tahrik ediyordu ve ona hemen ulaşamamak beni bitiriyordu. Sonunda viskisini bitirip ayağa kalktı ve

“İlgilenelim biraz bakalım bununla!” diyerek sikimi kökünden kavrayıp sertçe okşamaya başladı.

Hızlı hızlı mastürbasyon yaptırıyordu sikime… Karım okşadıkça ben iyice zevke geliyordum. Bir süre sonra kafasını eğerek bacaklarımın arasına eğildi ve taşaklarımı emmeye başladı. Taşaklarımı emdikçe kuduruyordum. O kadar ağır ve naif hareketler yapıyordu ki, beni olduğum yerde azdırıyordu.

Taşaklarımı emerken ben ellerim iki yanda hiçbir şey yapamadan sadece onu seyrediyordum. Karım tam bir orospu gibi davranıyordu. Hatta bir orospudan çok, profesyonel bir porno film oyuncusu gibiydi.

“Beğendin mi aşkım?” dedi gülümseyerek.

“Çok!” dedim titrek bir sesle. Terlemeye başlamıştım resmen. Karım bugün beni çok mutlu edecekti.

Taşaklarımı emdikten sonra dudaklarını sikime çıkarttı ve sikimin başına öpücükler kondurup hafif hafif yalamaya başladı. Başından daha ilerisini almıyordu ağzına. Sadece başını emiyordu sikimin, ama bu bile bana büyük zevk veriyordu. Ara sıra dilini sikimin tam üstünde dolaştırıyordu.

Sikimi emmeyi bir süre sonra bırakıp hafifçe doğruldu ve göğüslerini elbisenin üstüne çıkarttı. Büyük göğüslerini sikime sürttükten sonra sikimi göğüslerinin arasına alarak ileri geri yapmaya başladı. Karım gerçekten yatakta çok tecrübeliydi ve her hareketiyle erkeğini zevkte üst seviyede tutabiliyordu. Karımın saçlarını okşayarak,

“Harikasın!” dedim. Gülümsedi sadece. Sikimi göğüslerinin arasından çıkarttıktan sonra gelip kucağıma oturdu. Sikim onun bedeniyle benim bedenim arasında kalmıştı. Biraz öpüştük, ellerimi tutup kalçalarına koydu ve

“Bugün harika bir performans istiyorum senden!” dedi. Karımın kulağına,

“Sen böyle güzel şeyler yaptıktan sonra o performansı beklememen hata olur!” dedim.

Karımın kahkahaları arasında onu kucaklayıp yatağa sırtüstü bıraktım. Üstündeki kıyafeti çıkartacaktım, ama sonra vazgeçip sadece bacaklarını aralayıp çizmesini çıkarttım.

İçine simsiyah bir tanga giymişti. O tangaya ulaşmadan önce ayaklarını hafif hafif öpmeye başladım. Ojeli tırnaklarını emiyordum fileli külotlu çorabın arasından. Karım yarı zevkle, yarı da gülümseyerek bana bakıyordu dudağını ısırarak.

Ayaklarından yavaşça bileklerine geçtim. Narin bileklerini öperken yavaş yavaş bacaklarına, oradan da bacak arasına geçtim. Siyah tangasını çekip koparttığımda,

“Woooavvv!” diye bir tepki verdi ve “Fazla sertsin!” dedi. Gülümseyerek,

“Bu bir problem mi?” dedim. Karım suratıma hafifçe bir tokat atarak,

“Tabii ki de değil!” dediğinde, artık bende ipler kopmuştu.

Karımı tek hamlede yüzüstü çevirdim ve elbisenin alt kısmını beline toplayıp sikimi sertçe amına soktum. Karım yüksek bir çığlık bastıktan sonra boğuk boğuk inlemeye başladı.

Ben de durmadan, duraksamadan sert sert amına pompalıyordum sikimi. O kadar hızlı ve serttim ki, karımın kalçaları sürekli dalgalanıyordu ben pompaladıkça. Karım,

“Harikasın, ohhh, devam et!” diyerek beni sürekli azdırmaya çalışıyordu.

Gerçekten azdırıcı hap almış gibiydim, gücüm sınırsızmış gibi hissediyordum o an. Hiç boşalmak istemiyordum. Boşalmak diye bir duygu kalmamıştı içimde. Sadece karımı sikmek istiyordum.

Amını sikmeye devam ederken kalçalarına sertçe tokatlar atıyordum. O anın zevkiyle farkına varamamıştım, ama kıpkırmızı olmuştu karımın kalçaları… Saçlarına asıldım sertçe ve kalçasına sert bir tokat daha indirerek,

“Seni bugün mahvedeceğim orospum. Kocanı azdırmak neymiş göreceksin!” dedim. Karım ise sadece gülerek,

“Görelim bakalım!” dedi ve zevkle inledi. Acımasız bir biçimde amına git gellerime devam ediyordum. Yorulmuyordum asla. Yirmi dakika kadar karımı o pozisyonda siktikten sonra amından çıktım.

Karım boşalacağımı sandığı için önümden kalkmak için hareket yaptı, ama durdurdum onu ve domalttım. Sikimi tekrar amına soktum ve

“Biraz da bu pozisyonda sikmek istiyorum orospumu..!” dedim. Karım kahkaha attı ve

“Zevkle!” diyerek yine bana harika bir uyum sağlayarak yataktaki pozisyonunu aldı. Domaltmış bir halde sikerken taşaklarım sürekli karımın amına çarpıyordu. O kadar hızlıydım ki, ara sıra dengemi bile kaybedebiliyordum.

Ben sikmeye devam ederken karım elini aşağıdan taşaklarıma attı ve okşamaya başladı. Böyle bir hareket beklemiyordum ve eli taşaklarıma değdiğinde hafifçe irkildim.

Sanki başka birisi de varmış gibi oldu aramızda ve aklım ister istemez Burçin’e gitti. Burçin ile birlikte karımı aynı yatakta sikmek ne kadar güzel olur diye düşünmeye başlamıştım istemsizce. Karım da bu sırada taşaklarımı okşuyordu.
Bir süre bu pozisyonda devam ettikten sonra amından çıktım. Amı iyice açılmış ve fena halde kızarmıştı. Karımın bembeyaz kalçalarından eser yoktu. Kıpkırmızı bir am ve tokatlanmaktan mahvolmuş bir kalça duruyordu karşımda.

Bunun bir fotoğrafını çektim ve hatıra olarak saklamak istedim. Karımla evlendiğimizden beri ilk kez bu kadar tutkulu sevişiyorduk. Karım dönüp,

“Üstümden bir dozer geçmiş gibi…” dedi, ama önümde kalkık duran sikimi görünce, “Sen daha boşalmadın mı?” dedi. Gözleri fal taşı gibi açılmıştı. Gülerek,

“Senin gibi bir kaltağım olduktan sonra zor!” diyerek karımı kucağıma aldım. Sırtını duvara yasladım ve o da bacaklarını benim belime sardı. Öpüşürken sikimi yine karımın amına soktum ve onu hoplatmaya başladım. Karımın koca memeleri bedenlerimizin arasında sıkışmıştı.
Karım kendisine tokat atmamı istiyordu. Karımın kalçalarına tokatlar atmıştım, göğüslerini mıncıklamıştım. Ama hayatımda bir kere bile suratına tokat atmamıştım -ne sinir, ne de cinsel fantezi açısından- ve bu yüzden de bunu söyleyince duraksadım.

“Sen ciddi misin?” diye sordum. Karım gözlerime bakarak,

“Evet!” dedi. Elimi kaldırdım ve o kucağımdayken hafifçe bir tokat attım yanağına… Parmaklarımı ısırdı ve

“Bu kadar mı gücün? Erkeğim diye geçiniyorsun bir de!” dedi. Amacı beni gaza getirmekti ve bunu çok güzel yapıyordu.

Suratına sertçe bir tokat patlattım, ama bu beklediğimden de sert olmuştu. Dudağının kenarı patlamıştı ve hafifçe kan süzülmeye başladı. Kan birkaç saniye sonra göğüslerine damladı. Sonra bir tokat daha atmamı istedi ve ben de attım.
Karım kucağındayken kendini kasmaya başlamıştı iyice. Amını iyice daraltıyordu böyle ve ben daha da zevk alıyordum.

En sonunda bu zevke daha fazla dayanamayarak karımın içine boşaldım. Amına döllerim fışkırdıkça dizlerimin bağı çözülüyordu sanki. Zorla da olsa boşalmam bitene kadar karımı kucağımda tutabildim, ama sanki tüm gücüm kesilmiş gibiydi.
Boşalmam bittiğinde karım beni ittirdi ve

“Kim o?” diye sordu…

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

sanaldan gerçeğe-1

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


sanaldan gerçeğe-1
sohbetler keyifli geçiyordu, ben fantazilerimi yazıyorum o da eşinin ve arkadaşının karısının ayakkabılarına nasıl boşaldığını anlatıyor, bazende havadan sudan konuşuyorduk.

Her defasında seninle şöyle yaparız vs. dememize rağmen bir türlü cesaret edipte biraraya gelemiyorduk.
Yine bir akşam işten çıkıp eve gittiğimde bilgisayarımı açtım ve online olduğunu gördüm, bir süre sohbet ettikten sonra hadi gel buluşalım illa birşey yapmamız lazım değil, bir yerlerde oturup sohbet ederiz dedi. Benimde aklıma yatmıştı, sonuçta sohbeti karşılıklı yüzyüzede yapabilirdik.

Bilmemki ama neden olmasın dedim.

Benim eve yakın optimum var , ben evden çıkar orda yemek katında beklerim, sende gelirsin , sonrada birşeyler atıştırır belki sinemaya gireriz dedi. Olabilir aslında diye cevap verdim.

Saat 20 civarıydı. Evden çıkıp arabaya atlayıp optimuma geldim. Birbirimizi tanımak için tarif etmiştik.
Yemek katında tarife uyan birini tek başına oturmuş gördüm. Muhtemelen o olmalıydı. Yaz günü olduğu için üzerinde bir polo yaka thsirt altında da rahat bir eşofman ve sneaker . Bense tam tersi, pantolon , gömlek ve spor bir keten ceketleydim.

Masasına geldim ve merhaba …… dedim. O da merhaba salih dedi. Adres doğruydu:)

Gayet samimi ve güleryüzlü bir tanışma oldu. Oturduk . Birşeyler yiyelim dedik.Yiyeceklerimizi alıp masaya oturduk ve sohbete başladık, akıcı bir sohbet oluyordu, birbirimizi daha iyi tanıyorduk. Bir süre sonra ben sinemaya gidelimmi diye sordum. Biraz düşündü olur tabi dedi. Yemeklerimizde bitmişti. Birlikte sinemanın olduğu gişelere gittik ve arkalardan 2 bilet aldık. Başlayana kadar da sigara içilen balkon bölümünde birer sigara içip sohbete devam ettik.

Saat geldiğinde beraber içeri girip yerimize oturduk. Hafta içi olması ve pek te tutulan bir film olmadığı için sinemada bizden başka 8-10 kişi daha vardı, zaten cep sineması gibi birşeydi ve herkes ayrı bir sırada oturuyordu neredeyse. Bizim oturduğumuz sırada hiç kimse oturmuyordu.

Ben havanın sıcaklığının etkisiyle ceketimi çıkardım ve otururken kucağıma koydum. Film başlamıştı insanların seyretmekten çokta zevk almadığı türden kötü bir filmdi , içimden acaba çıksakmı demeye başlamıştım.Yinede şimdilik idare ediyordum . Dalgın dalgın filmi seyrederken birden onun elinin bacaklarımın üzerinde gezindiğini hissettim. Önce bir irkildim , ne zaman sokmuştu elini ceketin altından:)

Yavaşça dizlerimin üstünü aşağı yukarı okşuyordu. Hoşuma da gidiyordu. Üzerimdeki ceket herşeyi gizliyordu nasıl olsa.Şimdi eli daha yukarılarda kasıklarımın üzerinde bazende penisimin üzerinde geziyordu. Giydiğim kumaş pantolon ve içindeki boxer da ince bir kumaştan yapıldığı için penisim bu eli rahatlıkla hissediyordu . Hareketlerin daha da tatlı bir hal almasıyla sikim yavaş yavaş kalkıyordu. Sikim belirli bir sertliğe ulaştı ama bu defada içeride hareket alanı olmadığı için zorlanıyordum. Ceketin altına kendi elimide sokup yana doğru kalkmış olan sikimi dikine hizaladım. Böyle daha rahattı. Bu defa sikimin boylu boyunca olmasından yararlanmış ve kumaş pantolonun üzerinden avuçlamış aşağı yukarı sıvazlıyordu.

Oldukça zevkli bir durumdu ama ben tenini hissetmek istiyordum. Elimi tekrar ceketin altına sokarak fermuarımı aşağı indirdim ve boxer ın önündeki açıklıktan sikimi dışarı çıkarıp bıraktım. Bu defa ceketin altına elini uzattığında sikimi çıplak elleriyle iyice kavradı. İşte bu muhteşemdi. Harika bir şekilde tutuyor ve parmaklarıyla becerebildiği kadar yukarı aşağı sıvazlıyordu sikimi. Yavaş yavaş sikimin damarları şişiyordu. Şimdi tam anlamıyla dibinden kavramış , ceketin altında yukarı aşağı bana otuzbir çektiriyordu. Etraf zaten karanlık ve sırada kimse de olmadığından gayet rahattık. Bu sikimi sıvazlamalar daha da etkili olmaya başladığında boşalma belirtileri göstermeye başlıyordum ama burada olmazdı bu. Zaten filminde ilk yarısı bitmek üzereydi. Daha fazla ileri gidip beni boşaltıp üzerimi batırmayayım diye elimi ceketin altına bir kez daha soktum ve sikimi bırakmasını sağladım. Sonrada sikimi tekrar pantolonun içine soktum ve fermuarı kapattım. Birkaç dakika sonrada film arası olmuştu. Hemen sinemadan çıkıp bekleme salonuna geçtik.

