Yavaşca Götüme Soktu

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Merhaba, Aslında ilk deneyimimi yazıp bırakacaktım. Ama dayanamadım. Dün yaşadığım olayı sizlerle paylaşmak istedim. İyi bir iş yerinde yönetici pozisyonunda çalışıyorum. Dün şirkette tam 3 kişiye götten verdim.hiç birinin birbirinden haberi yok ve HALA BAKİREYİM…. anlatıyorum. Sabah işe biraz geç geldim. odama geçtim. daha uyanamamıştım. kapım çaldı. içeri personel sorumlusu ve 21-22 yaşlarında uzun boylu atletik yakışıklı bir geç girdi. tanıştırmaya getirmiş. Stajyer :))))Anında azdım. Bu çocuk tazecik bir meyve gibi geldi gözüme. neyse gittiler. kahvemi içip kendime geldim. aklımda hala yakışıklı stajyer var ama. Dayanamayacağımı anlayınca odama çağırdım. mahçup pendik escort mahçup geldi. kapıyı kapattırdım ve kilitlemesini söyledim. sert bir ses tonuyla konuştuğum için ürktü ve dediklerimi yaptı. Sekreterime kimseyi almamasını telefon bağlamamasını söyledim. benim ne orospu olduğumu bildiği için ne yapacağımı anlamıştı. bu yüzden rahattım. Caner yani stajyer şaşkındı. oturmasını söyledim. kalktım, yanına gittim. ayağa kalktıı iterek oturttum. üzerine eğildim. ve kulağına bakalım ne olacak dedim. etkilenmişti hemen ve sikinin kalktığı keten pantolonundan belli oluyordu. üzeindeki gömleğin düğmelerini çözdüm. kılları tek tük vardı. ben soyunmaya ümraniye escort başladım. yüzü kıpkırmızı siki ise direk gibi olmuştu. memelerimi görünce istemdışı elini attı. aşağıya inerek tangamı çıkardı. yutkunamıyordu. ben iyice azmıştım. pantolonunu indirdi. siki müthişti. morarmış patlamak üzere. am hayali kurduğu belliydi. koltukta ayağa kalktım. amımı tam ağzına dayadım. ama nasıl vuruyor. diliyle sikti. ne dildi anlatamam. öyle bir boşaldımki. zevkten kendi memelerimi sıktım. yavaş yavaş aşağı indim. ağzıma aldım. çok yalamadım. amacım üzerine oturmaktı. yavaşça götüme soktum. biraz şaşırdı. ama deli oldu. hemen boşalmaması için biraz kadıköy escort bekledik. sonra ben üzerinde zıplamaya başladım. zevk atına binmiş gibiydim. bayıldım bu stajyere. sonra ikimiz aynı anda patladık. müthişti. sonra onu gönderdim. üzerime sadece tangamı ve buluzümü giyip masama oturdum. sekreterime telefon edip muhasebedeki osmanı çağırmasını istedim. kız şaşkın ama osmanı gönderdi. osmana da aynısını yaptım. sonra düşündüm başka siktirmek istediğim var diye. sonra üretim şefi serdar geldi aklıma. ona da bir posta. en sonunda giyindim ve bitkin düşmüştüm. sekreterimden kahve istedim. kahveyi kendi getirdi. iyimisiniz diye sordu. çook iyiyim dedim. o anda sekreterimin iri dudaklarının ne kadar güzel olduğunu farkettim.kız yaklaşık 1 yıldır yanımda:)azdım ya bir kere. ne yalar bu dedim içimden. şimdi aklımda sekreterim var. bu gün vibratör siparişi vericem ?? ee sekreterimle ilişkim olabilmesi için erkek olmam gerekmez herhalde……

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

dölleri ile götümün derinliklerini suladı

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Big Dicks

