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Katie And Her Brother Zack

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Katie And Her Brother Zack”Hey Zack, when did you get home?” Katie had seen her brother passing by her partially open bedroom door. Zack was Katie’s older brother and they had always been pretty close. Zack was a senior in college and Katie a junior.”Last night, late,” her replied as he walked through her door a sat down on the bed.”How come? I thought you and Allie were going skiing this weekend.””Me and Allie broke up yesterday. She said I wasn’t paying enough attention to her.”Katie could hear the emotion in her brother’s voice. She asked him if he wanted to talk about and he said he did. This was something they had always done. Katie had helped her brother through a couple of rough breakups before. Zack talked for some time while Katie listened attentively as she’d always done. But as it became obvious he was getting “talked out” Katie also noticed Zack was looking down towards her breasts. She wasn’t surprised by this at all as Zack’s love of breasts had been something she’d long been aware of and which in fact she’d often ribbed him about. Still, she’d never noticed him looking at her that way before. Then as she looked down at her breasts she saw why, he pajama top was not buttoned all the way up and although her breasts were certain not entirely visible it was obvious that he could see more than was modest. As she started to look up she noticed the rise in Zack’s boxer shorts.”Zackie,” Katie only called him this when she made fun of him, “if you’re not careful you’re gonna expose yourself to me!”Zack knew immediately what she was talking about and moved enough so his cock would stay within his shorts. “Oh fuck you Katie!””You’d like that wouldn’t you!””It’d be the best you ever had!” Zack retorted.But instead of coming back at him one more time, what Zack expected, Katie suddenly turned thoughtful and asked, “How come I turn you on?””You don’t!” Zack said defensively. “It’s just morning wood!””Really? Then how come you didn’t have it when you came in?” Katie asked calling his bluff. She hadn’t actually noticed his condition one way or the other when he’d first sat down on the bed.This was one place Katie tended to win as Zack wasn’t quite so sure of himself as Katie was. “Well so what if I wasn’t?” It was the only thing he could think of to say.Katie had expected him to give her another pointed “screw you” so this answer caught her off guard. “I do turn you on?”Zack felt a lot of discomfort with this line of talk and her question made him pause for quite a while as he considered an answer. When he failed to say anything she said, “Wow, I do turn you on don’t I?”Zack was blushing profusely but finally replied, “Well hell Katie, you are beautiful and you know it!””And you love tits!” Katie grabbed her breasts with her hands and squeezed them. She wanted to quickly lighten up the subject but instead she found all she had done was attract Zack’s attention right back on what had started it all.There was a long silence. Finally Katie said, “Zack.””Yeah?””Your pecker is showing.”Zack looked down and sure enough he had indeed popped out of his shorts. He quickly pushed himself back inside and blushed some more.”It’s all right istanbul escort Zackie, it’s not like I’ve never seen it before.””Yeah, but you’ve never seen it like this before.”In fact she hadn’t seen him since they were little k**s who had innocently run naked under a sprinkler on one very hot summer’s day. So this was very different because she noticed she had unwittingly become turned on herself. Then, as if someone else were in her body making her do things she opened up her pajama top so Zack could see her full breasts.”Zack, they’re just tits. No big deal!” Katie really believed that and had said as much to other people on other occasions. But she immediately realized this was different because she knew that for Zack it was a big deal. She silently chastised herself for tormenting her brother but then she heard him mutter, “wow.””Do you like them?” What a dumb question she thought to herself, of course he does.”Yeah!””I wish they were bigger.” Now this was something no one would have expected from Kate mostly because she had always been something of a feminist, a fact that Zack hadn’t missed either.”You do? Why? They’re perfect.””Vanity.” She replied quietly.”What do you mean.””Well, contrary to what I’ve said a million times I do like it when men look at me and if they were bigger, well, they’d notice me more often.””I think they notice you enough as it is.” The firmness of Zack’s response both surprised and pleased Katie. There was a protective tone to his response that warmed her. “Katie?””Yeah?””Can I, um,” Zack was fumbling with his words, “can I touch them.”Although Zack’s request surprised her a little Katie surprised herself even more by not being offended by his request and in fact liking it. “I guess.”Zack moved himself so he was sitting next to her. Katie was surprised by the gentleness of Zack’s touch. Every man who had ever felt her breasts had been a bit rougher than she liked but Zack was touching her like a woman would. Katie knew this because unknown to her family she had been sleeping with her college roommate from the beginning of the school year. Katie had closed her eyes when he started touching her but when she opened them again her eyes went immediately to Zack’s cock which was once again peeking out from his shorts. She laughed, she thought, to herself.”What?” Zack asked.Katie reached out and tugged at Zack’s