Yengemle Antalyada Tatilde Sikiştik! (Burak 20 Y.,

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Yengemle Antalyada Tatilde Sikiştik! (Burak 20 Y.,

Yazın tatil için Antalya’ya Dayımın yanına gitmiştik. Kadroda Yengem, Yengemin küçük kızı, Anneannem, ortanca Dayım ve ben vardık. Ben Yengemi esk**en beri çok beğenirdim. Onların evine gizlice girip çamaşır dolabından yengemin sütyenlerini ve külotlarını koklayıp yengemi hayal ederek 31 çekerdim. Antalya’daki sitemizde havuz olduğundan, her gün girip eğlenirdik. Tabi yengemin bikinili halini de sürekli gözetlerdim, akşam evde banyoda direk yengemi düşleyip 31 çekiyordum.

Bir gün Anneannem rahatsızlandı. Dayım onu hastaneye götürürken küçük kuzenimde onlara eşlik etti. Eve bakmak için yengemle ben kalmıştık. Tabi Anneannemin rahatsızlığından dolayı havuzdan falan çıkmıştık. Yengem eve gidip duş alacaktı haliyle. Benim de aklıma cince bir fikir geldi. Kendi kendime neden Yengem duş alırken Yengemı kapı deliğinden gözetlemiyorum dedim. Tabi yakalanma korkusu da vardı, ama yinede bir şansımı deneyim dedim. Ve düşündüğüm gibi yengem duşa girdi. Suyun sesini duyduğum anda banyo kapısına yöneldim. Ve kapının anahtar deliğinden bakınca o muhteşem manzara ile karşılaştım. Daha önce göğsünün ucunu gördüğüm yengemin vücudunu sere serpe bir halde görebiliyordum. Bu arada benim ufaklık ta ayaklandı, başladım elimle oynamaya. Bir yandan gizlice yengemi izliyorum, biryandan da sikimle oynuyordum. Gözlerim kapanıp açılıyor, banyoya girip yengeme dokunmak istiyordum, ama korktuğum için yapamıyordum…

Yapacak birşey yoktu, elime bir peçete alıp peçeteye boşaldım ve içeri salona gittim. Az sonra yengemin sesini duydum, “Yatakodasından bana havlumu getirirmisin?” dedi. Ben de içimden (Offf! Havlun ben olayım yenge, bana sarıl!) falan dedim; tabi sadece içimden 🙂 “Tamam yenge getiriyorum!” dedim ve yatakodasındaki yatağın üstünden havluyu alıp banyonun kapısına götürdüm. Tabi yolda benimki yine ayaklanmıştı. Yengeme, “Havluyu bırakayım mı kapının önüne yenge?” dedim. Yengem de “Tamam bırak, sağol.” dedi. Ben bir kez daha yengemi çıplak görebilmek için hemen kapıya yakın biyerde beklemeye koyuldum. Elimi ara sıra aletime götürüyor ve ufaktan oynuyordum gene. Yengem havluyu almak için kapının önüne eğildi, çırılçıplaktı. Yengem havluyu aldı ve sağa sola bakarken beni gördü. Hemen bana “Sen napıyorsun bakıyım orda?” dedi.

Ben kıpkırmızı olmuştum. “Eee.. şey yenge…” falan diye kem-küm ettim. Yengem, “Gel bakayım buraya!” dedi. Ben yüzümdeki o mahcubiyetle yengemin karşısına dikildim. “Banyodayken kapının deliğinden beni gözetledin dimi?” dedi. Ben, “Yok yenge yapmadım!” dediysemde yengem inanmadı, “Yalan söyleme bana! Söz kızmayacam, doğru söyle!” dedi. “Evet yenge yaa, dayanamadım baktım.” dedim. Yengem, “Hadi buseferlik olsun bakalım, nede olsa gelişmekte olan genç bir erkeksin.” dedi. Ben derinden bir, “Ohhhh!” çektim. Yengem bu arada mayomun önüne, kalkmış sikime bakıyordu. Yengem, kendisinden hiç beklemediğim birşey yaptı, havluyu açarak, bana ıslak vücudunu gösterdi. Göğüslerini bana uzatarak, “Dokunmak ister misin?” diye sordu. Ben şok olmuştum, “Yenge… şey…” falan diye zırvaladım yine. Yengem beni kendine çekti ve boynuma sarıldı. Yengemin henüz ıslak olan vücudu benim vücuduma değiyordu…

Fazlasıyla tahrik olmuştum. Bu işi bitirmeliyim dedim ve başladım yengemin göğüslerini ellemeye, öpmeye. Yengem de saçlarımı okşuyor, vücudunu benim vucuduma yapıştırmış, ileri geri hareket ettiriyordu. Daha fazla dayanamadım ve yengemi arkası bana gelecek şekilde döndürdüm ve klozetin üstüne domalttım. Hemen mayomu indirdim, yengemin arkasına geçip, sikimi yengemin amına hizaladım ve soktum ıslak amına. Ve başladım yengemi sikmeye. Ben hızlandıkça, yengem “Aahh! Ohhh! Çok iyi sikiyorsun aşkım, devam et!” diye inliyordu. Yengem daha hızlı sok, daha hızlı sik falan dedikçe, ben de daha hızlı gidip geliyordum içinde. Yengem orgazm olmuştu ve amı sular içindeydi. Yengemi biraz öyle siktikten sonra, “Yenge ben dayanamıyorum, gelecem galiba.” dedim…

Yengem aniden doğruldu, döndü, önüme diz çökerek, “Tamam aşkım, ağzıma boşal!” dedi. Ve kendi elleriyle sikime 31 çektirerek ağzına aldı. Çok geçmeden yengemin ağzına boşaldım. Yengem bütün döllerimi ve sikimi, taşağımı yaladı, temizledi. Yengemin çok mutlu olduğu her halinden belli oluyordu. Yengeme, “Nasıl güzel miydi?” diye sorduğumda, yengem, “Uzun süredir böyle sikilmemiştim, taze yarrağın ilaç gibi geldi aşkım!” dedi. Daha sonra yengemle birlikte duş aldık, yengem beni, ben de yengemi sabunladım yıkadım. Yengemin arkasını sabunlarken, yengemin götünü parmaklıyordum. Yengem götünün parmaklanmasından acaip zevk alıyordu, inlemeye başladı. Benim sikim yeniden kazık gibi oldu. Yengem sikimi eline aldı ve “Senin yaramaz daha doymamış!” diyerek sabunlu sabunlu sikimi okşamaya başladı…

Ben de bu arada halen yengemin götünü parmaklıyordum. Kendi kendime düşünüyordum (Acaba yengem götten de verir mi?) diye. Sonra (Ağlamayan çocuğa meme vermezler!) diye düşündüm ve “Yenge bir kere de götten sikebilirmiyim?” diye sordum. Yengem yine hiç ummadığım bir cevap verdi, “Sikebilirsin aşkım!” dedi ve arkasını dönerek eğildi. Sikimin başını kendi eliyle götünün deliğine soktu ve “Yavaş yavaş sok aşkım!” dedi. Yengemin belinden iki elimle kavrayarak, hafif hafif sikimi götüne sokmaya başladım. Sabunlu sabunlu öyle bir rahat girdi ki, hemen yengemin götünde ileri geri yaparak hızlandım. Yengem de, ben de, acaip inliyorduk. Yengemin götünü kaç dakika siktim bilmiyorum ama, herhalde rahat 20 dakika siktim. Yengem hızlanmamdan boşalacağımı anladı galiba ve “Götüme boşal aşkım!” dedi. Son bir iki kez daha abandım ve titreye titreye yengemin götüne boşaldım. Bir süre öylece yengeme arkadan sarıldım kaldım. Sikim kendiliğinden küçülüp yengemin götünden çıkınca, yengem tekrar döndü ve sikimi tekrar yalayarak döllerimi temizledi…

O gün bizimkiler hastaneden gelene kadar 2 defa daha siktim yengemi, 1 defa amından, 1 defa da götünden. Annaannem hastanede 2 hafta daha yatmak zorunda kaldı, bu süre içerisinde bizimkiler hergün topyekün hastane ziyaretine gidince, ben hep yengemle evde kaldım ve bu fırsatı yengemle değerlendirdim. 2 hafta boyunca sanki yengemle yeni evli karı koca gibi, sanki balayı yapar gibi sikiştik. Tatil bittikten sonra da artık ne zaman canım istese gidip yengemi sikiyordum…