Kendimi bildim bileli kadınsı olmamama rağmen erkeklere ilgi duyan bir gaydim. Özellikle en yakın arkadaşım serdar`a adete aşıktım. Onunla aynı sınıfta okuyor, genelde birlikte ders çalışıyorduk, o kadar yakışıklıydık ki kızları birbirine düşürmek en büyük hobimizdi. Çok samimi arkadaş olduğumuz için birbirimizin her şeyini bilirdik, birbirimizin vucudunu da çıplak defalarca görmüştük. Serdar çok iyi futbol oynardı, ben de sınıfımızın kalecisi idim. Aynı zamanda arkadaşım sekse çok düşkünkü bazen günde 3-4 kere 31 çekdiğini biliyordum. Onun benimkinden iri olan yarağını yemek isteyen götüm olduğunu bilse ve beni sikse diye hep hayal ederdim. Böyle bir şeyi ona nasıl söyleyebilirim hep bunu düşünmeye başladım, kılsız ve dolgun götüm serdarın yarağını tatmak istiyordu. Bir gün lise 2 de iken lise 3 lerle yaptığımız bir halı saha maçı sonrası, soyunma odasında sırayla duş alırken biz sona kaldık saat gece 12 olduğu için arkadaşlar bizi beklemedi bizden sonra soyunma odasını kullanacak da yoktu. Serdar birlikte duş alalım nasıl olsa kimse yok dediğinde hemen onun kabinine girdim. Ikimizde çıplaktık, birbirimizin ıslak vucutlarını sabunlarken tahrik olmaya başladık. İkimizin de siki demir gibi olmuştu ve ben o an bir şeyler olacağını sezdim çünkü serdar bana sikici sikici bakmaya başlamıştı. Bu işi çok isteyen ben utanmaya başladım. Serdar o an bana”erdal biliyorum benden hoşlanıyorsun, pendik escort itiraf etmeliyim ki bende senden hoşlanıyorum”dediğinde heyecaandan ölüyordum, sonra birden dudaklarıma yapıştı, onunla öpüşürken kendimi rüyada gibi hissettim o kadar güzeldi ki, birbirimiz okşuyor yaraklarımızı tutuyorduk. Serdar boynuma göğüs uclarıma doğru indi sonra ben gögüslerini karın kaslarını öpmeye başladım kafamı tutarak yarağına dogru itiyordu ve ben de ağzıma almayı çok istiyordum ve yarağını yalamaya başladım, o kadar tatlıydı ki, sanki yıllardır yarak emiyormuşcasına yalamaya başladım, bu arada serdar yarağını boğazıma kadar hızlı hızlı sokmaya başladı ve inleyerek volkan gibi ağzıma boşaldı, ağzım boğazım döl içinde kaldı tadı bir harikaydı, işimiz bitince heşke bunu daha önce yapsaydık diye düşündük. Hiç bir şey olmamış gibi davrandık ama ben ona aşık olmuştum, o da bana aşık olmuştu, bunu söylemiyor ama biliyorduk, ertesi gün akşam bizim evde kimse yoktu ve ona bize ders çalışmaya gel dediğimde gözleri parladı, eve girer girmez öpüşmeye başladık, bu defa şikişmek de istiyordum, 69 pozisyonunda birbirimize sakso çektik, sonra benim kalçalarımı göt deliğimi yalamaya başladığında zevkten çıldıracak gibiydim. Sik beni diye inlemeye başladığımda yarağını göt deliğime sürtmeye başlamıştı, ilk defa yarak tadacak deliğim çok dar olduğu için iyice tükürükledi parmağı ümraniye escort ile sokmaya başladı götümü genişletmeye çalışıyordu, sonra tekrar denedi ve yarağın başı deliğimi yırtarcasıma içime girdiğinde hafifce bağırdım, istersen bırakayım dediğinde devam et kökle yarağını dedim çünkü bırakmak istemiyordum. O da deliğimin sıcaklığı ile iyice zevke gelmiş yarağını sım sıkı saran göt deliğimin derinliklerine daldırmak istiyordu yarak santim santim yırtarcasına götümde ilerlerken acıdan ölüyordum ama bunu istediğim