cock. “Nice wood!”Zack shivered beneath her touch and Katie didn’t miss that. What seemed like an eternity of silenced passed and then Katie, throwing caution to the wind, pulled Zack down on top her and kissed him passionately on his lips. At first Zack didn’t respond at all but then suddenly he was returning her kiss with the lust of a high school k** enjoying his first kisses. Katie felt in her mind the shock of what she was doing but that was totally overtaken but the exquisite feeling of the taboo they were engaged in. This wasn’t something she’d ever entertained as a thought but now that she was in the middle of it she loved it.They were both naked in seconds and their hands were all over each other’s body. avcılar escort The first time Katie felt Zack touch her pussy she felt a shock rush up from her pussy up her back to her face and back down again in an instant. She had felt something similar to this when she had given up her virginity but this was stronger and surprisingly better.Katie had responding by grabbing Zack’s cock and stroking it. She noticed he wasn’t so long as he was thick and she loved the feel of his cock in her hand. She knew he was rock hard and it pleasured her to know she was responsible.Then Katie wrapped her arms and her legs around Zack to get him as close to her as she could as their frenzied kissing continued. Katie was pressing her fingernails into Zack’s back as Zack grabbed her ass and pulled her tightly to him. It was then she could feel Zack’s cock rubbing against the outer lips of her pussy and Katie whispered in his ear, “Don’t let it go in Zackie, don’t let it go in.”But for her part Katie did nothing to stop him from entering her although Zack tried to honor her request. Katie knew he was doing that just from the way he changed his movement against her. His cock continued to rub her pussy lips but each she felt the head of his cock push even a little bit into her she felt him quickly withdraw it and push it away.Their kissing went on for another five minutes and they each got more and more turned on. Their passions grew and Katie felt her head swimming but in a way that felt wonderful. Zack, like Katie, was awash with the excitement of participating in their forbidden sexuality. He desperately wanted to feel his cock in his sister but also deeply desired to honor her request. But after five minutes his will to stop himself was lessening and once again he felt the tip of his cock enter his sister’s pussy. “Don’t let it go in Zackie, don’t let it go in.” she whispered again. But this time he wanted to test her so he went a little deeper.”No Zackie don’t,” Katie again whispered in his ear. But her very breathy request was actually turning him on more and Zack took it more as a request to continue than as a rebuff.As he got a little deeper in her he felt Katie shudder a bit and say, “Zackie don’t, we can’t.”There was nothing in Katie’s body language, however, that discouraged his movement into her and so he slowly slipped his cock into her deeper and as he did he heard her moaning in his ear, “No don’t Zackie, don’t, don’t.”But once her was all the way in her he thought he heard he let out a deep breath and then he felt her actually pulled him tightly to her.As she felt him entering her Katie’s mind screamed at her that this was wrong, worse even than what they had already done. She knew she was asking him to stop but her body was betraying her in its desire to feel his thick cock buried in her pussy. The worst thing, however, was even saying “no” and knowing she truly didn’t want him to stop. It went against everything she believed in and even it felt somehow inextricably linked to their forbidden passions, to that certain core something that made this all the more delightful.When Zack was şirinevler escort all the way in her Katie abandoned any thoughts of stopping. But she did take charge of the situation and in one svelte move pushed Zack from on top of her and quickly mounted him. With her hands on his chest and her eyes fixed on his eyes Katie slowly lowered herself onto Zack’s straining cock. When she got to the base of it she ground her pussy into him so she could feel his fullness pressing strongly against all parts of her pussy and she moaned as her hips moved against his.With her knees astride of his hips Katie began to slowly fuck Zack’s cock. She didn’t want to be his lover, she wanted to be his slut and told him as much. Katie started using language she had never used with any of her boyfriends but this relationship of course was different from any she’d ever had and she loved that.As she started to bang herself against Zack’s hips Katie said in her most sultry voice, “Come on Zackie; fuck me like the whore I am!”At that moment Zack did something Katie didn’t expect. He reached up and grabbed her tits and then squeezed her nipples hard, very hard, so hard that she yelped out in pain. But immediately after she cried out in pain she assured him by saying, “Yes Zackie, pull my nipples hard. Make them hurt!”Katie hated pain but in a strange twist that bit of pain she felt at her breasts had almost sent her into an orgasm and she wanted that orgasm so she encouraged Zack to continue. “That’s it Zackie, pull those tits!” Katie couldn’t believe her mouth but there was a thrill in saying these things, a really turn-on.Katie started fucking Zack’s cock harder and faster as Zack returned the favor by pulling at her breasts and pinching her nipples harder still. It surprised to when suddenly she felt like Zack’s cock suddenly swelled insider her pussy and then she could feel his hot