Die Fette kommt noch fetter aus dem Urlaub (2)

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Die Fette kommt noch fetter aus dem Urlaub (2)Ich erwachte aus meiner Blickstarre, als eine weitere Durchsage zu meinem Flug ertönte. Sie wüssten nicht, wie lange es noch dauern würde, versprachen aber baldige Infos, wann es Infos geben würde zu den Infos, was zur Hölle los war. Ich seufzte. Mein Magen beschwerte sich, dass es seit Stunden nichts als Süßigkeiten gab. Zwar genug Süßigkeiten für fünf Personen, aber eben nichts richtiges. Ich erhob mich schwerfällig, das zusätzliche Gewicht aus dem Urlaub war mehr als offensichtlich, streckte meinen Rücken durch. Noch in der Bewegung bemerkte ich, dass das eine dämliche Idee war. Meine Oberweite spannte das legere Beachdress ohnehin schon auf das Äußerste, aber das Herausstrecken von Bauch und Brüsten war zu viel für die dünnen Träger, die augenblicklich rissen. Das Kleid rollte sich nach unten und gab freie Sicht auf mein Bikini-Oberteil, welches mühselig das weiche, leicht gebräunte Fett meiner dicken Melonen zusammenhielt. Der Typ, der mir in der Wartehalle gegenüber saß und meine Süßigkeitenorgie skeptisch betrachtet hatte, sah aus, als hätte er gerade in seine Hose abgespritzt. „Oops“, sagte ich und versuchte irgendwie, das Kleid zusammenzuhalten. Er sprang auf. Sei doch kein Problem, er habe Zugang zur Business Lounge, da gäbe es Kabinen zum Frischmachen, und dort könne ich in Ruhe das kleine Problem reparieren. „Gut“, sagte ich und watschelte mit ihm mit.Er bereute es vermutlich in der Sekunde, in der ich in der Business Lounge das Dauer-Buffet entdeckte. Er redete noch im gehen vor mir und merkte erst gar nicht, dass ich beim Essen stehen geblieben war und mir zwei Schnitzel in ein Brötchen stopfte. „Kommen Sie jetzt“, sagte er und zerrte mich am Arm weiter. Ich konnte so gerade noch einen Teller mit Minimuffins schnappen, von denen eines im Schwung runter fiel und in meinem gigantischem Dekolleté landete. Ich lachte, als er die Tür der Kabine hinter uns schloss. „Schauen Sie mal, wie praktisch es ist, einen Busen in Wassermelonengröße zu haben. Essen fällt nie bis auf die Erde!“ Er starrte auf meine Titten, oder auf den Muffin. Ich ging zwei Schritte vor, packte ihn im canlı bahis şirketleri Nacken und drückte sein Gesicht zwischen meine Brüste. „Saubermachen, los!“ befahl ich, und er gehorchte ohne Widerworte. Ich fragte mich, wie er seine Business Klamotten gleich wieder salonfähig bekommen wollte, aber egal, der Kerl setzte Prioritäten. Er sah aus wie aus einer Omega-Werbung entsprungen und zeigte mit der ganzen Hilfsaktion natürlich seine Gentleman-Qualitäten, würde sich aber sonst nie in der Öffentlichkeit mit mir zeigen. Doch wenn man sein Leben lang mit Titten rumgelaufen ist, zwischen denen man einen ganzen Kopf verschwinden lassen kann, weiß man wie die Kerle ticken. Die fette Frau in der EvolutionIch war schon immer fett gewesen und nach einer etwas schwierigen Schulzeit lernte ich rechtzeitig ein paar Dinge über Männer, die mir die nach den Teenie-Jahren folgende Sturm-und-Drang-Zeit deutlich vereinfachte. Neun von zehn Männern stehen auf ausladende Kurven. Manche wollen nur riesige Brüste, andere einen fetten Arsch, manche lieben eine bestimmte kurvige Figurform, andere wollen ihre Frau einfach so fett wie möglich haben. Manche leben es aus, andere wollen es sich nicht eingestehen, aber alle haben es in ihrer DNA. Evolutionär betrachtet haben Männer sich seit Anbeginn der Menschheit immer das Weibchen ausgesucht, dass unter schwierigsten Umweltbedingungen überleben und seine Vermehrung sichern würde. Und das ist halt nicht die dünne Puppe, die nach ein paar Tagen Nahrungsmangel in der Ecke liegt. Das ist auch der Grund, warum manche Kerle so gehässig werden gegenüber fetten Frauen. Tief in ihrem Inneren wissen sie es und es passt einfach nicht in ihr Weltbild. Sie wissen, dass sich ein weicher Körper besser anfühlt als ein Haufen spitzer Knochen. Sie wissen, dass robust besser ist als zerbrechlich. Sie wissen, dass dicke Milchtitten besser für ihre Kinder sind als wenn sogar das A-Cup noch locker sitzt. Aber schwierig ist das für sie nur in freier Wildbahn, besonders wenn sie in Gruppen unterwegs sind – im Bett sieht die Sache ganz anders aus. Ich hatte sehr offensichtliche DNA-Ignoranten in der Kiste, die canlı kaçak iddaa mir den fetten Arsch schon vollgespritzt haben, bevor sie mir ihren Schwanz überhaupt reinrammen konnten.Und dann sind da noch die Frauen, die Schwierigkeiten mit dicken Frauen haben. Eine interessante Gruppe sind die, die gerade selbst fett werden. Ein absurdes Schauspiel, wenn eine Freundin ihrer Freundin darlegt, wie sehr sie zugelegt hat. Sie faselt was von „Meine Güte … mehr Sport … Klamottenwahl … Psyche …“, aber ihre Augen leuchten vor Faszination, wenn sie mit beiden Händen demonstrativ ihren Minibauch wackeln lässt, in ihre kleine Hüftspeckrolle grabscht oder ihren kneifenden BH richtet. Aber sie sagt nicht, wie sie sich eigentlich fühlt, dass sie ihre Kurven, ihre neueste Errungenschaft, am liebsten dem nächstbesten männlichen Wesen präsentieren würde, so, wie sich alleine im Ganzkörperspiegel von allen Seiten betrachtet, während sie versucht, Bauch, Brust und Hintern möglichst weit rauszustrecken.Meine Lieblinge sind allerdings die mit Spott und Beleidigungen um sich keifenden Strich-in-der-Landschaft-Weiber. Es ist natürlich völlig offensichtlich, warum sie das tun, denn sie sind gleich mehr als der Hälfte der Todsünden verfallen: Hochmut, Zorn, Habgier und vor allem, Neid. Als Atheistin bin ich immer wieder belustigt, wie gut die Sünden damals zusammengefasst wurden. Neid. Die Quelle des meisten Übels. Ich bin außerdem Pragmatikerin und kann es ihnen daher nicht mal verübeln. Sie werden ihr ganzes Leben darauf getrimmt wie wichtig es sei, so schlank wie möglich zu sein. Und dann kommt so ein kleines Schweinchen daher, getrieben von den verbleibenden Todsünden Trägheit, Völlerei und Wollust, und ihr Lover hat nichts besseres zu tun, als dem Schweinchen auf die riesigen Titten zu starren. Mit etwas Glück sagt er ihr das Gegenteil von dem, was sein Schwanz denkt, aber sie beide wissen es: Stelle sie und das Schweinchen nackt nebeneinander und jeder Kerl wird das vor Leben fast platzende, mit weichen Polstern einladende Vollweib bespringen. Es ist so offensichtlich, dass es allen fast weh tut. Besonders beim nächsten Mal im Bett, canlı kaçak bahis wenn der Kerl seinen Schwanz auf ihre Brust legt, aber da sind keine Fleischberge zum ficken. Unnötig zu sagen, dass Frauen, die aus physischer Veranlagung einfach nicht kurvig werden können, mir unendlich leid tun. Finale in der Business Lounge„Ich will mir Deinen fetten Arsch vornehmen“, kam es aus seinem mit Muffin verschmierten Mund. Ich drehte mich um, streifte mein Höschen runter und lehnte mich auf eine Art Sideboard in der Kabine. Meine Möpse platzierten sich ebenfalls auf der Ablage, machten sich breit wie zwei mit Wasser gefüllte Ballons. Mein Bauch hing nach unten und füllte den Raum zwischen Oberschenkeln und Sideboard. Er hatte seine Hose nach unten fallen lassen und hob mein Kleid an, dann schob er sein dicke Latte in meinen Hintern. Er konnte sich nicht zügeln, fickte man Fettarsch wie ein Karnickel, schneller als mein fetter Körper im Rhythmus mitschwabbeln konnte. Jedem Stoß folgte ein klatschendes Geräusch, dann ein Rumpeln im Sideboard, gegen das meine Wampe stieß.Ich entdeckte das Schnitzelbrötchen wieder, das ich genau wie die restlichen Muffins auf dem Sideboard abgelegt hatte und begann, es gierig in mich reinzustopfen. Schon nach wenigen Bissen kam ich lang und heftig. Er fummelte währenddessen an meinen Hüftspeck rum, versuchte, sich irgendwie festzuhalten, dann entdeckte er die dicken Polster auf meinem Rücken für sich und krallte sich dort fest. Schließlich legte er sich, vor Erschöpfung immer langsamer bumsend, mit dem Oberkörper auf meinen Rücken und grabschte um mich herum an meine Wampe und die Riesentitten.„Will … in deinen … gierigen Mund … spritzen“, hauchte er und trat einen Schritt zurück. Ich drehte mich um, schluckte noch ein Stück Muffin runter. „Ich bestimme hier“, sagte ich forsch, drehte ihn zur Seite, drückt meinen vier-Zentner-Kurven in seinen Rücken und wichste ihn mit der linken Hand zu Ende. Ich musste leicht seitlich stehen, um um ihn herumzukommen, denn mein gigantischer Vorbau ist ein ziemlicher Abstandshalter. Sein Schwanz war steinhart und aufs Äußerste gespannt als er schließlich in nicht enden wollenden Schüben mit einer unfassbaren Menge Ficksahne der Business Lounge Kabine einen neuen Anstrich verpasste.Ich schnappte mir die letzten zwei Muffins und sagte mit vollem Mund: „Kannst Du jetzt meine Träger reparieren?“to be continued …

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gs4newlove, der einsame Wixxer

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gs4newlove, der einsame Wixxergs4newlove – meine GeschichteHallo Leute,seit langem schaue ich mir all die geilen Weiber hier auf dem Forum an und rubbele mir dann vor dem Monitor meine kleine Fadennudel runter. Da mich eh keiner leiden kann, hat mir meine Mutter als Kind immer Würstchen um den Hals gehängt, damit wenigstens die Hunde mit mir spielen. Nun wollte ich hier so gerne mitspielen und auch geile Bildchen posten. Aber woher sollte ich die nehmen ? So einen Wixer wie mich will doch keine gesunde Frau haben. Also habe ich mir eine aus dem Anzeigenteil nach hause bestellt. Für eine hübsche hat mein Hartz4 Geld dann doch nicht gereicht, aber eine häßliche kam mich dann auch besuchen und ich durfte sogar Filmaufnahmen von ihr machen. Sie kam natürlich niemals wieder …..Nun poste ich armes altes Würstchen hier jeden Tag immer und immer wieder Einzelbilder aus diesem Film, ich hab doch nur den einen. illegal bahis Deshalb seht ihr auch seit Jahren immer das selbe, unscharf und farbstichig sind sie natürlich auch. Wo sollte ich auch neue und schöne Bilder her bekommen ? Um mich machen doch alle scharfen Weiber einen großen Bogen. Daher meine Bitte: habt Verständnis für mich kleinen armen alten Flachwixxer, ich will doch nur mitspielen im Kreis der echten Männer. Weil meine Bilder sowieso von keinem angesehen werden, hab ich mir gleich noch ein Dutzend alias-Accounts zugelegt mit denen ich dann meine Bilder selber bejubeln kann. Den ganzen Tag lang klicke ich nun meine Bilder an, um die Userzahlen in die Höhe zu treiben und die Dummen glauben das dann … Wenn ihr aber einen guten Geschmack beweisen wollt, dann gebt ihr meinen Bildern möglichst viele dislikes.Dann kann ich hier wieder rumheulen und mir selber leid tun, weil die bösen bösen illegal bahis siteleri User mich nicht leiden können.es dankt Euch allen, der einsame Wixxerfür den bekloppten gs4newlove nochmal:gs4newlove – meine GeschichteHallo Leute,seit langem schaue ich mir all die geilen Weiber hier auf dem Forum an und rubbele mir dann vor dem Monitor meine kleine Fadennudel runter. Da mich eh keiner leiden kann, hat mir meine Mutter als Kind immer Würstchen um den Hals gehängt, damit wenigstens die Hunde mit mir spielen. Nun wollte ich hier so gerne mitspielen und auch geile Bildchen posten. Aber woher sollte ich die nehmen ? So einen Wixer wie mich will doch keine gesunde Frau haben. Also habe ich mir eine aus dem Anzeigenteil nach hause bestellt. Für eine hübsche hat mein Hartz4 Geld dann doch nicht gereicht, aber eine häßliche kam mich dann auch besuchen und ich durfte sogar Filmaufnahmen von ihr machen. canlı bahis siteleri Sie kam natürlich niemals wieder …..Nun poste ich armes altes Würstchen hier jeden Tag immer und immer wieder Einzelbilder aus diesem Film, ich hab doch nur den einen. Deshalb seht ihr auch seit Jahren immer das selbe, unscharf und farbstichig sind sie natürlich auch. Wo sollte ich auch neue und schöne Bilder her bekommen ? Um mich machen doch alle scharfen Weiber einen großen Bogen. Daher meine Bitte: habt Verständnis für mich kleinen armen alten Flachwixxer, ich will doch nur mitspielen im Kreis der echten Männer. Weil meine Bilder sowieso von keinem angesehen werden, hab ich mir gleich noch ein Dutzend alias-Accounts zugelegt mit denen ich dann meine Bilder selber bejubeln kann. Den ganzen Tag lang klicke ich nun meine Bilder an, um die Userzahlen in die Höhe zu treiben und die Dummen glauben das dann … Wenn ihr aber einen guten Geschmack beweisen wollt, dann gebt ihr meinen Bildern möglichst viele dislikes.Dann kann ich hier wieder rumheulen und mir selber leid tun, weil die bösen bösen User mich nicht leiden können.es dankt Euch allen, der einsame Wixxer

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

We Deflower Each Other

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When you arrive we would go for a short walk to the store near by to get a nice bottle of Bailey’s Irish Cream or whatever other liqueur you like. Then we go back to our house and take off all our clothes and have a shower if we feel like it. Or perhaps a swim in my indoor pool. Then we go upstairs to the back porch which runs along the back of the house overlooking the ocean.