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The Fantasy comes true

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The Fantasy comes truePaul had been being teased and chatted to by his son’s friend Kaite for a few months, he’d not really had an interest in younger girls before. But Katie had caught his eye a number of times, but Paul had never thought anything of this.He had helped her when she needed some advice, had a laugh when they had all gone out for food and a few drinks, but never any flirting as he was too much of a gentleman for this, plus his wife was with him. Besides he didn’t believe a young 20 something would be interested in an older man.Then by accident while surfing the net, he’d spotted what he thought was Katie on a naughty website, he’d looked at ther photo’s and thought he’d say hello, to his surprise she had replied and added him to her friends straight away. She even sent him the link to some of her private photo’s, and wow Paul was hooked. He checked that Katie knew who she was chatting to, and to his surprise she replied oh yes and I like what I see and want to see more.Slightly shocked but very turned on Paul flirted with Katie, early mornings and late evenings, even when he was at work and she illegal bahis was day off, telling her what he would do to her, as she liked to be punshed, he would tell her how he would spank her and and punish her. He was oftern so hard he could not move from his desk, and she used to post how wet she was in her profile as he was chatting with her.The weeks went by, and neither of them dare commit to a meeting with Paul being married and Katie knowing his son, it just felt like something strange but naughty. They both enjoyed the messages and the teasing and both really did want to try the real thing, but didn’t want to ruin anything for anyone else.Then one Saturday Paul was online and got a message, i’m going to be passing yours in 10 minutes and i’ve been naughty, my pussy is wet and i’ve no panties on. He was instantly hard, but wasn’t sure how to respond at first. So replied, naughty girls need to be spanked very hard for not wearing panties, and you’ve been very naughty. There was a long gap and he thought he had crossed a line, then the reply came ‘spank me in 1 minute for real if you dare as i’m about illegal bahis siteleri to knock on your door to pick up my work you helped with’.Well Paul was only half dressed and blushed, he grabbed some training pants, and went down stairs just as there was a knock at the door. Katie said morning, bet you have been busy and walked past him. She was dressed in leggings and a crop top and looked hot, her long hair brushed Paul as she passed. He asked her to take a seat on one of the sofa’s and offered her a cup of tea, while he went to make the cup of tea she shouted through to the kitchen, I can see your laptops on my profile you naughty man, I’m not sure who needs spanking most. Paul had pushed the lid of his laptop down but hadn’t realised it hadn’t fully closed, flustered he mumbled i’m so sorry.Katie let out a dirty laugh and said babe if you need to look then come and look at the real goods, when Paul turned around she was lifting her top up and showing her pert breasts and errect nipples. Paul forgot all about the tea and walked back to the room, and told Katie she was being very naughty, to canlı bahis siteleri which she replied, well you best punish me then and laughed. She then turned around and wiggled her sexy arse at him, to which he could not hold back any further and spanked it. Katie just laughed and said harder, so Paul sat down pulled her over his knee and spanked her again and again, each time she groaned and said more, he eased her leggings down to expose her pert arse and spanked it on the bare flesh, Katie groaning again. Paul could feel himself throbbing against Katie and so could she, he said your so naughty and this is so wrong, to which Katie just replied tell you hard c**k that, reached under and started to tease it through his track pants. Paul slid his hand down to Katies wet P**sy and teased her pert clit his free hand still spanking her. She exploded on his hand and asked for more, her juices now dripped off Pauls hand so he took them and put them in her mouth making her drink her own juices up.Katie then turned and took his c**k out and deep throated him so well, his hands holding her head deep on to him, then not wanting to explode yet, he pulled her up back over his knee and spanked her, while he had fingers deep in her p**sy and A**e to which Katie exploded in seconds. She shouted I want you deep inside me, I know it’s naughty but I do now!To be continued

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reaching the sissygasm

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reaching the sissygasmthis is the follow up to my previous blog entry:” it’s something that looks so hot..and i want to try it so much..i bet it’s an amazing experience..i haven’t touched my tiny dick for 3 days now and i’m planning on try to achieve a sissygasm(anal orgasm) tonight..any good advice?”it did happen.i took my time and it wasn’t biggest turn on in porn are big black cocks so i’ve put on some long bbc hypno videos,a chastity device and new batteries in my vibrator.after like the first 45 minutes i took off the chastity but since i was crouched on my side with my dick and balls(dick,or better to say in this case “my clit”) tucked behind my legs i felt that i was enjoyng to much the fact that my clit was rubbing against the back of my legs so i’ve put the chastity back on so that it was not going to be a distraction.after a while something happened..i started to focus more and more on those black cocks,i remember that for the first,when one of the girls was kissing her black lover i envied her so much..and a warm tingly sensation was building up in my stomach.then it was like i never had a cock illegal bahis between my legs,i was effortless totally focused on the pleasure from my ass.all of a sudden it felt like i was on of those girls and my vibrator one of those black cocks,and i felt my legs tremble and a sensation of a building up orgasm,just like a normal orgasm from you cock but immensly more powerful and all’over my lower body and coming from the dick was limp and didn’t have nothing to do with it. but just like it was coming it went away.i think i was in shock from how powerful it was building up to be and lost it.but at that point it was more clear to me how to reach it again and go through with it.the best advice i would give to someone who ask me how to reach it is that it’s more mental than mechanical.”mechanically” you need to mess around a bit and learn the position you feel more comfotable and the spots you like to stimulate,and how you like to be stimulated.than it’s all in leaving everything behind and be in the moment,forget you ever had a cock attached. i’ve understood that when i started using my anal kegels illegal bahis siteleri the vibrator became the big black cock i was craving ,and using them was like a mix of enjoying it for myself and giving my best for the cock i was took me a while to go back to that state,and one more “near miss”,but at one point i felt that deep core orgasm coming once again and stronger than the other two times before..the best way to describe it it’s that i can’t know how a vaginal orgasm feel but in that moment i was having one.. my legs were trembling and that tingly orgasmic sensation coming from inside me exploded in the biggest orgasm i ever was the strongest and longest of all my life,nothing in comparison with anything i ever had.even the quantity of cum i’ve squirted was like nothing before and my dick was limp while cumming and it stayed limp from at least an hour before..i felt so good.i’ve removed the chastity and my tiny dick got instantly hard just by me cleaning it up from all cum,the video was still on and i was amazed by the fact that my dick was already hard and ready to got in just canlı bahis siteleri literally a couple of minutes,and it felt like it was ready even immediately after like the two things were not even remotely connected.i jerked it since i was so aroused by the situation and cummed to those big black cocks once again..and it felt good,like any other time i jerk it..but it felt like nothing in comparison to what i’ve had minutes prior to that.the good part it’s that it’s hard to reach the sissygasm,so it’s something that im going to do when i have a lot of time to relax,like in the weekend..because it’s something so much stronger than a regular orgasm that none will ever go back to jerking if the two things were equally easy to surely sparkle a bit of bisexuality in you,the first thing you think after is “wow i can’t imagine how good it would feel with a real cock” and you find yourself looking at internet adds and thinking “how many more it will takes before i can’t resist to go for the real thing?”..but maybe that’s just me..i think a 100% straight guy can reach something similar thinking about women with a strap on. anyhow it’s an experience i highly recommend to any guy to try.for me it has been all about the BBC!i can’t find word to thank them and express how much i respect them!i love BIG BLACK COCKSim pretty sure this is going to be the next step

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My Best Mates Dad and his mate Davo