cum bursting into her pussy. Her orgasm was sudden a powerful like waves of heat washing over her. Her head was spinning in an almost surreal excitement as she felt her pussy gush all over Zack. She had never come so strongly and even more surprisingly she was slowing down. Her orgasm continued as she continued pounding her pussy onto Zack’s cock.Neither of them wanted to stop but Zack was spent and although Katie urged him on she knew in her heart that she had to give him a bit of a break. Finally she fell off him and alongside him taking him into her arms. She loved the feel of her breasts crushed into her brother’s chest. Zack loved the feeling too although he was almost breathless from what they had just done and although he really wanted to continue he also liked enjoying the moment they were in.As they lay there Katie very lightly stroked Zack’s not quite flaccid cock with her finger. And Zack gently played with one of Katie’s breasts.Then Zack heard Katie mutter, “Aw shit.””What?””You didn’t wear protection and I’m not on the pill.””You’re not!” Zack replied in complete disbelief.”Well, I told you I was broken up with my last boyfriend and I wasn’t planning on having any sex any time soon so I just sort of stopped taking them. They make me feel bloated.””Aw shit Katie, what are we gonna do.””Well, I think we’re safe anyway. I’m pretty sure I’m in the wrong part of my cycle.”There was a long silent and then Zack asked, “So does that mean we can do it again?”Zack had an evil grin on his face and Katie replied, “You’re damn right we will!”This was the first and most tame of their sexual experiences together.

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A Silver Fox & the Barely Legal Twink

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A Silver Fox & the Barely Legal TwinkJim O’Connor was straight as a board. The 60 year-old with the crew cut white hair and stubbly face voted Republican, owned several guns, drove a Dodge Ram pickup, and was a retired high school teacher & baseball coach. In fact, the married father of two adult daughters with four grandk**s had amassed 19 consecutive winning seasons as head coach. His record during that time was an impressive 322 wins to 96 losses. A 77% winning percentage. Not too shabby.This is why the five-ten, stocky and brawny man was shocked that his face was buried in between Tyler’s smooth, pale ass cheeks. Never once had he fucked a dude before, but he was thoroughly enjoying the sweet taste of the jockstrap covered booty.Tyler Day was the nineteen year-old son of the physics teacher at the same high school where Jim had been employed. And, the barely legal twink was a one-time piano student of Jim’s wife. Interestingly, as cliche as it was, Tyler had even served as waterboy for the coach’s Golden Tornadoes team when he was a pupil.“Ooh, Coach O! Eat that boypussy,” shrieked the local community college student. “Your tongue feels so good, Daddy!”The coach smacked the tender, tiny bakırköy escort bubble. “Oh my god! I want you to fuck me,” cried the six-foot tall wispy, small-boned tart.“Suck my cock some more, boy!”Tyler turned around and opened wide. He took the mature man’s stiff 6¾-inch-by-5¼-inch tool into his mouth. The coach grabbed the back of the blue-gray eyed, raven-haired femboy’s head. “You suck the best cock,” he praised the teen. “I’m so ready to fuck your ass!”Tyler pulled off Jim’ cock. “I’m ready too,” he cooed.“Get on your knees then!”Tyler hopped up on the couch that was in the basement family room of his parents’ house. They were out of town for the weekend.In addition to working part-time as a substitute teacher & bus driver, the retiree also mowed lawns for a few neighbors and served as chair of the scholarship committee for the Missouri High School Baseball Coaches Association. Today he’d cut the Days’ yard. Then, Tyler invited him inside to have a drink. It started with lemonade and eventually moved to beer. Jim moved behind the vixen and started stuffing his sausage in the clenched pink hole. Tyler’s anus gave a bit of resistance, but he willed himself beşiktaş escort to accept the nice member. “Push it in, Coach O! Take this boypusy!”“Oh I’m gonna, baby!”Jim grabbed the strap running across Tyler’s lower back and used it to pull him into his loins. He began slamming into the younger guy’s backside. He was a jackrabbit in action. His massive nut sack slapped against Tyler’s taint.“Oh, Coach,” wailed Tyler. “Your big White cock feels amazing!”“This ass feels amazing, boy!”“Oh my god! Yes, Daddy! Fuck your little boy!”“Yes, baby! Your boypussy is perfect!”“I love your cock! Pound me!”“Turn over,” ordered the older, masculine fellow.As the fuck slut flipped over, Jim pulled down the jockstrap.Tyler giggled. “Your cock is so much bigger than mine.”“What did you expect,” chuckled Jim.“Nothing less, Coach! You’re a real man!”“Thanks, sexy boy,” remarked the powerfully built guy as he moved hard into Tyler.Indeed Tyler’s appendage was more clitty than cock. It was a measly, wiry four-and-a-half-inches.The coach rammed the slight bottom boy.“Oh my god,” yelled Tyler. “This is why I’m gay!”“Oh yeah,” grinned Jim.“Yes, sir! I love your body, Coach! Fuck me!”“It’s beylikdüzü escort not as tight as it used to be!”“It’s still freaking great! I love having a real straight older man use my boypusy!”“You do,” huffed the fucker.“Yes, Coach! I always wanted you to fuck me!”“Oh yeah,” Jim smirked.“God yes! I used to dream about it when I was younger.”“Oh shit! You wanted me fuck you when you were in high school?”“I would’ve loved it.”“You’re naughty little faggit, aren’t you?”