We are still naked. We kiss softly on the mouth. I put my tongue a little way into your mouth and you suck on it gently. We than touch each other over every part of our bodies exploring every inch of each other and linger over the ass and my cock and your breasts and your pussy lips. But not inside your pussy yet. We do this out in the sun for at least a half an hour. There is a large duvet on the porch so that we can lie down. We can then take turns rubbing baby oil on parts of our bodies, always caressing and kissing. This time the kissing is deeper and lasts longer. Our tongues probe and play with each mouth. We lick the neck and shoulder. I lick your ear lobes and blow in your ear.

We rest for a while in the deep sunlight caressing lightly but always touching and kissing, always in a state of quiet arousal. We glory in the pure animalistic sensual feeling of sex.

I turn you on your back and I am on your left side. I blow in your ear and softly kiss you on the mouth. I push my tongue into your mouth and you suck on it greedily like it was my cock. You are getting excited. I tongue my way slowly down to your left nipple. You reach down and start to caress my cock gently. It is already hard. You make it harder and are pleased with your power over me. I lick around the outside of your nipple and slowly suck the nipple into my mouth, then bite it very gently with my teeth. You moan with pleasure and the tingle goes all the way down to your pussy. I do the same thing with your right breast and you moan even louder. I then return to your left breast and this time I caress and pinch and pull the right nipple at the same time. My cock is very hard and you are gripping it and squeezing rubbing it with your left hand.

I then lick under both breasts and lick down your stomach stopping briefly at your bellybutton to stick my tongue in. I then trail down to just above your pussy. Ideally you shave your pussy because it is more sensitive. But it does not matter. I then kiss around to the outside of your thigh and down your leg to suck each one of your toes. Then I lick up the other leg to the inside of your thigh. By this time your are getting horny 😉

I open your legs wide and you feel exposed in a way that you never have in your life before. You wonder if anyone could be watching. You cannot see any houses but you wonder if someone with binoculars in a boat way out on the water could be watching. You feel a strange thrill from this. You realize for the first time in your life that you may be an exhibitionist. And you suddenly want to watch a porno movie. After all I had promised a good collection…

I now lick around the outer lips of your pussy, not touching your clitoris. Then I start on the inner lips. The are swollen and juicy. I enjoy the taste. You are rubbing and pulling both your nipples constantly. And moaning louder and louder. You are saying: “Oh yes, Please, Lick me, Lick me, Stick your tongue in deep. It feels soooooo good. Don’t stop, don’t every stop. I love it.” I lick up and down, still not touching your clit. I put my tongue in deeper and lick in a swirl. I put my finger in as far as it will go and rub upwards against your G spot. I keep this up slowly. I then come to your clit from the bottom and lick it with long up strokes.

Now you are just making sounds in your throat. You cannot canlı bahis feel anything but your pussy. Your entire body is one giant cunt and it is roaring with pleasure. There is no rustle of breeze in the trees. There is no gentle caress of sunlight. There is no sound of eagles. There is only raw sex. Finally I take your clit partly into my mouth and holding the top with my teeth (gently) I lick up on the bottom very fast for about 2 minutes. You are rising to a climax. Just before you cum, I suck you clit into my mouth completely and suck really hard as if I am trying to swallow it.

At last you cum. Your body arches. You twist your nipples. I look into your eyes and you look into mine. You have lust like I have never seen before. You lie back, close your eyes and smile. A smile of satiation. I crawl up beside you, my cock is rock hard still. I kiss you gently. you put your tongue into my mouth. It is a gentle gesture of love and lust wrapped up together. You caress my cock. You ask me if I want to cum and I say: “No not now”. You ask when can we do this again and I say soon. We drift off into a gentle sleep and awake to a beautiful sunset.

Then you tell me a special fantasy you have. We are out to dinner at a very fancy restaurant. You have a short black dress with a low neckline and you have no underwear on. It is elegant. I am dressed in a black suit and very handsome. We are eating oysters before the main course and drinking wine. I have my fingers deep into your pussy and I am gently twirling them around. You are horny as you have never been before. Every time you get close to cumming I stop just enough so you go off the peak, then I slowly start up again. This has been going on for an hour as we keep getting more oysters from the young, very good looking waiter who is drooling over your breasts. They are just about out of your dress and the nipples are very hard and pushing against the top fabric of the neckline.

Then I get under the table and start sucking your pussy. I push my tongue deep into it and lick up and down. I push 2 fingers deep into your cunt and find your G spot, then caress it lovingly. Then I lick your clit softly, then hard, then I suck it into my mouth and lick the tip with my tongue. You release your nipples and start to caress and pull on them. The waiter who is watching and getting hard comes over and leans down and takes one of your nipples in his mouth. He sucks hard. He takes the other nipple between his fingers and pulls and pinches. You are going crazy and rising to a huge cum. The waiter has his cock out and you grab it and start pumping just as you cum. You cum for 5 minutes and nobody stops doing anything until you finish. You are satisfied like you have never been satisfied before, but you want more…

Then we make lust some more…

It is late at night or rather early in the morning. It is pitch black and there is no moon. I awake and you are sleeping lightly. The video camera is in the corner. I get up and turn on the night vision option., switch on the camera and point it to the porch. You are naked and still warm from fucking only a few hours ago. Your breath is calm and you have a wonderful smile on your face . One of satisfaction and subtle lust for more. I lean over and lick your nipples softly. Your groan a little and thrust your beautiful breasts up into my mouth. I do this for about a minute for each nipple. You are waking up a little amidst very erotic dreams. You are dreaming of 7 or 8 very handsome men with very hard cocks licking and caressing your breasts. Your nipples are very, very hard.

I lead you outside to the duvet we keep on the porch. The camera can now see everything we do. I lay you down and open your legs wide. bahis siteleri The air is warm and you can hear the gentle wave action of the ocean close by. I lick your pussy gently up and down slowly, deeply. I do this for a long time. You are getting very wet and horny. You make nice sounds in your throat. You would like this to last all night long. You look up at the stars and you can literally see millions of them. There is no ambient light from a city here and it is stunningly beautiful. There is no sound but the ocean and my sucking sound in your pussy.

I start to lick your clit and I slowly push 2 fingers into your pussy and find your G spot. I rub it in circles. You are now getting really horny, your hips are squirming and you are pulling on your hard nipples. Then you see some images in the sky. They are video camera images of your pussy being licked by me. It is as if they are being projected by the camera. But that cannot be because the camera does not project while recording. And there are so many of them! They are like a kaleidoscope spread across the sky. And you can still see the stars perfectly. This image makes you even more sexually excited and you start to climax, very slowly at first, then very very hard. Your pussy is quivering and pumping juices into my mouth and onto my fingers, but you don’t want me to stop.

“Oh yes keep going, don’t stop, it feels so good, you are so good for me. Make me come again. God, I love it so much” I slow down a little but keep doing exactly what I was doing. In just the right places. Now you look up and see not only images of you pussy being licked, but also images of you sucking my cock. My cock is very large and hard and you have one hand on the shaft and the other caressing my balls. You are sucking hard on the head and licking the end. I am telling you how wonderful if feels and that you are the best cock sucker in the universe. Somehow the camera has mixed in an old image with the one it is taking now. Then you take me deep into your mouth and all the way down your throat. After 5 minutes of deep throating I groan loudly and say that I am just about to come. You are just about to come again now and you tell me.

I quickly turn you over and ram my big cock into you from behind because that is a way I know you like it. You lift up you beautiful ass in the air to give me maximum access. I really drive it hard into your cunt. In and out, in and Out, in and out, but not too far out. Finally we booth come together. Very very very hard. We fall exhausted to the duvet. Finally we get up look at the stars for a while, hand in hand, go into the bedroom, turn off the camera and fall into bed to sleep for a few more hours until daylight when we will wake up and fuck some more.

I wake up with a throbbing cock. It is now a little over 7 inches long and getting thicker as well. You are sucking my cock with your delicious mouth and tongue. You lick it up and down, caressing my balls, sucking the head into your mouth and caressing the shaft with your other hand. When you hear me moaning, you start to deep throat me. You move your head up and down on my cock, taking me deep in your mouth and swallowing the head when it reaches your throat. I am very horny. But just as I about to cum, you squeeze the base of my cock with your fingers and stop sucking at the top of your stroke. You go through this process several more times until I am your slave and I will do whatever you ask. You lie on your back, open your legs wide and tell me to suck your pussy until you are almost ready to cum and then stop. I obey. I lick your pussy with my tongue as deeply as I can up and down the lips up and down the lips for about 5 minutes. You are very wet and hot. Normally I bahis şirketleri would put a couple of fingers deep into your cunt and caress your G spot, but this time I just lick your clit slowly, around the edges, then over it up and down. Then I pull it into my mouth and really suck hard for a while. Then I put my teeth on top and lick up from the bottom. Your are ready to cum. I stop. I do this to you a couple more and now you are really horny.

You command me to get up and I stand there in the dark bedroom with my cock very hard. You get up and kiss my cock hard, then take in your hand and lead me out the sliding doors towards the hot tub. There is a couple fucking in the tub already. You caress my cock with your hand and I caress your nipples with my hand as we watch from the edge of the tub. The girl sees us and quivers even more with pleasure. She has her hands against the edge of the tub, her legs are spread and the guys is fucking her pussy from behind. Long slow stokes that go in deep and come out about half way before going in again. The guy must have about a 10 inch cock and it is very hard and thick. She obviously loves the feel of this cock coming into her hot wet pussy from behind. They have the jets turn on full and the jets are turned to thrust at the girl’s breasts. Hers nipples are very very hard.

She quivers and shouts as she comes with a long drawn out orgasm. The guy comes about half way into her orgasm with his cock buried deep deep inside her pussy. They come down slowly, but the guy’s cock stays hard as he takes it out of her pussy. He notices us for the first time and looks lustily at your magnificent breasts, long legs and juicy cunt with my 2 fingers stuffed into it sliding in and out slowly. He and the girl say hello and we say hello. They get out of the tub and the girl says she and the guy had just met last night and he has promised to fuck her all night long. So far she has come many times and he has come 3 times. But his cock just seems to get harder each time. She grabs his semi hard cock and gleefully informs us that she is taking him back to her room to deep throat him again until he almost cums, than have him lick her pussy till he makes her cum a few times before she will let him fuck her cunt again.

We get into the tub and relax for a few moments but I don’t lose a bit of my erection. Your pussy is still hot and wet. You arrange your pussy over one of the jets so it licks and sucks your pussy with a perfect intensity. You have an almost instant orgasm which goes on for a long time. You moan out loud with pleasure. I slide over a bit and get a water jet on my cock. It gets my cock even harder. It seems to grow under the pressure. You reach your hand over and caress the head lightly, then run your hand up and down the shaft. You are an expert at this and I almost cum but you know exactly when to stop. You are such a tease! We kiss, a long slow kiss, just our mouths and tongues, but with a promise of so much more. We stand in the water and pull each other close, wrapping our bodies around each other, my erection against you stomach. You give it a little caress. I put my finger into your pussy, deep into your pussy.

