Hawaiian Valentines “Lei” for Daddy

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Hi, thanks for clicking open my story. It’s my first story out this year as well as an official entry in LITEROTICA’S Valentines Day Contest. So please, when you get to the end of the story, take a couple of extra seconds and cast your vote.

WARNING: This is an Incest Category story that features graphic sex between family members. All sexual acts are committed by consenting adults 18 yo or older. It is approximately 11,500 words long which comes to just over 3 LITEROTICA pages. If this is not what you were expecting please click away now. To the rest of you — please enjoy!


Friday, February 8th, New Hampshire

“Is this the famous artist Katherine O’Malley?” were the first words I heard when I picked up the phone that cold February day.

“Daddy?” I asked, unable to keep the excitement out of my voice.

“How’s the weather over there in sunny New Hampshire these days?” he asked in his deep, unmistakable voice, the smiling, teasing tone clear.

“You’re watching the weather channel aren’t you?” I accused grumpily as I lifted my eyes to my apartment window and looked through the frost covered windows to the whiteout beyond.

“Gosh I miss shoveling the snow,” he chuckled.

“Shut up daddy!” I ordered.

“Here I could be tobogganing down a mountain with my favorite daughter and instead I have to spend my days swimming and snorkeling and surfing in the warm, blue Pacific waters,” he said, feigning sadness.

“I’m very busy right now father.”

“Are you? Gosh Katy I hope I didn’t interrupt you with your latest beau,” my father said, his teasing tone now full of curiosity.

“Yeah right! Its two in the afternoon daddy…it’s not like I spend my days in bed with,” I started, then quickly stopped, not wanting to discuss any aspect of my sex life, or lack of it, with my father.

“Craig said he thought you were on the verge of running off with some bearded, long haired weirdo who hunts defenseless animals,” my father answered.

“Craig?” I sputtered, now not knowing if daddy was teasing me or if my stupid brother had made up some story up about me.

“Yup, I talked to him on Sunday.”

“You did?”

“Yes, in fact he called me. I know, I know, it’s unusual for children to call their parents but once in a while my son does takes the time to call his lonely old dad,” he answered, a small complaint clear in his voice.

“I’ve called,” I protested guiltily, knowing his implied criticism was based in fact. “Besides, Craig told me at Christmas that you have girlfriends passing almost non stop through your house.”

“Girlfriends?” he asked. “And what does that have to do with my daughters continuing poor treatment of her old man?”

“It’s disgusting,” I accused, yet felt guilty the second I said it.

“This is coming from the daughter who hasn’t come to visit her father in almost two years.”

“Since you left mom, you mean?” I accused, my voice shrill.

“I didn’t call to have an argument honey?”

“Please don’t daddy,” I finally whispered. “God, I just can’t take any more…shit, why do you always try to make me feel bad?” I demanded as I felt my voice getting louder and shriller. Don’t, I warned myself.

“Things going badly honey?” dad asked, his soft inquiring tone now full of concern.

“Shit, I can’t paint daddy… not even a bloody vase of flowers…its fucking snowing here every bloody day…it’s freezing…I have no money…or prospects… I have no sex life… Christ I haven’t got properly laid in months…do you really want to know if things are going ‘baaaadly’ daddy?” The words had exploded from my mouth, unbidden, unplanned. Aghast I banged the receiver twice hard against my thigh before bringing it back to my ear. Christ, had I used the word fuck? Had I told my father I hadn’t got properly laid? I wanted to just smash the receiver back into its cradle and then run out into the snowstorm as I listened to the silence at the other end.

“Who is this? Where’s Katherine O’Malley?” dad finally asked.

I was crying, six months frustration suddenly and unexpectedly released in a torrent of tears.

“Honey, are you okay?” dad asked when I didn’t respond.

I hung up! Then I didn’t answer the phone when it started to ring thirty seconds later.

I simply sat crying in the corner of my big couch feeling sorry for myself. Wondering why I was so sad. And then I started to berate myself for taking it out on my father. Another fucking wonderful day in the life of Katherine O’Malley I thought as the tears coursed down my cheeks.

I was almost twenty-one, hell it’d be only another five days until I hit the big TWO-ONE…until I officially became an adult. Except I felt like a little girl, a lost and unhappy little girl. And I couldn’t figure out why.

I was smart…intelligent…or so everyone had always said. I’d done well in school and had my pick of colleges. And I’d found something I loved…and that I was good at. Art… Painting. Except now I couldn’t paint bursa otele gelen eskort a bloody tree let alone the thousands of visions that flitted across my mind, demanding to be put down on paper.

I was athletic and good looking… And yet I’d left a string of boyfriends lying in my wake the last two years. Somehow I’d been able to find every loser who managed to get within fifty miles of me. Okay fate can deliver the odd bad apple but when it happens again and again it’s very hard not to realize that you’ve got something to do with the problem. It’s something really great to learn about yourself, that if you’re put in a room with nine perfect men and one loser that invariably you’ll pick the loser.

And it had nothing to do with my father…or did it?

He should never have divorced mom…and I’d come to accept it as a given that all my problems started when my parents had separated. Even though I had been nineteen at the time and had finished my second year of Art College by then.

And why did I still measure every potential beau against him and my brother if he was so bad? And why did my most intimate thoughts and dreams so often include him? I mean I hadn’t even seen him since he’d left for Hawaii some eighteen months earlier.


My brother Craig arrived four hours later, having driven the one hundred miles that separated his campus from my apartment in a driving, winter blizzard.

Angry at dad for sending him I still couldn’t conceal the delight I felt when I opened the door and found his snow covered form on my doorstep.

“What are you doing here?” I demanded, my smile telling him my real feelings. “You could have killed yourself you idiot…are you crazy?”

“So, what’s going on? One of these woman’s monthly things?” were the first words from my brother’s mouth.

“You didn’t have to come…just because I hung up on him…”

“Dad said if I didn’t get my ass down here and report to him a.s.a.p. he’d…”

“He’d what?” I demanded. “He can’t run our lives any more…”

“He’d never invite me back to Hawaii,” Craig answered, then added, “and after that trip at Christmas…”

“What was so good about it,” I asked, still angry that he’d been over to visit dad twice in the last fifteen months and I’d been too proud to go. My fault — I’d declined dad’s repeated invitations.

“Surfing…hot girls… sex,” he said with a big grin.

“You were staying with dad,” I protested, pretty sure he couldn’t have slept with any girls during his ten day sojourn in the islands. But even as I said it I knew better. It had taken me quite a while to figure out how attractive most girls, heck, not just girls, all women, found Craig O’Malley.

It wasn’t that he was the handsomest guy in the world, it’s just that he has something. People like him…he’s nice…and has the cutest smile. At least that’s what my high school girlfriends had convinced me of one night when we were having a sleepover our senior year. We’d been discussing our boyfriends, guys in our class, movie stars, and then somehow my sixteen year old brother’s name had come up. And there had been immediate and unanimous agreement that Craig was hot.

“My brother?” I’d shrieked, completely mystified.

“I wish I was sixteen again,” my best friend Ellie had insisted.

“He’s almost as good looking as your dad,” another chimed in. And then for the next twenty minutes six high school girls discussed the relative sexual attractiveness of my brother and father.

And Craig’s grown out into a man since then. He has that easy casual strength a natural athlete has, a way of entering a room that attracts immediate attention. There is nothing artificial, gym fed about his body, instead he came by his attractiveness naturally — he’d inherited it from dad.

“So what’s for dinner anyway?” he asked as he shook the snow from his coat, breaking into my jumbled thoughts.


“Well if there’s no major catastrophic event that took place in Miss O’Malley’s life today maybe she could take a few minutes and prepare something for her starving brother.”

“I wasn’t expecting anybody.”

“Not even that weirdo you’ve been dating,” he asked, his teasing tone so much like dads.

“It’s your fault,” I accused. “What did you tell dad anyway?” I demanded, my finger angrily pointing at him.

“I told him that his crazy daughter has buried herself in some godforsaken town in the middle of nowhere and only dates strange, bearded guys who smoke dope and wander around half the day on snowshoes, trapping and killing any little animal with fur they find,” he answered grinning.

“I only went out with him once. Did you really tell dad about him?”

“Do they have a pizza parlor in this town?” he asked, ignoring my comment.

“We’re in the middle of a bloody blizzard,” I squawked.

“You should be living in New York City. Then at least they’re be something to do when I came to visit you.”

And bursa eve gelen escort bayan the thing was he was right! I’d graduated the prior spring, then, after a couple of weeks at home with mom and Craig, had retreated to a small town in northern New Hampshire, having convinced myself that living alone in a raw, natural environment would somehow be cathartic in the development of my artistic vision.

Except it hadn’t been. My small apartment at the edge of town, a town of only five hundred people, was a poorly furnished dump. And although I’d had a little money saved I’d soon found myself having to work as a barmaid four nights a week at ‘NAKED BEARS’, a place that catered to hunters and loggers, was decorated with stuffed animal heads and NRA posters, and which featured at least two donnybrooks every weekend. And had my ass pinched at every second table I served.

“I have some frozen dinners,” I admitted as he opened the fridge and then the freezer. “But we better cook them quickly,” I added with a grin, unable to be angry with this brother I loved.

“How come?”

“The power could go out anytime….we lose it every time we get a storm…like four times already this winter.”

He cooked six of them…my complete stock, claiming he was hungry and that if the power did go out we’d have something for breakfast. So we sat on the living room floor, drinking beers and talking as we ate. And, around eleven, pitiful little ole me realized it was the best evening I’d had since I’d been home at Christmas.

Then the power went out just before midnight! And so the two of us ended up side by side, fully dressed, sleeping on my mattress which we’d taken from my bedroom and tossed on the floor in front of the fire. And the loser and pervert that I was I dreamed of how nice it would be if we were naked! Entwined. With me fully cocked! By my brother…Sicko…

Saturday, February 9th New Hampshire

We each ate a cold Frozen Turkey Dinner for breakfast, the jellied cranberries and lumpy gravy washed down with orange juice. Yuck! Fortunately the storm had died out during the night and when we finally ventured outside around noon hour we were faced by a thick carpet of virgin snow that seemed to blanket the whole world.

“I don’t think you’ll be able to get back to school today,” I said after we’d battled our way down the walk to the road. Craig’s car, on my small driveway, was buried under a mound of snow.

“At least they’ve plowed,” he answered as we surveyed the road. “Anyway, as long as we can get out tomorrow morning we’ll be okay.”


“Uh huh,” he said enigmatically, then, suddenly laughing, turned to me and quickly lifted me into his arms and tossed me into a four foot deep snowdrift which swallowed me completely.

“I’ll kill you,” I shrieked to his retreating back when I finally managed to pull my face free from the snow. It’s not fair I thought to myself as I brushed off, heck, I’m five-nine, athletic and yet my little brother can lift me up and handle me like I’m a little girl.

But at least he had the fire blazing when I stumbled through the door five minutes later.

We took our first tentative steps to treating each other as adults that afternoon. Just casual talking …but not as older sister and younger brother but as …oh gosh, it’s hard to describe…but different. Was he going to be someone really important in my future life, a best friend…or simply the brother (and uncle to my kids) who lived in Cleveland or Philly and who I saw once a year? That afternoon we started down the path to becoming adult friends. It was kinda nice.

“Can I paint you?” I suddenly asked Craig as we sipped our beers later that afternoon.

“Me? A model?” he asked with a small grimace.

“Yes, the handsome, young, college sophomore snowshoeing across the frozen tundra,” I answered laughing, as a vision of Craig, clad in a three piece, pinstriped suit with a toque on his head flashed through my mind.

“I’m not going outside,” he promised but then asked, “and according to dad you claim you can’t even paint a vase of flowers these days.”

“Flowers are tougher than dumb brothers,” I teased back. And then, for the next couple of hours I was happy again, quickly sketching Craig from a variety of angles, somehow my artistic skill reborn. He talked easily as I worked, letting me have a glimpse inside his life as he described his school courses, his girlfriends, the music he liked, politics (something we’d never discussed), even some of his dreams.

And normally shy me tried to reciprocate, and ended up telling my little brother things I’d never told anyone.

“So where do you think we’re going tomorrow,” I asked when I finally remembered his comment from earlier about me accompanying him when he left the next morning.

“Boston. Hell, I better shovel the car out and make sure it starts before it gets too late,” he said as he stood up.

“Boston? What’s in Boston?” I asked even as my eyes roved across his stretched t-shirt, a t-shirt that did little more than highlight his muscled chest and flat stomach. Quickly flicking my eyes even lower I took in the bulge of maleness that seemed far too large for the blue jeans that held them. I quickly looked back up.

“Logan International Airport,” he answered, his face all of a sudden sporting a smug grin.

“Are you going somewhere? Do you need a ride?” I asked, now completely at sea, my mind still contemplating, estimating his size.

“Why do you think dad called you yesterday? What do you think he didn’t have time to tell you before you so rudely hung up on him?”

“I wasn’t rude…what didn’t he say?”

“That being the wonderful father that he is, he has bought his daughter, the most important person in his life”

“Hah,” I grumbled, interrupting him.

“Well after me…and I guess after a couple of those sweet little Hawaiian girls he’s been hanging out with lately,” Craig added with a smirk and a wink. “Anyway, this kind father has bought his favorite daughter a plane ticket that will whisk her away to Maui, Hawaii where she will spend her twenty-first birthday, the day she finally becomes a woman, surfing with her loving father.”