“The naughtiest,” Tyler laughed gingerly.“I love it! I’m gonna keep fucking you after today!”“Oh my god! Yasssss! Fucking give me that big White cock!”Jim began licking Tyler’s pink and perky nipples. Then he moved over to the boy’s shaved left underarm.Tyler shrieked and giggled uncontrollably at the tickling sensation. “You’re best damn fuck I’ve ever had, Daddy!”“Oh damn,” roared O’Connor. “I’m gonna cum!”“Please cum in my mouth,” begged the sissy.Jim took out his member and crawled up to straddle Tyler’s face. He stroked his dick as the twink sucked the tip. “Ahhhhhhhhhhh!”Tyler gulped down every drop of the salty baby batter. Then he beamed, “You taste so good!”The coach lay there spent. He worked to catch his breath. “As good as this was, I don’t why I never fucked a boy before. Trust me I’m gonna be back for me.”“I can’t wait,” Tyler mused as he rolled over and ran a slender finger along Jim’s bushy salt-and-pepper, burly chest.Jim grabbed Tyler’s face. They began to smooch. A second round was imminent.

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The Enchanted Lakehouse

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The Enchanted LakehouseChapter 1 The man had made the bargain because he needed the money and the creatureshad accepted because they were hungry. The man had everything they neededto be sated. He ran a home for boys on the edge of the woods — the woodswere enchanted, said the boys; the woods were haunted said the others. Theboys were orphans or castaways — families with too many mouths to feed.The man, who saw the irony in this, made the bargain years ago, and afterso long, began only accepting particular boys — ones he knew the creatureswho came from the woods at night would prefer.The class of boy who typically lived in the home had acquired a uniformitynow: all were slender, fair-skinned and clear-faced, fine boned, agedbetween 14 and 20. There were a half dozen living there now; they all sleptupstairs in the attic with the wide windows and broad skylights. The manwould sometimes watch the creatures as they fed.The boys all wore the same manner of sleepwear — a type of loin cloth withan elastic band at the waist, like the ones shown in illustrations ofsavages. A couple boys would always joke about how this made for an easycleanup after wet dreams, but once the boys came to live in the home, theysoon realized they never had any messes to clean in the morning, and justas quickly paid it no mind.The creatures could be heard on the roof, quietly pulling open the windowedskylights, silent as shadows slipping into the room. Tonight there wereeight of them. They would stay until each had fed at least once. Somenights only three or four might arrive; one night nineteen had crowded theattic, all of them needing to feed–it had been close to dawn when theyhad left. Nineteen creatures, six boys … the boys had all drowsed thatnext day away, none comprehending why they felt so depleted.The man sometimes called the creatures succubi, because he didn’t quiteknow what else to call them. They were roughly humonoid, smooth and paleall over, impossibly long limbed, almost spider-like. Their heads weresmall with large ovoid eyes; their mouths were puckered orifices, totallycircular. They padded between the beds of the boys, each breathing heavilyin sleep, unwakable. The creatures, all but two, took their positions nearthe heads of each boy and crouching down, swiftly drew back the bedsheetsfrom each. The boys had all shifted in their sleep just as the creatureshad settled over them, an unconscous action, all rolling over orre-positioning to be flat on their backs, arms straight at their bakırköy escort sides. Thecreatures exerted some inscrutible power over their sleeping charges –none ever awoke during feedings. In all his times observing this ritual,the man had never seen any different.The man sat next to one of the boys on the opposite side of thecreature. The succubi never seemed to mind being observed by the man. Hetook in the scene before him: six boys, all taut, lightly muscled fromyouth, lanky legs and arms, shoulders sharp-boned, hips poking out, flatstomachs; six succubi perched next to them, spider-leg arms with longfingered hands efficiently pulling aside the flaps of each boy’s covering.The boy the man sat near was the tallest of the bunch, nearly sixteen now,black hair that fell across his brow, eyes green had they been open.Thisboy had the longest legs the man could recall of any of the boys who’dlived there — thin, but wired like a colt’s. The boy’s pubic hair wasreally just feathered wisps, but his penis was already mature: very smooth,as were the boy’s balls, which were already the size of a man’s fist. Thecreature had taken the soft penis in its fingertips, it’s other hand flatand gentle as a leaf on the boy’s stomach. The creature ran it’s fingertipsover the length of the boy’s shaft, lingered at the tip, twisted over theglans. It’s other hand probed and hefted the boy’s ballsac–the boyinhaled sharply in his sleep but did not waken. His penis began to respondin the way of all teenaged boys who are touched in this way. The succubuskept stroking and gently pulling on the boy’s penis, twirling it’sfingertips over the shaft and head until it was fully erect. Curving upover the boy’s abdomen, his erection pulsing in time to his heartbeat, theman thought again of a young horse. The creature bent it’s head downparallel and opened it’s mouth. The succubi mouth was actually like asheath–it extended out over a foot from the orifice, was four inches orso in girth and nearly translucent. The