You are very wet and hot. I turn you around and you find a place where the water jets can jet against your nipples and you bend over and wriggle your ass up towards my cock. I find your pussy and ram my cock deep into it. I stroke in and out slowly. You cum almost instantly, but you tell my to keep going until I cum. You want to feel my hard cock cumming into your wet tight pussy while the water jets pulse onto your nipples. You cum several more times while I am pounding into your pussy from behind. Finally I cum. I cum very hard and long and about half way through you cum too. A long violent cum. You cry out with pleasure and your ass vibrates against the root of my cock. We get out of the tub and walk shakily back to the room. We fuck for the rest of the night.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Watching Porn Pt. 08

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Her friend arrived around 8pm dressed as usual when sex was on offer in a short skirt and close fitting top to accentuate her long shapely legs and firm round breasts. As they sat down with a drink, she enquired about her neighbour.

“So, where’s Mr. Thick Cock?” she asked.

“Oh, he’ll be here. I promised him some pussy, just didn’t say whose.” She told her.

“He better, I wore my best panties for this fan of my pussy.”

“I’m a fan too, Can I have a look at them?” she asked her friend, a little excited at the thought of seeing them. As her friend pulled her skirt up and parted her legs, she walked over to het for a good look. Indeed she had worn her best panties. They were lacey and sheer and showed off the bulges and clefts of her pussy beautifully

“Hmmmm.” She hummed, reaching down between her friend’s legs, lightly dragging her fingertips over the material, pressing them into the crease between the bulging lips hidden beneath.

“I thought I was here to fuck your neighbour.” said her friend in mock annoyance.

“That was the plan but we are flexible around here.” She said laughing, while reluctantly withdrawing her fingers from between the open thighs in front of her.

“You say he’s got a thick cock eh, just how thick is it?” her friend asked.

“Imagine being in an adult shop and seeing a thick dildo and you think that’ll never fit inside me. It’s that thick. After fucking him all night my cunt was so sore not to mention my ass which felt like it had been torn open” She told her.

“I’m looking forward to meeting your neighbour.” She said with a lecherous grin.

As predicted, her neighbour was very surprised to see her friend there when she led him into the living room. He could hardly keep his eyes off her. Pleasantries over, he poured himself a drink and sat down with them.

“I hear you are a big fan of my pussy and would love to fuck it.” Her friend said looking quite serious. After the initial shock of hearing what she had said, all he could do was nod sheepishly with embarrassment. He never expected her to come straight out with that.

“Well that’s what we are her for. Would you like to fuck my cunt?” she asked smiling. Fuck! He nearly dropped his glass. Of course he would but he was lost for words. All he could do was nod again. They could understand his silence, right now the only thinking being done by him would be by his cock which they were sure was growing by the second in his pants.

“She even wore her best panties for you.” She told him. “Go on, show him.” She ordered her friend. Sitting opposite him and without a second thought, her friend opened her legs and pulled up her skirt. He stared between her parted thighs. The sheer strip of material stretched tight over her pussy had his cock hardening even further.

“You like?” She asked, giving him a few seconds more before closing her legs.

“Very nice.” He replied, trying to keep his composure, hoping his swelling cock wasn’t too obvious.

“You can have what’s inside them later.” She said, sending his mind into a whirl. With that, the two women stood up and went to the kitchen to prepare fresh drinks for all of them.

“That was cruel.” She said to her neighbor as they mixed the drinks.

“I know. I couldn’t help myself. I hope I didn’t embarrass him too much.”

“I’m sure you will make it up to him.” She said leaving the kitchen.

Back in the living room, her friend handed him a fresh drink.

“I’m sorry if I embarrassed you.” she apologized. “Let me make it up to you.” With that, she reached down, took his hand and lifted it up under her skirt, pressing his hand onto her panties between her legs. She rubbed his hand over the material giving him a good feel of the pussy below. Fuck! Her cunt felt so good he thought as his fingers stroked over her panties.

“I’m told you have a nice thick cock. I love thick cocks. Could I have a feel? ” She asked. He nodded eagerly, his fingers still enjoying the unseen contours of her pussy. Reaching down, she grasped his cock through his trousers and slid her fingers along its length. It felt so thick between her fingers. Turning her head to face her friend, she mouthed the word Fuck!, her eyes wide in disbelief and excitement. Inside her panties she was growing moist, a little from his fingers and a lot from the thought of that fat cock inside her. Removing his hand from under her skirt, she reluctantly released her grip on his cock.

“It is thick. I’m looking forward to having that up my cunt.” She told him before returning to the sofa. Her unique apology left him relaxed and aroused at the same time. Conversation between the three turned to normal day to day issues as they sat talking and drinking. It was only when the topic of the friend’s porno came up that illegal bahis things got a little more steamy. Recounting the details of their exploits, she was arousing them all and before long, there were two wet tingling pussies and one hard throbbing cock in the room.

“It was so fucking sexy.” She told her friend.

“I had a hard time not cumming watching it.” He added.

“I know what you mean. We watched it after we had finished and ended up on the sofa with him pulling his cock and me fingering my pussy till each of us came, and the film was only half way through.” She told them.

“It’s in the player; does anyone want to watch it again?” She asked them both.

“I have a better idea, why don’t we do it live.” Her friend suggested, thinking about the thick cock just feet from where she sat.

“Fuck yeah!” she replied, her pussy also wet and ready for some good fucking.

“I vote we do the opening scene first.” he said, wanting to see her friend riding a dildo, his cock straining just thinking about it.

“You would.” She said back. “Well, are you up for it?” she asked her friend.

“Sure.” Her friend replied. With that, she left the room and walked to the bedroom. Retrieving her dildo from the bedside table, she returned to the living room and passed it to her friend along with a tube of lubricant. They all shed their clothes and with dildo in hand, her friend sat in the middle of the floor with open legs, facing the couch where they sat. His eyes were glued to her shaved pussy. It was fucking gorgeous with its pink parted lips and the space between them glistening with her wetness. As they watched, she placed the dildo between her legs and pressed down on it, suctioning it to the floor. Taking the tube of lube, she squirted some onto the head of the dildo and then smeared it over the shaft with her hand as if she was pulling a cock. It made his cock ache. He wished she was pulling him instead. Now her hand was between her legs, rubbing her clit and pushing fingers inside herself. On the sofa, they were already touching themselves slowly. Rising to her knees, she positioned herself above the dildo. Gripping its shaft, she started to rub the head back and forth along her pussy, arousing herself and getting the head of it even wetter. Pressing the head to her opening, she lowered onto it, taking half of it inside her. On the sofa, two fingers were inserted into a very wet cunt. She started riding the dildo, rising up and lowering, taking more of it into her each time she did. Aroused, she started bouncing on it, riding it fast, moaning at the feel of it in her. Faster and faster she bounced until, with a loud gasp, she flung herself up off it, rubbing herself frantically, her pussy squirting hard all over the floor.

“Oh fuck.” He moaned, his rigid cock twitching with excitement at the sight of the wetness squirting hard from her bulging pussy.

Panting from her orgasm, she turned around on her knees facing away from them. Leaning forward, she gave both of them a wonderful view of her wet dripping pussy from behind. Gripping the dildo, she once again pressed the head to her opening and lowered, forcing it inside her. Next to him on the couch, she sat, chest heaving, one hand caressing her breast, the other rolling its nipple between thumb and finger as she stared intently between her friends legs. He was afraid to touch his twitching cock in case he came. The sight of her round buttocks with the tight hole in their center and the pussy below, with spread lips gripping the dildo tightly took his breath away. She was riding hard again, moaning as she thrust herself down hard onto the latex cock in her pussy. She pushed down and stopped her buttocks and legs trembling. Leaning forward, the dildo sprung out of her cunt and she squirted again, a jet of wetness shooting out behind her onto the already wet floor.

“Oh fuck I need to cum.” she cried out on the couch next to him.

Still aroused, her friend moved on her knees to the couch, pushed her legs wide open and leaned forward, pressing her mouth to the wet aching pussy between them. She moaned as her friends tongue found her hard throbbing clit, her hips bucking against her mouth in a desperate need to cum. She let out a loud moan as the tongue lapping her cunt sent her over the edge into orgasm. It had all taken less than a minute she was that excited. Now she lay panting, enjoying the release. A long strand of precum hung from the end of his straining cock as he looked on at the friend gently licking at the pussy that had just climaxed. He needed to calm down or he was going to shoot his load. Fuck, he hadn’t been this excited in a long time.

“I fancy a nice side fuck.” Said the friend, eyeing up his thick cock.

Both women got to their feet slowly and made for illegal bahis siteleri the bedroom. He followed them, his thick cock waving in front of him, still dripping precum. The friend laid on the bed on her side and looking at him, patted the bed behind her. As he moved onto the bed behind her friend, she sat in a chair facing them, one leg open outwards, the other up on the armrest, ready to watch them fuck. On his side and propped up on one elbow behind her friend, he lifted her leg with his other hand, the shaft of his cock pressed against her pussy. He started thrusting, his cock sliding along her pussy. Reaching down, she pressed her fingers onto his cock forcing the head to her opening. With the next thrust he entered her. She let out a yelp as the swollen head forced her open. Thrusting slowly, he worked his thick shaft into her until he was sliding nicely in and out of her wet pussy. Fuck, she had never had anything so thick in her cunt before. Every part of her insides was being rubbed by that huge cock.

In the chair, her hand was between her legs again. The sight of his huge cock entering her friend made her pussy flood. She thrust three fingers inside herself, imitating the sight before her. Pushing them into herself in time with his thrusts into her friend. Jesus Christ she was aroused, fucking herself with one hand and rubbing her clit with the other.

“Fucking hell, oh God.” She cried as he pushed into her deep, her cunt stretched open to the max and aching to cum.

“Fuck me. Stick that fat cock up my cunt!” she yelled at him. Grunting hard with every thrust, he fucked into her pussy as hard and fast as he could, he tight wet cunt feeling so good on his cock as he slid inside it.

“Oh fuck, don’t stop, don’t stop.” She pleaded, close to orgasm and need to cum badly.

“Oh God.” She moaned from the chair, jamming her fingers into her cunt and rubbing her clit fast her own orgasm so close.

Covered in perspiration and still thrusting, he reached under her raised leg and rubbed her clit. The finger on her clit was all it took and she came, moaning loudly, her legs jerking hard as a strong deep body shaking orgasm engulfed her entire being. Her contracting pussy squeezing his excited throbbing cock was too much for him. Quickly, he reefed his cock out of her tight pussy just as the numbing wave of orgasm swept over him, his jerking cock covering her with squirt after squirt of thick milky cum. An anguished cry came from across the room as her pussy exploded, gushing hard all over her fingers and the chair between her legs, her legs and stomach jerking in orgasm.

Next to him, she was still on her side, her body quivering and occasionally jerking with the contractions inside her.

“Oh Fuck that was good. You can fuck me with that thing any time you like.” she said breathlessly, her pussy feeling warm and satisfied between her legs.

“You should try him anal. It’s fucking awesome.” She told her friend,

“I don’t know, I’ve never tried it and he’s very big.” She replied, thinking about the pain.

“I was like you but, believe me it’s worth it. Well help you.” She told her.

“Well ok, but I need a little break and a drink first.” She said, sitting up on the bed.

Back in the living room, still naked, they sat back sipping their fresh cold drinks. All of them had cum hard but all still had an appetite for more. Even though it wasn’t long since he had cum, his cock was still relatively firm and wouldn’t take a hell of a lot of persuasion. Her friend was still talking about his thick cock and how hard he had made her cum. It was like every nerve inside her had climaxed at once. She told her friend that she had experienced the same thing and that taking him in the ass would give a whole new feeling too. Talking about sex had gotten them a little aroused so they made off back to the bedroom taking the lube and dildo with them.

They laid her friend across the bed and he climbed on beside her. She knelt on the floor between her friends legs. He started to rub her nipples and breasts, bending to lick and suck them at the same time. In no time her nipples were hard and erect. Between her legs, she was gently licking at her clit and running her tongue between her lips. She started to moan softly with the attention to her tits and pussy. She lapped at her friend’s cunt harder and the moans grew louder. Still licking, she applied lube onto her hand and rubbed it over her friend’s ass and one of her fingers. She replaced her mouth with the fingers of one hand rubbing her clit while slowly working a finger of her other hand into her ass. There was resistance at first, but with the arousal of having her pussy rubbed she soon relaxed and the finger was all the way inside, sliding in and out slowly. Fuck that canlı bahis siteleri feels kind of nice her friend thought, relaxing even more. He was kneeling by her side now, one hand on her breast, the other stroking his cock. She looked up from where she lay on her back and decided she wanted to do that. Reaching up, she replaced his hand and started pulling him. He felt so thick in her grasped. Withdrawing her finger from her friend’s ass, she moved to the bedside table and took out a medium sized dildo. When she returned between her legs, his free hand had replaced hers on her friends pussy. Lubricating the dildo, she slowly worked it into her ass, getting her used to the thicker girth. She seemed to enjoy it, especially when it was pushed in deep. His cock was now hard, thanks to the hand sliding up and down its shaft. He looked at her pussy as he fingered her. It truly was a lovely cunt. Her clit was hard and aroused and he could see her excitement has he rubbed it. After minutes of the medium dildo, she replaced it with the larger one she had ridden earlier. This one did hurt a bit as she pushed it into the tight hole. Soon though, and distracted by the fingers on her cunt she relaxed to this one too. Her friend was now becoming very aroused, moaning and moving her hips, they could tell she wanted to cum. It was time. Signaling him, they swapped places.