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My Best Mates Dad and his mate DavoBest Mates Dad and his mate DavoThe previous 2 weeks had been a blur as I’d been over to my mate Tom’s house every time that he wasn’t there! Ofcourse this was planned, so that I could feast on Tom’s Dad’s healthy pendulous man meat and stimulate it to attention and let him plunder my sole with his cock and tongue. Ofcourse it hadn’t all been one way and my body had adapted to this flood of sexual endorphins that flooded my body and any and every touch that he made on my body. I was addicted and simply had to have more.Our last encounter had ended with a near disaster, as Tom had arrived home early and we were still showering after fucking, sucking and cumming 4 times for me and 3 times for him (the last one for me as he was washing me down in the shower and a quick soapy pull! It was so fucking hot having him lather my body and wash me from head to toe and paying special attention in between. Anyway, we decided we had to play it safer the next time, as we both had so much to loose. I had to hide until it was safe to sneak out,I knew Tom was working the coming weekend and we had agreed to meet up earlier so that we could finished without the risk of being found out. I arrived at 2 pm and was greeted at the door with a bulge already obvious under John’s towel. I was already starting to seep precum on the walk over, so quickly got inside to commence removing my clothes. John embraced me and his manly scent and almost overpowered me – simply gorgeous and my cock was instantly rock hard and to attention. In a way it was a shame as I always loved the feeling of hardening in his hand or mouth – but that was when I was a little nervous/excited (in the first few encounters), and that was gone, now I was just one pure lust machine and my waking hours thought of John and my dreams were occupied also. I was hard just approaching the house, pre-programmed like Pavlov’s dog,John dropped to illegal bahis his knees and swallowed me whole, the feeling of his sexy supple lips engulfing my hard cock was still sublime as he slid his mouth back-and-forth along my aching shaft. Tingles and the most intense pleasure radiated through my groin and body, my moaning was echoed by John’s. He slid his mouth and tongue deliciously over my cock head. He pulled away from my cock and said “your precum should be bottled, I’ve never ever had anything so delicious in my life”.I nearly creamed myself at his words and dropped to my knees to savour his aswell and return the favour.Suddenly there was a knock at the door, and John said “fuck who would that be?, not a good time!” The knocking continued, so John said for me to hide in his bedroom, which I did, while John answered the door. I had to make do with listening as I couldn’t see into the entrance hall.“Hey Johno how are you man!” said the stranger.“Wow Davo, why didn’t you call, when did you get into town?” said John.“I wanted to surprise you, like old times” he said.“ yeah ITS LIKE OLD TIMES” John said with a emphasis that was audible but as yet uninterpretable.“Your looking great, especially in that towel” said Davo.“you too” said John.Then I heard nothing, just a rarefied emptiness that didn’t seem to make sense. This empty void of a moment seemed to extend for too long and my curiosity got the better of me, so I crept out to look into the entrance hall.What greeted my eyes was both jealous and delicious. There was John, his towel dropped to the floor standing fully naked in full embrace with this guy Davo, and the pair of them devouring each others face. They were so into each other, their eyes were closed as their tongues played a game of reminiscence from many years before. It was deliciously sexy watching them kissing. It was frenzied and real, but overwhelmingly masculine. Davo clasped John’s face illegal bahis siteleri while John undid Davo’s belt and pants. Within seconds they fell to the floor. Davo’s manhood was bulging in his underwear, stretching the fabric and looking impossibly huge. I was mesmerized at the sight of it all, standing naked watching them, my cock oozing precum.Suddenly Davo opened his eyes. “what the fuck” he said staring at me.John laughed and said “This is my new little fuck buddy, we play father and son”.“come say hello to my best mate” John said to me and winked his gorgeous twinkling eyes.I walked over and dropped to my knees kneeling before these two hunks of erect cock that simply begged to be eaten. While John and Davo kissed, I tried to transplant each of their cocks into my mouth. Holding one while I sucked the other. The taste was beautiful as each of them started dripping precum, making them slick and slippery. I savoured each drop as I squeezed and milked one while I devoured the other. I was in heaven.Without seeing or knowing how, Davo was now completely naked and we headed to John’s room. Davo lay down on the bed face up, his cock laying hard and flat on his stomach and reaching his navel. It was huge with a wide girth, his trimmed pubes glistened and his balls deserved to be eaten. I knelt down and went in for the harvest, licking all over is freshly shaved or waxed scrotum and sucking each pendulous ball into my hungry mouth. The skin was silky and smooth like velvet. Then without knowing what was happening, I felt a sensual warm tingle as Johns tongue slid down the length of my arse crack, flicking and slurping at my anal opening. The tingles were amplified as he held my cock and pulled it backwards to slurp on from behind. The sensations were surreal as I feasted on Davo’s oversized cock before me. Davo ran his hands through my hair and slowly face fucked me as he maintained some slow pelvic canlı bahis siteleri thrusts to get his monster cock deeper down my throat.The tingling from John rimming me while also stroking my cock was too much and I suddenly convulsed and pumped out a load. John moaned and then pulled away and said “why didn’t you let me know, that cream should not be wasted”. He quickly scooped it off the bed covers and wiped it down my crack and devoured it. Needless to say I was hard again pretty quickly. Davo motioned to sit up and we all changed positions, allowing Davo to suck both John’s and my cocks at the same time, while we stood up. This allowed me to kiss John and taste the remnants of my cumplosion. This was another first.Davo slid his hands back and forth on each of our cock shafts rubbing both our slippery cock heads together and allowing strands of precum to hang and stretch between them. I headed south on Johns chest and started licking and sucking this gorgeous man nipples, reaching around his back and sliding my hand into his arse to maximise his pleasure, while Davo sucked and slurped the length of his cock. The collision of pleasure from arse , nipples and cock was too much for John and he pulsed and rocked as rope after rope of cum squirted from his cock, the first pulse hitting Davo in the face while the subsequent ones were completely devoured by Davo swallowing down to his bushy pubes. I was still rock hard and Davo pulled down on my cock so that I straddled his face and he started intermittently sucking and rimming me. My eyes rolled as the pleasures radiated around my body like a ball in a pinball machine. John grabbed Davo’s tool and started to rhythmically pump it, squeezing and massaging his balls at the same time. Davo was rubbing his finger over my hole when he first jolted with orgasm, forcing his finger inside me. The penetration instantly sent me over the edge and we both convulsed and contorted as we expelled copious strings of cum here there and everywhere. We all collapsed in a heaving sticky mess and lay there for what seemed ages in silence, holding each other, before sliding around and having a group hug and falling asleep.

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A weekend with Doug and Mich Pt5