İlk söze girerek , çok güzel okşuyordun, boşalıp etrafı batırmayayım diye elini çektim. Yoksa dayanamayacaktım dedim. O da bana napıyım senin de sikin çok güzel dayanamadım dedi.

İkimizde güldük.Aslında yarım kalmakta istemiyorum ne yapsak ki diye sordum.

Valla film beni hiç sarmadı bildiğin bir yer varsa oraya gidelim şu işi tamamlayalım dedi.
Benim ev dolu, ona da sormadım,müsait olsa söylerdi sanırım

Zaten tanımadığım bir evdi, bu tip bir kaçamak ta hiç yapmamıştım , tedirgin olurdum.

Kadıköyde bildiğim birkaç günübirlik evler vardı, hiç bilmediğim , gitmediğim bir yerdi ama bu istek beni bunuda öğrenmeye itecekti sanırım. Hadi çıkalım dedim. Benim araba aşağıda dedim, seninkini dışarı bırakalım dönüşte alırsın dedim, ben araba getirmedim eve yakın taksiyle geldim dedi.

O zaman benimkine binersin dedim ve gülüştük:)

Arabaya atlayıp kadıköye indik. Bildiğim birkaç tanesinin önünden geçtim ama pek te cesaret bulamıyordum. Sonunda bir tanesinin önünde durdum ve içeri girdik. Bir daire kiralamak istiyoruz , iki ayrı yataklı dedim. Durum çakılmasın diye. Baktı tamam var dedi. Fiyatı söyledi , ödemeyi yaptım ve bize verdiği kartla odaya çıktık. Ben kapıyı açtım ve her zamanki alışkanlığımla odaya şöyle bir göz attım sonrada banyosuna bakmaya gittim, onu arkamda durduğu için görmüyordum ama kapanan bir kapının sesini duymuştum. Sanırım oda girmişti içeri. Banyoya şöyle bir göz attım, havlu , tuvalet kağıdı varmı diye baktım .Sonra da banyodan çıkıp koridorda ilerleyip arkadaşıma baktıım.

Nasıl yapmış bilmiyorum ama üzerindeki tshirt ve altındaki sneaker ile eşofmanı çıkarmış kapıya yüzünü dönük ,ellerini havaya kaldırmış ve kapının iki kanadından tutmuş, tamamen vücudunu yaslamış bir şekilde duruyordu.Harika görünüyordu. Karşımda çırılçıplak ve tüm kalçasını bana sunan bir adam vardı. Arkasını dönüp hiç bakmamıştı ama benim gelip onu gözlediğimi tahmin ediyordu.

Sessizce ceketimi çıkarıp yatağın üzerine bıraktım. Daha sonra gömleğimin düğmelerini çözmeye başladım ve vücudumdan çıkarıp yatağın üzerine attım. Şimdi sıra pantolonumdaydı. Düğmelerini çözdüm ve fermuarımı onu seyrederek aşağı indirdim. Odadaki sessizlikten fermuar sesi duyulmuştu. Kendini öne doğru biraz daha yasladığını gördüm. Sikini oda kapısına tamamen yaslamıştı sanırım. Pantolonumu boxerımla birlikte çıkarıp koydum. Şimdi artık bende çırılçıplak ve sikim dimdik vaziyette karşımdaki çıplak bedenden iki metre uzakta ayakta onu seyrediyordum.
Bu seyretmem ne kadar sürdü bilmiyorum ama hala derin bir sessizlik ve benim onu seyrederek sikimi sıvazlamam devam ediyordu.

Sonunda ona doğru bir iki adım attım, ayak seslerimi duymuştu sanırım hafif bir kıpırdanma oldu ve kendini biraz daha kapıya yasladı. Sikini eziyordu sanırım. Tam arkasında neredeyse sikimin götüne değeceği noktada durdum. Nefesimi hissediyor olmalıydı. Ellerimi yavaşça omuzlarına koydum. Harika gözüküyorsun canım diye fısıldadım. Şimdi omuzlarını okşuyordum. Bu arada hafifçe eğilip boynunu öpüyordum. Öpmeyi bırakıp ellerimi omuzlarından aşağı sırtına doğru indirdim ve şimdi bazen sırtını bazen belini okşuyordum. Biraz daha aşağı inerek kuyruk sokumunu , oradan da kalçalarını okşamaya başlamıştım. Okşamayı daha yukarılara çıkardım . Tam kürek kemiklerinin etrafında geziniyordum. O ise her okşamam da götünü geri çıkarıyor vücudunu biraz daha kapıya yaslıyordu. Bense sikimin götüne değmemesini istediğimden o her geri kalçasını çıkardığında , bende geri çekiliyordum.

Kürek kemiklerinin etrafında gezen ellerimi yavaşça yanlara doğru götürdüm. Koltuk altlarından vücudunun yanlarını okşuyordum. Daha sonrada ellerimi vücudunun önüne doğru kapı ile arasına sokmaya başladım. Ulaşmak istediğim yer göğüsleriydi,

Göğüslerine doğru ilerlerken , oda yapışık vücudunu kapıdan biraz aralamış ve ellerim için yer açmıştı. Sonunda iki elimde göğüslerine gelmişti. Artık onları kavramaya hazırdım. Memelerini tamamen avuçlarımın içine aldığım anda, aşağıdan da sikimi tam kalçalarının arasına doğru bastırdım. Artık tek vücut olmuştuk…..

Şimdi sikim kalçalarının arasında göt deliğine baskı yapıyordu. Kollarımla tamamen sarmalamış , vücutlarımız birbirine yapışmış bir şekildeydik. Boynunu ve omuzlarını öpüyordum.

Kendimi biraz geri çekerek yüzünü bana doğru döndürdüm. Elini alıp sikimin üzerine koydum. Karşılıklı birbirimizin gözlerine bakıyoruz. Onun eli ise aşağıdaki sikimi avuçlamış ileri geri okşuyordu. Biraz daha yaklaştım , bir elimle tekrar belinden kavradım. Kendime doğru çektim, aşağıda bana otuzbir çekerken bende onun boynunu, omuzlarını oradanda göğüslerini emiyordum.

Kendimi geri çekerek diğer boştaki elini tuttum ve geri geri yatağa doğru gitmeye başladım. Sonunda yatağa ulaştığımda dönerek onu yatağın başucuna getirdim ve yatağa oturttum.

Sikim tam yüzünün hizasındaydı, hala bir eliyle bana otuzbir çekiyordu.

Elimi yavaşça saçlarına doğru götürüp okşadım, daha sonrada başının arkasına götürüp hafifçe öne doğru çektim. Sikimi ağzına almasını istediğimi anlamıştı.

Öne doğru eğildi, bir eliyle sikimi kavradı.Dudakları sikimin tam ucunda hizalanmıştı. Hafifçe araladı dudaklarını ve sikimin başını ağzına aldı. Ağzının içindeki dili sikimin etrafında geziyordu. Gerçekten çok zevkliydi. Emiyordu, gittikçe hızlanan bir şekilde yapıyordu bunu. Aynı zamanda sikimede otuzbir çektirmeye devam ediyordu. Artık gelmeye yaklaşıyordum, tüm spermlerimi ağzının içine boşaltmayı deli gibi istiyordum. Çok yaklaşmıştım, gelmek üzereyim lütfen durma dedim. O da bu cümleme karşılık dahada hızlı otuzbir çekmeye ve ağzını boşalmam için hazırladı.

Uzun süredir boşalmamıştım ve aşağıdan yukarıya doğru büyük bir sperm dalgasının geldiğini hissedebiliyordum. Sikimin damarları şişmişti.

Sonunda geliyordum . Sikimden büyük bir hızla ilk sperm fırladığında hafifçe irkildi ama yalamayı bırakmadı, peşi sıra salvolar atıyordu spermlerim. En az 6-7 defa fışkırmıştım ağzının içine. Sonunda fışkırmalarım kesilmiş sadece kasılmalarım kalmıştı. Oda emme temposunu düşürmüş sikimden çıkan son sperm damlalarını ağzının içinde dilinin ucuyla alıyordu. Tüm biriken spermleri yuttu , sonrada sikimi ağzından çıkardı. Dilini dışarı çıkarmış sikimdeki son sızıntıları yalıyordu. Tam anlamıyla bitmiştim. Sikimi elinden kurtararak yatağa sırt üstü kendimi attım.

Yatakta bitmiş bir halde tavana bakıyordum, oturduğu yerden üzerime eğilerek nasıl beğendinmi diye sordu.

-Harikaydın dedim. Müthiş emiyorsun, içimde hiçbirşey bırakmadın dedim.

Devamı Bölüm 2 de…

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Azgınlığıma yeğenim çare oldu