Standing between her legs stroking his cock again, he watched as she slid two fingers into her friend and start to fuck her with them. She was getting more and more aroused, her pussy drenched with her wetness. Moving in, he pressed the tip of his cock to her ass. He heard her suck in her breath and brace herself. Slowly he started to push inside.

“Oh fuck!” she yelled, her face screwing up in pain as the widest part of the head stretched her tiny tight ass open. He pushed again and he was inside. It still hurt but not as much as he started pushing in and out with slow steady strokes With the fingers fucking her pussy exciting it, so too was his cock starting to arouse her ass. Soon she was moaning harder, not a hint of pain on her face, now just pleasure. He was deep now, starting to really fuck her, his hips pulling back and pushing forward, driving his cock deep into her ass. Taking her fingers out of her friends pussy, she picked up the larger dildo and went to the chair. Sitting on it, she leaned to one side and lifted her leg into the air. With her ass cheeks spread and the dildo lubed, she pushed it into her own ass, all the while watching her friend’s ass being fucked. She plunged in the dildo in time with his thrusts as if he was fucking them both at the same time. Fuck it felt good. So fucking good.

It was as if his cock had awakened something in her friend’s ass. She started to buck a little and asked him to go deeper and harder. In reply, he started to push in hard, the front of him slapping against her ass, driving his cock deep.

“Oh God, that’s it, that feels really good.” She panted, taking every inch in her ass. The sight of her below him with her open wet pussy and bouncing tits had his cock straining inside her wanting to cum.

“That’s it, don’t stop.” she yelled, her ass close to cumming,

“Fuck her ass. Make it cum.” She shouted from across the room where she was frantically rubbing her pussy and driving the dildo deep and hard into her ass. His arms around her thighs, he lunged into her again and again, fucking her hard, willing her to cum. Suddenly, she cried out, her legs shaking uncontrollably as her ass erupted in orgasm.

“Do me too.” She cried out behind him. Needing to cum, he pulled out of her quickly leaving her wriggling on the bed. Turning, he raced to the chair and plunged his cock in where the dildo had been. She was almost on her side in the chair, clinging onto it, her leg in the air when he drove his cock in deep.

“Oh fuck!” she yelled out in pleasure as he frantically fucked her ass, desperate to cum himself. She rubbed at her clit as he plundered her ass and with a loud moan came, her pussy gushing.

“Fuck!” he bellowed. With every inch of him buried in her ass he came, his cock jerking, filling her ass with every drop of cum left in his aching balls. Her friend was sitting up on the bed rubbing her pussy. She had been watching them ass fucking and it had turned her on. When he pulled his cock out and she saw cum leak out of her friend’s ass, she came.

Later, back in the living room.

“So, how did you like your first anal?” she asked her friend.

“Bit painful at the start but like you said, worth every bit.” She replied.

“And what about you Mr. Fan, did my pussy live up to your expectations?” she asked him.

“Fuck yes!” he told her.

“Your cock surpassed mine. I’d love to ride it like a dildo.” She told him smiling. He was definitely going be on her list of things to do.

“Oh fuck.” She said as if remembering something.

“What?” they asked

“We forgot to film it.”

They all laughed but in each of their minds they wish they had.

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Was That on the Lunch Menu?

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


They’ve made a date to meet for lunch. She’s excited, but nervous, wondering if they’ll meet each other’s expectations and imaginings that have developed over the year or so they’ve been corresponding online and talking on the phone. But, she thinks, no matter what, it will be lovely to finally meet again this dear man she’s come to intimately know and care for. On another level, It will be especially fun to see him as he is the only person from her long-distant high school days that she’s had the opportunity to meet again now that she’s an adult.

She’s wearing a floral sun dress that hugs her curvy figure, with a low cut, but modest neckline. She’s got a little summer sweater on too, since the restaurant will most likely be cool. As she approaches the restaurant’s entrance, she nervously touches the pendant at her neck, her mother’s pendant, heart-shaped and covered with tiny diamonds. She adjusts the clasp of the pendant’s gold chain, moving it to the back of her neck where it belongs, and centers the pendant again.

As she opens the door to the restaurant, she catches a glimpse of her hand. Her nails are trimmed short, with a pretty shade of plum lacquer on them that coordinates nicely with her dress. She’s done her toenails the same color – she glances down and sees her little toes peeking out of her sandals. This prompts her to do her usual check for the gold band toe rings she wears on the second toe of each foot. “Yep, still there.” She never takes the rings off, but has a nervous habit of always checking to make sure they’re there.

After she steps inside the restaurant, she adjusts the rings on her hands, another nervous habit. She moves her mother’s huge diamond wedding set back to an upright position on her finger. It’s a little big for her, but she loves it and will always wear it. Then she adjusts her wedding ring on her other hand. She loves that ring too. When she first saw it in the jewelry store, she couldn’t even imagine having it, but her husband said, “Get it!” She smiles at the thought of her husband, and laughs to herself that she has to be very careful about what she admires when they are together, because he will always get it for her.

She tells the hostess that she’s meeting a friend, and she’ll wait up front till he arrives. She checks her watch again. She’s a few minutes early, but thinks she needs this extra time to calm down and quit blushing. She sits on the bench and crosses her legs, uncrosses her legs, jiggles her feet around, then decides to just stand up.

She sits back down again and opens her purse. She pulls out a little mirror to check her lipstick, as any self-respecting cosmetics rep would do. She’s got the same plum shade on her lips; yes, she is cosmetically coordinated today, even the eye shadow is working with “the look.” That reminds her, she takes her business card out of her purse, and a little sample of lipstick and gives it to the hostess. Never miss an opportunity to share her line of cosmetics!

She chuckles as she realizes that now she can “write off” this lunch as a business expense. Her chat with the hostess about cosmetics has taken her mind off of her nerves for a moment, and she’s feeling a bit more relaxed. As she turns to go back to the waiting area, she sees him enter the restaurant. She catches her breath, sighs softly, and her cheeks flush hot. She’s not sure what to do: approach him? just stand there? bolt from the room? In the brief moment from when she first saw him, he has looked up and seen her as well. She takes a few tentative steps in his direction as he walks toward her. Her heart is beating so fast that it’s making her temples throb.

As he gets nearer, she smiles shyly and mouths the word “Hi”.

No sounds come out, but he reads her lips and responds, “Hi!” in that charming Indiana drawl that she cherishes hearing. She begins to reach her hand out to him, which he takes and uses to pull her toward him into a hug. As she steps closer to him, she breathes in deeply to memorize his scent: his cologne is so sexy. It’s such a rush to finally be in his arms.

Their hug is warm and friendly, and she thinks to herself, “He’s the perfect height for hugging, our bodies fit together at just the right places.”

She’d like to stay in the embrace for hours, but since they’re standing in the doorway of the restaurant, they decide to disengage and get a table. He whispers into her ear before he lets her go, “Are you ok?” He knows how nervous she gets.

She smiles as she remembers their first phone conversation all those months ago. She was so flustered and surprised that he’d called her that he had to do most of the talking that night. She had finally relaxed about two hours into that marathon phone date. And unexpectedly, they’d both had their very first phone sex encounter during that conversation. On the phone and through their computers, they had quite a hot sexual relationship. Would they have those same passionate feelings for each other in a real-life encounter?

She illegal bahis smiles and whispers her response to his question into his ear, “Mmmm, I think I’m ok.” They are shown to a booth in the back corner of the dimly lit restaurant. As they scoot in and take the menus from the hostess, she’s glad that he’s able to carry the conversation, and comfortable enough to take charge. The hostess asks if they would like a drink. He answers for the both of them, and orders something from the bar.

It’s been many years since she’s had any alcohol, but she’s ready for a relaxing drink right now! She’s decided to follow his lead, and go wherever the afternoon (and he) takes her. After the hostess leaves them alone, he turns toward her and smiles, looking at her with his head cocked a bit to the side. Through smiling, narrowed, blue-gray eyes, he suggests, “Why don’t you move a little closer?”

She moves nearer and looks at him with her eyebrows raised, wordlessly asking, “Is this ok?” He smiles his approval.

“So, howya doing?” he asks. She giggles nervously. They know the most intimate of details about each other, and have made passionate love to each other on the internet and on the phone, but now, here in person, she’s suddenly very, very shy.

He was prepared for this, and takes charge again. He takes her hand in his, and shakes it a bit, as if to say, “get a grip, it’ll be ok.” As he begins to let go of her hand, she suddenly takes hold of HIS hands, holding both of them in hers. She loves men’s hands. She looks at his closely, intensely studying them. She begins to caress them, enjoying the smoothness of his skin, admiring the strength in them. She bends his hands at the wrists, and touches her palms to his palms, matching their sizes and enjoying the feeling of her hands being enveloped in his. She laces her fingers between his, and as they gently squeeze each other’s hands, she gets the courage to look up into his face.

As her soft brown eyes meet his, he smiles warmly at her again. This causes her to smile back, and let out a soft sigh. She feels dizzy now; she’s not touched a man other than her husband in this way in over 20 years. “Wow,” she thinks, “the smallest of touches can be so erotic and exciting.”

Just then, the waitress arrives with their drinks. They release their hold of each other and reach for the drinks she is handing them. The waitress asks if they are ready to order, or if they need more time. As they look at each other and chuckle, he answers, “Yes, we’ll need more time.”

She doesn’t know if she’ll be able to eat much, she’s afraid she won’t be able to eat at all. Noticing the drink that’s just been handed her, she decides to take a big sip of it to calm herself. It doesn’t take her long to nervously devour nearly half the big glass of strawberry margarita, a girlie drink he knew she’d enjoy, while absentmindedly staring at her menu.

She suddenly realizes she’s feeling a bit buzzed, but much better overall. She looks over at her “date”, to find him staring at her, with a bemused expression on his face. This causes her to smile, and her cheeks to flush again. “What?” she asks.

He just laughs, then asks, “Do you know what you’d like to order?” She has to admit that she’s not even begun to read the menu. He suggests they just get an appetizer to share and see how they feel after that. Sounds good to her, it was hurting her brain to try and figure out what to order.

With that bit of business out of the way, they can now focus back on each other: the reason they’ve met in the first place. He reaches out and caresses the back of her neck with his hand, “Wow, you’re warm,” he remarks.

She goes for the obvious and replies, “Ohhh baby, YOU make me hot!” They laugh; it’s easier to say these things over their computers; in person it comes out pretty funny-sounding.

She touches the top of his hand that’s gently massaging her neck and works her way up his wrist, his arm, to his shoulder. She’s immensely enjoying the feel of his skin as she squeezes his muscles along the path. She likes seeing the contrast between her milky white and his well-tanned skin.

When she reaches his neck, she caresses it and then works her fingers through the back of his dark, thick hair for awhile before moving to his ears. She traces a slow outline around them, then along his jaw line and chin. She reaches his lips with her fingers, and tentatively, shyly, touches them, outlining them, then moving her fingertips over their full surface. Unexpectedly, he opens his lips and takes one of her fingers into his mouth. This causes her to let out a fairly loud moaning sigh – which is a good thing, as she’d forgotten to breathe since she began touching him!

With her finger trapped between his lips, she looks into his eyes to see what he will do next. He slowly begins to suck on her finger, and she suddenly feels her clit begin to throb with excitement. “Ohhh man. Breathe, breathe, breathe,” she keeps reminding herself.

At this point, the illegal bahis siteleri waitress is back, and he releases her finger. Dammit. She takes her drink and chugs most of the rest of it down as he orders appetizers and schmoozes the waitress. When they’re alone again, she puts her hands in her lap and looks into his face. She’s feeling quite comfortable and much looser now. “Now, where were we?” he asks. They both smile. Boldly, she reaches her hand nearest him to rest it on his thigh. They’re in the back booth, and the tablecloth is long, so only they know where her hand is and what it just might do.

She can’t take it for very long before she MUST explore his leg. She enjoys the feel of his strong thigh through his slacks. And she loves the reaction this elicits from him. Now HE’S letting out a moaning sigh. “What?” she innocently asks.

“You tease,” he replies in a near whisper. They smile at each other again.

He moves his hand to her neck again, pulling his fingers through her dark auburn, shoulder length hair, then traces the same paths she took on his face. As he’s fingering her ear, he bends near and breathes hotly into it, sending a visible shiver throughout her entire body. Then she feels his warm lips lightly kissing her ear, and nearly orgasms as his expert tongue flicks around this very erotic area. “Oh…my…god…,” her mind is screaming.

Her hand, which had stopped its movement on his thigh when the action at her ear got interesting, suddenly took on a will of its own. Without ability to control it, she found her hand moving straight for his crotch. She took a first pass, gently touching the fly area of his Dockers. “Oh baby, he’s erect already!” races through her mind. When her hand stops over the erection, and presses ever-so-gently against it, their eyes meet again, and they both moan softly in unison, “Mmmmm…”

Just then the waitress appears with their appetizers. Now both are looking a bit flushed. He orders another round of drinks, and tells the waitress he’ll let her know if they need anything else. She takes the hint and disappears quickly.