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A weekend with Doug and Mich Pt5Pt 5We all climbed back in the car. Dee and Mich again sitting in the back and Doug started the car and pulled out of the car park. “Right, I guess we head off home, have something to eat,” Dee and Mich giggle, “then have a shower and take it from there.” Dee carried on giggling, “Why shouldn’t we start now Mich?” and turns to Mich and kisses her lightly on the lips. The kiss triggers them both and soon they passionately snog each other. Hands behind heads and cupping their tits they start to maul each other. Dee then slides onto her back onto the seat and Mich slips on top of her. Their coats open, they dive into each other’s pussies. Their moans of joy and sexy desire fill the car. Dee’s hands comes up around Mich’s ass and pulls he cheeks apart, her fingers tweak Mich’s asshole as her tongue delves deep into her pussy. My camera in hand and myself twisted around in the front seat, I am taking close up shots of Dee making mischief on Mich. She then had a finger from each hand pulling Mich’s asshole open, stretching at it and making it gape. Mich moved her ass down and Dee’s tongue swirls and rims her ass. Mich moaned and sat up, Dee’s face smothered. Mich had one hand delving into Dee’s pussy and the other pinching and pulling her nipples. We stopded at some traffic light, but they didn’t. A couple of young lads passing by look in amazement . One of them tugged the others arm and they strayed towards the window and looked in at Mich and Dee going at it. “Tell them I’ll turn in up the road.” Shouted Doug. I wound the window down. “Hey lads, up there.” I point up the road, “we’ll pull in.”The lights changed and Doug drove up the road and pulled into a narrow track. “Hey girls, there’s a couple of lads been watching you, I think they deserve a treat. “The lads soon caught up and each went to either sides of the car. The girls clambered off each other and wound down their windows. Both lads popped their heads through the windows and reached out to grab the girl’s tits. “Well you two are in a bit of a hurry aren’t you.” The one with Dee then went lower and groped her pussy. “Wow, your wet luv.” “Do you want a blow job?” and with that he pulled away and undid his jeans. “Mind if we photo you?” Asked Doug as he climbed out the car. He didn’t wait for an answer and started taking photos as the lads got their cocks out. I too climbed out and started videoing the scene. The lads then poked their cocks in through the window and Dee and Mich grabbed them each and soon they were lapping on two strangers cocks. “Oh fuck, too much.” said one of the lads and came immediately in Dee’s mouth. She pulled him out and he finished off on her face. I got closer and caught on film as her face was covered in cum. Her eyes tightly shut as he sprayed all over her face. “Oh fuck this one’s cumming too.” I ran round the back of the car to see the other lad deposit his cum on Mich’s face. Dee then tapped Mich on the shoulder and they both turned together and licked each other’s face to lick up the lads cum. All on film they then sank back into their seats.The lads quickly zipped up and ran off, don’t know why but I guess they only then realised what they had done.We all got back in and Doug reversed the car out and back onto the road. “We want to see the photos.” Demanded Dee.“OK” replied Doug, “but when we get home, I’ll put them on the TV.”We were all very quiet for the rest of the trip home and after a while Doug pulled the car into their drive. The girls scurried out and trotted to the front door. Mich opend it and they slipped inside followed by Doug and me.“Right istanbul escort I suggest that we have something to eat, cup of coffee then go up stairs and get ready for some fun. We ate sandwiches, talked more and then Dee and I went upstairs. Dee stripped off, showered and I then went into the bathroom to also shower. I soaped myself down and played with my still hard cock, what was Doug planning? When I came back into the bedroom, Dee had gone, but left on the bed were some very interesting items of clothing. I put them on carefully and then put on the robe that was next to them. It was a sort of satin kimono and felt wonderful on my skin. Then I went down stairs and into the sitting room. The girls were not to be seen, but Doug was sitting in the armchair with a similar gown. “Just us for a bit then?”“Where are the girls?” I asked. “Out in the conservatory, they’re watching this morning’s videos and photos. Hopefully getting in the mod again.” Replied Doug. He then undid the belt to his gown and pulled it open. Sitting in the chair with his thighs slightly apart, he wore a gorgeous pair of silk panties and stockings and suspenders. “Red, my favourites.” I exclaimed. “Will you suck me off Ben?” he whispered, “Please.”I loosened the belt to my kimono, it fell open and I was too similarly dressed, but my lingerie was a turquoise blue. My cock was straining in the material and Doug beckoned me forward, he sat up and put out his hand and placed it on my silk covered cock, rubbing it up and down. “Mmm, I’ll do the same for you too.” His fingers and thumb ran up the outline of my cock and a small dribble of precum spread around the head of my cock. My legs trembled and I sank down onto my knees in front to him.He reclined back into his chair and pushed his bum towards me. I reached out with my hands and placed them on his stocking clad thighs, running them up and down the silky material. I looked up, his eyes were closed. I then touched the sides of his panties, bringing them together, now rubbing the outline of his cock. I could feel his warm hardness and I squeezed the head of his cock. He placed his hand on mine encouraging me to push harder. I did, but with my left hand I slipped under the silk, my thumb brushed his hairless ball and then up along his shaft, he moaned.Removing my hand I reached up to the elastic waist and pulled his panties down to expose his engorged head, it poked out the top and I leant down and licked it, tickling it with the tip of my tongue. He lifted his bum off the cushion to allow me to pull his panties down further and his cock sprang up towards my waiting mouth. Again I licked the head before engulfing it completely into my mouth. I then sucked and nibbled on his delightful cock slurping aggressively at it. He put his hands around the back of my head and forced my mouth down on him. His cock now fully encapsulated in my mouth, the warmth heating me within. He raised his knees up beside my head and I struggled to completely remove his panties, then as it flopped on one foot, I reach underneath him searching for his bum hole. My finger found it and slipped inside, he groaned loudly. He looked down as my eyes looked up, “You’re gonna make me cum.” I took his cock from my mouth, “Don’t let me stop you, I’ve never had another guy’s cum in my mouth.”“Oh, I’m gonna cum and you’re going to taste your first…ahh”And with that he came. The first spurt hit me on the lips as my mouth engulfed his pumping cock. The next jet poured over my tongue and the next. His cock pumped and swelled, my tongue wrapped around him. zonguldak escort He relaxed and with my mouth full I had no option but to swallow.I fell backwards onto my outstretched hands and looked at his cock wilting.Doug looked down at me, “Your turn.” He slipped down onto his knees, cum still dribbling from his cock. As I moved myself back along the carpet, I reached out and caught his cum on my finger and licked it off. Then lay back waiting for him. Doug knelt forward on his knees, reaching out to rub my cock once more. My panties soaked n precum he leant forward and nuzzled his lips onto my crotch. Then he grabbed the tops of my panties and slowly pulled them down. My cock sprang out aimed directly at his mouth. His tongue circled and lapped at the tip. The sensation was incredible, tingling, it made my cock bounce. But as he took me in his mouth the door bell rang, he lifted his head and turned to the door. “No, don’t stop, please?”The sitting room door opened and Mich popped her head round saying “Don’t bother, I’ll get it,” then looked down, “ “Oh, OK. Save some for us.” Doug returned to my cock. We could hear Mich talking in the hall, she sounded excited, then the door opened again. “It’s Mike, the barman.” She called as she opened the sitting room door. “Come and join in Mike, the boys have already started.”Doug and I looked over and Mike stood frozen in the doorway.“Shall I…” and before he could finish Mich was working at the buckle on his belt and Doug resumed sucking me. I closed my eyes, I couldn’t believe what was happening. And then I felt a body lie next to me. A hand wrapped around my cock and I opened my eyes once more and looked up. Mike had his hand around my cock, pumping it into Doug’s willing mouth and Mich naked on her knees with Mike’s cock in her mouth. “This won’t take long now Doug.” I gasped.Dee then entered the room, naked, “Not yet, I want to join in.” And quickly straddled Mike’s face before dropping down and sinking her pussy onto his face. “Too much,” I gasped and shot my load into Doug’s mouth. My hands wrapped around his head as I came and came. Doug couldn’t handle it all and it started to spill from his mouth. With that Dee leant forward and started to help Doug lick me clean. Their mouths either side of my cock, before they broke away and kissed deeply. Unbeknown to the three of us, Mich was enjoying her own mouthful of cum. Mich stood back on her haunches. “Oh Mike, you taste good. But who’s going to sort us girls out? You three all look spent.”Mike and I clambered off the floor and settled down next to each other on the sofa.“Well,” said Doug, “Why don’t you two put on a bit of a show together and get us hard again?”The girls looked at each other. “Do you fancy me fucking you Dee.” Dee smiled and winked naughtily. Mich disappeared out of the room and Dee put some music on. She started to gyrate in front of us. Cupping her boobs and tweaking her nipples. Then ran her hands down her tummy to her pussy as she twisted her hips to the music. She then pulled her pussy apart slipping her fingers deep inside. Pulling her fingers out she seductively sucked each one in turn, turning to face us one by one.All three of us now had our hardening cocks in hand, the sight before us making us all very horny. Then stepping forward to each one of us in turn she ran her fingers up our cocks, leant forward kissed and suckled the heads in turn. Breaking away she started to gyrate once more, the beat of the Stones playing satisfaction in tune with her thrusting hips as she once again spread her pussy lips apart.Mich escort bayan then entered the room. The phallic dildo bouncing from her hips. Dee turned towards her still dancing, then in front of Mich lowered herself to her knees and took the dildo in her mouth. Mich raised her hands above her head and started thrusting the dildo into Dee’s mouth in time with the music. Dee then turned around and on her elbows and knees spread her ass cheeks for Mich to fuck her. At the same time Doug got up from his seat and knelt beside Dee. Mich got to her knees and lined the dildo up to Dee’s pussy and started to fuck her. She loved the power and really pounded Dee’s pussy, pushing her forward into the carpet. Then she withdrew and moved over to Doug. He too pulled his ass cheeks apart and Mich slipped the dildo into him. He groaned with pleasure. Meanwhile Mike and I were pulling hard on our cocks. I looked at Mike to indicate that we should join in. We slipped off the sofa together and he made a direct movement to Doug. I happily headed for Dee. She lifted her head and took my aching cock into her mouth. I looked across as Doug did the same to Mike and sucked his cock into his mouth. “Don’t cum boys, we want some cock in our pussies.” Mich said urgently.Dee lifted her head, “Oh yes, I want Mike to fuck me and Ben in my ass.”We broke away and Dee showed Mike to lie on the floor as she got up and straddled him. His cock slipped easily into her soaking pussy and she leant over him and they kissed passionately and he pumped into her. I got up and went behind her. Her glorious ass bubbled in the air and I took up position with my cock nestling in her crack, I pushed my cock at her hole but there was too much resistance. So I broke away and bent my head before her ass and stuck my tongue out to rim her. She squealed and giggled as my tongue circled her bum hole before I push it in as far as it would go. Breaking away again I spat on her ass and rubbed the saliva into her hole, then repositioning my cock at her entrance I once again pushed. I slipped in deep and she moaned during her passionate kiss with Mike. I held myself in her and felt Mike’s cock sliding just below mine. The pleasure was amazing. I looked over to the other two. Doug was pumping hard into Mich, she was on her hands and knees and Doug’s cock was buried deep in her ass. The room was filled with sex and sex noise. It was all too much for me and with one last driving thrust I let go in Dee’s ass. At the same time Dee started to scream in orgasm. She is always noisy when she cums but this time she was louder than ever. This pushed Mike over the top and he announced that he too was cumming. His last thrust was so powerful that it forced me from Dee’s ass and I slipped out along with a lot of my cum. I watched as it ran down her crack and poured around Mike’s cock.This show was too much for Doug and he too came with a deep thrust in Mich’s ass. She fell forward and Doug’s cock slipped from her hole. He reached forward and pulled her cheeks apart and he and I watched as it oozed from her. We were all wet with perspiration and cum as we moved free of each other. Mike was the first to stand and looked at the clock on the mantelpiece. “Oh shit guys, look at the time. I’m working tonight!” Mich motioned that he should go and have a shower, but as he passed her she took advantage and lapped his wet cock into her mouth, licking it clean. He reluctantly broke free and headed upstairs. “Oh god, that was amazing” exclaimed Dee. “But no more for a bit, I am feeling very sore.”“I don’t think I would be capable to do much more.” And Doug started laughing. “No mate not at that. Look at your stockings. I looked down, they were laddered from top to bottom and I looked at Doug’s, his were the same. “Let’s go shower. Dee you can come with me, I’ll wash you down and Ben you can go and sort Mich out when Mike has finished.”