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Azgınlığıma yeğenim çare oldu
Selam sex okuyucuları arkadasları,.Adım Ayça, 48 yaşında, 1.72 boyunda, balık etli, güzel kalçalı bir kadınım. 6 yıl önceye ablamlarla beraber gittiğimiz bir düğünden dönüyorduk. Önde eniştem, kocam, kocamın kucağında oğlum, arkada ben, ablam ve yeğenim mert oturuyorduk. Gece ve yağışlı bir havaydı, Antepte aniden önümüze çıkan bir kamyonla çarpışınca, önde oturan eniştem, kocam ve oğlum maalesef kurtulamadı. Ablam ise kazadan sonra yatalak oldu.
O tarihten beri ablamın evinde kalıyorum. Hem ablama hemde yeğenim mertebakmak bana kalmıştı. Aradan 6yıl geçmişti ve yeğenim mert İstanbula (3 yıllık bir meslek okulunda) okumaya gitmişti. Bu 5 yıl ablama bakmak benim sex hayatımı da unutturmuştu… 15 gün önceydi, akşam üstü İstanbuldan mert gelmişti. Okulunu bitirmiş ve serpilip genç yakışıklı bir delikanlı olmuştu. Kapıda özlemle birbirimize sarılıp kucaklaşmamız esnasında içim bir tuhaf olmuştu, bir an sanki yeğenime değil de, başka bir erkeğe sarılıyormuşum gibi hissettim kendimi. “Teyzeciğim seni çok özlemişim!” diye yeğenim beni kendine yapıştırıp sırtımı omuzlarımı sıvazlayıp, yanaklarımı öperken, ben de, “Teyzesinin birtanesi!” diye Erkuta sıkıca sarılıp, yanaklarını öpüyordum. Hani o an öyle bir oldum ki, içimden ılık ılık birşeylerin aktığını hissediyordum. Herhalde yeğenim de birşeyler hissetmiş olmalı ki, bana daha sıkı sarılıyor ve bırakmak istemiyor gibiydi. Aramızda göğüslerim ezilirken, meme uçlarım da sertleşmeye başlamıştı bile. Birbirimize nekadar sarıldık, birbirimizin sırtını nekadar sıvazladık bilmiyorum ama, Ertanın sikinin de sertleşip göbeğime değmeye başladığı an, nedense ikimiz de sarılmayı bıraktık… İçeriye geçtik, kısa bir hoşbeşten sonra ablamın odasına gittik. Ben de, “Erkut hazır geldin, yardım et, anneni Banyoya taşıyalım da adamakıllı bir yıkayalım!” dedim.
Bunu esk**en ayda bir birlikte yapardık, mert okumaya gidince son 2 senedir tekbaşıma yapıyordum ve ablamı banyoya taşırken belime ağrılar giriyordu, diğer zamanlar sabunlu bezle vücudunu siliyordum. Neyse, mert yardımıyla daha kolay oldu ve banyoya götürdük, küvete oturttuk, tabi arkasından tutarak. Malum mert üzerini çıkartmıştı ıslanmasın diye, birtek beyaz Boxer’ı vardı. Benim de altımda penye şort, üzerimde ince beyaz bir gömlek, üstten 2 düğmesini çözmüştüm ki rahat hareket edeyim diye. Duşu açıp ablamı yıkamaya başladık. Erkut ablamı tutuyor ben yıkıyordum, ama bu arada bizim de üstümüz başımız iyice ıslanıyordu… Eğildiğim zaman südyensiz göğüslerim olduğu gibi görünüyordu ve Erkutun gözünün göğüslerime kaydığını kaçamak bakışlarından farkediyordum, ama aldırmıyordum. İtiraf etmeliyim ki, benim de gözüm Erkutun iyice ıslanmış Boxer’ına takılıyordu. Siki öyle bir sertleşmişti ki, başının ucu üstten görünür olmuştu. Varın anlayın artık içimdeki o tuhaf uyanışı. İşimizi bitirip Ablamı yatağına taşırkende Erkutla devamlı ten teması yaşadık. O anlarda hep gözüm Erkutun önüne kayıyor, onun da göğüslerime baktığını görüyordum ve bu beni daha da tahrik ediyordu, amımda bir kıpırtı, bir karıncalanma hissediyordum resmen. Eee kolay değil, 5 koca yıl elime erkek eli değmemişti, zaten kapalı bir muhitti yaşadığımız yer, sex özlemi birden içimi sarmıştı… Ablamı yatağına yatırdık ve salona geçtik. Yeğenime, “Erkut eğilmekten belim neredeyse tutuldu, şu benim yatağa uzanayım da sırtımı belimi ov biraz.” dedim. Erkut’da, “Tamam teyze uzan!” dedi.
Benim odaya geçtik, ben yatağa yüzükoyun uzandım, gömleğimin düğmelerini açtım ve omuzlarıma kadar sıyırıp topladım. Erkut baldırlarımın üzerine (popoma yakın) oturup sırtımı ovmaya başladı. Çıplak tenime, yeğenim de olsa, 5 yıldır ilk defa bir erkek eli değiyordu, bunu nasıl özlediğimi anlatamam. Erkut ovmaya devam ediyordu, ama ovmaktan çok elleri enseme doğru çıkıp aşağıya inerken, sırtımı okşar gibi belime kadar iniyordu. İyiden iyiye tahrik olmuştum ve amımın suları akmaya başlamıştı artık ve küçük küçük inlemelere başlamıştım… Erkut, “Teyze şu gömleğini biraz daha yukarı sıyırsana, ellerim takılıyor!” dedi. Ben de, “Tümden çıkar oğlum…” dedim. Erkut gömleğimi bir çırpıda başımın üzerinden sıyırıp atarken, kazık gibi sertleşmiş yarağını bir anda kalça arama uzunca bir süre yapıştırdı. Offfff işte o an resmen boşaldım. O muhteşem sertliği nasıl özlemişim. Erkut da hiç istifini bozmadan ovma ile karışık okşamalarını ilerletmiş, artık yanlardan ellerini daldırıp göğüslerimi avucuna almaya başlamıştı. Ben artık dayanamıyordum ve biliyordum ki Erkut da tahrik olmuştu, bunu sikinin kazık gibi olması belli ediyordu. Birden sırtüstü döndüm, artık dikleşmiş göğüslerim Erkutun gözlerinin önüne serilmişti. O an Erkut, “Teyze ne güzel göğüslerin var!” diyerek göğüslerimi okşamaya başladı ve birden dudaklarımız birleşti. İhtiras ve şehvetle öpüşürken, Erkut şortumu ve külodumu bir çırpıda sıyırmıştı. Ben de Erkutun külodunu sıyırdım, offff ne muhteşemdi yarağı, tazecik çıtır çıtır, kazık gibi sert bir yarak! Ben Erkutun yarağını yalamak isterken, o da benim amımı yalamak isteyince, birden kendimizi 69 pozisyonundan bulduk. Erkut ağzını amıma gömdü, am dudaklarımı emip, diliyle de deliğime sokarken, artık kendimi tutamaz olmuştum ve inlemelerim yüksek sesle çıkar olmuştu. Ben de Erkutun yarağını ağzıma alıp yalamaya emmeye başladığımda, “Ohhhhh muhteşemsin teyze!” diyerek inlemeye başladı. Az sonra da, “Aağğğıııhh geliyorumm teyze!” deyip birden fışkırmaya başladı. Büyük bir kısmını yuttum, bir kısmı ise yüzüme, gerdanıma ve göğüslerime bulaşmıştı. Dönüp yerden külodumu aldı ve göğüslerimdeki döllerini sildi, sonra da başını göğüslerime yasladı, 10 dakika kadar öyle kaldık. Ama Erkutun elleri baldırlarımda ve apış aramda dolaşmaya başlamıştı bile, amımın dudaklarını okşarken bir parmağı amımın deliğine girmiş sokup çıkarıyordu, içim akıyordu…
Ben de Erkutun yarağını sıvazlamaya başlamıştım ve avcumun içinde sertleşerek büyüyorken, amım da tekrar vıcık vıcık olmuştu. Artık dayanacak halim kalmamıştı ve “Teyzesinin bir tanesi, gir artık içime, sikini sokkk, parçala dağıt amımı, ne zamandır hasrettim yarrağa, hadi dayanamıyorumm, sok şunu sokk!” dedim. Erkut da hazırdı, kazık gibi olmuş yarağının damarları şişmişti. Birden bacak arama yerleşti, bacaklarımı kaldırdı ve uzanıp göğüslerimi emerken yarağı da amımın dudakları arasında gireceği yeri arıyordu. Erkut göğüslerimin uçlarını ısırırken birden yüklenerek yarağını köküne kadar amıma soktuğunda çığlığı bastım. İçimde öylece bir müddet durdu. O an amımla Erkutun o koca yarağını sarmıştım. Erkut yavaş yavaş çekip hızla amımın derinliklerine sokarken nasılda böğürüyordu. “Ohhh teyzem benimm!” diye diye bastıkça, ben de kalçamı iterek daha derine girmesini sağlıyordum… Artık ikimizin de inlemeleri birbirine karışmış, ikimiz de zevkten uçuyorduk. Ben durmadan, “Ooohhh, Teyzesinin bir tanesi, parçala, sok, yırt amımı, sok!” diye bağırıyordum. Derken Erkut birden hızlanmaya başladı, şak, şak, şak sesleri hızlanırken ben kaçıncı orgazmımı yaşadığımı bile sayamamıştım. Ama birden Erkut, “Patlıyacam teyze!” dediğinde, bacaklarımla Erkutu sardım, amımı kasmaya başladım ve “Patla, içime patla teyzesinin bir tanesi!” dedim. Erkut o an öyle bir yüklendi ki, içime ılık ılık fışkırmaya başladığında ben de bitmiştim, o ne müthiş patlamaydı öyle! Sikini amımdan çıkarmadan öylece üstümde kaldı. Bir süre birbirimize sarılıp yattık. Sonra kalkıp beraber duş aldık… O gece de benim yatağımda beraber yattık ve 2 kere daha sikiştik. Ertesi gün Erkut eve gelir gelmez beni yatağa atıp üzerimdekileri parçalarcasına çıkarıp tekrar sikti. Artık canı her çektiğinde evin her köşesinde sikiyor beni. Ohhh be, yarak hasretinden yeğenim sayesinde kurtuldum.

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dayanılmaz o iri poposu

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dayanılmaz o iri poposu

Dayanılma iri poposu


Slm arkadaslar ben istanbuldan hakan anlatacagım anılarımdan 1 tanesidir ben ist da oto alım satım ve tamir işleriyle ugrasıyorum bir gün işyerimdeyken tanıdık geldi akrabası sigorta acentası acmıs hem ticaret hemde ziyaret tanısma falan maksatlı gittik ist neyse bürosuna gittik güzel karsıladı güzelsohbet agırlama güzeldı neyse bayanın ismi arzu hanımı şöyle tarif edeyim sizlere arkadaslar yaklasık 130 kilo agırlıgında 170 boylarında esmer asırı kilolu olmasına ramen cok sempatik birisiydi bası kapalı biriydi neyse arzu hanımla aradan gecen günlerde hem ticaret hemde arkadaslıgımız baya ilerledi beraber dısarıya cıkar yemek yeriz gezeriz ve gecen günlerde arzu hanıma ilgi duymaya basladım ama ona hic belli etmiyodum ve ona karsı sex fantazilerim olusmaya baslamıstı süper poposu vardı hemde cok iri ama hayal kurmaktan ötesi olmuyordu neyse arzu hanımla sohbet esnasında hakan tatile cıkmıyomusun dedi bende yanlız cıkmak istemiyorum yanımda bayan arkadas olursa cıkarım dedim oda gülümsedi ya senden bi ricam var dedi mersine gidecem yanımda annem ben gidecez ama kendime uzun yolda güvenemiyorum işin yoksa sende bize eslik etmeni istiyorum bende işlerimi halledeyim bakarız dedim yola cıktık baya ilerledikten sonra baktımki arzu hanımda bana ilgi duymaya baslamıs olacakkı veyada ben öyle zannetim canım falan konusmalar yapıyodu bana neyse mersine vardık evleri vardı mersinde yattık dinlendik o gün mersinede gitmemizin sebebi yakın bir akrabasının düyünüymüs dügün günü gelmişti bende kendime sac sakal tırası olmaya gittim elbiselerimi giyindim arabayla arzuyu almaya evlerine gittim süper siyah abiye elbise siyah coraplar mükemmel makyaj ve ona baka kaldım hadi şöför bey gidelim dedi esrili sekilde ve sikim dikildi inmek bilmiyo salona geldik iceriye girdik dans falan derken düyününde sonuna gelmiştik arzu bü aksam cok güzelsin dedim oda bana tşk etti sende cok yakısıklısın dedi neyse akrabaları dügün yemegi icin bir restonta yer ayırtmıslar arzu sende arkadasında gelsin dedi arzu sanki icimi okuyomus gibi yo ben gelmiycem hakanı biraz mersini gezdireyim dedi ve dünyam benim oldu ona bu aksam acılmak vede iri poposundan sikmek istiyodum kısa mersin turu yaptıktan sonra kuru yemiş meyva falan aldık eve geldik anlasılan oda benim gibi dayamıyordu sanki meyve sularını koydu bardaklara cerezler meyvalar masaya servis yaptı oturduk arzu güzel bir müzik ata sohber ederiz dedim oda radyoyu acar acmaz slov bir parca calıyordu hemen aya kalkıp kusura bakma düyünde seni dansa kaldıramadım dedim oda önemli deyil simdi dans ederiz dedi aya kalktık dans etmeye basladık artık dayana mıyordum elimi beline attım ama artık ne olursa olsun deyip dudaklarını daldım bi durdu sasırdı bana baktı eliyle belime bastıp devam dedi hemen elimi o hayal ettigim iri poposuna soktum ve siyah elbisesini cıkarmadan yukarıya dogru sıyırıp domalma pozisyonu aldım göt deligini yalamaya basladım kafam götünün icinde kayboluyordu amına yalamaya basladım arzu cıldırıyordu 16 santımlik sikimi emmeye basladı hemen yataga gittik bacaklarını ayırıp sikimi amına sokmaya basladım arzu artık kendinde deyildi sokup cıktıkca sular gelmeye baslamıstı o hızla hemen domaltıp iri götüne sokmaya basladım inanın anlatılmnaz bir zevk icindeydik sabahın aydılıgına kadar sikiştik yaklasık 3 posta attım ozamandan buzamana oda evlenmedi bende hergün sevişiyoruz herkeze tşk bu arada zaman ayırdıgınız cin tsk