ve aşkımın zevkini bölmek istemediğim için dayanıyordum. Sonunda serdar daşşaklarına kadar götüme dayadı ve bir süre ikimizde hareketsiz kaldık, göt deliğim yırtılmış gibiydi ama yarağa da alışıyordu, serdar yavaş yavaş gelip gitmeye başladı ve yarağa alışan götüm acı ile karışık zevk vermeye başladı serdar iyice hızlandı ve son bir kökleyişle dölleri ile götümün derinliklerini suladı, dölün sıcak sıcak götüme aktığın hissettim bu arada ben de boşaldım. Yılların özlemi bitmişdi, ertesi gün gece yine halı saha maçımız vardı ve bizim maç en son maçtı. Maç bitince duş almaya girdiğimizde her şey o ana kadar normaldi, bu defa biz yalnız kalmamıştık 3. Sınıflardan 5 arkadaş daha vardı diğerleri gitmişti. Aytaç soyunurken külotumu indirip, çok güzel mal tam sikimlik dedi, bu arada serdar beni korumak üzere gelirken yine son sınıftan mehmet ve kadıköy escort emre onu tutup külotunu indirdi ve seninkide süper, istersen senide sikeriz dediler. Aytaç hasan ve alperle beni çırılçıplak yatırıp sadece bir kere yarak yemiş olan götümü sabunlayarak, sizi ibneler birbirinizi sikersiniz ha.. Diyerek sikmeye başladı, bu arada halı sahanın görevlileri olan 28-30 yaşlarında iki kişi de geldi, meğerse biz o gün serdarla sevişirken onlar görmüş ve son sınıftaki arkadaşlarla bizi sikmek için plan kurmuş, gerisin anlatmayacağım ama ben zaten yarak yemiştim, aşkım serdarım ilk yarak yemesi böyle olmamalıydu onun çığlıkları hala kulağımda, bu 7 kişi bizim götü dölleriyle doldurdu ve götünüzü sikmek çok zevkliydi bundan sonra ne zaman istesek domalıp götünüzü bize sunacaksınız yoksa bunu herkese anlatırız diyerek gittiler, doğrusu onlarda yakışıklı çocuklardı, serdarın babası tayin olduğu için 1-2 ay sonra taşındılar ve bu 7 kişi bazen günde 2-3 kere beni devamlı sikmeye devam ettiler sonra başka arkadaşlarınada bembeyaz götümü sundular, sayısız yarak yedim ve hepsi benim taze kılsız götümü, bir karı amına tercih eder, bunu beni her seferinde büyük bir zevkle sikmelerinden anlıyorum yarak yerken erkeklere verdiğim zevk beni adete kudurtuyor ve yarak yemeye doymuyorum yine de serdarı çok özlüyorum.Not:biz de 2 yıl sonra taşındık şimdi ise askerden geldim ve ankaradayım, serdar ise evlenmiş ama geçen aradığında senin götü siktiğimde aldığım zevki şimdiye kadar hiç tatmadım dedi. Aramızda kmler var ama ilk fırsatta bu zevki ona yine yaşatacağım, siz de yaşamak istiyorsanız sikici ve göt sikmeye doymayan erkeklere hayır demem zor.. Gönderen: Erdal

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Kocası Ağzına Verirken Ben Amını Siktim

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Selam Ben Tolda Boluda Yasıyorum 26 Yaşındayım. Profosyonelim..Hepsininde altında bir mail adresi vardır fakat genellikle yanlış veya hatalı çıkar,yani uydurmadır. Yine bir gün yeni bir fantezi okudum ilginç ve hoştu. Nedense bir anda altında yazan maile mail atmak geldi içimden. Uydurma adrestir ama olsun dedim. Mail attım hayrettirki cevap geldi. şaşırmıştım ama bir okadarda sevinmiştim. Neyse hikayeyi yazan arkadaşla tanıştık. Karşılıklı yazıştık. O da benim