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Becoming a Sissy Part 9

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Ana Dearmond

Becoming a Sissy Part 9Things between Tom, Mandy and Sissy evolve. Also, Sarah decides to throw caution to the wind.Across town Sarah was just finishing another unsatisfactory fuck with Kevin which was driving her crazy. Ever since her night with Julia it was like the God of Sex had flipped a switch, making her insatiable. She supposed that a lot of women would view Kevin and his penis as completely acceptable. But her experience with King Kong (she smiled at the thought) and Julia’s stories of Tom’s massive manhood meant there was only one thing she was thinking of. To get Tom inside her, as soon as she could.She rolled off Kevin, and he immediately fell asleep. She decided to get in touch with Julia and see if she could go around to hers. Julia responded quickly “I’m not eating his cum out of you :-)” Sarah laughed, she definitely was fixated on a massive cock, but Julia certainly knew how to turn her on, and she would always be grateful to Julia for helping her realise her own sexual needs.When Sarah arrived at Julia’s she told her how fixated she was getting on Tom. Julia nodded in understanding. “It’s bound to happen Sarah, it’s clear that your body is built to be satisfied by the greatest specimens of manhood available, there is simply no point you wasting your sexuality on inadequate men. What do you want to do about it?” Sarah responded tentatively “you know that video you helped me make for Peter……………………?” Sarah burst out laughing “you’re right, subtlety will get you nowhere, let’s let Tom know what he is missing”A few minutes later they were in Julia’s bedroom. Sarah’s cunt was still wet, both from Kevin’s cum but also from her own unsatisfied sexual need. Julia set up some lighting in the room so Tom would be able to see everything. Sarah didn’t really need to think about what she was going to say, she had been rehearsing it in her mind for the past few days. “Okay we’re ready” said Julia.Sarah knelt on the bed with three dildos of varying size in front of her. She started “hi Tom, rumour has it that you have a very big cock “she said smiling. Picking up the smallest of the dildo’s she held it at the entrance of her cunt and lowered herself all the way down. “That seemed too easy, I’m sure you’re bigger than that” with that she took the next dildo which was bigger than the average man and again lowered herself onto it in one movement. “It’s got to be bigger than that, it slipped in so easily” she winked at the camera “I wonder if it’s as big as King Kong?” She lifted the grotesquely big dildo, which still reminded her of a horse, and held it in front of her body, so that Tom could see how far it was going to penetrate. “Are you this tokat escort big Tom?” With that she placed the massive cock head at the entrance of her cunt and looking directly into the camera lowered herself onto it, inch by inch. When all but the base had disappeared inside her she said “oh yes, that fills me up properly” with that she started raising and lowering herself onto the dildo. At first the movements were small, a few inches at a time. As she started to feel her orgasm building she gradually increased the size of the movements until by the end she was lifting herself off so that Tom would be able to see the head of the dildo before it was slammed back inside her body.At the same time her gorgeous massive natural tits were bouncing up and down in a way that was driving Julia crazy. At one point Sarah grabbed one breast and started sucking on the nipple. The only sounds that could be heard were the dildo’s sloppy invasion of her body and her panting like a wanton slut. Her orgasm kept building until she was no longer able to stay upright. Lying back on the bed with one hand jamming King Kong inside her and her tits bouncing up and down she rubbed furiously at her clitoris and within seconds she was exploding her cum all over the bed. She screamed in ecstasy pounding and rubbing as her fluid drenched the bed. It was all Julia could do to stay behind the camera, and not crawl up the bed and get showered by Sarah’s beautiful cum. As Sarah’s orgasm subsided she stayed panting on the bed her chest rising and falling with her heavy breathing. She left the giant rubber penis where it belonged. When she got her breath back she looked directly into the camera saying “So Tom how big are you?”Tom’s.Tom was woken by text message coming enormous phone. He smiled to himself as he looked at Mandy on one side and sissy on the other. “This is the life” he thought.He picked up his phone as the girls decided to go to the toilet. Interesting thought Tom even sissies and women go to the toilet together. He opened the message and for a moment couldn’t quite believe what he was seeing. There was Sarah squatting on a bed with her big beautiful tits hanging freely. He hit play on the video and was transfixed by what unfolded over the next 10 minutes. One thing after another left him speechless. When Sarah lowered herself onto the huge rubber dildo he could not quite believe it. And then watching her fuck it with her tips bouncing up and down, gave him an immediate erection. He was astounded when he saw Sarah ejaculate like a broken fire hydrant. It was the sexiest thing he had ever seen, and he knew that his own sexual adventure was not trabzon escort over.The ladies came out of the toilet and seeing their masters erection immediately started serving their master. Tom was focused on replaying the video, so was just aware that if one mouth was on his cock the other was on his balls, and it felt magnificent. He played and played the video each time gazing in wonder at Sarah’s magnificent orgasm, pounding her cunt with the huge dildo, her tits bouncing and finally the massive ejaculation. While it wasn’t their place to ask the bitches sucking his cock were curious. Tom had a decision to make. After watching the video one more time he decided to show it to the cock suckers. Here ladies, you’ve got some competition. As the video played the ladies slowed down their ministrations so that they couldn’t miss any of the action. They could not believe what they were seeing. When they saw the completion of Sarah’s orgasm they both had a sinking feeling in their little lady tummies. While she continued to pleasure daddy’s balls, sissy was heartbroken. “He’ll never choose me over her” he thought and started to cry a little. Mandy reacted differently and again buried Tom’s cock deep in her throat and looked directly into his eyes, daring him to ditch her.Tom, feeling the power of having three wanton sluts begging for his cock, short another load into Mandy’s mouth. “Don’t swallow anything, I want to see you guys swapping my cum” Mandy was very careful not to swallow the large load which was in her mouth. She raised her head, and sissy lying with her head on Daddy’s thigh opened her mouth to receive her prize. Mandy slowly dribbled her mouthful of cum into Sissy’s mouth, and so they swapped it mouth-to-mouth for the next couple of minutes. All the while daddy was recording the horny scene in front of him. “Okay let’s have some kissing” he directed, with that Mandy and Sissy kissed each other, their tongues invading each other’s mouth, swapping the cum. Some of it dribbled down their chins and onto their chests, “that’s the money shot” daddy observed, “okay, it’s time for your breakfast, you can swallow now” with that they both swallowed what was in their mouth, and then scooped up what was on their chains and faces taking care to swallow that as well. “Fuck me” daddy thought “what other kinky shit can I make them do?” Then he remembered he would always have X Hamster to inspire him.When they had cleaned him up he took them aside one by one, telling Mandy that he would be in touch with her in the next couple of days as he needed her help. Still tasting Daddies cum in her mouth she nodded appreciatively escort bayan and left. He was aware that Sissy might be less resilient than Mandy so he took Sissy by the shoulders and looked deep into her eyes, saying “I know how much you have done in order to please me, you have pleased me a great, great deal, however to be my sissy there are some further steps that you need to make” Sissy nodded appreciatively though she was uneasy looking directly into daddy’s eyes she said “whatever you want of me, I will give you”. With that Daddy said “go home, I’ll be in touch”Tom knew that the key to the next few days, was to do nothing. He knew that if he contacted any of his sluts that they might start taking him for granted. What he needed was for them to doubt that he wanted them so that their desire and suggestibility would increase. He knew that Sissy would do anything for him, and he had some thoughts about what he would like. He felt he understood the conflicting roles between Daddy and Sissy. Essentially, all he had to do was think about what would give him the most pleasure which given Sissies utterly submissive feminised nature would give her pleasure.Mandy was a little different. Sure, she was the epitome of a dumb bimbo, but he had noticed a little spark in her. After all she could be anybody’s Dumb Bimbo and have an easier life, though admittedly his cock was probably the deciding factor. While he could probably turn her into another sissy, he already had one of those. He would have to think about what her role would be.He thought a lot about Sarah and he had to say he was very pleasantly surprised. While he knew her somewhat from his old friend Peter, she always behaved in a very buttoned down controlled way. While he had on occasion thought about fucking her (those tits), he never thought it would happen. And yet now he had a video on his phone of her behaving like a whore. He thought about her smoking hot body and knew that for him her beautiful big natural tits made her a must have. But what role would she play in his harem?. He replayed the video again and noted the implicit challenge in Sarah’s final comment “So Tom how big are you?” that was very interesting he thought, while on the one hand she was very happy to beg for him, on the other hand there was still that slight air of superiority “so Tom how big are you?”In that question, Tom could hear every snotty condescending bitch he had ever been with. While all of them appreciated what he was able to give them (his enormous cock), at some point or other they felt entitled and as a result thought more about themselves and their needs than they did about his. Tom had learned from experience. He was the Daddy and the Master because he had the one thing they all wanted a massive beautiful cock with huge spunk filled balls and 100% alpha male masculinity. “yup” he thought “I’m going to have to humiliate Sarah before she gets her mouth, ass or pussy near me”

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Straight Boy to Bottom Bitch But I’m not Gay