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Working behind the bar

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Working behind the barSo my mother got me a job collecting glasses at the local pub she worked at. She would collect the used food plates from the restaurant side of the pub and help the chef in the kitchen. I was only allowed to collect the food plates and glasses at the time as I was too young to serve behind the bar.I don’t have very big boobs, but I do have a very round curvy sexy ass. I am not what you would call good looking or attractive as none of the boys ever asked me out while I was in school. This has all changed now I work in a pub. The dirty old men are always looking at my ass and making pervy comments about my ass.The chef was a bit of a dick and would always talk down to my mother and make me do all the dirty jobs he felt were below him. My mother just said we needed the money so just work around it and keep our heads down. There was one customer who used the pub and the restaurant, he was a big man, white going a little grey and had a very attractive wife. They would use the pub most nights as he would arrive around 4 and have a couple of beers whilst he waited for his wife to arrive around 6ish. They would eat and then leave.I found out he was a very good friend of the gaffers and that is why he used the pub trying to drum up trade by posting his meals on Facebook and many other sites. He would always look at me but never pass comments or act pervy around me like the other men his age.My mother explained to me that the gaffer of the pub was ill and people had been saying cancer would take him before the end of the year. I didn’t fully understand what this meant to us but just said yes I understand and continued my job as normal knowing soon I would be 18 and could work behind the bar serving instead of just collecting glasses.The Gaffers friend spoke to me the one night and introduced himself as Dan, he explain how he was feeling sad as his friend the gaffer was struggling with the illness and would be leaving us soon. Most people in the pub seemed sad, but I didn’t fully know what was going on and just did as my mom instructed and kept my head down and got on with my job.The gaffer passed away shortly after my discussion with Dan and the pub was put up for sale. Dan was showing interest in taking the pub over and had told my mother he would look after us and our jobs would be secure. Then it was announced the pub had been purchased by Asians and it was going to be turned into a grill house an sports bar.The chef left that day walked out saying this pub is doomed and he would never work here again, most of the bar staff said they would stay. The new gaffer arrived, he was a very attractive looking Asian businessman who just looked like money, he had this way about him that made me feel he was better than me, but he was very nice and spent time talking to all of the staff.I explained how I was old enough now to work behind the bar and serve drinks instead of just collecting plates and glasses. He really seemed to like me and made me feel really good an excited about zonguldak escort my new position at the pub. My mother told me she had been offered a job working with the chef and would get me one when she could, but explained I needed to continue where I was until this happened.Day one of working at the new bar without my mom there to make me act like a good girl, and the old chef and gaffer being gone and the new gaffer in place. The shift went well and Dan the old gaffers friend turned up and chatted to me for most of the night, he really made me feel sexy as he complimented me on my body and told me I looked very sexy for most of the night. I must admit my virgin pussy was on fire by the end of the night after all of this attention.Then Dan left and I started to clean the pub ready to close up and leave for the night. That is when the new gaffer came down and started talking to the staff and watching them as they cleaned the pub and got everything ready for the next day. I noticed how he looked at the girls and would not hide the fact that he was looking at your ass as you bent over to wipe and table, or move into a position so he could look down your top as you placed the glasses in the cleaning machine.I am not sure if this was because I was so horny from the attention Dan had been giving me all night, or if it was the way the new gaffer walked around almost as if we were his slaves and he was our master. But all I know is my pussy was dripping into my knickers by the time I was ready to leave work.We live in the same street as the pub, so I only had a couple of minutes walk across the road and upstreet 10 doors until I was safely home. My mother now worked a good 30 minutes away so I knew I had the time to flick my bean before she got home. My orgasm was strong but my Fantasy involved Dan for most of it then the new gaffer towards the end, but boy did I climax, my body shook and writhed around on the sofa for a good 5 minutes while the electricity surged through my body.This went on for about a week, Dan would be there every night, he didn’t dine now so his wife didn’t turn up, so he was all mine every night, he really was seducing me just a little bit every night, my pussy was dripping before he left to go home. Then I had the new gaffer standing over me watching me work making sure he ogled my body and looked at me as if I was just a piece of meat for him to use.I would get home every night before my mother and flick my bean until my pussy had orgasmed at least 3 or 4 times. I had no idea why these 2 old men were having such an effect on me, but my body was on fire whenever I was around them. I tried to talk to my mother but she was so tied up in her new job she didn’t have time for me.Then one night about a month after the new gaffer had taken over my whole world changed forever. The bar staff had been removed at the end of each week if they didn’t meet the standards of the new gaffer they were got rid of. I had always been a hard worker so I knew I was safe because escort zonguldak this was just normal for me to clean and make everything look good.The thing I had noticed was as the old bar staff had been removed the Asian gaffer had filled their position with Asians from his friends or family who he knew would be no problem for him. I was one of the last members of bar staff still working for the new gaffer. That is when he asked if we would be happy to wear a uniform when we worked for him. Now there was only 3 original bar staff working there, and we were all young girls around 18 to 20 years of age, all very slim with average tits, slim waists and very tight curvy bums.It was clear the punters came into the pub to ogle our bodies while eating the Asian food and making themselves feel good. I really did have a thing for Dan and would probably have allowed the old white man to seduce me and make me his slut, but the events that happened over the next week really made me into the person I am today.The new gaffer had the 3 remaining young girls clean the bar, while we cleaned the bar we noticed several Asian men sat around drinking and pointing at us making very rude comments. I asked the other girls what was going on, they said they had no idea, but it was making them feel a little scared.The gaffer then called me over to his table and introduced me to his 4 friends. He motioned for me to move towards him, which I did without hesitation. I then felt his arm around my waist and his hand on my ass as he walked me into another room. I was now in the lounge area but the pub was empty and I had no idea why he had done this.He then turned me to face him and kissed me. I was a little shocked as I felt his hands on my ass as he groped and squeezed me bum cheeks whilst lifting me onto the bar. He told me to look to my left and see what my friends in the other room were up to. I moved my ass across the bar and looked into the mirror which was only a couple of inches away.I could now see the two girls I worked with being groped and kissed by the old men who were sitting in the bar with the new gaffer. I felt him walk up behind me and his hands moved up my body towards my breasts. I held my position and just allowed him to grope and feel my breasts whilst I watched to see what happened to the other girls I worked with. I could feel his very large cock forcing its way between the crack of my ass and the folds of my pussy. I just pushed back against him and continued to look into the mirror allowing me to see what was happening in the other room.The old paki men just seemed to feel they owned the two young white girls as they groped and abused their bodies. I could see the girls were now naked and being fingered by the old perverted paki men while they stood around them and jerked their large brown cocks towards their faces.The gaffer was now moving his hands under my clothes allowing him to feel my pert breasts but very large hard nipples, my soft smooth bottom and legs seemed to really zonguldak escort bayan excite him as his cock seemed to throb between my legs as he seemed to devour my body with his hands.I pushed back to meet his thrusts as I watched the old men strip the other 2 barmaids in front of me in the mirror from the lounge to the bar. The girls were soon on their knees sucking the old men’s cocks as the younger men moved in from behind and slid their young powerful hard cocks into the girl’s white willing pussies.This made me hold my breath for a second as I felt the gaffer lowering my knickers and making sure I lifted my feet to allow him to remove them fully. I was pushed slightly forward to allow him to slide his big brown cock into the folds of my pussy. I don’t think he knew I was a virgin and his big cock would need some time to enter my tight little pussy.I tried to explain this to him as best I could as I watched the 2 young girls I worked with being fucked and abused by a group of old and young Muslim men. He just forced me further forward to allow him a better angle to enter my virgin pussy. I squealed and begged him to stop as his large brown 12-inch cock penetrated my virgin pussy. I really felt like I wanted to run away and hide so this large cock couldn’t enter my body, but the other part of me wanted to allow him to use and abuse me as he liked.I looked into the mirror as the pain washed over my body as his large brown cock took my virginity. All I could see was large white breasts being groped, sucked and fucked by multiple Muslim men. The girls seemed to be having orgasm after orgasm as the Muslim men used and abused their bodies, there was no love or affection, the Muslim men just fucked and abused their white bodies as if their hate for us would allow them to control us.I had to turn my eyes to the side and close them as my first virginal orgasm took over my body and made it go limp. The gaffer just held me onto his large brown cock and continued to fuck me like I was just a silicone sex doll. I could tell I had no meaning or worth with him, he was just using me for his pleasure allowing him to dominate another slut white girl.I was being fucked and used for sex by a man who hated me and was just using me for his pleasure. I could see my 2 work colleagues being used and abused by men who hated them and just wanted to degrade them to make them feel better, but this just made the whole thing so much sexier and the act so much better than just normal sex between white people.I looked at myself in the mirror as I could see the gaffer behind me pounding his cock into my virgin pussy. I could see him calling for his family to come and see him fucking his new white slut. I could also see the other paki men treating my friends like sluts, but this just made me want more and made me need to allow them to treat me in this way. The gaffer was now slow stroking me to allow the people walking into the room to see his cock fully fucking my virgin little white pussy. they could all see the blood from my virgin pussy, so they all really got excited knowing I was a virgin and their paki cocks would be the first to have me. What had I allowed to happen to me, and why was I happy to allow these men to use me in the way I knew they were going to

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Partly True, Partly fantasy

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Partly True, Partly fantasyPart of this is true. I did have a college roommate that was drop dead gorgeous, and I did suck him twice when we were drunk. And I was wearing lingerie. But he got angry after the 2nd time saying: “I’m not gay and we can’t do this anymore”. But he used to still pinch my bottom when no one was lookingI had a roommate on college. He was this really tall well built guy who always had these perfect girlfriends coming around the house. I was the small frail nerdy guy, who was only 5’7 and 138 pounds. I was a secret crossdresser that Doug didn’t know about. When he was with some girl in his room, I would go into my room, lock the door and get all dolled up and pretend I was the girl with Doug. While they would beat against the walls, I was use my dildo on myself and fantasize about Doug fucking me. But that is as far as that went.Doug, who was more of a Fabio kind of guy, was getting all kinds of attention during the school. When the first summer came around and many of the girls went home, Doug was depressed, hanging about the house in the evenings, watching TV, complaining about no chicks around. He was very sad. One evening he said he was going out and wouldn’t be back until tomorrow to hand out with some friends. I took the evening to play dress up while I had the little house we rented to myself.I took a bath, shave all over, and then got out and put on this white bra, garter, teddie with a snap, stockings, and white heels, some makeup, and jewelry and pranced around in front of this mirror that was by the front door. I looked ever like a sexy sissy. Satisfied of how I looked, I then went and got a beer and a fashion magazine and went to the living room, put on a record, and curled up on the couch to look at all the dresses the women were wearing in the magazine. I imagined I was one of them, boldly walking downtown, or in the mall dressed so feminine. I sat down again and this time went through my Teen Beat magazine, and it had pictures of all these sexy boys and I was feeling very horny. I loved boys, sexy boys but I had never acted on my impulses. By now I was on my 3rd beer, and I decided to go and get this tekirdağ escort bayan lavender dress that I owned and put it on and modeled in front of the mirror by the front door again. I was just wiggling my but in the mirror and admiring myself with I heard the keys in the door and in walks Doug!He was surprised as I was, and he looked at me, paused, smiled, and said “hum, and I thought I wasn’t going to be lucky tonight”. I was lost for words, and Doug said “I suspected this about you, and I was never sure I should ask. I found panties and bras hanging in your bathroom before and I first thought there were from the girls I had over, but I soon realized they were yours”. I said “I can explain,” feebly and I felt like such a weakling. He took my hand and walked me over to the couch, looked at the magazine I was reading. I had womens day and teen beat. He laughed and said: “You’re a sissy, and you like boys.” I looked down, feeling so ashamed and embarrassed at being caught with my secret. Doug then said “your secret will be kept with me, but there will be a catch. Since most of the girls have gone home for the summer, you will be my girl when I can’t find one. And to be my girl, I require constant servicing. My cock needs to be drained at least twice a day, and I hate masturbating. What I really like is wet sloppy blow jobs. So…” I looked at him, because I had never done this before and said: “I, I…. I have never done that before”Dough smiled, and took my hand and placed it on his cock which was growing in his jeans and started rubbing it with my hand. It felt huge, much much bigger than mine. He moaned and then he took his hand off mine and I kept rubbing it. I looked at his face and eyes and he peeked though his closed eyes and said “Do you like that? “ and I said “I do like it”. I loved how big it was growing. He whispered: “Pulled out my dick, and kiss it. I got on my knees and I quickly unbuttoned his levis, and pulled them down, and though his boxers were this huge bulge that I pulled out of them and his huge 8” dick pointed right at me. It was big and veiny and the head was a perfect mushroom. I leaned forward escort tekirdağ to look at it closely. I had never seen such a beautiful dick before. I leaned closer and kissing the tip, and it sprang up, and I kissed it again, and it sprang again. I giggled and then licked it, and it sprang ever harder. I took a deep breath, and then licked my lips to moisten them and started suckingOnce I started sucking him all dressed like a sissy, it was like a kind of Euphoria set in, and I was completely lost in all this. It was like nothing else mattered in the work, just his dick, my mouth and being a girl for Doug. I reached up and grabbed his butt and pulled his crotch and dick close and started to deep throat him. I wanted him, and I needed him and I wanted to be his sissy!!I was sucking him deeply and passionately when he pulled out and said: “It’s time for me to make you my real girl”. He led me down the hallway to my bedroom and led me to my bed, and said: “Lets see what you are wearing underneath that dress”. I quickly slipped out my dress and tossed it onto a chair in my room and stood there in the Teddie, Bra, Garters, Stockings, and Heels. He came close to me and ran his hands along my waist, my thighs and my bottom and slapped it. Then he moved in front of me, and leaned down to me and kissed me softly at first, and then aggressively. I know what he wanted, and I wanted to give it to him.I turned and hopped on the bed in a seductive pose and he disrobed the rest of the way and came on the bed next to me, and kissed me again, and pushed my face towards his throbbing dick. I quickly took him into my mouth and made love to it, sucking, licking and kissing it. He moaned with pleasure and said: “Is my little girl ready for Daddy Dick?” I said: “Yes!” He then told me to get on my hands and knees and he came around behind me, unsnapped my teddie crotch, and he started rubbing my tiny hole. He said: “stay right there” and left, and came back with something he rubbed all over my hole, and then inserted into my hole and then he got behind me and felt his dick up against my tiny hole. He pushed gently against it with the head of his dick tekirdağ escort and I felt a little pain, and he pushed more and I felt the head enter into my boi hole. He positioned himself a little closer to me and said: “Baby, take my dick, all the way” and I breathed in and held it and let it out and he pushed all the way in. I could feel his balls resting against the opening of my hole. I thought Oh My God, I’m a total Sissy Faggot!!He grabbed my hips and started fucking me, slowly at first and methodically. I wiggled my ass for him and tried to meet each of his thrusts by pushing back against him each time he pushed in. We kept doing them for almost 5 minutes, and I felt my hole getting stretched out and it became less and less painful. And I realized my tiny penis that was flopping around was dribbling pre-cum! I was getting so excited!! He pulled out and rolled over on his back and said: “Get on top and ride my dick, sissy” so I straddled him and lowered myself onto his throbbing dick and got him all the way in, and then started riding him like a cowgirl rides a pony!! He pulled my face to his and kissed my deeply and was fucking me at the same time, and he said “You’re gonna be my in between bitch from now on, right?” and I said: “Yes!” I rode his dick until he yelled “I’m cumming!” and he filled me with his hot semen, and I became his sissy bitch then. I kept riding him until he was finished cumming, and we laid there spent. We talked for a little while and how he loved the way I looked and what a sissy slut I really was. I told him how handsome I always thought he looked and how jealous I was of all the girls he hooked up with. He told me: “Don’t worry, you will always be my very special girl, the secret girl” and then he kissed me. Then I got up to pee and when I came back me was leaving to his room and he said: “I have a date tomorrow, but I want you to be dressed like a sissy all day for me until I leave. And, I want you dressed as a sissy whenever you are home and not going to work from now on. I said “Yes I can do that”. And he went off to bed.I reached into my closet and pulled out a baby doll night, and changed into that, and hopped into bed. I felt his semen leaking out of me onto my bed and I wiggled my ass on the wet spot to feel the stickiness and I rubbed my hand on it and rubbed the semen all over my chest and arms. I wanted to feel him all over me, and then I fell asleep