Now SHE asks, “Hmmmm, where were we?” He takes her hand and places it back over his erection. “Ohhh, yes, I remember where we were!” she laughs.

He gets back to his activities as well. His fingertips are working their way around her face, feeling the softness of her skin, tracing the outline of her lips. Suddenly, she finds his thumb placed firmly between her lips. Her head drops back a bit and her eyes nearly close as she begins to sensuously, erotically, suck his thumb. She flicks her tongue around it, and gives it her best oral maneuvers.

She releases his thumb from her lips as she sees the waitress approaching with their drinks. After they are delivered, and the waitress is assured they don’t need anything further, they are blessedly alone again. They realize they haven’t touched the food in front of them yet. “We’d better have some of this, just to keep up appearances, don’t you think?” he asks.

“OK,” she replies. They nibble a bit at the food, but neither has much heart for it, they are more anxious to nibble at each other.

Without warning, he takes her face into his hands and brings it close to his. He looks intensely into her eyes. She is so wet, so throbbing down below that she can hardly breathe again. It makes her hot when he takes control. He guides her face to his lips and kisses her nose, her eyebrows, her cheeks, and then lightly brushes against her full, sensitive lips.

She can’t stand any more of the teasing, she MUST have his lips on hers, hard, firm, insistent, and NOW. He realizes this and obliges. Her arms move around his broad shoulders, hugging him as close to her as she can get him, her hands squeezing and tugging gently at the back of his hair. They stay locked in that passionate kiss for who-knows-how-long, just the two of them in their own private universe, tongues exploring mouths, kissing deeply, passionately, like they did that one erotic night all those years ago. It had been decades since their single encounter at a high school graduation party, but the memories of his kiss, his touch, had stayed vividly with her through the years.

When they finally stop for air, he moans, “Ohhh, baby.”

She can just barely manage, “Ohhh, Mark.” He kisses her a few more times, just with lips, before pulling back a bit and taking a drink. “Wow,” she says softly.

“Wow, indeed,” he replies. She looks at him and smiles, then takes her fingers and wipes a bit of her lipstick from his mouth.

“That shade is all wrong for you,” she chuckles. He just smiles, and wipes with his napkin to make sure he’s not wearing any more of her lipstick. “You’re ok now,” she assures him.

They both sip again from their drinks and pick a bit at the food in front of them. They begin to talk, to catch up on the news from each other’s lives since their last email correspondence. They laugh and joke and tease and flirt; two friends enjoying a canlı bahis siteleri lively conversation.

Suddenly, she stops nibbling at the appetizers and reaches out to touch him again. It’s just so wonderful to be near him in person after all this time, she can’t stand to not be touching him while she has the chance. She presses the front of his chest with her flat palm. Mens’ chests are another of her favorite things, and she loves the strong, solid chest she is exploring through his shirt.

She leans toward him slightly, and notices his eyes have dropped to her cleavage that is now visible from his angle of sight. She smiles and scrunches her shoulders together a bit to tease him with more. He can see the top of her low-cut lacy lavender bra from down her dress’s neckline. “You like?” she asks.

“Me like,” he answers.

“You can touch if you’d like,” she offers. He quickly glances around the nearly deserted restaurant, then begins with the back of his hand and fingers innocently brushing against the top of her chest. He pauses for a bit to rub back and forth between the two swells of flesh, then turns his hand over and with his whole palm and fingers envelopes as much of her breast as he can from the outside of her clothes, flicking his fingertips across her already hard nipple. She groans.

She desperately wants him to touch and squeeze her bare nipples between his fingers, to suck them with his lips, to gently bite them, to tease them into agonizing hardness. She’s aware of how wet she is again, and her clit is throbbing crazily.

She leans forward even more and whispers into his ear what she wants him to do to her nipples. As she is leaning toward him, her hands move, as if with a will of their own, toward his erection. She can’t stop herself before she’s unzipped his fly and is on a desperate mission to wrap her fingers around him. The need to touch him there has superseded all decorum. “Cool! He’s ‘gone commando’ today – no underwear to impede my mission!” she smiles to herself.

He groans as she makes contact with his bare, erect penis. She encircles it with her hand, rubbing the smooth skin of it gently up and down. As she rubs its large head back and forth across her palm, she feels a warm moistness coming from the tip. The urge to taste him is nearly overwhelming. Dare she bend her head down under the tablecloth and take what she craves? She doesn’t give a shit what happens, she’s going for it! “Cover me, I’m going down,” she says.

His eyes widen and he looks quickly around the restaurant. “No one is around, what the hell,” he thinks.

She takes his lovely head into her mouth, and licks up all the liquid she can from it. She knows she can’t stay down there for long, so she takes him as deeply into her mouth as he can go and works her tongue wildly all around him, sucking him sensuously in and out a few times for good measure. When she sits back up, she tells him, “Damn, you taste fine!” He just chuckles at this suddenly wild thing sitting next to him.

He looks at her, wondering what will happen next. With their eyes locked, she spreads her legs as wide as she can, and puts the leg closest to him up over his thigh. He quickly peaks under the tablecloth to make sure what he feels on his leg is really what he thinks it is. “Damn, girl,” he says quietly. She just smiles.

He needs no further invitation, and his hands move quickly below the tablecloth. He slides his hands under her dress, up her smooth thighs, and finds the little thong panties she’s wearing to be an easy thing to move aside. She groans, and not quietly either. When he feels how wet she is, he groans as well, and less quietly than he intended.

Now, his tactile memory of her from all those years ago, and his present-day imaginings of her are all lining up for him. With his whole hand, he covers her wet lips and mound, gently squeezing and vibrating back and forth with his hand. She softly orgasms from just that touch. His fingers explore her outer lips. Yes, they are just as he remembered, full and wet and scrumptious! She slides herself down a little in the booth, to open herself wider for him. She’s softly panting and moaning. He’s hoping the waitress doesn’t come back to check on them for awhile, as there is no way to disguise what he’s doing to her under that tablecloth.

He slides his middle finger between her pouty labia and runs it up and down her dripping inner lips. She stops breathing for a moment, then lets out a moan, which starts her breathing again. “Ohhhhh, Mark,” is all she can manage to say.

With only his finger to work with, he expertly brings her to another orgasm. Her eyes are closed and she is imagining that finger is his tongue. She wants more of him so badly. She’s GOT to find a way to have him, and have him NOW.

“I’ve got to go to the ladies room,” she pants.

“Oh, OK,” he says, with a bit of confusion in his voice. But he guesses to himself, “Well, when you gotta go, you gotta go…”

She straightens herself up, smooths her dress back down, and reaches for her purse. As she stands up from the booth, she leans over and whispers into his ear, “Ummm, don’t you need to go, too?” Then she softly kisses and lightly flicks her tongue over his ear and neck.

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Wanting It For Days

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Everywhere she went, the man sure did follow. At first Dakota thought it was funny, and cute, but now it had gotten annoying, like a giant block in her life. A giant life sized cock block with dark brown hair, brown eyes, a strong jaw line, and tan skinned from working as a landscaper all day long named Nate. She first saw him in the parking lot of “The Good ol’ Pub,” looking at her. She had decided to be bold and wave. From then on, he showed up each night at whatever bar, she and Carly would go to, as if it were sheer coincidence.

And Nate would sit and talk with her the whole night, just chit chatting. His cologne would fill the air, lingering on Dakota all night. No other men would try to approach her, he seemed to make it clear what he wanted. And if Nate wasn’t sitting with Dakota, he was buying her and Carly drinks. At the end of every night there would be a napkin with a phone number and “call me,… Nate,” scribbled on it, next to Dakota’s final drink. She knew that he would be there that night, as she put on her short jean skirt, dark gray sweater, black fishnets and black boots. She felt his eyes on her the moment she walked into the bar. This night was no different then the others, the drinks had started, all on Nate. Except this time a note came with the drinks, which read “Sorry”.

“You just gonna keep ignoring him, Dakota?” Carly said, sipping her rum and coke.

“I don’t know, he’s a bit creepy. At least tonight he’s not sitting next to us,” Dakota replied, fixing her thick wavy auburn colored hair.

“He’s gorgeous, in a rough kind of way, and he’s bought us drinks every night for a week, and you haven’t gone out on a date in ages. And besides half the guys you date are creepy, you like creepy.”

“This isn’t a date Carly. He just wants to fuck me.” She looked over at Nate, dressed in his perfectly destroyed jeans, beat up sneakers, and vintage t shirt. He was gorgeous, Dakota thought. The combination of dark features, tan skin, and white teeth always set in a smile was nice to look at.

“That’s not true, canlı bahis şirketleri he has talked to us every night about everything and anything. And he leaves you those cute little notes with your drink. He just wants you to acknowledge him.” Carly said, smiling.

“”Fine, fine, fine, I’ll go over to talk to him.” She took out her gloss and applied one last coat of shiny pink on her lips.

Nate sat at a booth by the bar, talking to a short blonde girl with a flirty white mini skirt on. Nate looked disgusted and uncomfortable and Dakota smirked. See, now you know what it’s like to be bothered, she thought. He looked over , his brown eyes catching her green eyes and he waved. She lifted up her long island iced tea as if to toast him. He smiled. Dakota pushed her dark brown hair behind her ears and slid into the booth next to him.

“I just wanted to say thanks again for buying Carly and I drinks all week.” she said, turning on her girly charm. She began to play with her long gold necklace and she noticed Nate’s eyes dart from her charm to her cleavage, back and forth , like a pendulum.

“It’s no problem, I mean, I thought you didn’t want to talk to me tonight.” Nate said, his long fingers tracing circles around his half empty glass of beer.

“No, I saw you were busy with someone.” Dakota said, looking in the direction of the blond.

“Oh, her? I don’t even know her.” Nate looked down at Dakota’s skirt, which had slid up to her thighs, giving him a good view of the lace tops of her thigh high fishnets. Dakota let her leg rest against his, as if trying to signal to him that she was enjoying his attention.

“This bar has a lot of character, doesn’t it?” he said, glancing at the colored Christmas lights strung over the bar.

She bit her lip as his hand slid down on to his glass, gripping it tightly. “Nate, we’ve been chit chatting for the past four nights, I’ve kinda had enough of it, haven’t you?”

Nate nodded and took a long sip of his beer.

“Uh, yes. What would you like to do?”

Dakota looked canlı kaçak iddaa towards the door. “Let’s go outside to your car. I’d like some privacy.”

With his large hands gripping her small waist, they made their way out to the dimly lit parking lot. Nate had parked his black SUV in an area which the street light was flickering on and off and not near the other cars. She giggled as they made their way inside the vehicle, quickly looking around to see if anyone was watching. Nate looked a little nervous, as he sat in the driver’s seat.

“Oh fuck it, who cares who sees?” Dakota said.

His eyes widened as she slid her hand across his jeans to undo his button. He kept his eyes fixated on her, drinking in her skin as the light from the dim street light reflected off of it. She had his pants unzipped and his dick out in a matter of seconds. She leaned over him, pushing the lever which let his leather seat lean back. She slid her body down, letting her tongue rest inches away from his cock. It was large, thick and smooth, just like she had imagined it. His breathing increased as his eyes met hers.

“You’re such a fuckin’ tease. I knew it when I first saw you. Than you made me chase you all over the place. Fuckin’ tease.”

“You like it. “She cocked her head to the side and winked. He looked down at her pink glossy lips, feeling the warm heat of her mouth, and his cock grew harder. She took her tongue and traced it up and down his shaft, flicking it slightly over the tip. Soon, she was taking him into her mouth, in long rhythmic strokes. Up and down her mouth went on his cock, getting it more and more wet. He sighed loudly and put his hands behind his head, arching back, so his dick went further into her mouth, slightly hitting the back of her throat. She gagged softly, moaning at the thought of him filling her. He continued to thrust, and she continued to moan. Inside the car it was hot and the windows had long been filled with fog.

He put his hand on her head , his fingers resting in her gorgeous full hair, and took his dick canlı kaçak bahis out, rubbing it on her lips. She giggled softly.

“You like that, don’t you, tease?”

“Mmm, hmmm,” she said, licking the tip in small even strokes.

“Get it nice and wet, so I can put it in your pussy.”

She spit on his cock, and took her hand and moved it up and down, so it was covered.

“Yeah get it nice and wet, You want it bad huh?” he said, looking down at her.

“Yes, I’ve wanted it for days,” Dakota replied, her eyes brimming with need.


He leaned down to kiss her, and let his mouth linger against hers. His hands on her waist, he easily pushed up her skirt and pushed her dark red panties to the side. She crawled over him, so that she was straddling him. His cock pressed up against her pussy , with its tip hitting her clit, she begged for him to put it in.

“Please, Please.” she moaned, rubbing her fingers all over his strong chest.

He was enjoying teasing the tease. She positioned herself so her pussy was above his cock, ready for her to sit on it, but he used his strong arms to keep her up, just using his cock to rub her clit. She squirmed as her breathing increased.

They locked eyes again, and in one slowly , drawn out motion, he thrust his hips up, entering her.