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Straight Boy to Bottom Bitch But I’m not GayWhen I was in high school I started becoming more and more interested in cock. I’m not gay, as in I’ve never been romantically interested in men, but something about cock really gets me going. It started with shemale porn and gradually grew into both shemale and gay porn. All throughout college I would alternate between straight and gay porn. I just kept coming back to it. Eventually I bought a toy, but had to keep it hidden because my girlfriend wasn’t really interested in that kind of play.I was always interested in what it would be like to get fucked by a man and suck cock, but was too nervous to do anything about it; and honestly I wasn’t really sure where I would start. After graduating college, however, I was spending time near a big city waiting for fall to come so I could move to another state with my girlfriend. During this time I discovered craigslist. I put an add up, just to see what would happen, but chickened out after a few emails. As fall was growing nearer, I decided it was time to just go for it. This was something I’ve always wanted to try, so why not just do it? I’d be leaving soon, so there was really no reason not to just do it.I put up another ad: Bi Curious Young Bottom Looking for First Cock” along with a picture of my shapely ass. I knew I would get a bunch of responses, because I have a very nice ass, but only one really caught my eye. It was a POV of one of the best looking cocks I have ever seen. It looked to be about my length, seven inches or so, but THICK. I’ve always been kind of a size queen, so this cock looked perfect. The man was in his late 30s and overall in fairly good shape. We emailed back and forth a little bit and he seemed to be the perfect guy for my first time. The day came when I would drive over to his place. I would be buzzed up then just walk into his place. He would already be on the bed naked. We had decided to keep it mostly anonymous. No names and the only light that was on was the porn playing on his TV. I was mardin escort so nervous on the drive I actually turned around and had to force myself to go through with it. I just had to remember how much I wanted this and how hot his cock was going to be.When I got there, everything went as planned. He buzzed me up, and I walked through the door. I was still really nervous, but as soon as I saw this man on his bed jerking his cock…something changed. I immediately got turned on, just looking at the scene. The porn that was playing was two young, hung, guys going at it in a whirlpool, which was definitely adding to my horniness. So there I was in my shirt and sweatpants, standing at the foot of a strangers bed, as he stared at me stroking his thick cock. At that point instinct just took over and I began to strip. But I wanted to be at least a little seductive, so I tried to be as slow and sexy as possible. After taking off my shirt, I turned around to give him a nice view of my ass, and bent over as I pulled my sweatpants off. After kicking them away, I stood straight up and arched my back, put both hands on my ass and gave it a nice spank. I was rewarded with a small moan, he was really liking the show! Then I turned around and climbed onto the bed and in between my mans legs. He let go of his cock, which was the first time I could get a good look at it. I was not disappointed. It was a good length, but fuck…this cock was thick. I wrapped my hand around it and just looked at it for a minute. I was in awe. It felt really good in my hand. His cock was hard, but soft at the same time. The only way I can really think to describe how it felt to be holding another man’s cock was, amazing. Now I have a pretty good sized dick, but he was putting me to shame.I could barely get my fingers all the way around this hot piece of meat! And he had a perfectly proportioned head. This cock was a thing of beauty. Although we were both enjoying me stroking his cock, I desperately wanted it in my mouth. mersin escort Fantasizing about giving a blowjob, and practicing on my dildo make me hard as a rock. I started by licking his cock all over, especially his head and slit. I had just moved to licking his balls when he said the only thing he will have said all night, “take your underwear off!”, and he even started to reach over me to pull them down. I stood up and gave him another show of my ass as I took my tight briefs off. Now that he could look at all of me, I got back between his legs with my ass in the air, and I made sure to arch my back to give him a good view. This time I jumped right in and took his head in my mouth. I wanted to suck him for all I was worth, but I also wanted to enjoy my first blowjob and explore my first cock. I sucked his head and licked around his slit, trying to tease him as much as possible. I could tell my his moaning that I was doing a good job. After a minute of teasing him, I started trying to fit as much of that cock in my mouth as I could. It took a few minutes but I ended up getting almost the whole thing in my throat, as my forehead pressed into him belly. I continued to alternate deepthroating him as best I could, and licking and worshipping his cock. After a few minutes I said, “I think I’m ready to fill a different hole with this thing”. He didn’t waste any time grabbing a condom and lubing up. The whole time I was spreading my ass and giving him a show.After he put the condom on he laid back down so I could ride him. I climbed on top and grabbed his thick cock and lined it up at my hole. This was it. I was going to get fucked. I have never been so turned on in my life. I pressed his cock head to my tight hole, and started to lower myself. Now I’ve used toys before, and it usually hurt just a little bit at the beginning, so I was ready to take it slow…but for some reason his cock just slid right in with no discomfort. And oh my god…it felt AMAZING. He was so thick and warm, and escort bayan stretching my tight ass in all the right places. I rode him for a couple minutes, as he stroked my cock and rubbed my chest and abs, but there was something about the angle and I was only able to get a couple inches inside of me.Since I was getting a little frustrated, I told him to fuck me from behind and turned around on the bed and got on all fours, again making sure to arch my back so he could get a good view. He got behind me and just slid that big dick in my tight hole. This time, however, he slid all the way inside until his hips and belly were resting against my round ass. Without even thinking the words came out of my mouth, “Oh yeah, that’s it baby. Fuck me with that big cock!” And he didn’t waste any time.He immediately started pounding my ass. I was moaning like a girl every time he would bottom out inside of me. I couldn’t control what was coming out of my mouth, “Oh god fuck me” “Spank my naughty ass” “Don’t stop!” “Give me that thick cock!”. All the while he was giving me exactly what I was asking for. All I heard from him was grunting as he fucked me for all he was worth. Eventually he started fucking me fast and I knew he was about to cum, “Yeah that’s it stud, cum in my ass” “Fuck, that cock is so good!”. That sent him over the top and he came inside of me. I realized I hadn’t even touched my rock hard cock. His cock was still inside my ass and his cock was massaging my magic spot, my cock was dripping with precum and he reached around and started to stroke my cock. Dam it felt so good. He started to grind my ass and could feel is cock getting harder. He let go of my cock and pulled all the way out before I could cum. I looked back and seeing his condom covered cock “Please put it back in I need to be fucked” Don’t worry I can usually cum 4 to 5 times a night your ass and mouth are in for quite a night. He was right he fucked my ass three times as I could not get enough of his thick cock I pulled on his condom and started sucking his thick cock again. Like I said before sucking cock turns me on so much, and I came almost immediately. Without a word I got up, got dressed and left. It was so hot I jacked off twice when I got home. And I knew I would have to meet him again before I moved.

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Lossing virginity with stranger.