“I can’t go,” I spat out. “I won’t,” I insisted as my suddenly silent brother looked on bemusedly. “I have my art…my job…stop smiling like that,” I ordered as he continued to say nothing. “You’re not funny!”

“Here, I printed out your ticket and boarding pass before I left school,” he answered as he pulled a folded envelope out of his back pocked. “And dad expects you to bring a very nice present for him.”

“I didn’t get him anything,” I answered, then quickly reddened in embarrassment when he gave me a disapproving look. It had always been the biggest week of the year in our family- my birthday the 13th, Valentines Day the 14th, then dad’s birthday the 15th. Three days of family celebration that had provided all of us with our warmest memories, a panorama of love that stretched back twenty years.

“You can give him the picture you just painted of me,” Craig said smiling, interrupting my thoughts of happier family days.

“Why would he want a picture of you?” I muttered.

For five minutes he let me ramble on with reasons why I couldn’t possibly go and it was only when I finally stopped talking, that he said quietly, “Listen sis, I am going to get you to Gate 27 at Logan by noon hour tomorrow and that’s that. If you don’t want to get on the plane that’s your decision. Break your father’s heart if you have to.”

“You can’t make me go,” I said even as I knew with one hundred percent certainty that Craig was going to deliver me to the airport no matter what I said or did. “Why are you doing what he says? Why are you always on daddy’s side?”

“We’re both worried about you,” he answered simply.

“You are? Why?”

“Because we both love you.”


“I don’t know why…you’re a real pain in the rear end most of the time…But this is crap,” he added as his hands indicated the room in general but also in a way that made me understand he was talking about the way I was living my life.

“I am not a pain,” I insisted as I slipped into his embrace and let my tears of both joy and sadness be soaked up by his t-shirt.

He gave me my birthday present after dinner that night, and then insisted I open it then and there. “You’ll need it in Hawaii,” he said as I contemplated the gift wrapped package.

“It’s not a very big gift,” I mock complained as I suspiciously shook the small package.

“That’s for sure,” he agreed with a grinning smirk as I started to open the package.

“No way…NO…NO…WAAAAY little brother,” I promised as I held up the two pieces, the top in my left hand, the bottoms in my right. Craig laughed, insisted I try it on, told me if I wanted anyone to notice me I’d better get with it, that Hawaii was the swimming suit big leagues.

I was finally convinced to at least try it on. Here we were in the middle of February in snow covered New Hampshire and I’m dressing myself in two little pieces of cloth that didn’t have a total of one square foot of material. It wasn’t a thong exactly, the panties were more a Brazilian boy short, cut so high that half of my cheeks were spilling out. In front the thin, yellow cloth barely covered my pubic triangle. The bra, two triangles just managed to barely cover my full, round breasts.

After minutes of watching myself in the mirror, trying to see what I looked like from every angle, I finally heard Craig’s order to get back out there and let him see if it was okay.

I didn’t want to and yet of course wanted to. I was nervous…and excited. It’s just your brother, can’t hurt, I tried to convince myself when I finally opened the bedroom door.

His eyes as they opened in surprise combined with the gasped out, “Whaaat the” told me all I had to know about what he thought.

“It’s not me…it’s too…too,” I stammered, loving the effect I was producing even while pretending the opposite.

“Look out Hawaii,” he finally blurted, “shit Kate, I hope dad has a gun, he’ll going to need it to fight off all the surfer dudes who’ll be chasing after you.”

“You think its okay?”

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Best Friends Pt. 06: Cinema Fun

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The story so far: Lisa has helped her exhibitionist friend Becky pull off a fake forced streak at their campsite, but although this was successful for Becky it backfired on Lisa and she was forced to streak herself in revenge. Every cloud has a silver lining though, and Lisa ended up going to bed with a young man she had met at the campsite and finally losing her virginity…

Chapter 17 — Going Home

Lisa left Ross sleeping in his tent. They’d dozed for a little while, nude in each other’s arms, but she’d awoken soon after.

It was late now. Or early morning, Lisa wasn’t sure. Awkwardly she scrambled out of the tent, the cold night air a sudden shock on her bare skin. There hadn’t been space in the tent to dress without waking her paramour. Quickly she pulled on the hoody she’d been wearing, hoping there had been nobody around to witness her undignified exit — but all was still and quiet.

The hoody was long enough to cover her modesty and so she gathered up the rest of her clothes and tiptoed as best she could along to her and Becky’s tent.

Becky was still awake when she opened the tent flap. Her friend was nude, of course — she never seemed to wear anything to sleep in these days — but was wrapped up in her sleeping bag to keep warm.

She grinned when she saw Lisa, and grinned wider when she saw how she was dressed.

“I knew it!” she exclaimed. “You went off with that Ross, did you go all the way with him?”

Lisa nodded, smiling, as she closed the tent flap behind her. Becky squealed and sprang up, enfolding her friend in a big naked hug.

“Oh my God,” she exclaimed, “Lisa finally lost her ‘V-plates’!”

The next few minutes were filled with questions from her more experienced friend. Lisa burrowed into the sleeping bag, discarding the hoody again, for once unselfconscious about being nude in Becky’s equally undressed company. She was too tired to try to find her night clothes in the dark, she wanted to sleep, but Becky wasn’t going to let her do that any time soon. She wanted to know all the details, and it was a good hour later when Lisa finally closed her eyes and slept.

One slightly hungover packing session later, the two girls were ready to leave the campsite and make their way back home.

They’d awoken late, with Lisa’s head throbbing. She hadn’t drunk that much, had she? Although she always had the worst luck with hangovers, it would only take a couple of beers to make her wake up in the morning with a sore head.

They’d packed their stuff as best they could. With it being their final few hours on the campsite — and with the nearby lads now fully aware that Becky was a bit of a weirdo who would engineer a prank on herself to deprive her of clothes in public — Lisa noticed her friend seemed no longer to be quite so concerned about what she was or wasn’t wearing and had stepped out of their tent in the nude a couple of times before finally putting clothes on, at one stage even going on a little walk and giving a few surprised campers an eyeful.

Now though both girls were fully dressed, their tent back in its bag and their backpacks all ready to go.

Lisa left Becky with the bags and went over to the lads campsite. When the boys saw her, there were a few grins and some nudges. Clearly they’d noticed one of their number hadn’t been alone in his tent last night and although to Lisa Ross hadn’t seemed like the type to brag she doubted he’d have been coy and shy about it either.

In the event she found him kicking a ball about with another boy. When his friend saw her approach, he made a discreet exit, and the two were alone together.

“Morning,” he said, and Lisa smiled back. For a moment there was silence between them.

“About last night…” he began, but Lisa stopped him.

“No,” she said. “There’s no ‘about last night’ conversation happening now. We’re not doing that.

“I had,” she continued, “a really nice time last night. All of it. So did you. I don’t think it needs further discussion, especially not for us to have a really awkward conversation about it of the sort men and women have been having since the concept of casual sex was invented.”

Ross grinned. “Fair enough. I wasn’t sure what to make of it when I woke up and you’d left.”

“How about, I wanted to sleep in my own tent which didn’t smell of sweaty boy and sexy times?”

He laughed. “Again, fair enough. Given the choice I wouldn’t want to sleep in a tent with sweaty boy smell either. If it wasn’t for your mate, I’d have come in with you.”

Lisa laughed. “She probably wouldn’t have minded. She’d probably have been happy to have another person to act as her audience.”

Ross wrinkled his nose. “Yeah,” he said, “she’s a one. What’s the story with her, really I mean?”

Lisa sighed. “She’s an exhibitionist,” she confessed. “She sort of… gets off on people seeing her naked.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Well,” he said.


“And what about you?”

“Oh, compared to her I’m completely normal. bursa escort No weird kinks here, me.”

“Pity,” he laughed. “No, what I meant was, you helped her, you took her clothes. You made it so she had to run about naked in front of us all. Do you often get involved with her in stunts like that?”

“Kind of, yeah. She’s sort of a nudist too, and, well, I’m the only person she’s ever told this stuff too. She isn’t harming anyone. She just wants to be free to be herself. I feel like I should help her do that.”

Ross was quiet for a moment. “You’re a good mate to her,” he said eventually. “I’m glad she’s got someone like you. But just be careful. Make sure she’s not putting you into something you don’t want to be in. You ended up having to streak the campsite yesterday, yes because Steven’s a dick but also because your mate created that situation when she had you nick her clothes in the first place.”

“I know,” Lisa conceded. “But, she’s not taking advantage of me. It’s a weird thing, I get that. I wouldn’t expect anyone else to understand it. But it works for us.”

She’d kissed Ross goodbye, a proper kiss, not a discrete peck on the cheek from two people resigned to parting as ‘just friends’.

She wasn’t sure she’d see him again, she’d hopefully be off to uni in September, and Ross of course was going into the RAF, so it might be their paths just never crossed any more. But neither of them had been quite keen to just say “that’s that”, either. They’d got all sorts of ways to keep in touch. Lisa was quite keen to try ‘sexting’, for one. Taking some naughty pictures to send to a cute boy in the armed forces seemed like a fun prospect.

Becky had also said goodbye to her various ardent admirers. She’d not paired off with any of them, leaving them all disappointed and heartbroken.

Lisa wondered about this. Becky was far more experienced with boys than she was, she’d had sex for the first time when they were 15 and she’d had several boyfriends since then. Indeed, there had been a long spell in the past few years where Becky had rarely been without a guy.

But since breaking up with her last boyfriend, Ryan, almost a year ago, Becky hadn’t so much as kissed another boy.

At first, Lisa had put it down to having been hurt badly by her break up with Ryan (even though it hadn’t seemed particularly traumatic). Then she just figured maybe Becky was bored of dating and relationships for a while.

Now though she was beginning to wonder if it wasn’t something else. The growing importance to Becky of her nudist lifestyle and exhibitionist tendencies was a sign that whatever else she was, her friend was certainly not a conventional 18-year-old woman. But could it be that her strangeness was actually making her reluctant to connect with others in the more normal sense, or even making it difficult for her?

Maybe she didn’t want a boy in her life if it meant addressing how her nudism and her exhibitionism would affect him? Lisa was the only person she’d shared this side of herself with, after all — maybe she didn’t want anyone else to know, and if she started dating someone she would have to tell them?

Not for the first time, Lisa found herself thinking about where this strange journey she and her friend were on would end up.

Chapter 18 — At the Movies

The summer rolled on, and something resembling normality returned to Lisa’s life — well, as normal as it could get for someone whose best friend couldn’t seem to manage to keep her clothes on for very long.

But on that front, things did calm down a little. Both Lisa and Becky began to pick up some part time work — Becky waitressed in a café, while Lisa got some shifts at the local supermarket. The need for Becky to go out and associate with people who weren’t aware that she was a nudist, let alone an exhibitionist, seemed to Lisa to have something of a calming influence on her. Oh, when she called round to Becky’s house when her mum was at work Becky was still usually naked, and she still sometimes stripped off when the two girls were out walking in the countryside. But there had been no more incidents of crazy dares or other ‘indecent exposures’, and with Lisa’s two brothers now both off school for the summer too, Becky was finding it best to keep herself covered up at Lisa’s house as well as out in public.

Indeed, things began to feel so much calmer that Lisa began to wonder if she might be ‘over’ Becky. She no longer felt her pulse quicken quite so much when her friend would answer the door of her house to her nude, and found she could largely concentrate on things other than Becky when the two were hanging out and Becky was au naturel.

Of course, she still fantasised a little, still felt a tingle of excitement, particularly when she recalled that she alone was seeing this side of Becky. None of their other friends was aware that Becky preferred nakedness, whenever they were in a larger group she was careful not to even mention it, and wore the same nice, fashionable and flattering clothes she had always done. Only Lisa knew the truth about her, only Lisa had seen the side she called her true self, and Lisa couldn’t help but feel somewhat special as a result. There was an intimacy to seeing Becky walking around with no clothes on and knowing that she wasn’t this way with anyone else, even her own mother, and that was still a little intoxicating to Lisa.

Becky wasn’t the only figure in Lisa’s fantasies, though, at least for a little while following the end of their holiday. She and Ross had kept up a correspondence by text message and Snapchat since parting at the campsite, and she’d enjoyed the thrill of sending him some very risqué pictures of the sort she had never imagined she would ever take of herself. True to form, of course, Becky was enjoying a role as something akin to “sex coach” and had some very frank and forthright suggestions for the sort of pictures Lisa could send. Mercifully for Lisa, she didn’t actually demonstrate these ideas herself — as she was once again naked at the time, it could have resulted in Lisa getting more than a little hot under the collar!

Lisa realized she did enjoy the thrill of posing intimately for a private snap to Ross, and although she wasn’t exactly reduced to a quivering ball of desire by the times when he returned the favour, she had to admit, it was flattering to see the effect he was claiming her pictures were having on a certain part of his anatomy…

As the weeks had rolled on, though, Lisa had found both their enthusiasms waning slightly. They were a long way apart and although Ross seemed nice, they were finding they had little to say to each other when the topic was something other than sex. Lisa was coming to accept that Ross and she weren’t destined to meet again any time soon and that whatever he was to her, he was far from being the ‘boyfriend’ she had thought she would have. She hadn’t told him yet that he had been her first, either — she was still behaving with him as if she was much more experienced than she really was, and it was getting more and more tiring to act like a love goddess, even on Snapchat, when she didn’t really feel like one.