creature held the boy’s penis inposition as it’s proboscis opened and slid over the glans, down the shaftand flush with the root. The boy’s breathing became heavier, louder. Thesheath remained fixed over the boy’s organ, but inside, powerful musclespulsed and slid and twisted, intensely stimulating the boy. The man watchedthe boy’s penis flex inside the proboscis, heard a very shallowslurping. This continued for some minutes, the boy’s breathing escalating,his beşiktaş escort stomach heaving and pumping like a bellows. The boy’s toes curled, hiships and back arched slightly, he grunted twice. Inside the transulent tubeof the succubus feeder, the penis jerked and a spurt of milky cream shotfrom the tip. A second, larger jolt of cum several inches long firedrapidly out, the boy huffed; a third, fourth and fifth smaller ones camenext. The mouth slurped them all away; two more squirts issued out and werecarried off. The boy panted and his frame relaxed.The man looked on as the succubi finished. Its nearly transparent snoutremained fixed to the boy like a vine; there was movement inside, some partof it pressing onto the engorged urethral tube at the base of the penis androlling slowly up, squeezing out the last thick drops. The boy shifted, hispenis would be more sensitive now — prolonged stimulation would causediscomfort. The proboscis slid carefully off the deflating shaft, lingeredat the tip and recoiled inside its orifice. The boy’s breathing eased.The man decided to linger. Around him, the room echoed with soft pants,tremulous sighs, hitching groans. The sounds of night at the home, thesounds of slender boys milked. He moved to stand over another lad–ashort, very skinny boy with mousy brown hair and freckles. The youth’sstomach collapsed in and out, each exhalation exposing his ribs; alreadyhis nearly hairless ballsac was pulled up tight, his penis — smaller thanother boys’ but well proportioned and circumsized like the others — waspale and so stiff it seemed to be cast in marble inside its tubularfeeder. The boy’s head turned in his sleep and his jaw clenched, his bangsshifted over his eyes. He breaths huffed and three quick spurts of cream soclose together as to appear as one uninterrupted stream appeared instantlyfrom the tip of his erection and connected with the quivering mouth of thesuccubus. The remainder of his ejaculation seeped out in globs, thesuctioning tube whirled them away.The man turned behind him at the sound of a loud exhalation and grunt –another boy squirting his milk into the hungering creature feeding uponhim.The boy nearest the window was only f******n, but he was very tall, nearlythe tallest. He was still not into his full growth; his ribs and chestcarried the leanest of muscling, his legs and arms were very thin and endedin feet and hands that seemed two sizes too large. His ears stuck out, hishair, wheat beylikdüzü escort blonde, was long and flopped over his brow and into hiseyes. His lips were parted over teeth so white they seemed to glow. Hispenis was perfectly symmetrical relative to his body, long like everythingon the boy, the cap was swollen and coloured like an apricot. The succubuscaressed each hemisphere of the boy’s ample scrotum, balancing it with itstwig-like fingers. Inside its feeder, the boy’s penis twitched. Hischeeks were very flushed, his nostrils flared, his hips began to buck andmake light thrusting motions. The succubus had to adjust itself to keep itsfeeding duct positioned–the boy’s penis jutted from between his legslike a sundial.There was no preceding intake of breath, no sharp gasp or grunt to mark thebeginning of ejaculation, just a splash of white that coated the length ofthe sucking proboscis, and then a volley of shots popping one afteranother, each one an abundance of solid pearly cream. The man tried tocount, knew he missed several even while noting at least ten. It seemedimpossible to produce so much. The succubus seemed barely able to keep up,it’s slurping was heard by the others; the two who waited to feed edgedcloser to the bed as if to make their claim. The succubus gulped twice, amotion that the man had rarely seen — testamount to the copious volume ithad managed to milk from the boy.The boy’s orgasm ran its course and the succubus pressed the final drops ofpearlescent fluid from the shaft in slow, even pulls. The teenager’sbreathing lost its ragged quality of the past minutes, his shoulders andtorso reclined; the creature withdrew. The man had not stayed so longduring a feeding in weeks, the previous time he had witnessed thisparticular boy being milked was shortly after the lad had come to stay atthe home some months ago. He had easily grown several inches in thatinterval and the quantity of fluid suctioned from him at previous feedingshad been much more modest. Tonight’s climax seemed startling; even thecreature, emotionless and unreadable as always, displayed subtlereaction. The man had not even noticed that the others had finished withthe remaining boys. Now all that remained was the two succubi who had yetto feed — each might wait twenty minutes or two hours before selecting aboy. It had been made obvious though that this boy — whose long penis nowd****d pliably over his patch of downy pubic hair and just past the band ofhis loin flap — this boy would be drunk from again tonight.The man decided to retire for the evening and leave the creatures to thelast of their work. When he would awake before the boys in the morning, theman would retrieve the small pouch of coins deposited at his frontdoorstep.It would be two more nights before the creatures returned.