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Tranny used in the woods

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Tranny used in the woodsI just had to share this as I realised one of my ultimate fantasies at the weekend.A couple of weeks ago I met a guy online (Mark) and we met up and had some fun together. A few days later he got in touch again and said he was going dogging and he wanted me to join him. I do this from time to time, so we made arrangements to meet at his house for me to get ready and then go out on the Friday night to a known dogging location not too far away.I thought it was going to be just the two of us, but when I arrived at his house there were another three guys there. Iwas a bit surprised but pretty realxed about it – at least I knew I’d be having some fun and not another night of wandering around horny and hoping someone turns up to play.After some quick introductions I joined them for a drink and a bit of a chat and then said it was time for me to change. Mark showed me to a bedroom and I started to get ready. I’d bought some really slutty clothes that I got myself into – a black latex vest top with a full zip down the front, black pvc suspender belt, latex stockings, a teeny black mini skirt that just about covered my bum and a black lacy thong with a some sexy heeled boots. Make-up on and blonde bob wig in place I felt so sexy – and looked a bit more of a domme than I’m used to – although I’m certainly not!I got a fantastic reaction when I returned to the living room and seemed to be getting the guys horny as I gave them a twirl and a little flash of my bum under my short skirt.We started to get ready to leave when one the guys (Alex) said that he also need to get ready – at that he stripped completely nude revealing a very hot slim body that was smooth all over. I thought he was going to get into some trans clothed too, but he just slipped on a coat and shoes!The sivas escort five of us made our way out – Me, in my slutty outfit under a long coat, Alex, nude beneath a coat and the other three guys fully dressed.We went in two cars – me with Mark and Alex – and the other two guys leading the way. I sat in the back with Mark and as Alex drove we made out and got really into the mood. Mark told me that he had a bit of a fantasy to play out and explained that he wanted to pretend I was his sex slave for the night. How could I resist that offer? It was oneof my top fantasies.We arrived at the picnic site on the edge of the woods and there were quite a few cars there – probably mostly other doggers! Before we got out of the car, Mark pulled a dog lead from his pocket and attached it around my neck. I got out of the car and he removed my coat so I was exposed in my slut wear and locked my hands in handcuffs behind my back, The other guys had parked their car opposite us and they turned on their headlights on full to make sure we were totally illuminated.Alex then got out of the car and Mark told (ordered) him to take off his coat and leave it in the car. It was really cold, but I was totally in the zone, so barely noticed. Mark slipped out of the coat and joined us in front of the car – despite the cold his cock was already getting quite hard!The other guys joined us and we walked a short distance to the edge of the woods and found a path into a clearing about 50 metres in.Mark and the other guys pulled out their cocks and started to get hard and ordered me to lie on my back and for Alex to lean over me and shove his cock into my mouth.. He was a sexy smooth guy, so I wasn’t going to resist. As I sucked on Alex’s cock the other guys started to spank his bum that was raised above escort sivas my head and then finger his hole. I was so hard, but my hands were cuffed behind me so I couldn’t do anything at all.One of the guys came round to me then and started to rub my swollen cock, then ripped of thong and poured oil (some sort of lub I guess) all over my cock and rubbed it around my bumhole. They dragged Alex around and between my legs and he started to rim me, pushing the end of his tongue into my hole – it felt amazing.The guys were all hard by now and taking it turns to get sucked by me – deep and rough – fucking my mouth!A few onlookers had arrived from the car park and were also starting to approach, feeling my body and stroking my cock as they wanked off and got blow jobs from Alex.Mark then got up and grabbed the doglead, pulling me to my feet and led me to a tree. He removed my handcuffs and then pulled my arms around the otherside of the tree and re-attached them, so I was locked to the tree. He pulled down my tiny skirt, so my bum was fully on show and grabbed my from behind, forcing his cock against my bare, oily bum and feeling my hard cock and balls with his hand. He got me to bend over and instructed Alex to lick me again and get me ready. Alex licked and oiled my bumhole and then slid a finger in and started to finger fuck me, then adding another finger until I was relaxed and ready for a cock!Mark pushed me lower to the ground so my bum was poking into the air and I couldn’t see anything at all apart from the ground. The next thing I felt was a sharp slap across my buttock and then a cock slowly entering me. I was so horny by now and my cock started to dribble cum as I writhed as the first guy fucked me. Two more guys fucked me in the same way before Mark uncuffed me an turned sivas escort bayan me around, ordering me onto my knees and other guys approached and started to fuck my mouth – wanking and then cumming really hard into me, so I was dribbling their come.I’d made four guys cum by now and was bursting with horniness, but Mark then pulled me to my feet again and reattached me to the tree with the cuffs. Then veryone just wandered off – leaving me fixed to a tree in the woods with cum drying around my mouth and my bare bum sticky and throbbing.I didn’t say anything and just let it happen and they left me alone for what seemed like 30 minutes. I was freezing!Eventually, just Mark and Alex came back – Mark dressed and Alex still naked. Mark said it was time for the m to have some fun now. He unshackled me and got me get onto my hands and knees on the ground. Alex did the same in front of me and pushed his bum back into my face, which I started to lick and rim greedily as I stroked my cock. I then felt Mark’s cock stroking against my bum and he pushed it inside me – I could tell he was bareback, but too horny to care by now – and he got into a steady, hard rhythm. Alex turned round and put his cock in my mouth and they DP’d me until both had come – in my mouth and bum.I still hadn;t come myself and was deperate too, but Mark just ordered me to grab my skirt and thong and led me back to the car park by the dog lead. I was just holding my skirt and thong, so walked back through the car park with everyting on show, including a huge erection!As we got to the car Mark ordered me to sit on the bonnet, spread my legs and start wanking. The guys in the other car were in the same place and once again they turned their lights on us for everyone to see. Alex had put his coat back on, but he came over and leant in and started to kiss and feel me as I stroked my cock, moving his hand low to tease my hole with the end of his finger. Mark just stood and watched. As you can imagine I came quite quickly and VERY heavily.What a night!!!