Increasingly, his messages began to feel like an intrusion, and she as she began to cool towards him she noticed the same in return. By the latter part of August, Ross was largely a footnote in her past, and her life consisted of work, family and of course, her time with Becky.

It was a hard truth, too, but one she came to realise — while her experiences with Ross had been fun, and she was delighted to no longer be, as Becky had put it, in possession of her “V-plates”, it had been nothing compared to the excitement she had found in some of the things she had gotten up to with Becky.

The big blockbuster movie hit of the summer was, once again, a comic-book superhero adaptation featuring brightly-coloured characters punching one another very hard in order to save the world.

At least, that was Lisa’s assessment. Becky, who was much more a fan of that type of thing, gave her a full and comprehensive of the film’s place in the wider canon of what she kept referring to as a “cinematic universe” until Lisa felt certain that her brain was going to start pouring out of her ears.

They went through the same rigamarole whenever one of these movies came out. Becky would excitedly tell her about the latest trailer, the premier date and so forth, and when the film actually came out, she would badger Lisa to come with her and watch it at the local multiplex. Lisa, who much preferred a good comedy to any superhero shoot-’em-up fest, would resist as long as she could before finally giving in and agreeing to sit through what seemed, to her, like simply the latest episode of a very expensive television show.

This summer, she’d held out longer than usual, but Becky’s diverse array of increasingly disappointed faces and noises finally wore out her resolve, and the two made a date for the cinema one weekday afternoon in the last week of August.

The cinema was a big out-of-town multi-screen affair. Although neither girl had a driving license yet, let alone access to a car, it was easy enough to hop on a bus and ride out there.

When they arrived, the cinema was quiet. There hadn’t been any big releases that week and it wasn’t a time when a lot of people chose to go (compared to, say, Friday or Saturday nights). Lisa and Becky were able to walk straight up to the counter to get their tickets, and didn’t have to queue up either to buy some popcorn and drinks before making their way to the screen.

When they got into the screen, there were fewer than 20 people sitting in their seats — the rest were empty. The film had been out for quite a while, so Lisa supposed most of the people who were likely to want to watch it had already caught it in the first few weeks. The audience was couples, a few teens, and some guys on their own — people whiling away a couple of hours at the cinema as a result of having nothing else to do with their time.

The entrance to the screen was near the front, crossing görükle escort bayan in front of the big blank space where the film would be projected — you had to walk up steps towards the back to find your seat in the tiers. Lisa smiled as she noticed that, as usual, all the patrons in attendance were sitting as far apart from each other as possible while still having a good view of the screen. The two back rows were completely empty, most people apparently preferring the middle seats so as to not be too far away from the action. But Becky made a bee-line straight for the empty back row, and Lisa was more than happy with her choice. It made it feel almost like their own private screening to have nobody else around them.

They sat down and chatted idly, munching popcorn and checking their phones, until the lights dimmed and the adverts came on.

“Why is there always an advert for the cinema when you go to the cinema?” Lisa asked, as a typical ‘cinema — a great night out’ promotion appeared on screen. “We’re already here, they don’t need to advertise to us, surely?” Becky laughed — she was used to Lisa getting quite cross on trips to the pictures about one thing or another

“Well, that was about five more car commercials than I needed to see,” Lisa remarked. She was determined to find things to complain about to underline how she wasn’t really looking forward to the movie, although she knew Becky just found her moaning funny.

“Oh look, another remake of a film from 10 years before I was born,” she intoned sarcastically. Becky swatted at her in a gentle attempt to shush her. Fortunately for their friendship, after that the dim lights went fully dark and the movie proper started, and Lisa was forced into silence.

The film looked set to be exactly what Lisa was expecting. There was going to probably be some sort of mystic artefact, there were people in crazy costumes which were probably all computer-generated, lots of punching and explosions and in the end the world would be saved. She settled down for what, for her, would probably be a boring couple of hours.

However, little did she know she was about to get something much more interesting to watch.

About twenty minutes into the film, she noticed that next to her in her seat, Becky was fidgeting about much more than usual. It wasn’t obvious, it was only when she turned to whisper a comment to her friend that she realized what was happening.

Becky had kicked off her trainers and was in the process of unfastening and taking off her jeans. It was immediately apparent to Lisa what was happening — Becky was getting naked again. As Lisa watched, Becky lifted her bottom from the seat in order to pull down her skinny jeans, before leaning forward to pull them off completely. She leaned back and grasped the hem of her t-shirt, then pulled it up quickly over her head and off.

Lisa couldn’t help but laugh.

“What are you doing?” she whispered. “As if I really need to ask…”

Becky grinned back. “I always wanted to try being naked in the cinema,” she answered

“You’re really gonna do that?” Lisa asked. “What if someone sees you?” She was excited that Becky was stripping in what seemed like a very public place, but as always that excitement was tinged with a very real worry — was this really something safe to do, or was it going to end with someone in a lot of trouble?

But Becky seemed confident. “Nobody can see us,” she explained, “they’re all sat in in front and all watching the film. Nobody ever turns around and looks backward in the cinema. You always keep your eyes on the screen.”

Most do, thought Lisa as she watched Becky unfasten her bra and then shimmy out of her cotton panties, but I won’t be now, not with a gorgeous naked girl sitting next to me.

Lisa gazed unashamedly at Becky as she sat back in her seat. The cinema was dark, the only light coming from the screen, and the intimate details of her body that Becky was revealing were hard to make out, but the half-light from the screen drained colour from her skin, making her seem like an odalisque from some silent epic from the golden age of cinema. Lisa drank in the smooth, soft whiteness of her friend’s belly, the pale swells of her breasts, her nipples hard and dark pink. Shadows hid much of the rest but it would be beyond doubt to anyone looking that she had removed all of her clothes.

Realising that Lisa was still staring at her, Becky turned — and smiled. Lisa felt herself blush — at least the dark of the screen would hide that — and looked away shyly. But as soon as she felt Becky’s attention was back on the movie, she resumed watching her friend.

Becky had been openly nude in front of people in very public spaces before now. All the people on the train who saw here nude; the guy in the convenience store; anyone who saw her at the campsite or while hiking. But her being naked in the cinema was different. She was almost captive here, in a place where nudity could not be explained or excused. She was sitting nude in a big open room with only one route out and around twenty other people all sitting there. The only cover for her nudity came from the darkness, and the fact that people were watching the screen.

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Anything For A Promotion

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“You were acting like a SLUT!”, Greg was almost shouting.

“I was being nice to your co-workers. There is a difference you know.” I replied, trying to remain calm.

“I’ll agree, a hot red-head in a mini skirt grabbing a perfect stranger’s cock is very nice.”

“LOOK! I will admit that was crossing the line just a bit, but I wanted to make sure that your name slides easily off of his tongue tomorrow when they meet to discuss that VP position. If I remember correctly, you are the one that has worked for the past 6 years to get me out of my sexually demure funk.” I couldn’t tell if Greg was angered or aroused.

Earlier tonight we went to a cocktail party hosted by the upper echelon of his firm. Greg and I live a comfortable life, but honestly, I want him to earn more money. I did not think that anyone had seen me trace the outline of Corey’s cock. We were in a rather dimly lit portion of the room. Corey was saying that he loved a red haired woman with freckles. I gave him a smile & told him that I had a few private freckles that he could play connect the dots with if Greg had longer hours to work. Of course, Greg did not hear the conversation, he simply saw me running the tip of my long red fingernail along the outline of Corey’s cock.

I tried to change the tone of the conversation a bit, and reminded Greg that he always liked it when I was a slut. He argued that such instances were in the privacy of our bedroom and not in a smoke filled bar. The bar, the flirting, and the fact that my husband was calling me a slut had my cunt soaking wet. I was so ready to be fucked like the slut I am. I just did not know how to get Greg to channel his anger into a raging hard on. He stood there sipping his vodka and bitching about what a slut and whore I was.

Finally, sex hikayeleri tired of arguing, I said, “What is done is done, if you don’t like it, why don’t you punish me. But whatever you do, just quit your bitching. That vodka is just fueling your anger, what I did was for you and it wasn’t that damn bad.” Before I could get all of the words out of my mouth, Greg grabbed my arm and threw me onto the bed. My miniskirt slipped up and was only half covering my ass cheeks when his large heavy hand came down across my bottom. I was shocked. Greg had never acted this way before. My tender ass cheeks stung and burned beneath my skirt.

Greg went into a frenzy, smacking my ass over and over again. “I’ll teach you to act like a slut in public. When I finish with you, you are going to understand what it means to be a lady in the streets and a whore in the sheets.”

Strangely, rather than getting mad and upset, my hormones took charge. My pussy became so wet that I could feel the moisture spreading. I could not remember a time when I had ever been so horny. By the time that my spanking came to an end, I was yearning to be fucked.

Greg leaned down, grabbed a handful of my red hair in his left hand, pulling my head back. I could feel his cock stiffening against my ass cheek. He leaned down to my ear and said, “If you want to be a slut then fine, but I will make damn sure that you pay the price each and every time. Every action has a reaction and when you misbehave, you will be punished. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?”

With that I could only whimper what I intended to be a yes. Still holding my hair tightly with my face turned toward his, I attempted to kiss Greg. He yanked my head back a bit more and told me that sluts were only fucked, the did not get porno hikayeleri kisses. Then he let go of my hair. This gave me a moment to try to gather my thoughts and figure out what had just happened.

My thoughts were interrupted by Greg’ big hands under my skirt and yanking down my panties. He then rolled me onto my back and stared at my cum soaked cunt. Finally he realized how turned on I was by all that had happened. I could almost see the thoughts churning in his mind.

“You really are a slut aren’t you? What made you the most horny? Was it playing with a stranger’s cock? Or was it the spanking that you got for doing it?”

I mumbled something about I didn’t know which one it was. While I was mumbling, Greg removed his pants and allowed his hard cock to spring free. I wasn’t too sure of what was about to happen, but I was sure that I was going to be well fucked. Greg stood in the middle of the room. “Get your whore ass off of that bed and crawl to me on your knees!” he barked. I did as I was ordered. I wasn’t sure what caused Greg to become so dominant, but I was liking it.

I crawled over to him on my knees as I was ordered. When I approached him, I tried to raise my hand to place it on his cock. Greg stopped me. “Suck me off!” The blatant way that he said that aroused me. I opened my mouth and began to lick his balls. “I said Suck me off, I didn’t tell you to lick my cocksack.” I moved my mouth to the head of his cock. I was not so sure that I wanted to do more to piss him off tonight.

I sucked Greg’ cock with all of the skill that I could find. I was trying to make sure that this was the best blow job I had ever given. I could feel his cock growing harder in my mouth. Just then, Greg took a step back and removed his throbbing seks hikayeleri dick from my mouth. “Turn your cunt to me!” Greg barked another order. I did as I was told. I was on my hands and knees. I turned my pussy to him and arched my back.

“Just look at how wet my whore’s pussy is. Your ass cheeks are still glowing red from the spanking that you earned. Finger your clit!” With that order, I moved my hand to my mound. I used two fingers, making sure that the long hooker red fingernails were covered with my cum, and began to rub my swollen clit. I nearly came, but struggled to hold on.

Greg rammed his cock into me with a force that caused my head to fall to the carpet. He fucked my cunt like a wild man. Never before had he been so rough. I could feel my muscles tighten up. I rubbed my clit harder and faster. My orgasm was building quickly and I could not stop it. Greg once again grabbed a handful of hair and pulled my face from the floor.

“Is this what you wanted from Corey tonight? Did you want him to throw you down and fuck you? Did you think that would seal the Vice President position for me? Or was it all about you wanting a strange cock in your pussy? It was all about you, my job was just an excuse for you.”

I could not hold back anymore. I gasped as wave after wave of a torrential orgasm shook my entire body. Greg slammed his cock harder and harder into my wet pussy. With each stroke, my orgasm reached new strengths.

Greg pulled his cock from my cunt and ordered me to roll over. He straddled my chest, placing his cock just above my mouth. “I am going to cum on your face. Isn’t that the way whore’s like to wear a man’s cum?”

With that I began to suck his cock head, and stroke his shaft. After just a few moments, Greg was spewing cum all over my face and into my hair.

My mind was reeling with all that had just taken place. I was not sure if Greg was still angry or not. Greg got up and slipped into his robe. “Go wash the cum off of your face. Corey will be here any minute.”

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The Fishing Trip

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Usual stuff, this is fiction and I’ve taken a few liberties with reality. Oh, and we’re all over eighteen.


“Hi Tom, what’s up?” I looked up to see Jerry, my best friend coming over to where I was sat. We had arranged to meet, as usual, in the bar of the Newton Arms.

“Nothing much. Have a pew.” I pushed back a chair for him to sit on.

I’ve known Jerry since forever and, before we go any further, let’s get the jokes out of the way. Yes, I’m called Tom and he’s called Jerry just like… oh, for heaven’s sake, don’t think that we haven’t heard them all a thousand times by now. We grew up together and, even now, we’re still the best of friends. Now that we’ve left school we’re both enrolled at the University Of Central Lancashire in Preston. I’m doing a catering course and Jerry’s doing design. Here’s hoping that either of us will get a job at the end of it but, for the moment, that’s all a couple of years away.