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Gloryhole Visit Of All Time

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Gloryhole Visit Of All TimeThe usual tinny noises echoed around the rest room as did the frequent hum of a car going past. Excitement would rise at the sound of tires pulling in and then hearing the engine turn off and a door open and shut. Mostly the excitement drops to disappointment as I track the noises; in paces to the urinal a ruffle of clothes and a zip and then a little while later the running of water while the urinal auto flushes. And then as the quiet falls again, the sound of the tires and the car driving away. Those are the times when I have my cock out, wanking, knowing that a stranger is mere feet away. My cock throbs in the cool breeze of my cubicle and I try and keep calm, not wanting to come yet.This time I hear a car and the sounds in the rest room are different. Soft steps lead him to the adjacent cubicle, mine is at the end of the row. I see the shadows of movement under the partitioning wall, leaning to he side I can see a large trainer of some sort. I move my foot so it is similarly visible. My heart is beating hard in my chest. I lean forward slowly my view through the hole in the wall shows me a fully dressed someone sat on the toilet seat. I stand up and move, making sure that my bare legs will visible from the other side and twisting like a bad stripper to show my bum as well. As I turn back my not so subtle demonstration has worked and the hole is in shadow as a cock is offered through, hanging softly. I touch it and it twitches straight away at my touch. There is a freshly clean aroma to him and so I lower myself to a crouch, moving my mouth to him.I use my tongue to lift his cut cock into my mouth. I feel him swelling to fully hard and I hear his gasps, a stifled noise which would be silent if it weren’t for the hard tiles all around us. His cock is thing and not too long, by the time my nose touches the wall in between us he is hardly at the back of my mouth. I suck my lips on him like a lollipop and move his hot probing helmet around, feeling the heat of him push around my mouth. I let saliva build up around him and as I feel him getter hotter I push my face to the wall and hold it there, letting him ride his cock in and out of my mouth.With out warning he pulls away. So do I and I smile at the trail of my spit that hangs from the hole to my chin. Ever prepared I wipe this away with my hand towel wondering if that is my fun over when I hear a quiet whisper.“I’m gonna come,” he tells me between hard breaths.“I know,” I reply equally as quiet, “I am counting on it!” Through the hole I can a big hand wrapped around his small cock, wanking.“Give it to me,” I whisper but still I see him wanking, “come on man, come in my mouth. My anxiety was growing that I would miss out on this load of come. I put my mouth to the hole and put my tongue out through it, trusting in my patience to wait and see what would happen. I could hear the thumping of his hand and could just make out an increase in its pace. I held my own cock in a tight grip in anticipation and I was about to pull away so I could watch him come when his hard hot tip was back at my mouth again. It slip smoothly up my waiting tongue and I locked my lips down on him. No sooner was he in than I pulled back to suck on him only to have him fall away from my my wet grip. I smiled knowing what he needed and so I dutifully put my mouth back to the hole.He pushed in and out in firm strokes as big as his short length would allow and with an increase in the noise from his cubicle, I felt him twitch and thrust in my mouth. Then I tasted his come as a series of squirts gave he his hot liquid to swill around him as he fucked my mouth. I swallowed him down and I felt the action pull on his rapidly softening dick. He pulled back mid action which stretched his soft flesh until it ‘pulled’ free from my suction.I stood up quickly pulling on my own hard until I noticed movement the other side of bakırköy escort my door. The noises of rushed clothing from the next door were followed by the click of the lock and the swing of the door. I vaguely heard voices exchange an awkward greeting as with a flurry of noise, one guy left and the new guy moved smoothly into the cubicle. I consider myself to have a fair bit of experience of gloryholes , but I was surprised at how quickly this next visitor moved.From what I could see, blue jeans were already at half mast and I got a surge of excitement again, thinking about a guy outside of my door listening to me blow a guy. I saw movement as he bent down, I figured to check me out, I saw a rugged face nodding trough the hole and as he rose, he shuffled forward to put his already hard cock through the hole. I was instantly impressed, much bigger than the last one, a fat purple head poking out from under his foreskin. As I got nearer however, I caught a waft of aroma from his cock that told me I was not going to suck him. I took him in hand as I pictured a trucker type, hot and sticky in his cab all day, looking for a release. He was not looking for long; his cock throbbed in my hand, pretty thick and about six or seven inches. I dribbled spit onto him thinking about how that was bound to