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Try Me

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Try MeI came home from riding my bike in the scorching midday sun, feeling heated and a little dehydrated. It was my own fault; with temperatures reaching over 100 degrees, it might not have been the most ideal time of day for outdoor exercise, but I was a bit pressed for time. I was supposed to enter a race next week, and as I was still recovering from a mild case of the flu, I had taken out my bike and made a fifty-mile practice round in the hills to see if I was up for it. I was worn-out and a bit sore, but it felt good and my time was even better than I had hoped. I was confident that, if I ate well and hit the gym every day, I’d be back in shape for the race.I parked my racing bike in the garage, took off my shoes and walked back to the house. As I entered the house, it appeared to be deserted. I called out to say I was home, but there was no response. It wasn’t that unusual, and it didn’t necessarily mean there was nobody home. My sister was probably in her room, talking on the phone or listening to her music, and who knows what my parents were up to. I was racking my brain trying to remember if mom had said anything about being away today or if she’d left any instructions for dinner. Maybe there was a memo from her on the fridge. As I walked into the kitchen, I was greeted by the smell of my mother’s famous lasagna cooking in the oven. There was no note, but at least I knew I wasn’t expected to do any cooking today.I poured myself a large glass of Gatorade and then chased it down with a glass of water. A quick glance at the kitchen timer told me there were still thirty minutes before the lasagna was done, so there was ample time for me to grab a shower. I ran upstairs, pulling off my shirt as I went. The light was on in the bathroom, but the door was ajar. Without thinking, I pushed open the door and entered the bathroom. What I saw inside, stopped me dead in my tracks and made my jaw drop.Right in front of me was my mother, sitting on the rim of the tub and calmly painting her toenails. She had a towel tied around her breasts, but it did little to protect her modesty. Because of the way she was sitting, with one foot on the floor and the other up on the rim, I was staring right between her legs. To my shock, I was being treated to a breathtaking view of my mother’s naked pussy. I could see all of its forbidden glory, from her immaculately shaven pubic mound to her puckered asshole, and just about everything in between.There was no way mom could not have noticed me standing in the doorway, but she didn’t acknowledge my presence and kept applying red lacquer to each of her little toenails. She didn’t even close her legs or covered her pussy up in any way. The sight of her naked sex was incredibly alluring, and even though I was well aware this was my mother I was gawking at, I could not stop myself from looking.I don’t know how long I was standing there; I had lost all track of time as I studied the intimate details of my mother’s sex. It was the first real naked pussy I had ever seen, and I thought it was the most intriguing, and in its own way, beautiful thing in the world. She had fat outer labia that were parted slightly, just enough to reveal the fleshy fold covering her clit and her wrinkly inner lips. The smaller inner lips protruded a little from the outer lips and had a soft coral shade that contrasted beautifully with the pale, milky skin that surrounded them.The thing that struck me most was how perfectly smooth she was. There was not a single little hair on her mons or pussy, and not even the slightest trace of stubble. Either she had it professionally done, or she had shaved her pussy just prior to me barging in.“What’s the matter, son?” mom suddenly asked. She had finished painting the nails of her left foot and was now looking at me, not in the least alarmed or angered by me ogling her. In fact, as she sat up, she opened her legs a little wider. The subtle, but calculated move exposed even more of her forbidden treasures. The chubby outer lips parted a little more and the dainty inner lips opened like a flower. I could now see the glossy pink inside of her vulva and all the delicate folds and ridges designed to give ultimate pleasure to an invading cock. With a bit of a shock I realized that my mother’s pussy was soaking wet, and it was not from the shower.I hurriedly mumbled an apology and averted my gaze, ready to dash to my room, lock the door and jack off until my cock was raw, and my balls were dry.“Go ahead, look at me” she said softly but decisively.I turned my head back and saw my mother was still sitting on the rim of the bath, now leaning back against the tiled wall. She had her hand on her hairless mound and was slowly rubbing her finger over the fleshy fold at the top of her pussy. I wasn’t sure if I could see her clit between her lips, but there definitely was a wrinkled opening where a cock would go. As she moved her fingers over her clit, the little hole opened and closed, like it was winking at me. It seemed so small, so… tight.Like her lips, the hole was slick with moisture. As if to illustrate exactly how aroused she was, a tiny bead of juice formed at the entry of her vagina. Like in slow motion I watched the droplet trickle between the pink folds and from there down to her asshole. With a bit of embarrassment, I realized I was imagining what it would feel like to rub the slick juice into her puckered-up asshole.My cheeks were burning, and I stepped back, ready to flee before I embarrassed myself even more.“Don’t go away so fast, Mark. Don’t you like looking at me?” Mom said as she continued to finger her pussy for me.“No, of course not” I stammered.“That’s not a nice thing to say to a girl. Do you think I’m ugly?”“No… I didn’t mean it like that, mom”“So, you do like it?”“I guess” I whispered, my voice cracking.She withdrew her hand and closed her legs. I was feeling both disappointed and relieved that the inappropriate peepshow had ended.“That’s a little better…You still need to learn a lot about women, son”I stammered another apology, not sure what to do or say.Mom smiled at me with pity, and finally put her foot down on the ground. She got up, and for a moment I thought the awkward conversation was over, but then she reached for the knot that secured the towel around her breasts and gave it a little tug. The piece of cloth fell to the floor and now my mother was completely naked. Then she placed her right hand on her hip and transferred most of her weight onto that leg, while slightly bending the other at the knee. Posed like a model, she instinctively emphasized the glorious curves of her mature, feminine figure.Once again, I was aware that this was my mother and that I really ought to avert my eyes, but I just had to keep looking, and admire her voluptuous body. She was cursed with the same alabaster skin as my sister. It was almost translucent pale and it forced them to stay in the shade at all times to avoid a severe sunburn, but god, did it look good naked. From her auburn hair to the freshly painted crimson toenails, I could not find a single imperfection.I had always known my mother was a good-looking woman, but I never could have suspected she was so absolutely breathtaking. Posed like she was, her body seemed like it was made of the purest white marble, like a masterly sculpted statue of a beautiful goddess. Her breasts were perfectly round and remarkably firm and full for a woman in her late thirties and mother of three. The milky white globes were adorned by a pair of extremely kissable nipples with dimpled areolae in a reddish shade of pink that stood out beautifully against the creamy skin and matched the coral shade of her pussy lips. Looking down I noticed her stomach was still tight, despite her pregnancies. There was a slight definition of the abdominal muscles, but enough padding to give her a pleasing, womanly figure.At the place where her long legs met, the soft curves of her lower abdomen flowed into the swelling of her pubic mound. Because of the way she was she was standing, I couldn’t see much of her pussy. Only the top of her cleft and part of the clitoral hood were visible, the dainty inner lips were completely hidden. Her closed lips gave her pussy a clean look that couldn’t be more different from the raw, aroused way she had displayed it earlier. Clean or raw, I loved it.It suddenly occurred to me that I was taking way too much time gazing at my mother’s naked body and quickly looked up. She was looking into my eyes and I got the feeling she could read my every thought. I felt my cheeks blush.“So, you ‘guess’ you like my pussy?” she asked, smiling again.“No!.. I mean… Well…ehm… You’re my mother… and…” I stammered, struggling to think while my subconscious was still drinking in her nakedness.She gave me a sly smile and said, “Let me tell you a little secret; all mothers have pussies.”“I know, but…”“Let me ask it differently. Do you want to fuck me?”“No!” I gasped.“Are you sure?”“Yes!”“Because your pants are telling me something quite different.”I looked down and had to acknowledge the fact that my cock was erect, and very visibly so. In fact, instead of concealing my erection, the spandex cycling bottoms I wore only emphasized it. I wished I was wearing a sturdy pair of jeans instead of the tight bottoms, or at least still had my shirt on. Anything to cover up the obscene tent in my shorts.“Sorry mom”“Don’t sweat it, it’s only natural. Besides, it is the most sincere compliment a handsome young man can pay a woman.”“Err… you’re welcome?”Mom chuckled softly and turned her back to me. She placed her right foot on the rim of the tub and she began to paint the other set of nails. I knew she wouldn’t allow me to leave, so I stayed there and watched as she put on another show for me. It was obvious that painting her toenails was just an excuse to show off her body; she was deliberately flaunting her long, shapely legs and firm round ass. Glancing over her shoulder, she gave me another seductive smile and then bent over a little more and slightly tilted her hips. I felt my cock throb as this move exposed her asshole again, along with the lower part of her pussy.The fat outer lips looked even more swollen than before. They were parted slightly, just enough to show off the coral pink folds between them. There definitely was a sheen of wetness on her lips and inner thighs, indicating her state of arousal.After a painful minute of silence, mom spoke again. “I can feel your eyes on me. Are you imagining how good it would feel to push that stiff cock of yours deep into my wet, hot pussy?”I now knew ‘no’ wasn’t the right answer. ‘Yes’ didn’t seem right either.“I can’t do that, you’re my mother”“You can’t? Or just don’t dare to?”I was completely lost for words, again feeling the urge to run away.“There’s nothing wrong with a little fantasy, son… But let me reveal another secret to you: Even mothers love to have their pussies fucked by a big, hard cock.”“Not by their sons!”“You’re probably right for most mothers, but… You can never be sure, can you?”“I…”“Why don’t you just try me?” she said, arching her back, and pushing up her ass even more. She was clearly offering her pussy for me to fuck.It was like something inside me snapped, and I stepped into the bathroom. Halfway the room I had freed my cock from its tightly stretched confines and with two steps more I was completely naked. My erect cock was standing up proudly, bigger, and harder than it had ever been. It was drooling precum and ready for action, eager to penetrate its very first pussy. With one more step, I was behind my mother, my cock in hand, the tip only an inch from her heated sex.I think part of me was still expecting her to stop me, but as a virgin who was dying to experience his first fuck, I simply had to go for it. My cock made contact with the delicately soft wetness of my mother’s pussy and then I felt her velvet lips part and kiss the tip of my cock. As I slid the swollen head between her slick folds, not quite knowing what to do, my cock caught the mouth of my mother’s vagina and nestled itself against the tight, little hole.My heart was pounding. I could hardly believe it; I was one thrust away from being inside a real pussy and forever ending my life as a virgin! As I pushed my hips forward, mom’s pussy opened up and let me in. It was unbelievable, just awesome. For a wonderful moment part of my cock was enveloped by my mother’s heavenly vagina. She was tight, but I slid in smoothly, helped by my precum and her own copious lubrication. I was only halfway in and the feeling of her pussy already surpassed even the best wet dream I ever had. In fact, it was feeling so good, I was already beginning to worry about cumming prematurely, when mom suddenly jumped up, turned around and slapped me in the face.“Now what kind of girl do you think I am?” she hissed as she stepped back and covered her body with a towel. “Go to your room and think about what you just did”Just before I exited the bathroom she called for me again. She had covered most of her body with the towel again and almost looked decent. “Dinner is in 20 minutes”I retreated to my room, ashamed and utterly confused. I really thought mom wanted to have sex with me. The signs had been clear; she even said she wanted it. But then she didn’t and slapped me. And on top of that, the next moment she acted like nothing had happened, like she wasn’t angry at all.My cock had rapidly deflated after my mother’s sudden and forceful rejection, but now that I was reliving the series of events that led up to me having my penis in my mother’s pussy, it was growing back to full hardness. The skin was still moist and sticky from her lubricating juices and I could actually see how far I had made it inside her.Not even half my cock, just the first two and a half inches had penetrated my mother’s pussy, and for only a fraction of a second. I didn’t even know whether I was technically yozgat escort still a virgin or not. Not that it mattered, I could never tell anyone I sort of fucked my mother anyway. But the sensation of her slick, tight pussy had made a lasting imprint on my brain. I could still feel how smooth and hot she had been and how her muscles had embraced my shaft once I had pushed the bulbous head past her tight entrance. I longed to feel it again and could only imagine how incredible it would feel to be fully inside and slide in and out, truly fucking her and, oh god, flood her insides with sperm.I wiped my finger through the gooey residue that coated the end of my penis. The juice was a bit like saliva, but thicker and more slippery. However, it was fast becoming less slick and more sticky as it was drying rapidly. More than ever, I wished I was limber enough to suck my own cock and be able to sample my mother’s female juices. But after years of trying, I had reluctantly learned to live with the fact that I couldn’t.As I was studying the sticky coating, I heard mom shut the bathroom door and walk down the stairs. It reminded me that this whole adventure got started because I was going to take a shower before dinner, so I tucked my cock back in my shorts and nervously got back to the bathroom. I dreaded to return to the scene of the crime, but I really needed that shower. The light was off, but still I knocked and waited a full minute before I dared to enter. Even though I knew mom was in the kitchen downstairs, it was a relieve that there was no answer. I quickly took off my dirty gear and jumped under the shower. I soaped up my body and washed off the dried sweat and dust.As I washed my lower abdomen and then my steel hard cock, I realized that there was no way it was ever going to soften unless I released some of the excess pressure my balls first. My soapy hand was no comparison to my mother’s velvety pussy, but it did the job. Literally within seconds, I was firing thick ropes of cum at the glass screen. Despite it being a much needed and incredibly satisfying orgasm, I knew one cum was not enough to keep my cock down. I kept pumping my fist until a second orgasm followed only minutes later.The second time I came, my load was just as big and shot out with equal force as the first. My heart was pounding and my head was spinning, but my cock was at last deflating. I knew there was a lot more sperm left in my balls and I doubted if I would be able to keep my cock in its flaccid state for long when I had to face mom. Dinner was in less than ten minutes, so I had to take the risk. Besides, the water was beginning to cool and I had to get out the shower anyway. I quickly rinsed off the soap and shampoo, washed away all the incriminating globs of sperm that were oozing down the frosted glass and got out of the shower.I quickly dried myself off and put on a fresh set of clothes. As I opened the hamper to drop in my sweat stained cycling outfit, I saw a red lace thong d****d neatly on top of the dirty laundry. It was mom’s used underwear and she had obviously laid it there for me to find. I picked it up and caressed the delicate piece of fabric. The narrow gusset was soaked with mom’s slick juices. I rubbed my finger over the slippery fabric and inhaled my first whiff of pussy. I can’t really say it smelled nice, but I liked it. My heart was pounding, and my cock was swelling again. The scent alone was making me feel delirious with lust and I had to jack off again.The third time it took me a little longer to finish and, not surprisingly, I was late for dinner. My parents and sister had already started eating when I came down the stairs. I apologized and sat down next to my older sister, opposite our mother. I thought it would be difficult to face mom, but she was still behaving as if nothing had happened and tried to do the same. Lost for conversation, I started shoveling food in my mouth. My sister was chattering almost continuously, so my silence didn’t attract any attention.Of course, when I was sitting at the same table as my mother and had to look at that perfectly shaped body of hers, barely hidden inside her dress, another stubborn erection was inevitable. I had put on a pair of jeans that might be able to restrain and conceal any unwanted erections, but my cock and pants were struggling. I think I managed to keep my hardon hidden from my sister and father, but mom, she knew.As soon as dinner was over, I excused myself and ran off to my room. My cock was so hard now, it was hurting like hell. I opened my fly and my cock almost burst free. I retrieved the red thong from under my pillow and deeply inhaled the aroma of the moist gusset. A few dozen strokes later, I was cumming into a tissue. I really had to fuck someone for real, and as soon as possible, or else I was likely to go insane from all the pent-up lust.I went to bed early that night but couldn’t get any sleep. The feel of my mother’s soft pussy kissing and squeezing my cock was still too real, and for that matter, so was her hand on my face. Over and over I kept reliving the events, trying to make sense of it all. At some point, I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I knew was waking up from a dream. I remember that I was back in the bathroom with mom. We were both naked on the floor and she was on top of me, plunging that deliciously tight pussy up and down my cock. She was moaning and whimpering and kept telling me how much she loved to fuck her son’s big hard cock.Even though it was just a dream, it was prime evidence of how much I needed to feel my mother’s pussy again. The only way for that to happen was to fuck her for real. For that, I needed help.I couldn’t ask my sister, to whom I usually turned whenever I had girl related questions. She could always tell when I was lying, and she would kill me once she found out what I wanted to do to our mother. My friends wouldn’t be of much help either; they were as clueless about girls as I was. Still, they were my only choice. There was only one of my mates I trusted enough to ask for help. That friend was Chad.I’d known Chad for almost my entire life. I knew most of his secrets and he knew most of mine. Even if he couldn’t help me, it might be the****utic to tell him my story. My plan was to stay as close to the truth as possible without revealing it was my mother who I sort of fucked.The next day I managed to get to him alone and I related my story. I concocted a story about me sleeping over at a friend’s house and having an accidental encounter with this friend’s naked sister, who then lured me into her bedroom and spread her legs for me. In my story the sister then told me how much she loved to fuck and that I should try it with her. I told him that I got in bed with her and between her legs, but that when I pushed my cock inside her, she slapped me in the face and told me to get out of her room.Chad’s reaction was not quite what I expected.“You’d better not be talking about MY sister” he hissed, his eyes flashing with anger and his body tensing up as if he was ready to punch me in the face.I quickly reassured him, surprised by this unexpected burst of hostility. “No man, of course not. I can’t say who it is, but she is older than me”“I am older than you” he said, hinting at the fact that his twin sister would also be older than me.“No, I mean like a LOT older”He looked at me for a while, searching for evidence of me planning to get inside his sister’s pants. There was a fierce anger burning in his eyes, but it faded quickly as he apparently found no sign of me wanting to defile his sister.“Okay then. Because if you were, I’d have to kill you”“Yeah right”Again, I saw a flash of anger in his eyes. For a moment I feared he wasn’t joking and might actually hurt me.“I swear. Honestly, it’s not her. Relax”“Okay.”“Right”He sat down and sipped from his glass of coke. He was thinking for a moment, mulling over the story I told him.“So, this girl came to you naked and just asked you for sex?” he asked matter-of-factly. If he had any doubts about the truthfulness of my account, he didn’t show it.“Not exactly, I walked in on her. Accidentally”“Naked?”“She, not me”“And then she asked you to fuck her?”“I couldn’t believe it either.”“So, did you?”“Of course. Didn’t get far though”“Because that’s when she slapped you?”“Yes. Quite hard too”“Wimp”I punched him in the shoulder. A little too hard, but he deserved it.“Chill, dude, just k**ding! Anyway, do you want to know what you did wrong?”I sat down again and waited for him to enlighten me.“Do you remember my dad’s magazines?”Of course, I remembered them. We were mere boys when Chad discovered his father’s hidden collection of erotic magazines. A three feet high pile of the finest smut ever created before the invention the internet. Not only were there lots of old playboys, but also European magazines that showed absolutely every detail of the female body and all the nastiest kinds of sex imaginable. Over the years, my friend had made a small fortune lending the dirty mags to our mates in school, but I could borrow them all for free. I studied them all, multiple times. It was great jack-off material, but I just couldn’t fathom how a stack of dirty magazines was going to help me get into my mother’s panties.“Yeah, why?”“Haven’t you learned anything from the letters and articles?”“To be honest, I never really paid much attention to any of the… eh… articles”“That’s exactly what I mean. In case you hadn’t noticed, girls are more than tits and pussy.”“I know that! I’m not an idiot”“You have to chat them up first, you know, get them horny”“Believe me, she was horny. Dripping wet pussy, hard nipples, everything. She was horny.”“Okay, but did you kiss her?”“No” I said. It hadn’t even occurred to me to do that.“Did you feel her up? Touch her or play with her boobs?”“No…” I repeated a little insecure.“Did you kiss her pussy or make her cum?”“…no…” I whispered, beginning to feel like an idiot.“You didn’t even finger her?”I shook my head, reluctant to admit I hadn’t done that either.“Are you beginning to see a pattern here?”I nodded sheepishly.“So, you practically ****d this girl and you think it’s strange you got slapped in the face?”“It… It wasn’t like that…” I stammered “She really wanted it”“That’s what all r****ts say” he joked.I punched him again and he conceded, laughing.“Do you know what you did wrong?” he asked after a minute.“I guess”“Remember to do those things first. Don’t try to fuck her like an oversexed virgin”“Who are you calling an oversexed virgin?” I scowled.“Will you see her again?”“Of cou… eh… I mean yes, I think so”“If you get another chance, remember to do all those things and you’ll get to fuck her for sure.““For sure?”“If there’s any truth in all those magazines, it’ll work. I promise”Two days later, I had another chance. It was a Saturday afternoon and mom had just returned from playing tennis with her friends. Like the first time, my dad and sister were out, and mom was in the bathroom. I knew she had been in there for over half an hour now. For the last five minutes I had been pacing back and forth in front of the door, gathering the courage to push it open. The words of my friend resonated in my mind, but every time I had myself almost convinced, I felt mom’s hand slapping my face, and my resolve to enter the bathroom waned. Finally, I decided to go ahead, took a deep breath and pushed open the door.“Well, that took you long enough” mom said, looking up.She was sitting on the rim of the tub, just like last time, and like before, she had one foot raised in front of her and the other on the floor, her beautiful pussy once more completely exposed. The only difference this time was that, instead of lacquering her toenails, she now was shaving her long legs. Also, there was no towel hiding those gorgeous firm breasts.“Huh?” I asked eloquently.“I was expecting you.”I guess my return was a bit predictable, inevitable even. Offer a virgin teenaged boy the faintest possibility of sex, and he’s bound to grab that chance with both hands.Her forwardness was intimidating, and I almost regretted opening that door.“Please, if you want to come inside… close the door. You do want to… come… inside, don’t you?”I obeyed, too embarrassed to react to her obvious double entendre.“Did you want to say something?” she said, smiling mischievously and at the same time subtly spreading her legs a little more. The hairless outer lips parted and again I was treated to a view of the beautiful coral pink interior of my mother’s vulva. There was no need for that move, other than her wanting to expose herself to me. It both scared me and made me want to fuck her even more.I took a deep breath and walked up to her. “I eh, I wanted to try… you…”Mom looked at me for a second and chuckled.“You wanted to try me?”“Yes… please, mom?”