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Big Tits

Lossing virginity with stranger.Hello people out there. I am Ritika from CHANDIGARH. My boobs and butts are the most interesting part of my body. I am studying Business from a private college here and I hardly go to the college.I have a group of friends with whom I can be generally be found in any of the cinemas, food joints or on the near market. We are three friends. We three enjoy a lot and all of us have a high sex drive. We even have lesbian sex sometimes as usually girls doing in hostel and watch porn movies a lot in our room.We three are not from Chandigarh but came here only for studies. Actually we came here to have fun and to get out, we convinced our parents that we have to study hard so that we can get good job. Now I will narrate you an incident which took place couple of weeks ago.We three were virgins till and that night, I got my virginity broken. My friends Nisha and Veena had to return to their home town for a family function. They were cousins and went to meet their families. I was alone in my room for about one week and was thinking how to pass my time.The night they left, I went to a pub nearby and was waiting to get some company to get inside as it had only couple entry there. In chandigarh, you can get partners near the pubs as there are both males and females waiting alone to get inside.I also started waiting there and people coming there were mostly couples as it was a week day. Then I saw a group of 4 females and 5 males enter the pub. But one of them was not allowed as he didn’t have any partner with him.Then I went to him and asked him if he wanted to take me as his partner. He was ready for that and we both entered in the pub. This is one of the most rocking places in Chandigarh and the music here is simply great.The ambience is so charming that any body who visits it will come again and again for sure. After we got in, we took a seat in a corner. I introduced my self to him. He too did that. He said that his name was Abhi and was working in a web designing company.He was looking smart. He was about 24 of age and had a muscular body with a height of about 6 ft. I am 5’4″ which is a pretty good height for women. We were talking about each other and shared our interests while having Vodka.He was a nice person and I was getting wet in my panties seeing the way he was staring my eyes. I thanked him for being my partner and asked him to go and join his group of friends. But they were all gone and he said that they might have gone to the room to have sex with theirgirls. I was a bit shocked to hear this and was silently sipping my drink. Then I asked him about his girl friends. He said that he didn’t have any girl kütahya escort friends. Then I slowly changed the topic and asked him about sex. He said that he had sex couple of times with some of his colleagues butall of those were passing on affairs and is currently not interested to get committed as he don’t have time to fulfil such commitments. I was impressed by his frankness and decided to get fucked by him. He then asked me about my relationship status and about my virginity.I told him that I was still single and virgin. I also told him that I stay with my friends, who were out of town, in a nearby area. After about 2 hours, we decided to move to his room. It was clear that it was the D day for me and I would be losing my virginity that night.We came out of the pub and I got on into his Skoda which was shining in the parking area. We got in and drove to his house. In the mean while, we were talking about sex and were getting horny. He stopped at a medical store and brought some condoms and gel for extra lubrication.Then we went into a big mansion in a posh area. He said that it was his house and he owns it from the income he got. It was really big and awesome. It was a two storied building and had three rooms in total.He stayed alone there and sometimes he was accompanied by some other designers of the company who used to work at other stations. He has a servant who looks after everything but works only for 12 hours. He leaves at 8 in the evening.So, there was no one in this house and we two were alone. I then went into the bath room and had a bath. I was wearing a miniskirt and a tight and short t shirt. I just removed them off and was only in a panty. I was his shirt in the bathroom and I wore it and came out.When I came in the bed room, I saw that he was not there in the room. I waited for sometime and he entered the room only in shorts. He went to the other room to have bath. Then he got some vodka from his mini bar and also some ice cubes.He made drinks for both of us and we started to drink. After one peg, he came forward and kissed me. I also opened my mouth and let him kiss me. This was the first time I was kissed by a male. Then he started licking my tongue and caressed his hands all over my back.I was caressing his hair and back. Then he slowly started kissing my cheeks, nose, ears lobes and came down to my neck. Then he lifted me and took me to his bed. Slowly he started opening my shirt and my boobs were in full exposure to him.I was lying only in my panties and he was in his shorts. Then he started hugging me and playing with my boobs. I got great pleasure from the way he was pressing my malatya escort boobs, kissing and licking them. I was shouting to lick even harder and press those boobs even harder.This made him mad and he started to pinch my nipples and bite my boobs. I got some love marks on my boobs. Then he played with my stomach area and kept an ice cube on my navel. It left great. I was out of control and wanted him to suck my whole body up.Then he started sucking my body from top to bottom. He played with my belly button and licked it very well. I was completely wet in my panty. I desperately wanted his cock now. So, I got on him and started kissing him from top to bottom.Then I removed his underwear and saw an 8 inch cock fully erect. It was the first time I was seeing this monster cock in my real life. I got tensed and thought that my pussy had to bear all the pain to take that monster cock.But I also thought that I was a lucky girl to get such a big cock and that too for my virgin pussy. I started playing with his cock and took it in my mouth. I took the whole dick in my mouth and started giving him a blow job.He was moaning and grunting while I was pressing his nipples and his balls. After about 10 minutes of sucking, he released all his cum in my mouth. Wow!!! That was really nice. I never tasted it and was happy to satisfy that hungry cock.I drank some and spit out some as it chocked me. It was thick. He then kissed and again went to my navel and places an ice cube on my belly button and started to lick me. I was enjoying this to the fullest. I was biting my lips and was caressing his penis while he was licking the icecube in my belly and pressing my boobs. Then he placed an ice cube on my breasts and started licking the whole area. I pleaded him to go to my pussy as it was getting out of control. But he didn’t do that and even didn’t allow me to touch my pussy.He was really torturing my pussy. After about another 10 min of sucking me, he went down and started to kiss my thighs. He again got an ice cube in his mouth and ran it along my legs. It was a great feeling but my pussy wanted some more man handling.Then he gave up to my requests and started kissing my pussy over my panties. Then he removed my wet panties and saw the overflowing honey pot in there. He started licking my shaved pussy and that brought me some relief. Within no time, I had my orgasm.One of the best I ever had. Then he brought two ice cubes and kept it on my pussy. I skipped a beat because of the feeling I got there. He started licking it again with the ice cube. I was in heaven. It was great and I couldn’t control any more and pleaded him to break escort bayan my virginity.But he didn’t listen to me and started to lick me. I got another orgasm and fluids oozed out of my vagina. He then started to play with my clit and rubbed it with an ice cube. It was really a great pleasure. I came again but he didn’t stop there.Then we got in 69 positions and I started to lick his penis again and he inserted a finger in my pussy. It didn’t pain a lot because of the lubrication. Then he inserted another finger and it pained a bit. He started finger fucking me with two fingers and I came again when he got histhird finger in. I came enormously. It seemed he found my G-Spot. I was in heaven. I never had such great orgasm ever in my life. I was completely tired after four orgasms but my pussy wanted the real thing in there. Then he got up and got the condoms.I sucked his penis again and rolled the condom on his penis. He then made me to lye and got on top of me. He again started kissing me from my head till the toe and squeezed my boobs. Then he placed his penis on the entrance of my pussy and slowly thrusted it inside my pussy.It started paining a lot and I was shouting on him to get away. He asked me to bear the pain for some time. Then he reached my hymen and waited started to shake his ass lightly. Then he rammed in my pussy with full force and in one go, he broke my hymen.I shouted in pain and tears rolled out of my eyes. blood was oozing out of my pussy and he started fucking me. Slowly my pain subsided and I was enjoying the pleasure. Finally I was no more a virgin. I was urging him to fuck me very hard and he increases my speed.I too helped him by lifting my ass and we he fucked my for about 30 min. I got many orgasms and I lost count of it. I was very tired. He fucked my in different positions and even allowed me to ride his penis. I enjoyed each second of those 30 minutes and then when he was about toexplode, the removed the condom and exploded on my face, boobs & stomach. His cum came out for about 30 sec and then I cleaned his penis. He started to lick his own cum on my body and cleaned my body. We were tired and slept there in each others arms.After about 2 hours, I felt his penis trying to enter my mouth. I got up and licked his penis and pressed his balls till he came. Then he started to lick my pussy and press my boobs. We again got into 69 and started to lick each other’s organs.He was hard again and this time he decided to fuck my boobs. He placed his penis between my boobs and started fucking them. It was really great experience. He came on my mouth and I swallowed it and licked him clean. He also did that. We slept again and got up in the morning.He was getting ready to reach his office for a meeting. I also had a quick shower and went to my room. He asked me not to contact him again and if we met in person, we might have sex again and so, I was ok with it. We kissed each other good bye.

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Feed It to Me Baby Creampie

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Feed It to Me Baby CreampieShe straddled my legs and leaned forward. Her breasts hung over my stomach. She swayed from side to side and her breasts gently smacked my hardened penis. She stroked my hardness with her nipples. I groaned and moaned my pleasure. Drops of pre-cum fluid formed. She smeared my pre-cum with her nipples, back and forth. “Mmmm I love your slick pre-cum on my nipples, do you? Do you love how it feels? Do you love your slick pre-cum on my hard nipples?””Yes, oh yes I do””Do you want to lick the pre-cum off my nipples, do you want to do that?”” Yes I want that.” I said quivering.She rubbed her nipples all over my dripping wetness, then she crawled up and hung her tits over my face.”Do you want to lick it now? Say it.””Yes I want to taste it, I want to taste my pre-cum from your hard nipples.” I said as her wet glistening nipple hung over my face. “Say please, let me taste my pre-cum.””Please, let me taste my pre-cum.””Very well, you may,” she said as she lowered her hot wet nipple to my mouth. I licked my pre-cum and sucked her nipple into my mouth savoring the taste.”Do you like it.””Yes, I love it.” I said “Do you want to taste more?””Yes please.” I said, knowing my cock was throbbing and dripping.She brought both breasts back to my penis and wet them again, and brought them back to my mouth.The next moment, she straddled me again, and checked my bondage’s for tightness. I could definitely not move my hands or my legs.”Do you know what I read recently?””No, what?””I read a story that you posted online. It was called ‘Feed me’.”I stared blankly,I’d forgotten that she read my stories sometimes Especially this one.”Uhhh yes well…””Do you remember writing the story, do you remember what it was about?” As she questioned me, she was humping her open vagina over the head and shaft of my cock.”Yes, I remember.””It was about a guy and his wife, how she sucked rize escort him, and fucked him, and how he wanted to eat her after he came inside her. Do you remember that? Do you remember that he ate and sucked his cum out of her open vagina?””Uhhh…Yes….I remember, but it was a story that I made up, I don’t really….””Shhh….” she said. You just licked and sucked the pre-cum off of my nipples didn’t you? Didn’t you want that, didn’t you love it?””Yes but…””But what?””I’t s not cum, it’s just precum…””Do you like how My pussy is fucking your cock-head right now?””Yes””Do you want me to be fucking you, and making you cum?””I…””Then you can’t lie to me. You are going to cum inside me, deeply inside me, and then I and going to pussy fuck your face and your mouth, and you are going to eat and suck your cum out of me until I say it is all gone. Do you understand?””I…I don’t want to eat…””Shh…yes you do, you will want a mouth full of cum, and I am going to help you. I read all your stories, in half of them you expressed a desire to suck your cum out of me. And tonight, darling, is the night.”All of a sudden I was scared, but terribly excited. I had wanted this to happen, I knew I did. I wanted her to cunt fuck my face and force me to eat my hot cum and now it was going to happen and I couldn’t stop it. I was bound to the bed and couldn’t just get up and leave. She had planned this very well.She slid up and down my cock, and leaned forward and kissed me. She held my face as I sucked her tongue. She made it stiff and began to tongue fuck my mouth. ” If I had a penis I would fuck your mouth like this. Mmmm and I would squirt cum on your lips…” she licked down to my hard nipples and began to suck and nibble them. I was so hard and excited. She moved down and impaled herself on my cock. She slid down and back up while sucking my nipples.”Do sakarya escort you like that? Do you like your nipples sucked?””God…yes I love it.”She impaled herself again, then she slid off.”And that?””Yes, Oh, I love it.”She slid up and positioned her vagina over my mouth. Then she lowered herself so her slightly parted lips covered my face. I lifted my head to suck her. She pressed down and pussy fucked my mouth as I licked her.”Mmmm oh yes lick up inside me…. Yes like that…yes…” I continued to stab my tongue into her. She slid down my body, her breasts slapped my face.”That is how I’m going to do it next time,” she said as she licked my lips tasting herself there, “but by then I will be full of your juice. Jay, If you ever want hot sex with me ever again, if you ever expect me to suck your cock again, if you ever want to feel this excitement again, you are going to eat my cum filled pussy. Do you agree?”I admit I had never felt this way with her. She had never done these things earlier in our marriage, only recently since she read my stories had she been this way, and I believed everything she said. And anyway it was my darkest fantasy.”Yes, I agree.,” I said still tasting her vagina on my tongue, my heart pounded with my excitement. I loved having this new raw dirty sex with her. She slid down me again, licking my nipples and sliding her vagina lips over the head of my penis. Pre cum oozed and made the contact super slippery. “Oohhh baby, your cock-head is so hot on my clit, I want to fuck myself on your cock. May I please? May I? May I fuck myself with your hot cock?””God yes, oh God please.””I will baby, I will now, I will fuck myself with your cock, and then you will squirt hot thick cum into me, the same cum that you will be eating very soon. Say it!””It…it will be the same hot thick cum that I will suck out of your cunt. I will. escort bayan Please make me-make me want it– please feed it to me. Feed me my thick hot cum.”She groaned as she fed my cock into her all the way, then out again, she leaned forward and began to fuck me hard, her vagina was like a wet slippery hot piston fucking me deeply. I couldn’t hold back I couldn’t hold out if I wanted to, I felt my orgasm coming up from deep down, “Ughhh I’m going to cum, I’m going to shoot my cum!””Oh baby shoot your hot juice cum in me, squirt the cum that you’re going to eat, say it– say it again.””Yes oh yes I’m going to eat it.. uhhhh eat it all….” I began to spasm and squirt and shoot hot cum deep into her vagina, many jolts of cum, my body jerked with a whole body orgasm. She screamed “oh yes fill me, fill me… I feel the hot cum. Uhhhh oh God shoot it into me!”I was shaking when she slid up, “Eat it, eat it now.” She squatted over my face as she held onto the headboard. I couldn’t move anywhere as she kneeled on either side of my head and began to fuck my face with her open pussy, It was wet and slippery it had the smell of my cum and her vaginal juice, she began to wash my face as I licked and sucked her hole, I ate and swallowed my thick cum as she face fucked me. She quivered as she came on my face. Her woman juice mingled with my cum.After catching her breath, she slid down to my slick wet cock and sucked my cock into her throat. “This is your reward for being such a good boy, such a good cum eater.” She said before swallowing my cock again. I loved having my cock in her mouth, but having just cum I was amazed as my cock got harder as she worked her mouth on my cock, you like that baby. As she took my cock deeper into her throat, I could feel my balls tighten play with my balls don’t forget the balls as she grabbed and pulled them my cock began to pulse another load of cum into to mouth.Than for the first time she did not swallow but instead came up to me and kissed me with my load of cum still her mouth and we share a very special moment. From now it’s going to a regular part of lives. I lay there exhausted with a wet face and smiled.