still number one’s spunk in it. I turned so I could wrap my hand around him with my finger underneath and my thumb holding pressure on the top as I stroked him. This meant I had my back to the wall and looking down had a good view of the action. My head at normal height like this I could her his whispers and while I could not make out the words, I knew it was dirty talk of some kind. I sensed him tense suddenly and without much change in his noise, he was suddenly coming. His first shot hit the tiled wall opposite and then I aimed the next squirt into my hand, remembering a promise to my self I wanted to taste all of the guys I met tonight. As I stroked him gently the last dribble of come formed to a drop at the end of his helmet and I licked my palm clean. He slid quickly from my grip and he pulled himself together and left me to quiet on my own.For about an hour after that I was on my own. I wanked and teased myself, swapping a few dirty text messages with people as I heard people arrive and leave to use the facilities. When I needed a wee myself, I strode out boldly in just my boxers and flip flops.What I thought would be my last cock of the night arrived a little later. It seemed pretty busy outside and in the toilets themselves so when the cubicle next to me became occupied, I stayed put and silent. After a while when all was quiet there was a cough from the adjacent booth which I replied to with my own cough.“Wanking?” came a croaky whisper and I replied yes. “Show me,” he continued. I moved forwards so that my slim six inches would be in the line of sight. Neat, clean fingers appeared at the hole and I moved to rest my cock on them. He twisted his grip around until he could run his fingers all over me. He was gesturing me to the hole and I obliged. I felt wet and warm on my shaft and I pictured him taking me straight into his mouth. It felt great to have him taking me like this, feeling the coolness amplified as he pulled back off me exposing my wet cock. I was pleased that this guy was enjoying it like he was but I knew what I wanted more than this. I pulled back and away from him, leaning on the wall. I saw him move back and his fingers returned looking for my dick.I crouched down and took his fingers in my mouth, sucking them in.“Oh yes,” I heard his gravelly voice say, “you want something to suck?“Yes,” I muffled over his fingers and to avoid any confusion, “I want some cock and some come!”“Mmm good,” he answered, “I hope you can handle it!”Mmmmm I thought to myself this sounds promising and I was right to think this way. Hi beşiktaş escort body blocked most of the light through the hole as he stood up. I watched him present his cock to me and licked my lips as I saw that he was so thick that he nearly touched the edge of the cut hole! I leaned back to watch it come through. The partition creaked as he rested his weight on it I was reckoned I was looking at about seven inches of thick, sold cock. His shaft was as thick as the tip and the way his foreskin was ruffled and taut behind his helmet made me wish I could have been there to see this cock swell into life. I closed my mouth around him not that there was much movement required to do it, my mouth was wide and he filled the void easily. This time by the time my nose touched on the wall I was glad as he just about reached the limit of how much I could take before gagging became a nuisance! I pulled back and let him slide out and then back in, his hot tip resting in the back of my throat. His cock felt so powerful to me and I savored every contour I could feel as my lips and tongue bumped over him. I was in heaven as I let his hard shaft massage my mouth and I could tell from the breathing I could hear and the way he held position that he was happy with my efforts. I sucked him slow and long like this before I leaned back to take him in hand, running my tongue all over him. I was really getting into it now and that uncensored horniness was starting to rear its head. I licked and sucked this magnificent cock while I touched my own hard on, my body itching for attention all over. I buzz off this feeling and so I took him back in my mouth with increased vigour.I knew straight away that this going to be the last leg, a tell-tale twitch and thrust as he slid back into me showed that soon it would be his orgasm controlling the pace and not him or me. I sucked hard on him, letting him know I was ready and I wanted it. He responded instantly and as if we were face to face and telling each other what to do, we got in the same rhythm of me sucking and him pushing so that in a small space of time, he was stiffening in readiness. I relaxed just in time as the first shot came when he was right at the back of my throat, his hot come squirted down my throat and I quickly swallowed to save from gagging. There was at least three more spurts before I lost count; I lost track because I had to swallow again so big was his load. By the time his orgasm had subsided I had swallowed one more time. I pulled off him gasping for breath and wondered if I had been holding my breath the whole time!? I turned to take a pull on my bottle of water, rinsing his come around with a mouthful before I swallowed that down too.When I turned back, I was surprised to see him still there and still hard. Curious at the prospect of him coming again so soon I looked close and studied his member. On inspection I noticed that the base had swelled up since he first came through the hole and now it was pressed right against the circumference!