“Oh, god” she moaned as she leaned in towards him. Her hair fell into his face as they began to rock back and forth in a steady rhythm. Up and down she moved on his cock, until it was in her to the base. First moving in circles, then pushing her body down in circles, she kept running her hands up and down his body as he kissed her neck. He was feeling her energy, knowing it was almost time for her to explode in pleasure. He increased his thrusts, taking his time with her clit. He used his fingertips to trace circles, in both clock wise and counter clock wise motions. She enjoyed his fingertips teasing her and gave one last thrust as she covered his cock with her cum. She shivered as she held onto him, digging her nails into his shoulders.

“Mmmm, Baby,” she said. “Cum on me, make me dirty.”

He pulled his cock out, gave it a few final strokes, and covered the small strip of hair on her pussy with cum.

“The bar does have a lot of character now,” Dakota said, smiling.

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Wanda Makes up with Her Boyfriend Ch. 03

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Wanda bit her lower lip gently in excitement. Wanda was laying on her back. Gravity had flattened her tits under her neck. Her soft breast flesh flowed gently to her shoulders. Julie was propped on one arm looking down on her, enjoying the site of her magnificent chest. Julie slipped his finger under her white bra strap and pulled it slowly down her shoulder. The cup of her bra lowered across the top of her large breast. He stopped as the cup of her bra reached the edge of her dark brown areola her repeated the procedure on Wanda’s other side. He traced the top edge of where Wanda’s darker breast skin started. Wanda curled her toes as she sucked in air. Julie always treated her breasts like Christmas Morning. She was never sure how he would remove her top but it was always done with great enthusiasm. Wanda had worn a bra that clasped in the front today. It was no easy task to find one that fit her large chest and it cost a fortune.

The pay off though was the look of glee in Julie’s eyes as he undid the clasp, and slowly pulled the cups apart. Julie’s green eyes were wide as Wanda’s nipples came into view. If Wanda watched Julie close enough she could see Julie’s pupils dilate till only a tiny green ring circled them as he took in her nipples. Wanda would think of Superman’s heat vision as he stared at her breasts. Her nips would illegal bahis harden under his gaze. Right now it felt like her nips were harder than they had ever been. Just the air hitting her nipples was sending tremors through her pussy. Julie Ran his fingers under her breast and Wanda arched her back involuntarily. Julie lowered his lips to Wanda’s left tit. He was barely able to resist the temptation to draw her hard nipple through his lips and instead ran his hot tongue under her nips. Wanda felt the walls shake as the heat ran through her.

Wanda squirmed and caused Julie to brush her diamond hard nipple with his tongue. The heat caused her to let out a yelp of pleasure. That proved too much temptation for Julie. He wrapped his warm lips around her nipple tip. Wanda’s walls quivered and went tight. Julie’s mouth was warm which made her nips hot which made Julies mouth hotter in a cycle that was building pressure deep within her. Julie’s tongue made circles around Wanda’s nipples as he sucked with building pressure. Wanda’s mind spun in circles at the same pace as Julie’s tongue. Every circle sent warm electric pulses to Wanda’s steaming womanhood. Wanda hated Julie for going so slow.

The pressure was building steadily. Julie switched nipples and the heat from his lips and tongue hit her all at once. Her body shook illegal bahis siteleri uncontrollably as she started to implode as her walls tightened in orgasm. She pushed Julie off her breast before the pressure crushed her entire being. Julie took this as his cue to kiss down Wanda’s stomach. Julie deftly unsnapped Wanda’s Jeans and lowered the zipper. He pulled and shimmied her jeans down her curvy ass. Wanda’s silky white panties were soaked. Julie slipped Wanda’s pants all the way off. They exchanged eye contact. Wanda’s eyes pleaded for a second to regain her composure. Julie’s eyes conveyed no mercy. He returned to kissing Wanda’s stomach. Julie’s lips brushed Wanda’s skin sending waves of pleasure across her body.

He shifted his attention to her hip and continued down. Wanda knew he would pass over her pussy to get to her thighs but wondered how teasingly close he would get to her promised land on the way down. He edged down the line of her panties. She could feel his warm kisses on the edge her pubic mound as he got as close to her flower petals as you could possibly get without actually kissing her flower. Again her walls tightened from the pressure. Wanda almost disappeared from the pressure she was so tight. Julie nibbled softly on Wanda’s inner thigh and Wanda almost slipped into orgasm. Wanda about to lose canlı bahis siteleri control slipped her wet panties off Julie started to ask if she was ready but Wanda was already pressing her pelvis into his face.

Julie’s warm tongue touched her womanhood and she bucked violently from the warm pressure on her clit. His lips wrapped around her swollen clit and pulled her pink flesh with suction. Wanda’s thighs slammed closed around Julie’s head. His tongue gently glided over Wanda’s button and she closed tighter around his head. Wanda could see the edge approach. She was disappearing as she got closer. She got tighter and tighter. Her thighs squeezed Julies head harder and harder. Julie could barely turn his head to catch his breath before going for the finish line. Wanda was closer and closer to the edge. Wanda used to worry about how hard she squeezed Julie’s head in her thighs but Wanda knew he was indestructible.

Wanda was so tight. She was so close. She was squeezing so hard. She was so hot. The universe was collapsing into her in a ball of blue heat. Then she imploded and exploded and fell all at the same time. As the ground rushed up at her, a wave of heat flowed from her core. Her body tensed completely as she hit the ground. The pressure reached a crescendo. Then she released all the tension. She let Julie’s head go and he joined her at the top of the bed. He was panting heavily. Wanda was too spent to care. Her body was lit up like a Christmas tree. Julie had that smug grin on his face. He knew he had done good. Wanda could hardly move.

To be continued

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The Poker Group Ch. 03

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Friday night Don was going out with Henry and Garth to the strip club.

“What do those girls have that Caroline and I don’t have?” I said to tease Don.

“I am going just to keep the other two guys out of trouble. Just like I used to read Playboys for the articles.” he laughed.

“Good answer. Ok what do those two go there for?”

“A little variety and the lap dances.”

“You don’t get those do you Don?” I said smiling sweetly.

“No, I can’t afford them. They cost about $50 each.”

“But you would get them if you had the money, would you?” I teased.

He clearly wanted to deny it but he knew I would see right through the lie.

“Maybe.” he finally said.

“Do you want me to give you a lap dance?” I asked.

“Definitely.” he answered.

“Do you think Henry and Garth would want one too?”

“Uhhhm, yes.” he finally said.

“Could you handle it if I did?”

He took a while before he answered that question. “Yes.”

“Do you want me to give them a lap dance?” I wasn’t even sure what a lap dance was other than that there was no touching in this state.

He turned a little red and said “Very much!”

Wow! He used to be such a jealous guy.

“Ok I will. Set it up with them.” I said. He said he would. I started tingling all over.

I read articles online and watched youtube videos on how to give a lap dance. I could do that. I made up a cd with a number of songs that seemed to be appropriate like: Let me put my love into you by ac/dc Skin trade by duran duran Work by Rihanna etc.

The arranged night came about and I greeted the two of them in a housecoat. They both gave me an evil grin wondering what was underneath. I decided to give Henry the first dance. I was using an armchair in the living room for the dance. I seated Henry in the armchair and took off my housecoat. I was wearing a red see-through bra and red thong panties I had bought specially for the occasion. I made him put on a pair of thick winter mitts to ensure that there was no hanky panky. He wasn’t allowed to touch me with any part of his face either.

“Can I touch you with these?” he asked.

“Sure.” I said. What could he possibly feel with those mitts? I started the music and started to dance.

I stood in front of his chair and swayed my hips in a figure eight motion. I looked him in the eyes and ran my fingers through my hair. I ran my hands down my sides and squeezed my breasts through the bra. Then I turned my back on him and waved my ass back and forth in his face. I then looked him in the eyes and unsnapped my bra at the back. I left it hanging on my shoulders for a second and then took it off. His eyes lit up. I could hear Don and Garth cheering. I mashed my tits with my hands and then slowly made a circle around one of my nipples with my tongue. I could tell he was loving it by the tent in his pants. I again turned around and put my ass in the air as close to the chair as I could. I slapped my bottom suggestively. I then turned and faced him again and slowly took off my thong. I did a spin and then mounted the chair standing on my knees between his legs. I looked him in the eyes and kissed his forehead. I then slid forward and placed my erect nipples maybe three inches from his eyes. I gently waved my tits back and forth in front of his face. That’s when I realized that he could still pinch my nipples pretty well through those mitts! I actually got quite aroused.

“Naughty naughty” I teased. He knew I wasn’t mad because I was still smiling. I grabbed on to his knees for support and arched my back as far as I could toward the floor. Then I stood back up and moved his arms off the sides of the armchair. I grabbed the arms of the chair and slid up the arms of the chair until my legs were over his shoulders. My cunt was a foot from his eyes. I started playing with my pussy, slowly using one finger to circle my labia and then I spread my pussy lips with two fingers. I started to play with my clit but quit because I almost came immediately. I took my legs off Henry’s shoulders and turned and kneeled between his legs with my ass in his face. I lifted my ass up and he had a view of my pussy from the back maybe a foot from his face. I then turned back to look him in the eyes again. I straddled his hips with my knees and pretended I was riding him cowboy style. I could feel my ass lightly hitting his hard cock through his pants at times. My tits were bouncing up and down. I got back off the chair and asked him how he liked it.

“God that was hot! I probably creamed my pants! Even through these mitts I can tell you have very firm tits Charlotte!

“Why thank you Henry.” I can’t believe I just thanked him for feeling me up. I fanned my face and said “I feel like I need a cigarette after that.”

Everybody laughed. I walked over to Don and told him that I was sorry. I hadn’t meant to take it that far. I got carried away in the moment.

Don laughed and said “I agree with Henry. That was the hottest thing I ever saw! I think Garth canlı bahis şirketaleri deserves the same dance.” Garth cheered at that thought.

“Ok Don, as long as you are ok with it. Give me about half an hour to recover and have a drink.” My nipples were still sore from Henry pinching them. I couldn’t believe how close I came to coming that time. The nipple pinches almost took me over the edge. I am going to have to get Don to do more of that I thought. I hope Garth forgives me if I suddenly squirt all over his pants! I didn’t squirt often but it did happen.

I gave pretty much the same dance to Garth except that when I shook my boobs vigorously in front of his face I accidentally hit him in the nose with a boob. My automatic reaction was to grab his head and hug him and apologize, accidentally mashing my boobs in his face. When I realized what I did I backed up.

He sputtered and said “What a way to go! Smothered to death with giant boobs!” We all laughed. I continued the dance. Garth must have been watching Henry because he pinched my nipples hard too!

I finished the dance and saw Don and Henry standing there jerking off. I was so worked up by the dance I had to have Don immediately.

“Don don’t waste that hard on. Let’s go upstairs!” I said urgently.

“Why not here on the couch?” Don said.

“You sure about this?” I asked.

When he confirmed it I was too worked up to argue. Don immediately mounted me in the missionary position and I groaned with pleasure. I almost forgot the other two guys were watching. He pumped me with alternating slow and long strokes. Before he came he turned me over and we did it doggie style. I arched my back and came several times. We fell exhausted onto the couch. When I came back to my senses I remembered Henry and Garth were watching.

“Guys please don’t tell anyone about this, not even the other guys in the group, OK?” I pleaded. They both agreed.

“This day is burned into my memory. The way your tits bounced around when Don pounded you was awesome! And the way you rolled your eyes back in your head when you came!” Garth said.

After they left I started to feel guilty. I know the lap dance I gave Garth and Henry wasn’t anymore than they would get at a strip club, but Garth’s wife would certainly not have approved if she knew it was me giving it! Letting them watch us having sex was worse yet! We should be ashamed of ourselves! I always make bad decisions when I am drinking. I decided not to give lap dances to any more married men. That left only Eric and I guess Andy. Caroline obviously doesn’t mind!

I went back to visit Andy again the day before the poker game to get a trim. Caroline was there this time. Don had talked me into letting Andy move around my lady bits and put on the shaving cream this time. Don said it was far more efficient this way. I gave him “the look” as if he was crazy. He said he was fine with it and to tell him all the details when I got home. This was way out of my comfort zone but very exciting so I agreed. I had a feeling it was Andy doing the moving around of my labia anyway on that first shave. I guess I could have grilled the witnesses for the answer, but to tell the truth I was happy not knowing. If I found out it wasn’t Andy, that would have killed the fantasy. The devil on my shoulder was hoping it was him. That way since he had already touched me before anyway I could justify to myself what I was allowing to happen. On the other hand, if it was Andy’s fingers then Don had let Andy grope me without my permission. I didn’t want to go down that road. Now I was allowing Andy to grope me with my permission. I’m sure it was Don’s fingers that first time, but it sure in the hell wasn’t going to be Don’s in five minutes!

Wow that shave was hot! Caroline watched the whole thing. Every time Andy touched my labia chills went through me! He seemed to move my labia around a lot. Even when he applied the shaving gel I loved it! This is so unlike me! I don’t even know myself anymore. Maybe I am rebelling against my repressed sexual tension. Kind of like the pastor’s kid is always the worst. I know that from personal experience because when I was a teenager the pastor’s son tried to seduce me in the chapel of the church he borrowed the keys to.