gibi sekse ve fanteziye düşkündü üstelik işin güzel tarafı onun da adı Şahap dı. Bir müddet sonra bir iş nedeniyle istanbul’a gitmiştim. Aklıma geldi ve Şahapı aradım. Akşama muhakakk gel görüşelim dedi. Işlerimi bitirdim hava kararmıştı. Tarif üzerine kararlaştırdığımız cafeye gittim. Içeri girdim cebini aradım. Ben içerdeyim dedi yönlendirdi. Neyse nihayet buluştuk biraz hoşbeşten sonra baya kaynaşmıştık. Hadi eve gidelim seni nuray’la eşimle muhakkak tanıştırmam lazım dedi. Ben dönmem gerektiğini filan söyledim ama dinlemiyordu ısrar ediyordu. Hemen evi aradı bir misafirlerinin olduğunu söyledi. Neyse gittik kapıyı çok hoş ve alımlı bir bayan açtı. Hemen bizi tanıştırdı. Ben biraz çekingen davranıyordum oysa onlar çok rahattı. Nuray oldukça mini bir etek ve üzerine beyaz bir gömlek giymişti. Gömleğin üst düğmeleri açıktı ve eğildiği zamanlarda göğüsleri uçlarına kadar görünüyordu. üstelik sütyen de takmamıştı. Gömlekten meme uçları siyah birer nokta şeklinde belli oluyordu. pendik escort Yenildi içildi ortam baya bi rahatlamıştı artık bende biraz açılmıştım. Sohbetin konusu arasıra sekse geliyordu. Konu seks olunca da ben oldukça seks fıkraları bilirdim bikaçtane patlattım iyice gevşemiştik artık. Nuray çok rahat davranıyo kahkalar atarken bazen elini bacağıma filan koyuyordu. Memem uçları sertleşmiş dimdik olmuş gömleği zorluyordu. Bende sertleşmiştim. Kumaş pantolon sikimi saklayamıyordu artık. Nuray’ı baştan çıkarmak için sanki artık Şahapla yarışıyorduk. Bende artık arasıra nuraya dokunmaya başladım. Omuzuna ,bacaklarına derken sanki yanlışlıkla olmuş gibi göğüslerine dokundum. Nurayın çok hafif bir ıhh dediğini duydum. Ama sanki nuray daha fazlaileri gitmek istemiyordu. Kalktı benim uykum geldi yatıcam kusura bakmayın dedi. Biraz şaşırmıştık ama ona iyi geceler dedik ve gitti. Şahapa ben de gideyimartık dedim. Olmaz ya bi daha ne zaman göüşecez dedi ne olursun kal deyince ,sabah giderim o zaman dedim. Ancak ya Şahap nuray’ı kıracak bişeymi yaptım yoksa banamı kızdı dedim. Hayır canım ne alakası var gerçekten başı filan ağrımıştır dedi. Yoksa bu sertleşmiş iki yarağı bırakıp ta yatmaz diyerek benimkine eliyle bastırdı. Ne o lan bu karım için mi böyle sertleşti yoksa dedi. Ben biraz kızararak. şeyy yok ya ,çok özür filan derken. Yok bişey yav takma kafana tabiiki olacak dedi. Benim bile hoşuma gitti başka bi erkeğin ümraniye escort karım için sertleşmesi dedi. Rahatlamıştım. Birden ya dur şurda bi kaset olacaktı koyup seyredelim dedi. Oldukça heyecanlı bir porno filmdi. Aradan bir saat kadar geçmiştiki biz iyice azmıştık. Şahap ben bir lavobaya kadar gideyim dedi ve kalktı biraz sonra kapıyı aralıyarak ve fısıldayarak gel gel bak ne göstercemdedi. Yatak odalarının kapısına gelmiştik. Içerden inleme sesi geliyordu bu nuray a aitti. Kapıyı hafif aralamıştı Şahap. Bak şuna bize uyuycam dedi neler yapıyo. Uzanıp baktım nuray yatağa uzanmış zaten minicik olan eteğini beline toplamış gömleğini komple açmış bir eliyle amına girip çıkarken bir eliylede meme uçlarını sıkıyordu. Biraz sonra. Hıhh hııhh hıhh diye diye hızlandı