“Sure, baby” she laughed.I knew she meant well, but the way mom was laughing only made me feel even smaller and more insecure than I already was. Nevertheless, I took her hand, and pulled her onto her feet. Taking the biggest gamble of my life, I pulled my mother in my arms and kissed her right on her mouth. When my lips touched mom’s, I half expected her to slap my face again, but she didn’t. It gave me just enough courage to open my mouth a little and lick her lips with my tongue. Almost immediately mom opened her mouth and let her tongue snake out to play with mine. I was surprised to learn that my mother was such a great kisser. I had kissed a few girls before, but never had it been as intensely erotic as this. The fact that this time I was holding a stark-naked woman in my arms, might have helped too.I was so absorbed by the kiss, it was only after some time that I remembered there were other things mentioned in the magazines, things I had to do as well before I could make another attempt at penetration. Following Chad’s instructions, I wrapped my arms around my mother’s waist escort yozgat and pulled her firmly against me. Moving with me, she pressed her naked breasts against my chest and slowly humped my leg with her hot pussy. While our tongues continued to play, I moved my hands further down her back. They were trembling as I moved past the small of her waist and towards the flare of her hips. Then, as I still didn’t get slapped, I moved even lower and reached the forbidden territory of my mother’s bare ass. I excitedly grabbed one round cheek, then moved across the gap and felt the other. She moaned softly into my mouth and adjusted her stance, so her pussy was now rubbing directly on my erection. I was beginning to believe things might actually going to end well this time.While I continued to fondle and grope mom’s fine ass with one hand, I moved the other up the front of her body. Taking another big gamble, I moved over her breast and cupped it in my hand. My mother’s breast was as soft and smooth as it had been in my dreams and surprisingly full and firm. I felt her erect nipple dig into the flesh of my palm and I moved my hand, so it was in reach of my fingers. Mom groaned softly, her voice dripping with lust as I pinched the rubbery tip.Mom’s hands moved down to my ass and held me tight while she ground her inflamed pussy on the bulge in my pants. It was obvious she was getting very horny, easily as horny as she had been the first time I tried to fuck her. Things were progressing exactly as planned, and my chances of losing my virginity today were looking better by the minute, but I knew I wasn’t there yet. Most importantly, I had to give her an orgasm before I could make another attempt to penetrate her. At this point, the fear of getting slapped had almost faded completely, so I made my next bold move. I moved my hand to the front and grabbed my mother’s pussy.My heart skipped a beat as my fingers touched the moist lips of my mother’s aroused sex. Her pussy was the softest, most delicate thing I had ever felt. It was hot and wet and wonderful. Mom moaned in my mouth as my fingers explored her dripping wet sex. Encouraged by her reaction, I let my finger run all the way down to her moist entrance. Mom’s pussy seemed eager to take me in, but I dared not push my fingers inside her yet. The parts I needed to stimulate first were further up.Chad had kind of explained the secrets of the female anatomy and what to do with it. It all seemed quite easy and logical, but I found out that in real life it was a lot harder. For starters, most of her pussy was so soft and delicate, I could hardly discern between all the folds and bumps, making it a lot harder to find her clit than I expected. I could, however, find the hood and rubbed my finger over it, hoping this would also stimulate the little nub hidden underneath it. It did elicit another muffled moan, so I kept repeating the move over and over again.It wasn’t long before mom was humping against my hand and I decided it was time to take that dip inside her. Her hole I could easily find, and I pushed my middle finger into her up to the second knuckle. I waited for a second to gauge her reaction and then began to push my finger in and out of the hole while I also kept rubbing my thumb over the clitoral hood.By now I was kissing her, rubbing her clit, fingering her pussy, and groping her breasts as well. I felt like I was juggling with too many balls and began to fear I might have bitten off a bit more than I could chew. However, mom did seem to like what I was doing, so I kept going as best as I could. She was moaning almost continuously, but even after a couple of minutes of fingering she didn’t seem to be cumming soon. I was beginning to feel worried, as I was aching to take that next step, and really had to make her climax first. Making a desperate move, I got on my knees and faced my mother’s sexy pussy. I kissed the smooth mound and then tickled the clitoral hood with the tip of my tongue.Mom was obviously surprised by my sudden move, but she sat down on the rim of the bath and spread her legs as far as she could, giving me complete access to her pussy. Her clit was hard to miss now. The little pink nub was peeking out from under its hood, and stood out between her lips for maybe a quarter of an inch. Chad assured me that if I kissed and licked a woman there, an orgasm would be inevitable.I took a deep breath in anticipation of closing my lips around the top of her slit. The arousing scent emanating from her pussy was overwhelming. There was a hint of floral perfumed shaving cream, but mostly I filled my lungs with her natural female fragrance. High on her pheromones I placed my lips right on her clitoral hood. Mom involuntary pushed up her hips and pressed her moist lips against my mouth. As I opened my mouth to give her another kiss, suddenly found myself eating her pussy.I don’t know what I expected, but I was surprised to learn mom’s pussy tasted a little bitter, a little sweet, and also a little like fish or maybe lobster. Like the scent of her panties earlier, it didn’t taste nice, but I liked it. The moment I tasted her juices, my cock throbbed and a big squirt of precum soaked the front of my pants.I was compelled to lick her again, to taste more of her, and to give her more pleasure. It was obvious mom appreciated my enthusiasm, as her hands grabbed my head and held my mouth firmly positioned on her pussy. I lapped my mother’s lips and kissed her clit until her legs began to quiver. It looked like she was going to cum soon, and I was beginning to feel quite confident. I took her clit between my lips and sucked while my tongue circled around the little nub. She uttered a series of high-pitched moans and then she came. Her legs closed around my head, trapping me as she shook and trembled. Her pussy became even wetter when she climaxed, positively gushing her hot liquid into my mouth as I licked and licked and licked.I knew I had accomplished the first part of my mission when I made her cum, but just to make sure I kept licking, fingering and sucking until she came a second time, less than a minute after her first.“Please honey” she gasped, “I’m too sensitive right now” as he pulled me away from her by my hair.I backed away from mom’s pussy and waited for her to recuperate.“Did I do it right?” I asked.She looked at me funny and didn’t answer. I was unsure of what to do now.“Can I f… try it now mom?” I finally asked.She just chuckled and closed her legs.“Please mom, it’s beginning to hurt”She stood up and wrapped a towel around her chest. Walking out of the bathroom, she shook her head and said “Now, what kind of man are you?Mom left me alone in the bathroom, puzzled and ashamed. I was sure I had done everything described in the magazines, and done a decent job too. By all rights, I should be fucking my mother’s pussy now, not standing here with a severe case of blue balls. If possible, I was feeling even more confused than the previous time. Before I left the bathroom, I checked the hamper again. Like before, there was a pair of freshly worn panties on top. While sniffing the panties, I rubbed out a quick and very unsatisfying orgasm.Just like the first time I tried to fuck her, mom behaved as if nothing had happened. Dinner was still very awkward, but not as bad as the first time. I even managed to say a few words. However, at night I replayed the event over and over, trying to find out what went wrong, and why she might have reacted the way she did. Again, I was lost for answers. The next day, I talked to my friend again. Though his advice had so far done little to help me losing my virginity, he was still my only choice, my only confidant.“I did everything you told me. I kissed her, touched her, her breasts and pussy. I even licked her down there and I made her cum twice, but she wouldn’t let me fuck her”“Are you sure you made her cum? Wasn’t she like, faking it?”“Of course I’m sure, I mean, she was moving around and moaning just like when she’s fucking dad and-”“She’s fucking your dad?” Chad interrupted me.“Well, I mean…“ I stammered, searching for an answer to explain everything without revealing my secret.“I see” Chad said. “This woman you almost fucked… You’re talking about your mother, right?”“No!” I stammered, blushing.“It’s okay… I understand.” he said. “Really… I understand”The way he emphasized those last words told me he was serious.“You understand? You mean you… your mom?”“Gross! Eh, well, if my mom looked like yours, I might. But she’s not the one I’m talking about”“Then who are you talking about”“Promise you won’t tell anyone?”“Scout’s honor”“Fuck you”“Okay, I promise”Chad hesitated for a moment, then said only one word. “Jessica”“Jessica? Your sister Jessica?” I asked.He nodded, smiling with pent up pride at his forbidden conquest.“Wow! You fucked Jessica?”“Sure, we’ve done it like a hundred times now”“Wow…. and I thought you were still a virgin”“Yeah, well… fucking your sister is not really something one boasts about”“Yeah, I know.”“I guess you do.”“Won’t she be mad you told me?”“Not if we tell her that you fucked your mom. Sort of. Or want to, at least.”“You can’t tell her that!”“I think we should”“Why”“Don’t you understand? You need female advice, and Jessica is the only girl that might understand your situation.”He was right. Reluctantly I followed him upstairs, to his sister’s bedroom.Jessica was sitting at her desk, working on her laptop and turned around as she heard us enter. Chad’s twin sister was looking like any ordinary, slightly-above-averagely attractive girl. While nowhere near as sexy and curvaceous as my mom, Jessica still had a nice body, and hidden below her blouse was a nice set of small, perky breasts. Until now I only regarded her as my friend’s nerdy sister, but now I couldn’t help but imagine her naked, riding her brother’s erect cock towards orgasm. I even wondered whether she shaved her pussy or not, and if her scent and taste were as intoxicating as mom’s.Chad’s sister looked at us for a second and I swear, it was like she could read my mind. The smile on her face disappeared and she crossed her arms shielding her chest from my view.“OMG! You dweeb! You told him!” she said, angrily addressing her brother.“Yes, I did, but-““How could you? I specifically asked you not to tell anyone!”“Yes, but-”“Do you know what will happen if they find out about us?”“Of course I do”“Then how could you be so stup-““He needs your help Jessie” Chad interrupted his sister.“Why?”“He needs female advice and you’re the only woman we can trust.”“And why should I help him? Is he blackmailing us?”“He wants to have sex with his mother”“…he wants what?” she gasped.“We need your help, so Mark here can fuck his mom”Jessica looked at me for a moment, dumbstruck. Something in my demeanor, probably my red cheeks and stupid grin, led her to believe her brother was sincere.“Your… mom?” she asked.I nodded.“And you need my help?”“Yes, please”“Okay… but why? I mean, what can I possibly do to help?”I told her my story, the complete and true story. She listened carefully and without judging me, just laughed softly as I related getting slapped in the face. After I had finished my story, I asked her if she knew what I did wrong.“You made her cum, that’s a good thing. It took him quite a few more times to achieve that” she said, pointing at her brother who was looking rather embarrassed.“Yeah, but it didn’t work. I mean not as it was supposed to”“Oh, but that’s not where you went wrong”“What’s that?”“It was when you asked her. You should have fucked her”“But when I tried fucking her without her permission, she slapped me in the face”“Yes, but you didn’t just ask her; you were begging. There’s nothing more pathetic than a man begging for sex, especially when she’s as ready as your mom obviously was”“Then what should I have done?”She thought for a minute, searching for the right words.“Well… first you need to… be gentle” she began, “and always take care of her needs, but also… be a man, be strong. I don’t mean, like, force yourself on a girl, but make her want you and then take her. Don’t be a wimp; if she’s ready, you should go for it. And if she isn’t in the mood or if there’s anything else, you’ll know soon enough.”I went home feeling a little wiser and with new hope. As I entered the house, I was greeted by my dad and sister who were watching TV in the den. I greeted them back and then walked on to the kitchen, where my mother was working on our evening meal.As I came in, she stood with her back to me and was stirring vigorously into a sauce pan. I had a admit she was looking extremely sexy in her simple red dress and white apron. The scarlet fabric clung to her shapely body, and the string of her apron emphasized the luscious curves of her slim waist. But by far the most beautiful was her fine ass, which was wiggling alluringly as she was whisking the sauce. Although I knew we weren’t alone in the house, I decided to take a chance and put Jessica’s advice into practice. This time I would show mom I could be a man as well as a lover.“Hi mom” I said as I stepped up to her, nuzzled her neck and gave her a kiss from behind. She was surprised by me greeting her like that, but didn’t tell me to stop. I reached underneath her apron and fondled her breast through her dress while I kept planting kisses in her neck. To my delight I felt that mom wasn’t wearing a bra under her dress. Her nipples were still slumbering, but they roused quickly as I rolled them between my fingers. I could feel the little bumps her hard nipples were making in her dress.My hips were pressed against her tight ass, and I made sure she’d feel my hard cock as I kissed her. She groaned softly and although she tried not to, I felt her push back against my erection.“No Mark, not now” she whispered.“Shhhh” I said, grabbing her breast again.“No, your father and sister are home”“I don’t care, mom” I said. “I want you, and I know yozgat escort bayan you want it too”Mom protested again, but the tone of her voice was telling me something quite different from the words. There was a need, expressed by the huskiness of her voice, a need for cock. It seemed mom was always ready and always horny. I kissed her neck again and moved my other hand between her legs. Mom groaned softly as I pressed my hand against her pussy and rubbed it back and forth. Even through the multiple layers of cloth, I could feel the damp heat of her aroused sex. She was too far gone to stop me. Despite her continued protests, she placed her feet a little wider apart, giving be better access to her pussy.I kept kissing and nibbling her neck and hiked up the front of her dress at the same time. It wasn’t long before I reached the hem and I let my hand slide down the front of her panties. Her arousal was undeniable; her lips and clit were already swollen with need and moist from her juices. I reached down into her wetness and with my now slick finger I made circular motions around her sensitive little clit.Mom groaned again and really pushed her ass against my erection. Her body was begging for penetration, but I wasn’t going to give in just yet. The last time I made that mistake, it resulted in me getting slapped in the face. It was a lesson I learned the hard way, and I hadn’t forgotten it. I pushed two fingers into her hole and moved them in and out while I simultaneously rubbed her clit with my thumb. With one hand on her breasts, one on her pussy, my lips in her neck and my hardon between her butt cheeks, mom was being attacking her from four sides, and finally she submitted. Less than a minute later, I felt her body tense up and then she groaned softly between her clenched teeth. She did her best to stay quiet, but it was hard to miss her orgasm. The moment she came, her dripping pussy gushed around my fingers, soaking her panties with a hot flood of juice.While mom was still a little wobbly on her feet, I turned her around, so we were face to face. She looked at me with lust burning in her eyes. I pressed my lips against hers and she kissed me hungrily and ferociously. She was almost ready. While I kept kissing her, I first untied her apron and then began to work on her dress. I soon had loosened the upper row of buttons and then freed her milky white globes from their scarlet cloth prison. I kissed my way down mom’s throat and collar and then latched on to the swollen tips. I sucked her nipples and kissed her breasts and then tore open the last couple of buttons of her dress and let the flimsy garment fall from her shoulders.My mother was now naked, except for a pair of burgundy silk and lace panties and the high heels on her feet. I kneeled in front of her, grabbed the sodden pair of panties with both hands and pulled them down, past her knees and let them drop on the floor as well. She stepped out of the pile of clothes at her feet, and as I looked up, I was once more staring directly at her beautiful bald pussy. I kissed her smooth mound and tickled her clitoral hood with the tip of my tongue.I wasn’t really satisfied with how much I could do with her standing up, but then, while I was trying to think of a way to get her to sit down so I lick her better, mom raised one leg, kicked off her high heels, and placed her foot on my shoulder. Balancing on one leg, she gave me the best access to her pussy as she could. While it was still a little awkward to eat her out in this position, I was able to both lick her coral lips and suckle on her clit. When I also pushed my finger inside her, she quickly came again.Mom forgot all about our family in the den as she came and moaned aloud. I could feel her struggle to keep her balance and it was only by holding on to the countertop with both hands that she managed not to fall over. She could of course remove her foot from my shoulder and place it on the floor, but that meant I had to stop licking and fingering, and that was something she definitely did not want.After I had given her one more orgasm, I got back on my feet and gave her another kiss. At the same time, I opened my pants and pulled out my erect cock. Then I took mom’s hand and wrapped her fingers around my shaft. She looked at me with hungry eyes as she stroked and caressed my erection. She was ready. I knew this was a crucial moment. Remembering Jessies words, I knew this was when I had to be firm and show her I could be a real man.“Suck my cock, mom” I told her.To my relief and surprise, she nodded and then kneeled in front of me. She pulled down my pants and underwear and began to massage my cock and cum-filled balls.“Suck it” I groaned between my teeth.Mom obeyed. She opened her mouth and placed a kiss on the tip. Her lips were so soft on my cock as she kissed and licked my shaft and my balls, taking them into her mouth one by one. Then she moved back up and closed her lips around the head and sucked gently. Though I didn’t have any reference to go by, I knew she was giving me a first-class blowjob.Just when I thought nothing could feel any better than this, she swallowed, and my cock sank deep into her throat. Her full, red lips kissed my pubes and I knew she had me all the way into her gullet. My own mom was deep throating me!The feel and view of my mother sucking my cock was almost too much and I could feel the cum in my ball was beginning to boil. Again, I was unsure what to do: ask her if I could cum in her mouth, or do it without asking. I decided the best choice was to only give her a warning. If she didn’t want to swallow my cum, she could stop now, or else she could keep sucking. That way I could be firm, and gentle at the same time.“I’m gonna cum” I grunted.Mom looked up and nodded. Then she moved her head back and my cock slipped out of her mouth. She kept her hand around my shaft and slowly jacked me off until I almost came. I felt a bit disappointed that she wasn’t going to let me cum in her mouth, but then she closed her lips around the head again and applied a strong vacuum. With one hand she rubbed quickly up and down my shaft, while the other fondled my balls and even tickled my asshole. I came almost instantly.I could barely grunt “Cumming, mom”, before I felt my pelvic muscles contract and that first wonderful wave raced up my cock.Mom let me ejaculate my entire load into her mouth and then she swallowed every drop of sperm I had given her. Even when my cock stopped spitting, she kept sucking and massaging me. A minute later, I felt new blood flow to my penis and I knew I would stay hard. I stepped back and pulled my cock from my mother’s mouth. She licked my cum off her lips and swallowed one last time.“You taste great, baby” she whispered, and then she stood up.It was now or never.“I’m going to fuck you now” I told mom after she got back on her feet.She didn’t slap me this time, she didn’t even protest. Instead mom turned around and presented me her beautiful naked ass. I placed my hand between her legs. My finger easily penetrated her dripping pussy. Mom was moving her ass in circles and whimpered softly as I finger fucked her.I knew it was going to happen now. Mom was ready for it, and so was I. Like the first time, my cock found my mother’s pussy hole on its own. The dainty lips parted, and my glans settled against her tight entrance. I took a deep breath and then I pushed. Mom made no attempt to stop me. Not when I entered her and not when I bottomed out a fraction of a second later.I needed a moment to appreciate the feeling of finally having my cock all the way inside my mother’s vagina. There were a thousand new sensations to process, each one even better than the last. My mother’s pussy was tight, soft, slick, wet, hot, and alive. Just having my cock inside her was the best thing ever, yet it paled in comparison to the explosion of pleasure I felt when I started to move in and out.Immediately my instincts took over and I started to fuck my mother. First a little unsure and shaky, but I soon found the right motions and with it came confidence. My hips hit her round ass on every thrust and the soft squishy noises of her wet pussy were drowned out by the slapping sounds of our bodies colliding and soon also by her increased moaning.It wasn’t long before her moans reached that high pitch I had heard so often late at night and her pussy was squeezing my cock as the muscles went crazy. I tried to keep thrusting, but with her shaking like that, I lost my mark.While she was still trembling from her orgasm, she turned around and kissed me passionately. Her hands were on my cock, trying to get it back inside her. Being quite a bit shorter than me, she had to stand on her toes and still had to bend my cock down in a painful angle to maneuver the tip between her lips. Getting it inside her was almost impossible.After a couple of unsuccessful attempts, I grabbed mom’s ass and lifted her onto the countertop. She leaned back against the wall and readily spread her legs for me. Now her pussy was at a perfect height for me to enter, but before I took her again, I gave her dripping pussy another couple of licks and then kissed her milky breast and hard nipples. I bit her softly and pulled on the stiff tips with my teeth. To my surprise, mom really liked a little pain, and by the time I was finished, her breasts were covered in bitemarks.As I stood up again, mom d****d her arms around my neck and pulled my face to hers. She gave me a hot kiss and while I stood huddled over her like that, she made an impatient grab for my cock. With one hand she aimed my penis at her wet hole and used the other to pull me into her. Mom groaned softly in my mouth as my round glans slipped past the tight entrance of her moist vagina. She then renewed her grip on my ass and scooted a little closer to the edge. At the same time, she pulled me all the way inside her, until my pubes were mashed against the bare skin of her cushiony mound.“Fuck me, big boy” she whispered and partially released me from her grip, just enough so I could move again. I pulled out a bit and thrust in again. She kept her hands where they were and pulled me into her with each of my thrusts. Without needing to use a single word, she taught me exactly what she liked me to do. Looking down, I witnessed the incredible sight of my cock moving in and out of her beautiful pussy, her coral lips stretched around my shaft, clinging to it as it slid back and forth.While I continued to thrust deep into her like that, she moved one of her hands to her mons and pressed her index finger down on her clit and played with the tiny protrusion. With me fucking her and her own manual stimulation, it wasn’t long before she was having another massive orgasm.She kissed me hungrily, her mouth wide open as she breathed heavily and whispered commands for me to fuck her harder, deeper, and faster. Though I would have loved to obey all her wishes, the pressure inside my balls was reaching breach level. My thrusting was becoming increasingly unsteady as I inevitably raced towards orgasm. Mom noticed the change in my motor skill and rightly guessed what it meant.“Cum baby, cum for mommy” she pleaded urgently. The fingers on her clit were moving so fast, I couldn’t even see them anymore. Only seconds later she stiffened in my arms, just as a torrent of sperm shot up my urethra and flooded her churning pussy. Jet after jet I fired into my mother in the longest and most intense orgasm I ever had., and by the time I was done, I was feeling so light-headed, I was afraid I might pass out. Somehow, I managed to keep fucking her throughout our mutual orgasm and for as long as possible after, but now my stamina was fading fast and I had to cease thrusting.“That was awesome” I whispered and lowered my lips onto my mother’s. Now that the deed was done, I dropped my dominant act and kissed her affectionately.“You were great” she panted.“Did I do well?”“Awesome” she said, exhausted but proud.“Do you think we can do this again sometime?”“Anytime”My wilted cock slipped from her pussy and mom slid off the counter top. While I was still fumbling with my pants, she stumbled out the kitchen door and through the hall into living room, where my dad and sister were still watching TV. She had not put her dress back on, so her naked body and hairless pussy was visible to the entire family.“Guys…” mom stammered.One look at his disheveled and well-fucked wife was enough to get my father’s full attention.“What on earth happened to you?” he asked.“Well, I… err”As I stood in the hall, watching mom from behind, I could see a big drop of sperm ooze from her pussy. The thick string of pearly white cum dangled from her swollen lips and then landed on her thigh, where it slowly began to dribble down. There was no way anyone in the room could have missed it.“Is that… cum?” my sister asked.“Yes, it is. It’s Mark’s… Let’s say he passed the test… with flying colors”“So he did, did he?” dad said, a strange smile on his lips.Mom nodded. “Third time’s a charm”.She turned around and invited me into the living room.“Well done, boy!” Dad said as he got out of his chair and gave me a manly hug. “Welcome to the club, son!”While my mind was still reeling from my first fuck and puzzled from my dad’s unorthodox reaction, it was my sister who really turned my world upside down.”Does this mean Mark will join the rest of us?” she asked.“Yes baby. From now on, there are no more secrets in this house”“Can he fuck me next?”“Of course he can, baby. All you have to do is ask”“Neat!”“So, you‘re in this too?” I asked my sister“Oh yeah, and I’ve been waiting for you to join us. I don’t think daddy’s quite up to the task of keeping two women satisfied”My sister is an attractive girl with an amazing body. Though I had never even dreamed of her in a sexual way before, I was already looking forward to seeing her naked and have sex with her. She appeared to be just as eager as I was.“Tell me mom, is my little brother a good lover?”“Hmmm, he is baby… He’s a natural”She now looked at me and smiled, her eyes scanning my body and particularly my crotch.“So, you’re a natural, huh?”I grinned. “Well… why don’t you try me?”