As I was leaving Andy said to come for a massage sometime.

“With a happy ending?” I laughed.

“What a great idea!” Andy answered.

“I am a married woman you know.” I replied.

“So if you were single you would?” he inquired.

“Maybe.” I blushed.

“Goodbye then. I’ll talk to Don about it when I see him tomorrow night.” Andy said.

“If you talk to him about it he will probably convince me to go for it.” I laughed.

“I know!” he said with a big grin on his face.

Tomorrow came and we held our usual poker group with nude hostesses. Braden had other commitments and couldn’t be there. I heard no comments about the lap dances which I was glad to see.

“Aren’t you tired of seeing Caroline canlı kaçak iddaa and I nude?” I asked the group.

“Hell no!” Eric said. Everyone agreed.

“It gets a little chilly down here wearing nothing!” I giggled like a schoolgirl.

“I’ll buy you a heater.” Don replied.

“If you want to warm up why not get on the treadmill?” Henry said.

“OK, I will.” I walked over to the other end of the basement and started up the treadmill. I noticed everyone gathering around.

“Hey, the poker game is over there!” I laughed. I started out going at a walking pace. I continued to slowly increase the speed until I was actually jogging.

My DD breasts, although they are very firm are also very heavy. When I was younger I actually thought about getting a breast reduction done but I couldn’t afford it. I am glad I didn’t because everybody says they are my best asset (well, at least the guys do).

Because they are so heavy they do flop around a lot. Sometimes I get a little sore jogging for a long time in the nude, but I was willing to put up with a little discomfort now for all this attention. They watched me in a state of awe.

“Poetry in Motion, walking by my side, her lovely locomotion, keeps my eyes open wide. Poetry in Motion, see her gentle sway, a wave out on the ocean, could never move that way.” Eric sang.

I was impressed that he remembered that much of the Bobby V song. I kept up the jogging until I got a little sore and then quit. The guys looked disappointed that I quit.

“Can I give it a try?” Caroline asked. The treadmill was facing the guys and she cranked the speed up to almost maximum. Her smaller tits still bobbed around like a bowl full of jello. All eyes were on her. She managed to keep going for at least ten minutes. She was all sweated up by that point.

“I used to run marathons but I am out of shape.” Caroline said. The guys disagreed with that.

“We should charge you guys admission.” I laughed.

“No really we should do something for you girls. We deviates are getting a lot out of our so called “Poker nights”. What would you girls like? More clothes or lingerie or maybe an expensive meal at a restaurant? Eric asked.

“Not much point in clothes. You sweet talkers talk us out of them anyway!” I laughed.

“How about if we spring for some hot tub rentals?” Eric said.

“Yeah, then we won’t be able to see whose hands are pinching us!” I laughed again.

“Good point! You saw through my devious plan.” Eric laughed.

“You guys are all gentlemen.” I said.

Everybody looked around. Eric said “No gentlemen here.”

“Well if we could get you guys to promise no touching, I would very much like that.” I said.

“You can pinch me if you like.” Caroline said to the guys.

“Caroline! Don’t encourage these guys. I am trying to keep them out of trouble with their wives.”

Of course Eric and Henry had to pipe up that they weren’t married. Caroline licked her lips suggestively.

Well! I am not the moral police. As long as she stays away from the married guys.

After everybody left I had a talk with Don.

“Don, I don’t think I should go back and see Andy anymore!”

“Why, don’t you like his shaving?”

“Don’t be offended but I love getting shaved by him!”

“Then why don’t you want to go back?”

“You won’t use this against me will you? Remember you encouraged the shaving.”

“Of course I won’t!”

“I loved the shaving too much! Everytime he touched my labia it sent shivers through me. If he would have tried anything else I don’t think I would have had the willpower to stop him!” I looked him in the eyes to see if he was angry. He didn’t seem angry.

“Caroline, I love you now more than I ever have. I could see it in your eyes that you were getting turned on by the shaving. I didn’t want to take that away from you. You aren’t falling for Andy are you?”

“Of course not! You are the only one I love or will love!”

“Then enjoy yourself. Andy told me about the massage. I told him it wasn’t up to me, it was up to you. If this is something you want then I think you should do it. He gave me his word that he wouldn’t fuck you.”

“Sounds to me like he was planning to do everything but that to me! This isn’t some sneaky way to owe you one and get Caroline into bed is it?”

“Of course not! Whatever happens with you and Andy I am perfectly happy with the sex I get with you! In fact this thing with Andy seems to be really turning me on! I don’t know why. I hope that doesn’t make me sound like a pervert!”

“Fantasies are fine and healthy, but this would be taking a big step. Are you sure you won’t regret this and hold this over me?” I asked.

“I promise I will never hold this over you and I definitely wouldn’t regret it.”

I could tell how much he wanted this.

“Let me think about this for a few days.” I said. He agreed that we shouldn’t rush into anything.

I went online to find out how common this fantasy of Don’s was. I got canlı kaçak bahis a real education!

The next evening I phoned Andy up and wanted to talk about what his intentions were with this massage. He invited me over to discuss it so I went over to his place. He could see the concern on my face.

“Charlotte I can see you aren’t ready for a tantric type of massage. Even if you asked me to do it I wouldn’t. I could probably talk you into it but I won’t. I would never do this type of massage for a woman unless she truly wanted it. Once I give a tantric massage to a woman, all resistance is gone. I could easily take advantage of her. You are worried about that aren’t you?”

I confessed to him that I thought I might get carried away and do something I might regret.

“How would you like a more normal type of massage? I won’t touch your breasts or your genitals.”

“That sounds great! I admit this is a worry off my mind.” I said.

He led me into another room where a massage table was. He had seen me nude so many times we didn’t bother with the sheet or covering towel. He took off his shirt so he wouldn’t get massage oil on it and I lay on my stomach on the table. He gave me a traditional full body massage with the massage techniques I was used to at the spa. He also massaged my butt cheeks which I had never had done before. He had me turn over and gave me another professional massage never touching my breasts or pussy. I was getting quite relaxed but turned on watching his very toned abs. He then used a pneumatic lift on the table to raise the back of the table.

“So you can see what I am doing. This part is a little more erotic.” he said. I wondered what he meant by that. He started at my feet and massaged the pads of my feet and my toes. He slowly, gently caressed the top of my bare feet, first one and then the other. He kissed my ankles and lightly ran his hand around them picking them up one at a time and kissing my feet with a soft kiss. He then lay my feet back down and lightly ran his hands along my legs to my knees. He left his hands on my knees while looking me in the eye. He gently touched the back of my knees and shivers ran down my spine. He started again at the bottom and ran his fingers gently up the inside of my legs until he was almost up to my pussy. He smiled and gently stroked his fingers just on either side of my pussy but not touching it.

“You have such a lovely pussy! That big labia is gorgeous. My cock is just dying to get in there and fuck you until you yell for mercy.” he said.

Up and down, up and down his finger went. This drove me nuts. Then he gently made circles on my pubic bone with his finger where I used to have hair. He pressed his palm on my monds and more shivers went through me. Then he made his way up to my abdomen lightly stroking it with his finger. He gently touched my navel. His hands moved up the sides of my breast without touching them. He smiled again and paused. He made like he was cupping my breasts without actually touching them. He then circled his finger around my nipples, ever so close but without touching them.

“Such beautiful tits. So firm. I would love to squeeze them. Those nipples are fantastic, so long. They are so aroused that they are screaming to be played with.”

I was so hot I was tempted to say “Just grab them already!” but I didn’t. He pulled a nipple clamp from somewhere and whispered in my ear in a low voice “You’d like these on your nipples, wouldn’t you?” For some reason I nodded yes. When he clamped them on both my nipples I felt a sharp pain. The pain seemed to heighten my arousal.

“Remember I didn’t touch your nipples the clamps did. If the pain gets too much take them off yourself.” he smiled.

Those clamps hurt like the dickens but I refused to admit it and take them off. He produced a vibrator from his pocket and pointed it at my cunt with a wry grin on his face. My eyebrows went up.

He ran his fingers through my hair and whispered in my ear “If I asked you to fuck me right now you would say yes wouldn’t you?”

“Yes!” I moaned.

“Well I am not going to!” With that he left the room carrying the vibrator and told me to get dressed.

When I came back out minus the nipple clamps and with my clothes on I said “That was cruel!”

“I promised your husband I wouldn’t fuck you. If he gives me permission next time I see you I will most enthusiastically fuck you. You two have to work that out.”

After I got home I practically tackled Don for sex. Later Don grilled me for every detail of my massage and I left nothing out including what I told Andy.

“You would have fucked him?” he asked.

“Yes! I couldn’t help myself! I hope my honesty doesn’t get me in trouble.” I cried.

“I have to admire Andy for keeping his word.” Don said.

“Me too! I can’t go back there for a tantric massage! I know I will fuck him! I am weak.”

“You aren’t weak! In all our years of marriage you have never cheated on me or I you. You still haven’t.”

“I can’t even be alone with Andy anymore, the temptation is too great. I won’t cheat on you! I love you too much.”

“This whole mess is my fault. If I hadn’t persuaded you to get the shave none of this would have happened. I guess we have two options.

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The Pizza Girl Ch. 01

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I was standing outside the local pizza place when I saw a young girl come out and light up a Camel. Other than the smoking, she was entirely too wholesome to be working at this place, which had a reputation for its wild employees and customers.

She looked about 18, with short blonde hair, blue eyes, and a cute little nose. Her tight black tee shirt barely stretched all the way over her impressive tits, and her black pants showed off a very tight ass. I enjoyed my cigarette as I watched her and surveyed her terrain.

As I watched her, I could tell that something was wrong. Her expression was one of concern, her face wrinkled with worry. Tears soon followed as she half-heartedly puffed away. I approached her, ever vulnerable to the damsel in distress.

I learned that her name was Nicole, she was a senior at the local high school, worked at the pizza place for three months and had just found out she was pregnant. The father, her manager at work and a married man, denied all responsibility and had just fired her for trying to cause trouble.

“I was so stupid, giving up my virginity to an asshole like that. He told me he was fixed, but obviously lied to me. What a prick!”

“Well,” I said. “You learned a valuable lesson. Guys will do anything to fuck a cute young girl like you.”

“Yeah, but now what am I going to do? I have no money and now no job. I can’t have a baby!”

I looked at her and my cock started to stir. Here was a hot, obviously sexually active legal teenager practically in my arms.

“I don’t know.”

She looked at me and my expensive jacket, my gold cigarette lighter and smiled. “You’re kind of cute. Will you help me out?”

“What do you mean?”

“I saw you checking me out. How about I make you feel good and you give me some money?”

“How good do you mean?”

“Name it. My parents are out of town, so we could go to my place. I have to earn money for an abortion, and I can’t think of any other way.”

“Okay. Let’s take my car.”

In a few minutes we were at her house, a nice suburban ranch-style in a good neighborhood. It was obvious she was from a good family and was just dumb in her choice of sex partners.

She took my hand and led me to her bedroom, which obviously belonged to a young girl. Stuffed animals covered the bed, pom-poms and a cheer pennant hung on the wall. Everything was pink and feminine and obviously a couple of years out of date.

I sat down on her bed and she joined me. Her hands went to my crotch, awakening my sleeping penis. I leaned over to illegal bahis kiss her, and she met my lips with passion. As she continued to rub my cock I reached up to caress her swollen melons, firm from a push-up bra and youth.

I disengaged from her and pulled off her shirt. Her breasts were barely contained in a red-lace bra. I pulled down the cups and went to work on them with my lips. Her pink nipples quickly became erect. The oohs and ahhs she emitted told me she liked what I was doing.

After awhile I told her to take off her clothes. There is nothing more erotic than watching a hot young female disrobe and I was not disappointed. She reached around and unhooked her bra, releasing those beautiful 34D tits. They were so firm they almost completely held their shape in freedom. Next, she kicked off her shoes and unbuckled her pants. Slowly she lowered them, revealing a skimpy pair of panties that matched the bra. Her stomach, washboard flat, showed no signs of her pregnancy. Last to come off were those panties and, once around her ankles she kicked them off.

Thankfully, she was as wholesome looking as I had thought. No piercings, no tattoos, and a full bush of curly blonde pubic hair a couple of shades darker than the hair on her head. She sat down on the bed and bid me to join her. I kissed her hard, fondling her oversized jugs and working my way down to her pussy. Two fingers went in easily, as her juices were flowing with anticipation and excitement.

“Why don’t you take off you clothes so we can get down to business?”

I shook my head and dove for her young, pink, teenage twat. My tongue danced over her womanhood, from clit to outer lips to her asshole. She squirmed with delight as I stimulated her, bringing her to orgasm quickly and violently.

“Jim never did that for me. He just fucked me a couple of times in the back of his car after work.”

I nodded, knowing that this young girl was mine for the taking. I quickly shucked my clothes, standing naked before her. Though I am over twice her age, I am still in pretty good shape. I took my cock in my hand and guided it toward her mouth.

“I’ve never sucked a guy’s cock before.”