When we’re not doing our college courses we tend to hang around together. We like the same music, share the same interests and, when it comes down to it, nobody understands me the way Jerry does. Mind you, part of me feels like I live in his shadow. He’s smart and sexy and bright and, unlike me, often has a girl friend. Not that I’m surprised. He’s the sort the girls go for. Mind you, none of his girlfriends seem to stick around for long. I guess he hasn’t found one he really likes.

“So, what are you doing for your hols? Are you going away with the folks?” Jerry asked after a while.

“Nah,” I replied. “I’d rather do anything than go on another holiday with Katie! She drove me scatty last year,” I replied. Katie is my little sister and, at thirteen, she’s five years younger than me and a total and complete pest.

“In that case, do you fancy a bit of fishing?”

“Fishing? I don’t mind a bit of fishing but it sounds a bit dull? We’ve fished most of the Ribble and I don’t see that as much of a holiday.”

“Not the Ribble, not anywhere around here. Let’s go to the Isle Of Arran, that’s the spot. Look, I’ve picked these up.” Jerry pulled out some glossy brochures and handed them over. “We can get a week’s rental of a cottage complete with a boat and it will cost us next to nothing, not if we split it fifty-fifty. During the day we do a bit of sea fishing, at night we hit the local pub and see what whiskies they sell. There’s even a distillery on the island.”

I flicked through the brochures. I’m not as keen on fishing as Jerry is but a week away from home, just the two of us, sounded like a lot of fun. We went through the brochures and did all the sums: cottage rental, boat hire, a bit of cash for food, a lot of cash for drink, enough petrol to get us there and back and, by the time we had finished, we’d got a pretty reasonable budget. If I leant on the old man and pointed out how much he’d be saving by not paying my air fare to the Algarve this year, then I should be able to afford it.

And so the trip that would change our lives was set. That was in March; now fast forward five months to July and picture Jerry’s battered Fiesta pulling off the ferry and onto the magic that is the Isle Of Arran.


Thanks to the wonders of sat-nav, and the fact that Arran only has one road worthy of the name, it didn’t take too long to find Loch View cottage. We went next door and introduced ourselves to Angus McTavish, the owner, who let us in and showed us around. The brochure didn’t exactly lie but it was definitely economic with the truth and the cottage, which looked perfectly adequate in the photos, was tiny. The original building, which probably dated back to the days of Braveheart, consisted of two rooms, a living room and a bedroom, with a more recent extension tacked on the back. The extension consisted of two further rooms, one a bathroom, the other a kitchen. Even so, as Jerry put it, in the bathroom you could do three things beginning with ‘S’ without having to move and, as for the kitchen, it was a good job I wasn’t planning on cooking anything more complex than bacon and eggs. But it was the bedroom that was the killer. It was only about ten feet square and completely dominated by a king sized double bed. Yes, that’s right, one single solitary double bed.

“But… but… but I thought the cottage sleeps two,” Jerry protested. He scrabbled in his pockets and pulled out the brochure. “Look, look, it says here, sleeps two.”

“Aye, and that it does. D’ya no see that it’s a double bed? Sleeps two as snug as a bug in a rug.”

“But we’re both guys,” I chipped in.

“Don’t fret yourselves. We’re pretty broad minded here. We’ll no be minding if you want to share. Now, as I was saying, the water heater has a switch here. Don’t leave it on all day or you’ll…”

As Angus continued to explain the various appliances which, by the looks of things, he must have scrounged from the local scrap heap, Jerry and I looked askance at each other. Only one bed! Still, we were sariyer escort here now. We’d just have to work something out.

By the time we’d unpacked and settled in it was far too late to do any fishing. Even so we walked back down to the little bay and the landing stage to have another look at the eighteen foot motor boat we’d hired. It looked solid and seaworthy. They had been reluctant to let us have it at first but, fortunately, when I was fifteen, dad had pushed me to get my RYA Yachtmaster Costal certificate and that persuaded them that I knew what I was doing. Even then, Mr McTavish had gone over the safety rules time and time again and we had to promise that we wouldn’t go night fishing. Having checked out the boat without the owner looking over our shoulders, it was time to walk the couple of miles into Brodick, the local town. We’d talked about driving but neither of us was prepared to be the one who stayed sober enough to drive us back again.

Much, much later, full of fish and chips and several pints of heavy, we made our way, rather unsteadily, back to the cottage. When we got there we slumped down in the armchairs and had one last can of McEwans and, at that point, we knew we finally had to address the question of where we were going to sleep. We were both pretty sossled but neither of us wanted to be the selfish one, neither of us wanted to see our best mate sleep on the floor.

It was Jerry who broke the deadlock.

He had got to his feet and was looking around for something, anything, we could use as a spare bed. He’d got to the door of the bedroom and was leant against the door jamb, staring at the bed.

“Look,” he said wearily, “I’m completely bushed and if I don’t get my head down soonest, I’m going to pass out. What’s more, come tomorrow, I need my Captain Ahab fresh and awake so as to steer the good ship Pequod on a true course to find the great white whale…”

“What the fuck are you talking about,” I asked. “Who the fuck is Captain Ahab and what the fuck is the good ship Pequod?”

“Moby Dick, you ignorant arsehole. Captain Ahab is… oh, never mind. What I’m saying is that we both need our sleep and, if there’s only one bed then we’re going to have to share. It’s plenty wide enough. It’s about the only thing in this shack that is king size. I’ll take the left, you take the right. OK?”

I looked at him and he just shrugged. I’d run out of excuses, I too wanted to just pass out, to surrender to the beer.

“OK,” I agreed, “but bagsies first on the bog.” And, before he could move, I stood up and went into the bathroom. Why is it that, for every pint of beer you drink, you have to piss two pints away. It seemed to go on forever but, once I’d finished, I gave my face and hands a quick wipe, brushed my teeth and came back out again. Then, while Jerry was in the bathroom, I had the chance to get undressed and get under the covers. I hadn’t brought any jim-jams, I didn’t think I’d be needing any, so I kept on my boxers. I thought about a tee shirt but it was plenty warm enough so I went without.

Five minutes later Jerry appeared from the bathroom. I pretended to be asleep but, even so, he turned off the light before getting undressed. Not that it made that much difference. It really doesn’t get dark that far north, even at one in the morning. What is more, the sky was clear and the moon was full and, as the bedroom curtains were as cheap as the rest of the cottage, they let plenty of moonlight filter into the room. I peered out from between half closed eyelids and watched him take his clothes off. I wasn’t the first time I’d seen him naked, I’d often enough watched him get changed after gym at school or when we’d gone swimming at the local baths, but the dim light and the fact that we were away from home seemed to change everything. I’d never quite looked at him in that way before. He’s got a really nice body. Lean without being skinny and with a slim pair of hips. He’s quite handsome and, with his wavy shoulder length hair, it’s no wonder the girls all go for him. I tried to check out his dick. Of course, we’ve done comparisons before; as I said, we go all the way back and adolescent boys can’t help but compare but, even so, I wanted a little look. Unfortunately it was too dark and, anyway, like me, he kept on his boxers.

“Are you still awake,” he whispered as he slipped under the covers. I didn’t reply as I didn’t want to let on that I’d been watching him. He moved across until he was nearly touching me. “Good night, Captain, good night,” he breathed the words so soft I hardly heard them. And, with me wondering what that was all about, he settled down and, moments later, we were both fast asleep.


I’d meant to set an alarm but I was so drunk I forgot and that meant that I didn’t wake until the sun hit my face which, after all that beer, was a bit much. It was streaming in between the flimsy strips of cloth that pretended to be curtains, letting me know that the day was fast ticking away. eskort Blinking in the bright sunlight I sat up and looked around me. I leaned out of bed to reach over to my clothes and rummaged through the pockets of my jeans until I found my mobile. It was well gone eight o’clock and, if we were to get out on the water, then we needed to get a move on. All this moving about had woken Jerry and he rolled over and opened his eyes. I think we both felt a bit shy, waking up in bed next to each other, and we exchanged glances. Still, we’d been friends for far too long to let something like this come between us.

“If we want to catch some fish we can’t lie around in bed all day,” I said.

“OK. You’re the keen one. You can have the bathroom first,” Jerry offered.

“Err… no… it’s OK, you go first,” I replied. Normally I would have jumped at the chance but, unbeknownst to Jerry, I had a classic early morning erection. My dick was as hard as iron and there was no way my boxers were going to hide it. I was never in a million years going to let him see it like that. However, as I said, Jerry is smart and he picked up on my reluctance.

“What’s up? What’s brought on this sudden burst of manners,” he asked playfully. He looked at the way that the thin duvet lay across my lap. “I know why you won’t get out of bed, you’ve got a stiffy, haven’t you, and you’re scared I’ll see it.”

“I haven’t!” I lied.



“I know how to prove it. Let’s have a look.” Jerry whipped back the covers and I only just managed to roll over fast enough.

“If you haven’t got a stiffy then why are you trying to hide it from me?” he said with an air of triumph. “Go on, show me.”

“No way!”

“Scaredy cat, scaredy cat,” he taunted before reaching across so as to try to roll me back towards him. I fought him off and this led to quite a bit of a struggle, all very friendly, of course, but neither of us held back much. It ended up with the pair of us falling out of the bed, landing in an ungainly heap and all tangled up in the duvet. More by luck than anything else, I was the one who ended up on top and I had his arms pinned. I looked down and it turned out I wasn’t the only one with an early morning erection. The bulge in his boxers was just as big as mine. Using my left arm to keep his arms pinned over his head I reached down with my right hand and took hold of the waist band of his boxers.

“Seems like I’m not the only one with a stiffy. Let’s have a look, shall we?” I taunted.

I gave a tug and pulled his boxers down allowing his prick to spring clear. I still had him sort of pinned down although, by now, he wasn’t fighting back so he just lay there with his prick standing proud and strong. For all that we were just mucking about I thought it looked just fine. Then this impulse just came to me and I couldn’t help myself. I wrapped my fist around his prick and stroked it up and down. It felt fantastic and it wasn’t even my prick that I was rubbing. I pushed down, watching fascinated as the tip of his prick emerged from the foreskin before easing it back up again. It was as if I’d never seen one before, never played with one, despite being the proud owner of an almost identical model of my own.

And then Jerry groaned.

Oh my god! What was I doing! What would he think, that I was gay or something? I dropped his prick and squirmed away from him.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…,” I mumbled incoherently as I got to my feet and made a dash for the bathroom. For a while I sat on the bog with my heart pounding. I’d been so stupid. I hadn’t meant to… I didn’t… I’m not…. Oh, I was so confused. There was a knock on the door.

“Tom, Tom, are you OK in there?”

And that’s Jerry all over. I’ve just put us in the most embarrassing situation possible and all he’s worried about is me.

“I’m fine, really, I’m fine,” I replied although, heaven knows I was anything but.

“Well, don’t take too long. I need a piss as well. I’ll put the kettle on.” He sounded completely normal.

Five minutes later I emerged with my towel wrapped around my waist. Jerry was sat in the lounge wearing just his jeans.

“Your coffee’s in the kitchen. Have you finished in the bathroom?”

“Yeah, all done thanks. About….”

“I’ll go and get my shower then,” he cut across me. It was as plain as day that he didn’t want to talk about what had happened. I guess he knew we were stuck together for a week and, making a big thing of it would only sour the holiday. It would be best forgotten, best if we never mentioned it again. I gave a sigh of relief as he closed the bathroom door behind him. I’d made a fool of myself but got away with it.

Less than an hour later we were setting of out to sea. The little boat proved to be very rugged and whilst the Honda outboard was all but antique and a little small for an eighteen footer, it started easily enough and put-putted away as we set off in search of fish.

Not that we found much or even beyoglu escort cared much. We got out on the open water, set our lines and sat back to wait. You really couldn’t have asked for better. Whether the fish were biting or not, the scenery was fantastic, there was little more than a light swell and just enough breeze to keep it feeling fresh. At some point we ate our sandwiches and washed them down with a couple of cans of McEwans from the cool box. Come five o’clock and, rather than heading home, we set a course for Brodick where we tied up in the harbour and made our way to the chippie.

Given that we still had to sail back to the cottage I didn’t want to leave it that late nor get that drunk so, at ten o’clock and with the sun just setting we made our way back along the shore line. Jerry, exhausted after a day out on the water, flopped in the bows as I sat rigid in the stern, the tiller tucked under one arm, staring into the gloom trying to keep a balance between drifting out to sea and straying dangerously close to the shore. Half an hour later we pulled into the bay, packed up our stuff and made our way back to the cottage.

We decided on a quick can of McEwans before bed but I was getting increasingly bothered about the sleeping arrangements. Jerry had been completely cool about it the previous night but that was before…. I still bushed beetroot at the recollection. What on earth had I been thinking? I wouldn’t have blamed Jerry if he had refused to share a bed with a perv like me. As ever, in the end it was Jerry who took the lead.

“I’m off to bed,” he said getting up from his armchair. “We can’t sit here all night, not while there are fish in the sea. And, by the way, it’s my turn first in the bathroom.”