“Can I help?” I whispered and he answered in a quiet calm tone.“It’s alright, it just need a few seconds!”I looked down at him and sense of mischief made me lean forward again and lick him. I heard him shudder and the partitioned complained at the press of his body. I could not resist getting him back in my mouth again and so I closed my lips once more over his engorged tip. I sucked on him and enjoyed the taste of come that I drew from it. I also delighted in knowing how crazy this would be driving him, my hard sucking sensation on his hyper sensitive cock. I sucked more casually wishing that another load was on offer, but as I continued my attention on him, he started to subside and after a few more seconds he pulled back through the hole to be zipped back away.“Cheers, you horny bastard!” he said as he left.I sat on my own for another half hour beylikdüzü escort thinking about how naughty I had been and how worked up I was. By now it was very late and so I got slowly dressed, I love this frustrated feeling I get after a night like this, making these guys come but not getting any myself. I generally prolong it as best as I can.I stepped out into the night air and I am surprised at how cold it is. On the far side of the car park, there is car pared next to mine that I have seen here before. I walk to it cautiously before I see that it is indeed a guy who I have seen here a few times. His window is down and even in the darkness I can see his cock is out and in his hand.“Alright, Harry,” he says, “thought it was you when I saw the car… we thought it would be worth the wait!”I was surprised at his words, but only then did I notice a guy in the passenger seat, obscured in the darkness by his black clothes. I leaned in and pulled on his cock, thick and hot, my own cock hardly softened stirred immediately.“Mmmm,” I said sluttly, “ I thought I was done for the night!”“und and see my pal,” he told me and I put my rucksack on the roof and walked round. By the time I got there the passenger had opened his door (like pros, the interior light did not turn on!) and he had turned in his seat, pulled his tracksuit bottoms down and I was looking at his hard cock. He leant back and I took my drop to my knee and suck him. He was a good size, not unlike my own and I licked pre come off him before sucking him in deep. I observed how he was much younger than my pal, but my musing was soon distracted as his cock grew thicker in my mouth and I needed to concentrate on sucking him. A hand on my back told me that my pal had decided he wanted some too, but instead of turning to blow him I showed him what I really wanted. Reaching back I hooked a thumb under my pants and boxers and pulled them neatly down over my ass. I heard him put a condom on and in silence I heard the squelch of lube being applied. He positioned himself behind me, lining up to enter me and I relaxed, ready for his cock.I flinched as he pushed into, but accepted him easily enough. I wished it was the big dick that I had just sucked off, my pal here was big, but I new he was not the thickest I had experienced tonight. He bounced his pubes twice gently off my ass before he broke into a rhythm, just the right rhythm to bounce my mouth of his mates hard on. Soon he was pumping hard in my ass and my mouth was being pushed hard onto his passenger. We were all groaning now and with two hard pushes deep into, he was squirting his come into the condom and his breathing slowed again to gentle and long.“Stand up,” he breathed to me as he stayed on the ground on his knees. Pushing me against the car, he took me in his mouth a while and my cock responded instantly, swelling back to full strength. He produced a condom for me and rolled it on and then rubbed some lube in. he pointed back in through the passengers seat where his pal had shifted, his bum now on the edge of the seat. I lined up eagerly and my pal rubbed a bit of lube in his hole as I nudged my tip at the entrance. There was resistance and I noticed in his bodily reactions that this may well be his first time. I moved some lube to my tip and re angled at his hole and then pushed back in. He gasped loudly as I took him and I moaned out as I felt my cock break his seal and slide easily into him. I fucked him gently in smooth strokes, knowing that I was not going to last long at all. A hand reached in from behind me and wanked his cock, the guy was gasping no sooner than he touched it and he was wanked hard and fast. I pumped into his ass as best I could as he wriggled and then suddenly he was coming – heavy spurts glistened in what light there was as his spunk was fired up and over his body. And amazing view that sent me over the edge as well and I felt my cock pulse and my body shake as I pumped my come into his asshole.Hardly a minute after we had all come, my pal was wishing me a farewell, literally folding his friends legs back into the car and heading on their way. I pulled my own seat belt on and drove home quite satisfied indeed.

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