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My First time !

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My First time !The summer before my sophomore year my family did a lot of camping Always going to the same campground. It was kind of cool as other families did the same thing and we got to know a lot of other people I started hanging around with a girl there! I actually liked her brother and hoped he would notice me. We were at the beach I had my bikini on and he did notice! Him and I started hanging around a lot ! We snuck beer from our parents cooler. We would get a little drunk and make out but really nothing more! Our last camping trip for the year was Labor day weekend and I was ready ! I thought for sure something would happen and I said to myself I was going to go as far as he wanted ! I even snuck some of my older brothers rubbers from his secret hiding spot ! Well I was pretty bummed when nothing happened to say the least ! Well school started and I got pretty involved with it doing basketball and cheerleading but nothing with the boys! I can say that I sure was thinking about it ! And a lot !Now I was finally getting to go out with my friends and even got to some parties! The first party I went to I had such hi hopes. I was feeling pretty horny after a few beers. Some of the older boys came over and were talking to me They kept filling my glass and it didn’t take long and I started not feeling so well. I excused my self grabbed my girlfriend and rushed outside! I just made it out before I got sick! I asked her to take me home. The next day I was very hung over pretty bad and was thinking about what may of happened if I wouldn’t of got sick. These boys seemed to really like me ! It was 3 weeks later on a Friday night after a game that I heard that there was a party at one of the basketball players house. My friend and I went. I made sure not to drink to much to fast that night. We were having a great time having a few beers and talking and listening kars escort to the radio! The guys we were talking to decided to go and do some pranks downtown. That kind of bummed me out. My girlfriend and I had another beer when the guy who was having the party brother came walking in with one of his friends. He was 20 and I think his friend was 21. They grabbed a beer and came over and started talking with us ! After a half hour or so my friend saw a guy she really liked and left me with Paul and Larry We kept on talking and after they finished their beers Paul asked if I cared to smoke a joint with him and Larry up in his room? I was feeling very good and now had these 2 guys that were 5 and 6 years older than me interested in me ! I said lead the way guys ! We went to Paul’s room upstairs. When we got in he closed the door as Larry and I sat down on his bed. Paul came over and lit the joint he pulled from his pocket. He took a hit then passed it to me. I took a hit then passed it to Larry. Paul sat on the other side of me. I took another hit and passed it then Larry with the smoke in his mouth yet started to kiss me ! Wow that was hot. Then when we broke our kiss Paul with his mouth full of smoke gave me a kiss! Wow this was great! This happened a couple more times. Each time it made me hotter and Hornier ! Each of them while kissing me was feeling my breastsI was a little drunk and pretty high the way I felt I thought I was ready for anything! The next thing I knew my sweater was being lifted over my head by one of them the other unclasped my bra and pulled it off! Each of them took a breast and was sucking on it ! Then one of them opened my pants I remember arching up and they were down. I kicked my shoes off them my pants. Larry was kissing me and fingering me. Paul was sucking on my left breast then he went down on kastamonu escort me ! Wow this was really great ! I knew then my very first time was going to be something very special !!! Larry got up and put a pillow under my head so I could see Paul eating me ! I had been ate once before but the boy that just licked up and down my opening. Paul was sucking my clit and wow it felt good. Larry pulled his shirt over his head My god he looked good but then he kicked his shoes off and dropped his pants and wow such a nice super hard cock about 6″ long I reached and started stroking him ! Paul then got up from between my legs and stripped! He was very hard as well but much bigger than Larry! I sat up and told them “this is my first time boys is that ok” Larry said don’t worry we will make you feel Great Jenn we promise ! I started kissing Paul when I felt Larry licking me he slid 1 finger in me then 2 He sucked hard on my clit ! I came ! After I came Larry knelt between my legs he slid his cock up and down my pussy. He said Jenn I’ll be easy are you ready ? I said Larry I am so ready ! Just go easy ok ! Paul was rubbing my nipples and all 3 of us looking at Larry’s cock easing into me ! As soon as Larry had the head of his cock in me Paul started kissing me again. I was in heaven ! It didn’t hurt at all and Larry was so gentle going so slow and easy ! I actually wanted more and him to go faster! I said guys just don’t get me pregnant let me swallow you both when your ready ok? They looked at me and smiled at each other ! They both said yes! I said Larry Please fuck me harder! Paul then put his cock in my mouth! I sucked as much of him as I could as Larry made me cum again ! Larry said Jenn baby I’m ready for your mouth! Paul pulled out as I took Larry’s beautiful cock in my mouth sucking him dry ! He fell back on the bed along escort bayan side of me. Paul then went and knelt between my legs! Like I said earlier he was much bigger than Larry in length and girth ! I took his cock and guided him in me! Wow this hurt but just a little! He went in slow and told me Wow Jenn you are tight ! Once he had it all the way in I asked Larry to let me suck him again. He immediately brought his still very hard cock to my mouth I was sucking him pretty slowly until Paul lifted my legs to his shoulders and really started fucking me hard! I came like 3 times before he said Jenn it’s my turn to cum ! He pulled out and I slid off the bed and he fed his cock into my mouth as he came! I sucked him dry and then some! God they made me feel so special and so so good! Larry and I were laying on the bed when Paul lit another joint. We all smoked it. Then they started kissing me with their mouths full of smoke again ! Larry laid back on the bed and I climbed on his still hard cock. I was riding him and going wild. Paul went to the other side of the bed and pulled my head to his cock. I was really going wild and it didn’t take Larry long to say Jenn eat me! I dropped down and sucked his second load. I washed it down with a big swig of beer ! Then as I sat back down and Paul put his cock back in my mouth! It didn’t take long and he was hard as a rock! Larry said he was going to go and got dressed As he left he said you 2 don’t have to much fun ! Paul laid me back and was kissing me and touching me all over.God I loved it ! The next thing I knew he was in me and fucking me so nice. It felt great. This lasted for some time and I absolutely loved it Him on top then me then him again. Then he said Jenn I’m going to cum again and he brought his cock back to my mouth. I sucked him dry again! We both laid back on the bed. I said Paul thanks for making my first be soooo good ! He gave me a kiss on the cheek and said I should get you home. We both got dressed and walked down stairs. The guys that I was talking to earlier that left to do some pranks just looked at me as I walked by them smiling with Paul’s arm around me !

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