Before I could move he was off to the bathroom only to emerge five minutes later and head for the bedroom. I then went into the bathroom, did my ablutions and, once I was clean and ready for bed, I followed him in to the bedroom. He had the light on and was reading but, as I entered, he put his book down and sat looking at me. Very self-consciously I took off my tee shirt, shoes and socks but, when it came to my jeans it all got a bit too much.

“Do you mind not staring,” I said rather crossly.

“What’s the problem?” he returned. “It’s not as if you’ve got anything I haven’t seen before.”

“I don’t like it,” I replied.

“So, let’s see if I’ve got this straight. This morning you grab my prick and we’re just a couple of lads mucking about. This evening I fail to avert my eyes and you’re all shy and everything. Where’s the sense in that?”

“But I didn’t mean to….”

“Bollocks, didn’t mean to,” he laughed. “You went straight for it, as soon as you had the chance.”

“I didn’t, honest I didn’t,” I replied. Why couldn’t he let things drop.

“OK. If you say so. Now, if I turn and face the other way, will you stop pissing about and get into bed?” Rather dramatically, he turned away from me and, as he did so, I slid down my jeans, folded them up, put them on the chair and slipped in under the covers.

“Is it safe to come out now?” he asked.

“It’s safe,” I replied wearily. “I wish you wouldn’t make such a big deal out of this.”

He rolled over so that we were facing each other with only a small gap between us.

“As far as I’m concerned you’re the one making a big deal out of it,” he said. “And, while we’re at it, you’ve left the light on; I suppose I’ve got to get out of bed and switch it off?”

“I thought you were reading but, if you’re finished, then, yes, please.”

Jerry slipped out of bed and I was thunderstruck. He wasn’t wearing any boxers and was completely naked. He switched off the light but, once again, a combination of the full moon outside and the useless curtains meant that he might as well not have bothered. If anything he looked better in the half light and, as he turned back to the bed, he must have seen my expression.

“Do you like what you see?” He struck a pose, pushing his hip out so that his prick waved about.

“Just get into bed,” I replied crossly, “and stop mucking about.”

He slipped back under the covers and, once again rolled towards me. I scooted back a bit.

“I’m sorry,” he started. “I didn’t mean to upset you. I’m just having a bit of fun. Does it really bother you that I’m naked?”

“Yes… no… I don’t know. It’s just that….” I really didn’t know how to put my confusion into words. Yes, it bothered me lots that, bare centimetres away, he was lying there naked. What I couldn’t explain was why it was bothering me. He seemed so cool about it whereas it was doing my head in.

“I guess it’s just my way of saying I’m OK with you grabbing my knob this morning. Seriously. Chill. It’s cool. And just because I’m not wearing my boxers it doesn’t mean that I’m going to jump your bones or do anything you don’t want me to.”

For a while we just lay there and stared at each other. In a way he was right. I was me, not him, who was uptight but I couldn’t get out of my mind the fact that his prick was right there, only a few centimetres away, and he wasn’t wearing any boxers. It shouldn’t have mattered but it really did. My heart was pounding but, for the life of me, I couldn’t say exactly why.

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Behind the Stacks

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She sat behind her heavy wooden desk and sorted through some papers, thinking about how her job as a librarian at the local university could be a little dull. She was one of the younger employees and often got stuck working the later shifts. In a way it was nice because of the quiet but it could get awfully lonely. She spent a lot of time daydreaming and sometimes tucked an erotic novel inside of a reference text — a secret guilty pleasure of hers. She longed to be fucked like the women in her books, for a man that would satisfy all of her fantasies.

On this particular evening she was imagining just that when she was startled back into reality by the sound of the library door banging open. She was surprised. Not too many students came in so late. Must be someone doing a paper or studying last minute. The student walked into her line of sight and her eyes widened behind her dark, plastic frame glasses. He was tall and handsome, with dark hair and eyes. Just like the men in her favorite books.

She watched him sit down at one of the nearby tables and bit her lip as she thought about what it might be like to seduce him. Her nipples hardened underneath the white blouse she wore and she grew wet. She knew thinking about a student like this was wrong, but it had been so long since she had felt a man’s touch…

* * * * * * * *

He pretended not to stare at her while he spread his books and papers out on the table in front of him. He had always had a fantasy about being seduced by a hot librarian. She didn’t know it, but he often came to the library in the evening just to see her in her tight skirt and glasses, reading a reference book. He thought about pulling her down behind the stacks and fucking her until she was forced to break the silence of the library atmosphere with her moans of pleasure.

He was much too shy to try and bring this fantasy to life. He convinced himself that there was no way anything could ever happen with her. He snuck another quick glance at her. She was now leaning escort fatih against her desk, her long legs ending in sexy black stiletto heels. She had the tip of the arm of her glasses in her mouth, clearly pondering something. He felt himself blush as he imagined his hard cock in her mouth instead. What he wouldn’t give to fuck her…

* * * * * * * *

She had to do something. She saw him staring at her and she knew he wanted her, too. She took a deep breath and walked over to him, staring into his intense dark eyes.

“Is there anything I can help you with this evening?” she asked.

He looked at her longingly and she drew her breath in sharply. He was so hot.

“Well,” he replied, “I’m doing a paper for my Human Sexuality course and I need some books to start my introduction.”

Oh, this is too good to be true, she thought, I can give him all kinds of lessons in that.

“Sure thing. I’ll be right back with everything you’ll need,” she said. She felt his eyes on her ass as she walked away and grinned. She wouldn’t be lonely tonight…

* * * * * * * *

Her ass looked incredible in that skirt. He was pretty impressed that he had come up with the line about a human sexuality paper. Hopefully she was enough of a slut to take the bait and make his fantasy come true. He watched as she climbed the ladder to get his books. He was at the perfect angle to see up her skirt. She was wearing a hot pink thong and he couldn’t help but imagine ripping it off of her. She came down off the ladder and sat down beside him.

“You look like you could use a few lessons. Why don’t I help out?”

He somehow managed to get out, “Sure. Thanks.”

She layed one of the books out in front of him and leaned over to point something out, her breasts trailing over his arm. He could feel how hard her nipples were through her thin shirt as they grazed his skin. He blushed again as he thought about all of the things she could do to him.

“It’s pretty hard to do a paper escort istanbul about human sexuality unless you do a little…hands on research,” said said, barely above a whisper. She took his hand and placed it on her breast, inviting him to grope her. He glanced around — no one there but the two of them. This was his fantasy come to life and there was no way he was going to miss out on fucking this horny slut. He grabbed her beautiful tits as his lips found her neck. She moaned in ecstasy as he lightly bit her and ran his teeth along the bottom of her earlobe. He felt her body shiver as he put his fingers through her long brown hair.

* * * * * * * *

This guy was shy but he sure knew what he was doing. She was so wet from him and he was just kissing her. She needed him. She had to kick things up a notch. She wanted him to fuck her, and fuck her raw. She grabbed the back of his neck and kissed him hard as her hand reached for his zipper. He moaned into her mouth as she pulled out his big, throbbing cock. She stroked it a few times before winking at him mischievously. She got down on the floor on her knees and wrapped her lips around the length of him…

* * * * * * * *

He could not believe what was going on. Her mouth was warm and wet, expertly gliding over his dick with just the right amount of pressure. She was doing some amazing move with her tongue, swirling it around the swollen tip in figure eight motions. If she kept this up much longer, she’d push him over the edge…

* * * * * * * *

He moaned loudly, making her even hotter and hornier. She loved when a man let her know how much he was enjoying what she was doing to him. She sensed he was getting close and that just wouldn’t do. She needed to be fucked. She reluctantly pulled her lips off of his gorgeous cock and smiled. He looked absolutely tortured and desperate to fuck her and it turned her on so much. She swept the books and papers off of the table and hopped up on it.

* * * * * * * *

He escort bayan taksim watched as she slowly unbuttoned her blouse to reveal her hot pink bra, which barely contained her tits. She slowly stripped off her panties and he couldn’t help but stare at this sexy librarian sitting in front of him in nothing but a bra and a short skirt, practically begging for him to screw her. He quickly shed his clothing and moved eagerly towards her.

“I want to teach you a lesson you’ll never forget,” she whispered. She grabbed him and pushed him down on the table and pulled up her skirt. She climbed on top of him and held herself above his rock hard cock. She had amazing self-control even when she needed to be fucked as badly as she did right now. She lowered herself onto him, letting just the tip inside her warm, tight wetness. He grunted hard and tried to thrust deeper into her but she was determined to tease him for just a little longer. She continued to rock slowly as he grabbed her ass, trying to pull her closer. A little more and she couldn’t maintain her control anymore. She came down hard on his cock as they both groaned with pleasure. He filled her up completely again and again as she moved her hips in slow, deliberate circles…

* * * * * * * *

He flipped her over. She resisted him but ultimately he won; she was too weak with pleasure to put up much of a fight. He continued to pump her until she finally exploded in orgasm. Her screams pushed him even closer to the point of no return.

“Where do you want me to cum, you dirty whore?” he growled, biting her neck.

“On my face,” she answered.

He looked at her in shock. He’d never been with a woman who had offered to do that. Well, far be it from him to turn down the opportunity to try something new and totally hot. She moaned for him and squeezed her pussy around his cock until he couldn’t stand it anymore. He pulled out of her and she got into position as he continued to stroke himself.

She lowered her glasses on her nose and begged him to cum for her. He moaned deeply and she licked her lips as he sprayed her face and glasses with hot jizz.

When they had both recovered from their hot fuck in the library, he asked,

“How was that?”

She smiled and said, “A+”

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Stockings Do It Every Time

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Sandra was an ordinary type of girl, she was intelligent, but never went out of her way to impress anyone. She wore plain, but smart clothes. Not at all like the other girls I read about on Lit, she didn’t have big tits, she looked her age of 40, and wouldn’t win any beauty prizes. Not that I have anything against stunning girls with large tits. But how many of them are there out there? Millions, if Lit was anything to go by.

Ordinary doesn’t mean ugly.

What I liked about Sandra was she was friendly and cheerful. She would sometimes come over and visit the wife and they would chat for ages. When it came to women and their chats, I always found it easier to leave them to it.

On a few occasions the girls would go out for a drink. The night that changed everything was on one of those nights.

Sandra came over to collect the wife Ann. Ann wasn’t quite ready so I offered Sandra a drink while she waited. She was dressed well, nothing spectacular, a simple dress that came to just below the knees. I had never paid much attention to Sandra’s looks, of course there was the odd moment that everyman goes through, wondering what she would be like in bed. But hey…doesn’t make me a bad person. What caught my eye tonight was when she sat on the edge of the seat and crossed her legs. Her legs were covered in nylon, and as the dress tightened round her thigh, I could make out the suspenders holding up her stockings.

I always had a fetish for nylons and stockings, and when I seen this I was immediately looking at Sandra in a different light. My eyes locked on to her thighs, it may have been a few seconds, but it was enough for me to get caught. “Sean, what are you looking at”? I looked up and looked into her eyes trying to find an answer. Nothing was coming out my mouth. “Ehhhhhh, nothing, I was just daydreaming” was the best I could muster together. “Yeh right “ said Sandra. “It’s only my suspender belt, does it look stupid under this dress”? Oh shit what will I say. “Not at all, I just never imagined you to aksaray escort wear stockings and suspenders.” You prick, I called myself. “I better chase up Ann and see if she’s nearly ready.”

When I walked into our bedroom Ann was finishing off her hair, she was sitting on the bed with her back to me, looking in the mirror. Then she switched off the drier and stood up. She too was wearing stockings. Ann walked over towards me smiling. She gave me a gentle kiss and rubbed my cock, knowing full well the effect of her in stockings would have on me. My hands softly caressed her stocking thighs. Ann continued to rub my cock and balls. When my hand moved to cup her pussy she backed off. “Not yet Sean”.

“Jesus, Ann. You know what this does to me”. My cock was throbbing; I opened up my jeans and took it out. Slowly stroking it. “I need you Ann, let me look at you while I stroke my cock”.

“Wait till I come home, then we’ll take care of you”. Ann said smiling wickedly. I was about to put my cock back in my trousers when Sandra walked in. There was no hiding; my stiff cock was in clear view. Ann started laughing, I went bright red, and Sandra looked at my cock, then Ann. She smiled and said “WOW, lucky girl”. Ann laughed and told Sandra. “It’s the stockings, he can’t help himself when he sees me in them”. I was mortified; I hurriedly put away my cock, which takes time when it’s so bloody hard.

I left the two of them in the room to finish dressing. When they came back out, Ann came over and gave me a kiss. “I’ll see you when I get back”, she winked.

I spent the rest of the night watching TV. After a while I was nearly dozing off when I heard Ann coming in the front door. Sandra was with her. The two of them looked as though they had a good night. Ann offered Sandra a coffee.

The two girls sat on the couch, giggling about the events of the night. I was waiting for Sandra to leave, so I could have Ann all to myself. There was no sign of them quitting soon, so I decided to call it quits escort and retire for the night.