“It’s easy. I’ll teach you.”

I told her to begin by licking the head and, in no time, my penis had grown to its full nine inches. Little by little she worked it into her mouth, those beautiful blue eyes looking up at me in innocence and lust. I taught her how to stimulate my balls, how to jack off the shaft, how to finger my asshole to increase stimulation. She started illegal bahis siteleri to gag after getting about half of it down her throat, so I broke off and laid her back on the bed.

“Since you’re already pregnant, I guess I don’t have to worry about birth control, huh?” She managed a giggle.

“Jim’s cock is like a pencil compared to yours. Promise you won’t hurt me, okay?”

“Promise. You ready to get fucked?”

She nodded. I had lied to her, and shoved all nine inches into her in one thrust. This took the breath out of her but, before she could complain, I was pumping the hell out of her. Her pussy was so tight that I believed her when she spoke of her only other lover’s organ. The walls of her cunt gripped my invading member like a vice, but soon loosened up and I continued my assault.

Nicole was a loud one, crying out and moaning as I did the job on her. I looked down to see our genitals meet, my thick prong obscenely stretching her pussy lips, and my thick black bush meshing with her blonde curls. I started coating my fingers with her juices and finger banging her tight little asshole. This added a whole new level of pleasure to both of us.

When I sensed my impending orgasm, I slowed down and flipped her over so that she straddled me. It didn’t take much for this natural slut to get the message and started riding me like a prize horse. I gripped her ass as it went up and down on my shaft, and leaned up to suck those beautiful nipples as the flopped around with her gyrations.

“I…think…I’m cumming!!” she screamed. I knew I wasn’t far behind, and as I felt the orgasmic contractions of her pussy, I unloaded my sperm into her already pregnant womb. When we were finished, she collapsed on top of me, pressing those globes of flesh into my hairy chest.

After taking a minute to catch my breath, I lit two cigarettes and handed her one. We smoked in silence until her hand found my cock and she started to rub it.

“I wish I had waited to lose my virginity to someone like you, Joe. I never knew fucking could be that good.”

“Thanks. Considering I have been fucking since before you were born, that’s a very nice compliment.”

“So, what was that worth to you? I need the money, even though it was so good I should be paying you!”

“You tell me. What do you want?”

“Is twenty dollars okay?”

I laughed out loud at her obvious naiveté. “Twenty bucks! You sure don’t think much of yourself, do you?”

“Well, what would be fair?”

“Listen, honey. If you really want to fuck for canlı bahis siteleri cash, fairness has nothing to do with it. First of all, get the money up front.”

“I wouldn’t normally do this, but…”

“I know. Are you really serious about this?”


“Not just doing it to pay for your abortion, but really making some money?”

She thought a minute. “What do you mean?”

“Well, if you are serious about it I have a lot of middle-aged friends who would pay a lot of money to fuck a hot young piece like you. Most of us didn’t get the really hot girls when we were teenagers, and want to make up for it now. Interested?”

“What’s in it for you?”

“Well, I would keep part of the money as a finder’s fee, say twenty-five percent. The rest is yours. But I have to warn you, not all of them would be like me. I really care about getting a girl off. Most of them would only be interested in getting their own rocks off.”

“Say I’m interested. How would we do this?”

“Well, first thing is I would pay for your abortion and get you on the pill. I have a couple of rental properties we could use to conduct business. I will find the guys and bring them to you. They will give me the money and I’ll pay you out of it.”

“Why do you want to do this for me?”

“Two reasons. One, I genuinely like women, and I think you like to fuck but aren’t too good at picking guys. Second, I love to make money.”

“Is that all?”

“No. I would like to continue to fuck you myself.”

Nicole thought about it a minute, then said she was interested. We went down a list of sex acts and she was willing to try many, such as multiple partners and anal, but had no interest in bondage or pain or other girls. I told her I would respect this.

“How about once more? If you have some Vaseline, I’ll introduce you to anal sex.”

With that, we started our second bout of the day. After a wicked sixty-nine and some straight missionary fucking, I took her doggie-style. I loved the way her huge young tits swayed and bounced as I pounded her. When the time was right I withdrew my penis from her pussy, lubed it and gently inserted it into her ass. After a few in and outs I had buried my nine-incher all the way into her bowels. Slowly I fucked her until finally she bade me to go faster. When I came I withdrew and pulled my cock until I sprayed semen all over her tiny ass. Again, we collapsed and smoked a post-coital cigarette.

As promised, I fixed up one of my apartments for our use. After arranging her abortion and for her to get on the pill we took a trip to Frederick’s and Victoria’s secret to outfit her with a wide range of sexy underwear, from push-up bras to crotchless panties to bustiers. Our business continues to go well, and I get all the legal teenage pussy I want.

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The Pub

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Edited by kanga40

He stumbled down the walkway, mumbling to himself, slightly swaying from side to side. Although expensively dressed, the suit was wrinkled, the tie hung loosely on his neck, a day growth of facial hair apparent, hair ruffled, eyes blood shot from excessive alcohol, but he had a smile on his handsome face.

He had appeared from an alley behind “The Pub,” a local drinking hole, were he stopped once or twice a week for a drink with the locals. He was, a respected executive, in a local firm, who enjoyed the banter with the “blue collar” friends that he grew up with.

But why would he be smiling you wonder. Let me start at the beginning. My name is Joe. I’m the bartender at “The Pub,” a friendly down to earth bar, catering mostly to the local blue collar workers, the exception being John, a highly regarded professional.

John has been a regular for years, stopping by mostly on Fridays to have a few drinks. He is a rather handsome man, no wrinkles for his age, not a very tall man, maybe a few inches less than 6ft., sandy hair, with a touch of white at the temple, piercing blue eyes, neatly trimmed moustache, well groomed and dressed. John never stayed more than an hour or so, enjoying the company of his friends. When a guy was down on his luck, he would often buy a round or two, that is just the way he is. We don’t have very many ladies stop by, but there are a few, and most were attracted to him right away. He is always polite and friendly, but that’s as far as it ever went, you see, John is happily married and loves his wife. The thought of straying never entered his mind, that’s just the way he is. He took a lot of ribbing from his friends over it, but if I heard it once, I heard it a thousand times. “Boys, I got the best, why screw with the rest.”

If he had one fault, it would be his devotion to his job and company. He worked long hours at times, was gone on business trips a few times a month, but provided his family with all their needs. One day it all blew up in his face.

He had felt a little guilty of neglecting his wife, so decided to call her and tell her to get ready, he would take her out on the town for dinner, dancing, the whole works. The phone rang, but no answer. Thinking that she may have gone shopping, he didn’t give it a second thought, deciding to wait until he got home.

And that, my friend, is where it all began. As he entered the side door, from the garage, he called out to his wife, but no answer. Wonder where she is? He thought. He called again, but güvenilir bahis still no answer. He walked up to the bar, poured a small drink, raised it to his mouth and then saw the note, lay on the kitchen table. It was her handwriting.

He read the note, stunned, he fumbled to a chair, his legs giving out, tears formed in his eyes. A sob tore through his body, he felt sick to his stomach. His head was spinning with disbelief. It can’t be, he thought, Why? How? Who? Why didn’t I see it? How could I be so blind, and not see it coming?

He stumbled to the bar, grabbed the bottle of scotch, unscrewed the top, flinging it away in anger, and drank deeply from the bottle, pouring some on himself, but caring less about appearance or anything else for that matter. “Bitch, fucking bitch” his anger rose as more alcohol poured in him. “Twenty seven years down the drain, everything I worked for, means nothing, absolutely fucking nothing.” “Bitch” The pain in his gut increased, the bile rising to his throat. He felt cheated, deserted and unloved. I think every emotion known to man must have passed through his mind. But anger won out over the rest. His respect for women, all women, I think was at an all time low. He roughly wiped the tears from his face with the back of his hand, and stumbled to the front door.

“Got to get out of here,” he mumbled. Fortunately, “The Pub” was only a few blocks away, and he chose to walk, rather than drive. He needed to be anywhere but here, as he stumbled to the pub, his mind racing with sad and angry thoughts.

I watched him, sitting at the bar, his lifeless eyes staring deep into the beer, twirling the glass around and around in its own condensation. Occasionally, he would look up, take a long swig and resume the staring, mumbling “bitch” now and then.

An then she walked in, tall, curvy, blond, blazing green eyes, breasts that swayed under the tight sweater, tight skirt, an air of arrogance and defiance about her. Her eyes roamed the bar, skipping across the occupants, and finally resting on him. Although there were many empty stools, she headed up to him and asked in a husky sexy voice.

“Mind if I sit down?”

His red eyes glanced only a second at her.

“Suit yourself bitch,” he growled indifferently, looking back into the depth of his beer glass.

Those that heard him, gasped; John, had never said an unkind word to any woman, he just had too much respect for them. The comment didn’t seem to bother her. She ordered a mixed drink and calmly looked him türkçe bahis up and down, like if she were sizing up a prize bull.

“Problems, handsome?”

“Fuck you bitch!”

“Would you like too?”

Slowly, he lifted his head from the glass, starring at the intruder, through his foggy eyes. That arrogant bitch, she was just like all the rest, probably fucking some poor jerk over. He had never been unfaithful, what did it really matter now. Had he been sober, without the emotional burden, things may have turned out different, but at this point he didn’t seem to care.

They stared at each other, green eyes into blue eyes for a full minute, as if one was daring the other to back out.

He slid off the stool, and without even a second glance at her, walked toward the side alley door. She grabbed her purse, also slid off the stool and followed him out. The air was fresh, but not cold. He took deep breaths, as if to shake the fuzziness out of his brain, then suddenly stopped and turned around. Startled, by his sudden stop, she stumbled into his arms.

His hand reached up behind her head, grabbed a handful of her golden trusses and pulled her into him, his lips brutally locked unto hers, bruising and sucking on her tongue with lust and hate. She was the symbol of everything that had gone wrong; she was going to suffer the consequences for all womanhood. He didn’t care about her feeling, he didn’t care who she was, she was just meat to be used and discarded.

“Ayah…” she groaned, “what the hell is your problem?”

“Shut up, bitch.”

One hand still locked in her hair, holding her tight against his bruising lips, the other hand yanked up the skirt, fingers pulling the string panty aside, probing her shaven smooth outer lips and plunging a digit into her wet depth. He felt her heat, the wetness soaking his fingers, sliding down her legs in rivets. This bitch was burning up, never had he felt a woman this wet and hot. He released her lips, looked around for something to lay her on or set her against.

He dragged her over to a pile of pallets against the wall, roughly pulled her across the top, lay her flat on her back, her head hung over the edge. He stood in front of her face, unzipped his pants, the eight inch cock flopped on her face, engorged with blood. He noticed one of her hands between her thighs, rubbing the large outer lips of her sex, the fingers buried in her cleft. She was groaning with lust. He rubbed his dripping cock all over her face, mouth, nose, lips, cheeks, forehead; güvenilir bahis siteleri trailing shiny liquid across her face. His breathing was labored, as he continued the erotic dance of his member on her face, slapping the throbbing member across her face and chin.

“Open up.” He growled at her. She instantly obeyed, her lips seeking the elusive member. Slowly he forced his rigid cock deep into her throat, straight down, until his pubic hair smashed against her lips. She chocked, gasping for air, but he was not to be denied, allowing her no escape. String of saliva hung on his member as he pulled it out, forcing it again into the recess of her throat, again and again. She is trashing around, one hand still furiously gouging in her sex, the squishing sound echoing in the quiet alley. He could smell her heated sex, his lust even more heightened by her scent. Her face contorted in pain, but yet he sensed her lust, her green eyes piercing his own as she watched him use her mouth as a receptacle. Her tongue lashed the ridge of the underside of his cock, inhaling his member deep in her throat. She was an expert cocksucker. No doubt, she had practice.

He glanced down along her body, seeing the swell of her pussy, moisture seeping from the puffy lips, her fingers expertly manipulating her gash, her thumb rolling her clit around in circles.

He could feel the boiling in his groin, with a groan he pushed his cock deep down her throat again, wet with her saliva, as white hot spurts of thick creamy cum shot straight into her belly. Pulling back, he allowed the member to continue shooting into her mouth, her throat swallowing and inhaling the spurting milk. What she was unable to swallow, poured in rivets out the corner of her mouth, running down the side of her neck. He pulled his dripping member out of her mouth, cum covered her tongue, still oozing out through her lips. He rubbed the slimy helmet across her lips and cheeks, spreading the white, hot thick texture all over her face. He wiped the beads of perspiration of his forehead. Never in all his years had he cum like that. She was still groaning and twisting on the pallets. It had to be uncomfortable, but she didn’t seem to care.

He helped her off the pallet, his mind reeling from the sight. Cum covered her face from hairline to chin, dripping off in globs on her chest. He reached in his pocked handed her his handkerchief.

She straightened out her skirt and looked up at him with those blazing eyes.

“Are you married?”

“Not anymore, babe.”

He turned around, walking out of the alley. She didn’t see the grin on his face.

Well, that is how John met his second wife. They both became regulars at “The Pub.” And the funny thing is, he never ever called her “bitch” again.

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