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My wife, her brother and his friends

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My wife, her brother and his friendsMany of you have been enjoying looking at the photos we have uploaded of my sexy wife Carole, and also like reading the couple of stories I wrote about her, regarding her sex life before I knew her; in fact, as some of you have asked for more information about her, I am going to tell you all about what she told me regarding her very early days, when she was still at school, and how her interest in boys was aroused and developed.When she was about f******n years old, her brother David would be around twelve; unlike a lot of siblings, they did get on well together, and helped each other out with homework etc. One night, Carole went into her brother’s bedroom to ask him something, and was taken aback to see him with the sheets pushed down, his pyjama trousers round his ankles and him masturbating. As she entered his room and he saw her, David tried to hastily pull up the sheets to cover himself, but too late —- Carole had seen what he was doing. He was blushing profusely, she said, so she tried to reassure him, in fact, she says she apologised for ” interrupting his wank ” ! He was still obviously uncomfortable and so Carole encouraged him to carry on doing what he had been doing ! She says that at first he yalova escort hesitated, but when she told him that she would like to watch him masturbate, to see what happened, he relaxed. She told him that she had been to the pictures with a boy a few days previously who had kissed her, and felt her tits on the back row of the cinema. She told David that he had got hold of Carole’s hand and placed it on his dick through his trousers, but she had felt awkward as she did not know what to do. She admitted to her brother that she would have liked to have touched this lad’s penis, but felt foolish and embarrassed. Slowly, David agreed, and pushed the sheets down, exposing himself to his big sister. Carole moved the chair which was in his room and sat on it next to his bed. She says she looked at his dick, and it had gone soft; she encouraged her brother to show her what boys did to give themselves pleasure. She watched in amazement, she says, as he stroked himself, and she saw his prick swelling up; she realised that she was beginning to feel hot herself, and her heart was beating faster !As she watched David rubbing his cock, she asked him what he thought about when he masturbated; he said various girls, and named a few of Carole’s friends escort yalova whom he fantasised about. Then she says, suddenly he arched his neck and with a gasp, produced a big stream of spunk which seemed to shoot miles in the air—– so much so, that Carole says she leaned back in case it should land on her ! She said that he seemed to suddenly lose interest and go sheepish again, as he covered himself up, so she left shortly afterwards.Carole told me that when she got undressed and into bed, that she still felt really excited at what she had just witnessed and started to play with herself, thinking of her brother’s cock and seeing his spunk shoot out. She says she could not help thinking about the previous night all the next day, and decided to visit David again that night —- only this time she was going to ask him right out if he would give her another demonstration ! That night, she could not wait to go into her brother’s room again, and when she did, this time he was just reading a book. Once again, she sat on the chair by his bed, and asked him if he would show her his dick and stroke himself to an erection for her. To her surprise and relief, David agreed; putting his book down, he pushed back the sheets, and pulled his prick yalova escort bayan out of his pyjamas; Carole admitted to me that she wanted to see more, and told him to pull his trousers down; as he was struggling, she leaned over and actually pulled them down for him ! She said this did not go unnoticed by her brother who started rubbing himself faster, and looking her in the eyes, said to her :” I don’t just think of other girls, Carole, when I’m wanking, I often think of you ! “Carole said she felt herself going red, but also was flattered by what he had said. She managed to blurt out something like ” What do you think of me doing, David ?” and as he lay there wanking in front of her, he said he tried to imagine her naked; this obviously turned him on even more and as he shot his load out for her, he blurted out, ” I actually smell your knickers when nobody else is here ! “Carole said she was silent for a few moments as she took in what he had just told her and saw his sperm pumping out of his prick even more strongly than on the previous night. There was now an awkward silence, and so she left, but when she got into bed, she says her shock and initial annoyance about what David had told her about sniffing her schoolgirl knickers when he had the house to himself, actually turned to excitement and gave her pleasure to know that her brother must really fancy her to want to do that . Have to end for now, I will continue and finish this account soon. Cheerio for now, guys, Chris

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