I must have been in bed for over an hour when I woke up needing a piss. Thinking no more of it, I got up and went to the bathroom. As I opened the door, there before me was Sandra, skirt hiked up and sitting on the loo, her stockings in full view. “Shit, I’m sorry Sandra, I didn’t realize”. She just stared at my cock, it was growing right before her eyes. She raised her fingers to her mouth and gestured for me to be quiet. Sandra then took my cock in her hand and began stroking it. The sight of her sitting there in her stockings was such a turn on. My hand stroked her thighs; they looked and felt fantastic. Suddenly Sandra’s mouth was on my cock, taking it deeper and deeper into her mouth. The warmth of her mouth on me was beautiful. My hips were slowly moving back and forth, I wanted to cum, but I knew I needed a piss before I could cum. I slowly withdrew my cock from her mouth and lifter her up from the seat. I whispered to her that I needed to pee. Sandra smiled, took hold of my cock and pointed it towards the toilet. As everyone knows it takes a few seconds to kick-start a piss when you have a hard on. With Sandra’s slow strokes, it wasn’t helping.

A few moments later, I managed to pee. “Sandra, are you ok in there” Ann called as she opened the door. There I was standing over the toilet with her friend dressed in only her bra and stockings holding my cock. Brazenly Sandra said, “I was helping Sean empty his bladder”. I just looked at Ann, trying to be as innocent as I could be in that situation as my piss continued to flow into the toilet. Sandra shook the last few drops but continued to hold my cock. “Bring him downstairs” Ann called.

Sandra led me downstairs by the cock. “Sean you sit there on the chair, Sandra, you sit beside me,” said Ann.

Ann laid her hand on Sandra’s knee and began stroking her stocking legs. “Do you want to see my stockings Sean?” said Ann. I simply nodded. Slowly Ann lifted kağıthane escort her dress. Revealing her legs inch by inch till she reached the lacy top. Sandra’s hand began stroking Ann’s legs. Trailing her finger up the inside of her thighs. Ann’s legs parted. Her smooth shaven pussy was opening up as Sandra’s fingers touched her lips. Ann’s eyes closed as Sandra continued to gently stroke her. Her hand continued to stroke Sandra’s legs. Sandra was looking over at me; she was licking her lips as Ann’s fingers entered her pussy.

I knelt in between Sandra and Ann, stroking both their legs. “Oh thank you God, thank you, thank you. Sandra’s toes came up to gently massage my balls. The feel of her nylon toes on my balls was driving me nuts.

Ann was breathing heavier; Sandra’s fingers were toying with her clit, going faster and faster. Ann responded by burying two fingers inside of Sandra’s pussy. The two of them were going to cum very, very soon. I spread Sandra’s pussy and flicked on her clit with my tongue as my wife’s fingers fucked her pussy. She let out a scream and pulled my head hard on to her cunt. I sucked on her pussy, taking her orgasm into my mouth, feeling her juices explode in my face.

Ann was panting heavier, yelling for me to fuck her. She held her legs wide open; Sandra grabbed my cock and entered it into my wife’s pussy. “Fuck me, Fuck me”, she screamed. My cock rammed into her wet pussy, burying itself deep inside. It only took about 6 thrusts before I felt Ann’s cunt muscles tighten around my cock. “YEESSSSSSSS”. OHH YESSSSS…Oh Fuck, Oh Fuck” Ann was spurting her juices from her cunt.

I had to drink from her. I let my tongue lap up her wet pussy. “Suck his cock…Sandra”. Sandra lay on her back and positioned herself under me, taking my big fat cock in her mouth. As she slurped on my cock, I felt Ann’s nylon legs wrap around my neck. Sandra pumped me fast with her mouth taking me deep. Ann’s legs tightened at the same time as my balls, and seconds later I was drowning Sandra’s mouth with my cum. I could feel her swallowing and swallowing, then lick the lasts drops from me.

It was absolutely fantastic; I hadn’t even touched a tit yet. Did I care? Not at all. What’s the rush?

Any feedback is deeply appreciated.

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Angela: The Lettered Jacket Ch. 01

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Strung up as she was, firmly attached to the harnesses on the rack, arms and legs wide apart, Angela pleaded, “Please, Tim, not The Lettered Jacket, please?”

Tim ignored her pleas and cries, instead slapping hard her already raw butt. Angela screamed, interspersing in between her repeated pleas. Tim slapped her hard again and then her small breasts. “Modeling you want as a career, modeling is what you will be doing tonight.” Angela screamed and continued to beg. One hard slap between her legs, so hard that it almost drove her lovely clit into her hips convinced her. Meekly, she acceded to Tim’s demand.

Tim untied her and lowered her, approving of her acceptance. He tossed her a pair of high heel shoes and a short, wide, pleated skirt to wear. Then came The Lettered Jacket. It was a normal jacket, of a coarse and sturdy fabric, covering her torso and arms, from her shoulders all the way just past her waist, and with snaps that were almost impossible to unlatch unless one really understood how they worked.

Only that The Lettered Jacket had an interesting feature. Emblazoned boldly across the etiler escort back, in bright optic yellow letters that glowed in the dark, were the words in large block letters, ‘RAPE ME “.

Angela quivered and trembled, stumbling as Tim led her past the kitchen, stopping at the refrigerator. He reached for the butter, grabbed a scoop in his fingers, and shoved them deep into her ass, “Whore, this will make it easier for your guests.” Angela cried quietly, pleading one last time. It was to no avail: he was already pulling her down the driveway and into the car. She was crying softly. He ordered her to shut up. He drove to the meanest inner part of the city, stopped the car in a dark corner, and commanded her to get out. “And walk slowly, hold your body straight, and stop that trembling.” Angela did as best she could, walking down the dark street, turning into another one that was better lit.

Scarcely had she walked a block that the first man read her sign on the back of The Lettered Jacket and availed himself of the opportunity. He simply walked up behind her, grabbed her from behind, bent escorts her over, and shoved a huge cock up her ass, pumping wildly as Angela screamed. He groped to get his hands under The Lettered Jacket to grab her tits but could not reach in, so he simply squeezed them from the outside. His other hand, large and coarse and not all that clean viciously attacked her clit, fingering her without mercy, until he finally filled her with his load, extracted himself, and released her, going on his merry way as if nothing had happened.

And so, throughout the course of the night, men of all walks of life, of all sizes and ages, the kind of men that hang out at night in mean sections of cities even on a Sunday night, took advantage of the sign on the back of The Lettered Jacket, filling her ass and pussy with their loads, sometimes one alone, at other times two or three at once, filling her mouth as well, and if she was already taken all at once, masturbating to spray Angela’s pretty face and long, blond hair.

When daylight broke on Monday morning, Angela made her way back home. Stumbling into the bagcilar escort bedroom, she lay next to Tim. He turned in his bed, awakened by her cries as she clung next to him. He looked at her. “So, whore, how did it feel to be disobedient with me?”

Angela cried. She begged his forgiveness, promising next time to be even more submissive and obedient while on the rack. He looked at her and judged her to be sincere and repentant.

“Good. Today I will be flying back home to my doting wife and loving kids, and you will go straight to work without showering. And tonight you will go to your support group and share your experience with them. But next time you disobey me, instead of just one Sunday night, instead you will be set loose there from Friday evening to Monday dawn, is that clear?”

Angela nodded. She promised to be ever so good from now on, to be obedient and submissive and totally accepting of all Tim asked of her. She cuddled up to Tim and kissed him softly, thanking him for being so stern and so strict with her: she understood he was doing it for her own good, to break and train her completely.

And with that, she dressed and happily went off to work, the ejaculate of countless men sloshing around and dripping from her full stomach, pussy, and ass, contained as best it could by a procession of sanitary napkins all day.

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Steven Miller’s Financial Demise Ch. 01

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Big Ass


For most white people, their knee-jerk, conditioned response at the mere mention of the word reparations is to scream, “My family never owned any slaves. I’m not paying any reparations! You Blacks need to just get over it, slavery was in the past, let it go for Christ’s sake.” For Steven Miller, Steven to most, his perceptions were completely opposite. Steven had a deep-seated, compelling desire to pay for the sins of his hypothetical father; he longed to be the nasty pet of a sadistic Ebony Goddess who would subject him to her erotic demands. Given that Iceland didn’t have a stake in the Trans Atlantic Slave trade and his ancestors more than likely had no direct connection to the enslavement of any Africans, Steven’s “white guilt” was more reminiscent of a global and pervasive trend by Caucasian men to sexually submit to people whose origins are from the motherland.

Around the globe, in what seems to be staggering numbers that cannot be dismissed as coincidental or inconsequential, white men feel a compulsion, a driving need to become “enslaved” to black people. Of course, the word enslaved is not accurate. It’s almost comical how white people have grafted the meaning of the word slavery to be equated to their kinky fetishes but it’s nothing more than another example of their arrogance and ability to manipulate people and situations in order to validate their perceptions. True slavery, what my ancestors endured was not a sexual fetish or voluntary, it was dehumanizing and incomprehensible.

For Steven, his desires revolved around financial servitude and humiliation. For him, the two concepts were intimately and erotically tied. For him, to pay a woman to degrade and shame him was what gave him a thrill, what aroused him. He loved to be taunted, tormented, teased, and tortured and he loved to pay for it. It’s an interesting dynamic because money does equal gungoren escort power in Western society and the fact that he had it and women wanted it meant that he had control over them. Yes, he was giving them money but he was ultimately pulling the strings. Every time he paid a woman to make him do some stupid or embarrassing task, every time he became a woman’s benefactor and paid her bills, she became dependent upon him.

Steven loved that. He loved the fact that women needed him for not only amusement but also in a vicious cycle of dependence. When these women were in financial trouble, rather than learning to budget and survive on their own, rather than using their brains and their inherent talents to make money, he would write a check and instantly, he assumed the role of the benefactor and they would have to fulfill his fantasies of degradation and give him all the attention he craved and wanted. Steven capitalized on the women who saw themselves as objects. He preyed on women who felt their value was in being desired by men, that their beauty was a bargaining chip with a dollar value. He pursued women who were shallow and superficial and who only saw dollar signs when they looked at his pathetic, laughably small cock.

Steven made a huge mistake when he approached me about giving me a tribute. Little did he know that it was to be the biggest mistake of his life, one that would leave him bankrupt, financially impoverished and destitute. When he first approached me some years ago, I told him that I had no interest in receiving a tribute, that I was not for sale. He followed my work and approached me again recently, asking to give me a tribute. As before, my response was the same as it is every time a stranger asks to give me an unsolicited gift or money. That wasn’t sufficient for him however. He sat at home, fantasizing about being my submissive, about istanbul escorts me making him do unspeakable, perverted things. He was drawn to my unapologetic commentary on race and racism, my keen insight into the minds of submissive white men, my intensity, and, of course, my beautiful brown skin and strong African features.

Not one to take rejection well, Steven began his efforts to lure me with promises of money. Rather than attempting to get to know me, forgoing any efforts to impress me or appeal to my intellect and sensibilities to become my submissive, he dangled threats and promises of money, telling me of how he could make my life comfortable, spoil and pamper me with nothing expected of me in return. Never in his life had he ever encountered a woman like me. It was unfathomable to him that I didn’t want or need his money. It was clear to me, behind his desires of being forced to pay, that he believed that all women were objects to be purchased, that every woman had a tipping point, a certain dollar amount that would entice them to conform to his twisted fantasies.

The fact that his fantasies were to be mistreated and abused were irrelevant; it was money that was the carrot that he dangled in front of women’s faces and there was no way in hell I was going to let him manipulate or control me in that way. What Steven didn’t get, what he couldn’t comprehend is that I am inherently superior. I’m far superior to those women who sell their souls for money or to have a bill paid. I have integrity; I cannot be purchased like an item on the shelf and certainly not like a hooker on the street corner. I am a divinely gifted, magnificent, African queen, worthy of praise, honor, and worship befitting only of a Goddess who walks the earth, who is proud of her African heritage, and who enjoys and takes pleasure in reducing white men to sniveling, groveling, sissy bayrampasa escort faggot, debased pigs.

I planned on manipulating Steven, controlling him to the point where he was so entirely devoted to me, where I became his religion, that not only would he give me every penny he could, but that he would deny himself the necessities of life in order to lavish me with gifts and money. I intended to make him relinquish all his other money whores and get him to a point where he not only lived for me, that he would work for me, giving me his entire paycheck with the hopes that I would give him enough to allow him to survive. I wanted him to endure psychological pain for my amusement, to drain his wallet to not only finance my company but to donate to the causes and charities that would benefit people of African descent around the globe.

Steven was to become the major backer that would invest in the production of my book that would heal Black relationships and divest white people of their fallacy of white supremacy. He would be the money source that would rebuild my website and make it even bigger and better than it was before. I calculated that if freed slaves were to have gotten the 40 acres and a mule that we were promised at the end of slavery, that it would equate to about $250,000 dollars in today’s economy. That would be just the tip of the iceberg that I intended to make Steven pay, just a drop in the bucket. I wanted him to pay for my great grandmother who had to hold her tongue while she was brutally gang raped by disgusting white men who robbed her of her innocence. He would pay for the way Blacks hung from trees like strange fruit, lynched for the entertainment of whites who regarded Blacks as 3/5th of a human being, deserving of inhumane enslavement.

It was my full intention to make Mr. Miller pay for the unearned privilege and position he got just by virtue of being white and male and to reduce him to his true place, beneath my sacred foot, serving not as my slave but as my pet and my possession, driven to please me and to crave my acknowledgment and praise as a good sub and to pay for it, to pay dearly . . . with his life.

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Hard Time Wth Mom

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I wear a urinal device under my pants. It’s all synthetic rubber. Basically, it’s a sheath (tube), like a condom, that fits over the penis, connects to a long tube, and ends in a bag where the urine is collected. I wear it because it’s easier than to go to the bathroom every time. I can just sit and go as needed. It’s easier on my mom.