ve derin bir. Ohhhhh çekerek sanırım boşaldı ve rahatladı. Usulca oradan uzaklaştık hemen. Salona dönüp filme devam ettik. Aradan ne kadar geçti bilmiyorum. Şahap hiçbişey demeden kalktı dışarı çıktı biraz sonra geri döndü. Bana hadi kalk aklıma bişey geldi dedi. Nuray uyumuş ona bir sürpriz yapalım. Yatak odasına geldik nuray üzerindekileri çıkarmış yalnız bir külotla uyumuştu. Yavaşça yaklaştık artık işaretlerle konuşuyorduk. Nurayın göğüsleri çok tahrik edici duruyordu. Amının kılları külottan dışarı çıkmıştı. Nuray bizim içerıye gırdıgımızı farkedınce başladı yatakta ellerı ıle vucudunla oyynamaya çaktırmadan derken gözlerını actı ve hoşgeldınız kadıköy escort dedi ve hadi bu sefer ben hazırım dedi. Evvela Şahap yanına uzandı ve dudaklarına yapıştı öpüşüyorlardı ve bende uzerımdekılerı cıkarark nurayın ayap parmaklarını bacaklarını yalamaya başlamıstım.Ayaklarını yalarken bende nurayın kilodunu cıkardım ki mutheşem göruntu ııle karsılaştım ve hemen nurayın amının dudaklarına yapıştım emiyor bır yandanda dilimi sokuyordum amının dudakları arasına ben yaladıkca esranın iniltılerı dahada artıyordu hadiyin artık bıriniz lutfen girin dediği an ben dikilmiş olan iri yaragımı esranın amının dudakları arasında gezdırdıkten sonra yavaş yavaş o daracık amına sokmaya başladım. Nuray bir ohh cekerek yaragımı kople içine almıstı ve Şahap beyde o sırada dizlerı uzerıne cokup nurayaın ağzına verdı yaragını ben nurayın amında giidp gelıyorken aldıgı zevkle nuray Şahapın yaragını emiyor ısızırıyor bır yandanda zevk cıglıkları atıyordu. Şahap dayanamayacagını söyledı ve boşalacagım ben dedı ve nuray Şahapın yaragını ellerı arasına alıp hadı kocaıgım evvela ağzıma boşalmanı ıstoıorumkı hepsını bu gece yutmak ıstıyoruum döllerını dedıgı an gözlerıme ınanamadım. Cünki ilk defa döl yutan bır bayan görecektıım ve Şahap tum hışmıyla nurayın ağzına boşalmıstı ve döllerı nurayın dudakları arasında kayboluyordu benddebundan buyuk zevk almıstım ve dedım kı nuraya hazır ol bende patlıyoum ve bende döllerımı nurayın yüzüne boşaltmıstım yuzunden süzüluyordu gögıuslerıne dogru mukemelde ve nuray benım yaragımı azına alarak son damlasına kadar emdi. Birer duş aldıktan sonra ayrıldım.Ciddi Birliktelik yaşamak İsteyen bayanlar evli ciftler olgun bayanlar dul bayanlar bekliyorumm mail msn adresime görüşmek üzerre.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

10 Kişi götüne boşaldı

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Merhaba geçenlerde göndermiş olduğum ve tamamiyle gerçek olan hikayeme oldukça rağbet olduğundan bayağı kişiyle mailleştim. Hepsine teker teker teşekkür ederim. O kadar fazla mail geldiki hepsini teker teker cevaplamak uzun sürdü. Ama hiç biri yanıtzsız kalmadı. Hepsine teker teker cevap verdim. Aralarında ap ilişkisi teklif edenlerde oldu ama ben ap ilişkiye karşıyım. aslında karşım demek yanlış olur. Artık istemiyorum. Ben normal ilişkileri tercih ediyorum. Belki macera olsun diye olabilir. O anki havama bağlı. Neyse herkese tek tek teşekkür ederim. Bir iki p arkadaş dikkatimi çekti. Onlarla telefonda ve daha sonra yüzyüze görüştük. Sade a-p ilişkisi istemediler. Bende onlara bir teklifte bulundum. 