There’s one drawback to the sheath. I need to have an erection or be three-quarters hard for it to fit on easily and snuggly. My mom tried putting it on when I was soft a few times but it would either fall off easily or be too loose and make it leak.

So, I resigned myself to concentrating on getting myself hard before my mom would put the sheath on. It was unspoken and she knew that when I asked to wait, that I needed to make myself hard. She understood and never questioned me. I would concentrate about something hot and erotic and I would get hard in under five minutes. When mom saw I was fully hard, she’d put the sheath on. This plan worked well up until recently.

It began like any other day. I got up, ate breakfast, and then took a rest for two hours before getting fully dressed.

After resting two hours, it was time to get up. Mom bathed me and was ready to put the sheath on. I got my penis half hard and she was set to put it on. But it had gotten fully soft in those few moments!

Mom said, “Well, let’s get it on Joe.” Noticing that I was soft she said, “Hmm, it’s soft now. I’ll try to get it on this way and hope it works.”

She spread the sheath open and pushed it over the tip of my penis and it slipped on. “Good, it fit,” Mom said. She put my pants and started to close my zipper, when my penis suddenly fell out of the sheath.

Mom said, “Darn it, thought it worked. Let’s try again.” Three more tries and we gave up.

I had to get hard. I told her to give some time and she agreed. I tried for ten minutes to get hard, to no avail. Mom kept looking under the towel every few minutes to check on my erection. It was getting late and we were both frustrated.

“Let’s try it again. You’re slightly hard,” Mom said. I agreed. She got it on but it felt loose and tight at the same time due to my being soft.

I said to mom, “It just won’t fit on correctly. And I need it to go hard.” Mom replied,

“Joe sex hikayeleri I don’t know what to do and I’m going to be late for the bank, which close in forty-five minutes.”

Mom tried fitting on again and when again I wasn’t erect, she sighed in frustration. I finally said, “Mom try rubbing it with the towel a little until I get hard.” She looked at me, a bit unsure if she should do it.

“Mom, it’s the only way. I can’t get it hard” I told her. She finally and reluctantly agreed to do it.

Mom slowly picked up the towel in her hands. Then, she pushed the towel into her palm, molding it to her open hand. Slowly she moved her hand toward my soft penis. Finally, she cupped my penis in her hand but through the towel. She closed her hand around my penis and gently stood my penis up.

Now mom used both hands and began kneading my penis. Oh man, it felt great! The towel was soft, yet slightly rough at the same time. I could feel each raised area on the patterned towel as it rubbed against my penis. And she applied a firm yet gentle squeezing grasp around my soft penis.

After a minute of this, I finally felt the stirrings of an erection. I got about one quarter hard. Mom felt it and let go. I told her I needed to be fully hard for it to work. She thought about it and agreed to rub some more.

Back to rubbing she went. Back and forth she rubbed. The skin on my penis was being twisted this way and that. She squeezed, then loosened her grasp, squeezed, relaxed, squeezed, relaxed. I could lay there all day like this. But all good things need to come to an end. In this case, five minutes.

“Almost there, Joe. You’re nice and hard. It should go on really easy now,” mom said.

I was fully erect now and mom gave it a few squeezes to be certain. Those few squeezes put me over the edge and I quickly told her to put the sheath. She asked, “What’s the hurry, Joe?” as she slide it over my erect penis. Just in time. As soon as it was snug tight, I came into the sheath. Luckily, it’s opaque and mom couldn’t see my cum.

She closed my pants and pulled up my zipper. I got fully dressed and up in my wheelchair.

Before going to the bank, she got me all setup at the computer. She had enough time to get to the bank.

I was still porno hikayeleri hard and horny after that experience. So, I found some more porn. I found two hot ones of older women; one woman giving a guy a long, sensual blowjob and deepthroat, the other woman giving a guy a long handjob. Thinking of mom getting me off and the videos, made me cum several more times.


The next few weeks, we repeated the same process as we did that first day. Mom would rub my penis until I was fully erect. She would rub for about ten minutes each time. And I always ended up cumming into the sheath, unbeknownst to her. She must’ve seen the cum residue but never knew that it was due to her hands.

About a month later, we were still do the rubbing ritual. But this time was different.

She got the towel and was rubbing me like usual. I got hard and she kept rubbing. I was about to cum and quickly told her to get the sheath on.

Mom didn’t hear me correctly and kept rubbing. “Hurry mom! I’m about to…uh oh…too late!” I exclaimed. Too late. My cock erupted like a fire hose, on and on and on. I soaked through the towel and she felt it in her hands, slippery and wet.

I caught her off guard and she didn’t know what to do. She pulled the towel off, while I was still cumming. I shot cum all over her hands, the sheath, which rested between my legs, and all over the bed between my legs.

It finally stopped and mom stood there in shock. “Oh, I’m so sorry mom!!” I yelled. She just said, “It’s okay Joe. Cumming is a natural part of life and I guess I rubbed you a bit too much. Now let’s get this mess cleaned up.”

She went into the bathroom and returned with a towel and some damp wash cloths. She came over and started wiping me and the bed clean. After a few minutes, the mess was almost cleaned up and she jokingly said, “Wow Joe! You had a lot of sperm built up there guy!”

Now her hair was getting in her mouth due to her cleaning and she was going to wipe her mouth with her hand. I just noticed that her fingers were covered in my cum. She now had her forefinger in her mouth to get the hair out. I clearly saw the cum on and in her mouth. She licked her lip with her tongue and asked, “What’s that odd taste in my mouth?”

She pulled her seks hikayeleri finger out of her mouth and looked at her hand. She stopped in shock as she realized the taste in her mouth was my cum. “Oh my God! It’s your cum in my mouth. I need to clean myself up. Be right back!” as she went to the bathroom and closed the door.

I was left naked from the waist down with a still hard erection.

Mom took a while and she returned ten minutes later. I couldn’t see her until she came around the bed. She was completely naked! Her 36DD tits were swaying and her ass jiggled slightly as she walked toward me.

She climbed on the bed as she licked her fingers clean. “Hi Joe. I’ve been thinking about what just happened here. I was thinking how good your long, hard cock felt in my hands. How you came in my my hands. How your cum tasted. I loved it! Did you like it, Son?”

I replied, “Yes mom, it felt great.”

“In that case, we’ll both enjoy this even more!” she exclaimed. She then dove for my cock and slid her mouth over it. In one swift motion, she engulfed my whole cock, deep down her throat. She swallowed several times, then lifted up until just the tip was in her mouth, and she sucked and licked the tip. She repeated this process until I came and filled her mouth with my cum. As she licked her lips and swallowed my cum, she said, “Now you’ll stay hard for me for a while.”

Mom really surprised me when she climbed over my legs and straddled my pelvis. She grabbed my cock and rubbed it up and down over her wet, hairy slit. It tickled my cock. Then she put just the head of my cock into her about an inch. It felt awesome!

Mom said, “I haven’t had a long, hard, thick cock in my tight pussy in years. And it’s been here all along. We both need this. Now get ready for the ride of your life!” She raised her pelvis up, aimed my still embedded cock better, and bam!! She took me to the hilt into her hot, wet, tight pussy. Oh, it was great! We both let out a soft moan. Then she slowly went up on my cock, then down, up, down. She went slow for a few minutes.

She started picking up the pace. Up and down. Faster and harder. The bed was shaking and the springs were jumping everywhere. “Oh yesss! Oh JOE!! I love fucking your hard cock, stretching my pussy wide!”

After ten more minutes of furious fucking, we both came. I filled her up with my cum (she’s fixed…no worries). She collapsed on my chest, my cock still in her pussy. “Oh Joe, we have to do this everyday,” she said, as she fell asleep right there.

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Crosswinds Pt. 02 – Dark Currents Ch. 07

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***Author’s Note: Series contains strong elements of incest.***


Maddi’s hand trembled as her knuckle banged against her mother’s front door. She couldn’t explain her nervousness and felt sick with an overwhelming urge to run back to her car. The nipping winter wind flipped Maddi’s skirt over her hips. It allowed the bitter cold a chance to pierce the thin layer of pantyhose-she shivered as she adjusted herself.

“Maddi?” The door creaked open, and Rochelle peered down at her slight daughter. “Hey, what’s up?”

“Um,” Maddi turned away. She kicked, and she scuffed her shoes against the concrete steps. “C-can I ask you something?”

Rochelle sighed. “Of course, honey.” She blushed and shook her head. “Gosh, I’m sorry. Please come in; you’re shivering.”

“Thanks,” Maddi whispered under her breath with relief. She let Rochelle lead her to the study down the hall. Although it seemed silly to her, Maddi always checked the picture frames on the wall. The photo of her and Diana on the beach never ceased to make her smile. She sat modestly in the couch’s corner with her limbs drawn in her lap, taking up as little space as possible. “So,” she started.

“Yes?” Rochelle sat across from her, cross-legged wearing a striking crimson pantsuit. Her shin kicked, and pant leg rose, revealing her barefoot. The contrast did much to set Maddi wasn’t at ease.

“Um,” Maddi bit her lip. “So, I’m turning 18 next month.”

“I know, Maddi.” Rochelle smiled. “Did you want something special for your birthday?”

“Actually, yes.” Maddi blurted. “Can I move in with you?”

Rochelle frowned. Her daughter’s request took the air out of the room. “What does your mother think of this? I thought you were happy at home.”

“No,” Maddi chuckled nervously. “She hates me. She hates me because she hates you.”

“I’m sorry,” Rochelle soothed, reaching for a tissue box on the coffee table. “Here, sweetheart. Dry your eyes.” She paused a moment to let Maddi recover. “I know your life is hard because of the mess I’ve made. I think I can help through it. Just hang out here, honey.” She made her way back down the hall before turning back. “Do you still like honey in your tea?”

Maddi nodded.

As Rochelle disappeared into the kitchen, Maddi relished in the silence. She found it boldly different than the kind of quiet resentment she was accustomed. Linda LaRossa was a struggling 19-year old manager at a dry cleaner when Rochelle Masters came in to pick up a few shirts. The young and vibrant futanari decided she couldn’t leave without the girl’s number, and after a whirlwind series of dates, Linda found herself hopelessly in love with Rochelle. Many of those dates ended with Linda’s panties cast aside in the backseat of her girlfriend’s car, her legs wrapped around Rochelle’s thrusting hips.

Maddi knew the whole story of how her futa-mom refused to marry her mom. Despite never having to pay a cent for housing, Linda seemed to redirect her bitterness toward Maddi. Now on the cusp of adulthood, she was ready to leave the home of the mom that didn’t want her in the first place.

“She’s not going to let you move in.” Diana’s soft voice warned from the dark doorway. “You know that, right?”

“Hey, Di.” Maddi sighed.

“She doesn’t even want the kids that already live here. No way she’ll let any more of her bastards in.”

Maddi finally looked up and gasped. “Oh my god, what happened to you?” She popped to her feet and rushed to her sister. As Maddi got closer, she saw that Diana’s blackeye was worst than she thought.

“A girl in gym class thought I was staring at her in the locker room,” Diana said. Her frame shrank, and she cast her eyes down. “And, I guess I wasn’t tucking myself probably.”

“So she saw you had a hard-on. That’s such a shitty excuse to hit you, Di.” Maddi scowled.

Diana sobbed. She placed her bruised face in Maddi’s outstretched palm. “I’m so sick of being afraid of these monsters. I’m going to make them all sorry one day.”

“It’ll all be okay, Di.” Maddi kissed her sister’s healthy cheek while she whispered in her ear. “Two more years and you’ll be out of high school. We can go to Brentwood Community College together, and everything will be fine-”

Diana tore away from Maddi. Her face raged with a boiling red hue. “Everything will NOT be fine,” She raced back to up the stairs with a steady stomp, capping her exit by slamming her bedroom door.

“Di,” Maddi sighed.

“What did I miss?” Rochelle returned shortly after with a pair of mugs. She set them down and turned back to Maddi. “Was that Diana?” Once Maddi confirmed, Rochelle shook her head. “That girl.”

“Have you seen her eye?” Maddi asked.

Rochelle raised her golden brow as she passed her a printed sheet of paper. “Yeah, it’s a shiner for sure. Anyhow, here’s a listing of properties near your college. There’s one I like that’s only a ten-minute drive.”

“So,” Maddi plopped down in defeat. “I can’t move in?”

“Look at it this way, Maddi.” sex hikayeleri Rochelle reasoned. “Christy doesn’t deal with change well. Not to mention Diana is on the ‘back nine’ of puberty, and she’s territorial. I don’t want to distract you from your studies.”

“Di and I are best friends.” Maddi retorted. “We’ve always gotten along.”

“I know,” Rochelle sighed with discomfort. “You dote on her. It’s sweet, but you know what she’s going through with futa puberty. All that testosterone and estrogen are fighting for your brain’s attention. And she has a harder time than most with all the fights she’s getting into.”

Maddi grew angry. “Is she fighting, or is she being bullied?”

Rochelle scoffed. “Is that what she told you? The girl that gave her that black eye wouldn’t return Diana’s advances. Your sister apparently groped that girl before getting slugged for her trouble.”

“Oh,” Maddi looked away.

Rochelle softened her tone. “Listen, I know you love Diana. But the girl lies a lot. I don’t know why, but she always has.”

“Mom,” Maddi huffed, unsure of whether to go there. “Do you love us?”

Heartbroken, Rochelle’s jaw dropped. “Madison, I am so sorry I’ve ever made you question that.”

Maddi laughed it off. “I-it’s okay. Stupid question, of course, you do.”

Rochelle studied her daughter’s sullen face for a moment before reaching into her suit pocket. “I was thinking about doing this anyway.” She carefully placed the key in Maddi’s hand. “You’ve always been so mature for your age, Madison. Even though you’re getting your own house, you are always welcomed here. No more knocking. Use your key.”


Dr. Dominika Bykov reclined in the armchair in her study. The seat of newly upholstered ivory-colored leather was oversized like a throne. As she hands cupped a tiny porcelain mug of steaming green tea, the woman’s regal limbs seemed longer.

Her lips puckered and blew a careful breeze over the steaming pool before she began. “Firstly, l cannot express to you both how sorry I was to hear about your mother. She was a true pioneer for our kind.” The sisters mewed out their thanks, and Dr. Bykov allowed a moment of silence before she continued. “Diana, your sudden interest in fulfilling your mother’s legacy caught us off guard here. Had we known before the semester started, I could have easily boarded the two of you in the same dorm. But all the same, it’ll take some time before I can move you to campus. I assume you’ll want to room together.”

“Yes,” Diana nodded just as Maddi said “No,”

“Hrm,” Dr. Bykov cocked her head while studying the contrast in her student’s attitudes. She sipped her tea. “Then we’ll keep things the way they are for now. I’ll expect you to work extra diligently to make for your late start, young Miss Diana. Understood?”

“Of course, Chancellor.” Diana smiled.

Dr. Bykov smiled. “Very good. You may leave, Diana.”

Diana shot Maddi and smirk before she stood. “I’ll wait for you outside,” She winked.

As the door closed, Dr. Bykov let a frustrated sigh from her nostrils. “Madison, I hate to put another task on your shoulders, but please ensure your sister keeps her grades up. It’s a rare exception for Moringa to accept a student without college credit that didn’t even apply. She’s exhausted every privilege the Masters family name affords her.”

“I understand,” Maddi shifted in her seat. “We’re not very close-since Mom died. But I can try,”

“Trying is all we can hope,” The Chancellor grinned. “Your main goal is to assist with young Ashley Washington’s grooming. She’ll be the new face of young futanari once you graduate. Enjoy the rest of your day, Miss Masters.”

“Thank you, Chancellor.” Maddi kept her voice low as she excused herself. Even though she could feel Dr. Bykov’s piercing eyes on her back, she didn’t wince again until the woman called her name again.

“Madison,” Dr. Bykov’s voice grew stern. “Are you seeing anyone at the moment?”

Perplexed, Maddi stammered before shaking her head.

“Do I have to remind you of the school’s policy against intimacy?” Dr. Bykov arched her back as she crossed her legs. She waited for Maddi to shake her head again before pressing. “So, there isn’t anything you’d like to confess?”

“No, Chancellor.” Maddi lowered her head.

Dominika let her eyes roam over Maddi’s trembling frame. She smiled. “Very well. Have a good day, Maddi.”

Diana took her eyes off the administration building’s entrance for a split-second to ogle a nameless co-ed as a tan, athletic girl jiggled into the Peppermint House. “Now that has got to be the dorm where all the athletes live,” She thought aloud. “I’ll have to visit them soon. I’m sure they’ll love me.” Then Maddi’s lissome figure caught her eye. “HEY! Wait up!”

“What do you want?” Maddi snapped. She maintained her hurried pace.

“Nice jeans, Maddi.” Diana scowled. “Jeans and a t-shirt. I thought I told you to wear something slutty.”

Then Maddi spun porno hikayeleri around on her heel and squared up on her pursuer. “So?” She snapped.

“Unbelievable.” Diana shook her head. “You fucking coward. I bet you lost your nerve as soon as you busted your nut last night.”

“I always feel guilty after I come when you’re involved.” Maddi bemoaned.

“Can’t relate,” Diana said. “I don’t feel bad about it anymore. I know it’s wrong, and that fact makes me come soooo much harder.” She whined the last words and squeezed her thick thighs together. The girl shivered. “But, I never feel bad afterward.”

“Because you’re a sociopath.” Maddi spat.

Diana cackled. “And what does it say about you putting your dick in my mouth?”

“I don’t know,” Maddi sighed. She cast her defeated face at the ground. “I don’t know anymore.”

“Well, it’s none of my concern,” Diana cut in. “You can mull that over while I’m plowing your guts tonight,”

Maddi was equal-parts disgusted and titillated with Diana’s crass imagery, but she feigned a revolted glare nonetheless.

Diana scanned the emptying campus green and grinned when she came across the winding path away from Moringa. “Last night was hot, Maddi.” She licked her lips. “I should take you against the wall. That can be our spot.”

“No,” Maddi looked around. “We can’t do it here. Dr. Bykov asked me some weird questions. I think she’s knows something.”

“Have it your way, Miss Worry Wort.” The younger sister teased. “Let’s get something to eat.”

“You look good, Maddi.” Diana shared a rare compliment as she soaked in the dark, romantic atmosphere of the modest restaurant. The sisters sat at a corner table that seemed too small.

“Thank you,” Maddi replied under her breath. The reply was kneejerk; it startled her that it came out so lovely. Diana didn’t deserve it, Maddi reasoned.

“I should thank you, Maddi.” Diana sighed. With a flimsy fork of tarnished chrome, she poked at the next pile of deep red morsels in the bowl between them. “I haven’t had tuna sashimi in over a year. Thanks for letting me choose dinner.”

Maddi watched the prongs sink into the fleshy tuna. Diana raised the meat to her pursed lips, cradling it on her tongue before swallowing, barely even chewing. The entire scene seemed wholly pornographic to Maddi. “All the seafood is very fresh in Moringa. I figured you would like it.”

Diana smirked. “Remember right before we planned to knock all of those girls up, we’d pig out on tuna sushi because we read it would raise our sperm count?”

“I remember watching you pig out.” Maddi corrected. “I binged on selenium and zinc supplements while you enjoyed yourself.”

“Fair enough.” Diana jabbed her utensil at Maddi. “But I have hyperspermia like lots of futa. We didn’t have to do that. But we did because we wanted to be together.” She paused a moment to enjoy the silence-and the faint clanking of glasses from other diners. “This is what sharing this tuna bowl with you means to me, Maddi.”

“You’ve been nice to me today.” Maddi raised her brow. “Why? I thought you were planning to ravage me.”

“I am,” Diana bit her lip. “But that doesn’t mean I don’t love you. We can’t unring a bell, Maddi. We’ve crossed a heinous line. But since we’re here, we might as well enjoy ourselves-as sisters-as lovers. Diana leaned deeply across the cramped table to whisper. “As parents.”

Maddi trembled. She let go of the breath she wasn’t aware she held and pulled away from the sweet scent of Diana’s skin. “You think I wanna raise a child with you? In the same house?” Her eyes sharpened. “What would stop you from burning it down, Diana?”

Diana’s became reflecting pools of emerald as she fought tears. “I deserve that. I anticipated you’d say something like that.” She reclined to search her purse that hung on her chair. “I brought you a present.” Diana’s grim announcement came with her sliding a slender box across the table.

“What is it?” Maddi’s eyes fixed on the white box tied with a pink ribbon.

Diana’s voice lowered. “Whenever you feel the need for revenge, I’ll let you run this across my throat. The blade is serrated. I’ll go painfully.”

Maddi’s jaw dropped. She said nothing.

“The handle is textured so that it won’t take your trace your fingerprints.” Diana sucked in a final breath of discomfort. “And there’s even a signed suicide note inside. You’ll get away with it.”

“I-I-” Maddi shook her head in disbelief. Yet she knew everything Diana said about the ominous box was true.

Now Diana gazed mournfully across the table. “Maddi, there’s going to be nights when I’m coming to come inside you three or four times. I’ll fall fast asleep-until,”

“Let’s talk about something else,” Maddi snapped. She rushed the box down into her lap. Her pulse pounded. “Anything else.”

“There’s only one other thing I want to talk about,” Diana grinned. “When are you going to give in? If you’re not going to kill me, you might as well date me.” She bounced seks hikayeleri in her seat like a schoolgirl just before homecoming. “You’re grossly underweight, and it’ll be a task getting you pregnant.” Then her voice hushed. She licked her lips as her eyes widened. “What a labor of love for us to try.”

“Okay,” Maddi gasped. “You need to stop. I don’t want to alter our agreement. Let’s keep it simple, Diana. I’ll let you-” Maddi shuddered as her cock twitched. “I’ll let you do whatever you want to me as long as you go away.”

Seemingly heartbroken, Diana sighed. “Have it your way, then. Tonight.” She back and dramatically swung her arms. Her eyes looked down to survey the remaining food-only a few morsels of seaweed salad at the bottom of the plain crimson bowl. “I’m still hungry.” She pouted.

“Excuse me,” Maddi rose on wobbling legs. She sprinted across the restaurant to a tight hallway, inconspicuously marked “Washroom.”

Maddi breathed a sigh of relief as the bathroom door closed. The room provided two stalls with corresponding sinks with mirrors a few feet across. It was in one of those mirrors that she caught a side view of her reflection before she disappeared into the farthest stall. Maddi’s face seemed healthy yet tired.

“What the fuck am I doing?” Maddi whispered. She slid the stall lock before sitting down. Even the thought of Diana’s body pressed against her riddled her body with shivers. As her jeans rolled down her hips, what she saw mortified her. Just beyond her rigid cock, a puddle of stickiness dripped off her soaked panties. Her fingers met the puffy, aching lips. She stroked the flesh. Then her clit throbbed for attention, and Maddi obliged, pressing her sweet button with two firm fingers.

“Cursed,” She said, a tear trickled down her shut eyes. “God, please let me get pregnant tonight so that I can be rid of her.” She sat with her prayer for a moment in disbelief that she uttered it.

But as her trembling fingers undid the latch, the door flew out of her hand. Diana nearly ripped the flimsy stall door off their hinges as she pushed Maddi back against the narrow bowl. Maddi felt the perverse sickness churn in her stomach. She recognized the primal glare in Diana’s evil, emerald eyes.

“I can’t wait,” Diana grunted. She grabbed at the bulge throbbing under her dress.

Maddi nodded, swallowing back the rising sick in her throat. Her pants already unbuckled, she exposed herself just below the hips. She winced under Diana’s sturdy grip. She spun Maddi around by her bony ass and pinned her arms to the wall. “Di?!?” Maddi’s breathless voice questioned her sister’s fingers went to work.

“I knew it. You’ve been wet for me the whole time, you disgusting slut.” Diana hissed as she traced a finger around Maddi’s dripping sex.

“I know,” Tears flowed from Maddi’s suddenly swollen cheeks. She yawned her shaky legs across the stall’s length. With a careful hand, Maddi palmed her rigid cock as not to touch the cold, porcelain in front of her. She winced and sniffled once she heard Diana hock and spit-followed by the sound of slathering the thick saliva on her cock. “I AM DISGUSTING.” Her voice squeaked as she sobbed. Then the pressure of Diana’s cockhead kissing her slit silenced her. Maddi’s mouth hung, her eyes flushed a final rush of tears as they closed. As her sister slowly penetrated her, Maddi could only resist soothing her own cock for a few moments.

“Fi-fi-finally!” Diana dug her nails into Maddi’s hips. She squeezed, scrapping and clawing at her sister’s skin until the angular pink marks turned red. With a final thrust, Diana buried her entire eight inches inside Maddi. She pumped fast-hard. Low husky grunts forced themselves out Diana’s throat as she let her swollen balls bruise Maddi’s thigh.

As Diana rocked her body, Maddi’s head spun. Then, she lost control of her breathing. She knew she was about to have one of those fast, furious climaxes, far too quick to enjoy. She looked down, amazed at how much thick precum glazed her sticky fingers. ‘Figures,’ she thought. Her toes curled inside her flat shoes as her body stiffened.

“Nnngh!” Maddi whimpered.

“A-are you coming, Madison?” Diana moaned between thrusts. Her hand snaked and joined Maddi’s on her sister’s cock. Not a moment too soon. “I can feel it,” Diana hissed. “My big sister’s dick is about to blow.”

“Mmhmm!” Maddi cried.

“Do it!” Diana’s moaned grew louder. “In my hand, Mads.” Her palm slipped just below Maddi’s cock. “In your baby sister’s hand, you freak!” She held it there.

That was it, for Madison. The first blast from her spurting futa-dick splashed the dirty tiled-wall above the toilet. Then her spasming cock bubbled over and filled Diana’s cupped palm. Maddi sighed loudly as her climax subsided. Her fragile body went limp in Diana’s clutches for a moment before she steadied herself on the toilet.

“Fucking filthy wench,” Diana groaned. She carefully craned her cum-filled hand down until she pushed it inside her pussy. Then with two fingers, she fucked herself gleefully. Globs of Maddi’s cum plopped from Diana’s blonde folds and soaked into her dress. Diana shuddered. She clamped around her waist again as her thrusting slowed. “You’re about to get what’s coming to you.” She cried.

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