10 Tane a ve 2 p bir grup yapalım diye… Ağızları açık beni dinlediler. Çok şaşırmışlardı. Hemen kabul ettiler. Çok ayrıntıya girmeyeceğim. Kafede oturmuştuk. 10 Tane aktif bulmak zor olmadı. Gelen maillerden 5-6 kişi ve p sikmeye dünden razı 3 azmış ve bölgeleri farklı a buldum. Çeşitli yaş gruplarından. Aralarında 40 yaşında bile pendik escort olan vardı. Neyse uzatmayayım. Çok çılgın geçti parti. Ehuehuh. A olan arkadaşlardan biri evi ayarladı. Beyoğlu tünelin orda buluştuk. Sonra 12 kişi eve doğru yola koyulduk. Tabi bu arkadaşların güvenilirliği kanıtlandıktan sonra gerçekleşti bu olay. Neyse herkes organize olmuş bir şekilde denilen saatte gelmişti. Öncelikli prensip olarak hepsinin temiz olması şartı vardı. Vücut temizliği ve daha birçok şartın eve gidip eğlenceye başladığımızda gerçekleşmiş olduğunu gördük. Timse birbirin tanımıyor ama herkes bir amaç için o mekanda bulunuyorduk. Ehehuhue ?? öncelikle herkes rahat olmalıydı. Evi ayarlayan arkadaş sağolsun her türlü inceliği düşünmüş. Tabi ev sahibine yaptığı tüm masrafların karşılığı ödendi. ?? biz öle o yapsın biz yiyelim mantığıyla gitmedik oraya ehuheuh. Eve girdik herkes öncelikle bir duş aldı. Pis kokuların olmasını kabullenemezdim. Ehuehuh. Sonra p olan arkadaşlar duş aldıktan sonra içeri girdiler. Biz salon kısmındaydık. ümraniye escort Herkes oturmuşsikini eline almış sıvazlıyordu. Televizyonada güzel bir porno film koymuştuk. P ler içeri girdi. Bornozu üzerlerinden çıkartıklarında şakına döndü herkes. Süper vücutları vardı. Tüysüz ve narin. kız gibilerdi. Gelip sırayla herkesin siklerini ağızlarına almaya başladılar. Herkes iyice azmaya başlamıştı. Ben de arada herkese komut veriyordum. 12 Kişinin arasında en tombulu bendim. Herkes o anın heyecanına kendini kaptırmış gidiyor. Neyse bizim p ler domaldılar. Herkes hep birden bunları öpmeye yalamaya başladı. P ler o anın verdiği heyecan, istek ve arzuyla şuh sesler çıkarmaya başladılar. Herkes iyice azmıştı. Hatta arada birbirlerine bile sulanıyorlardı. Hehehuh. Lyalanma fazlı bittikten sonra p ler sırt üstü yere yattılar. İlk şerefi evin sahibi olan arkadaşımıza verdik. Adamın acıması yok öyle bir giriş yaptıki biz bile şaşırdık. Çok sert sikişiyordu. Acıma yok adamda. Sadist mi ne. ?? Kökleye kökleye şakur kadıköy escort şukur sesler ve müzik eşliğinde çılgınca sikiyordu p yi. Diğer bir arkadaş ta p nin ağzına veriyordu. Merak etmeyin diğer p de aynı durumda 3-4 kişinin sikini teker teker ağzına almaya çalışıyordu. Ehuehuh. Tam bir hadr gay grubu oluyordu. Herkes ve ben teker teker sikiş sokuş işlemini gerçekleştirdik. Ama p olan arkadaşlarda hal kalmamıştı. Kolay değil farklı sik boyutlarınıda 10 kişi sikmişti onları. Ehuheuh. Herkes boşalmaya yakın ya p olan arkadaşın kıçının en derin noktalarına boşalıyor ya da ağzına verip güzelce vitamin ve mineral katkısı sağlıyordu. Ehuhuh gün içerisinde 4-5 posta herkes kaydı. Ama p olan arkadaşlar yürüyeyiyorlardı bile. Akşam olduğunda herkes evden ayrıldı.Ben, evsahibi olan arkadaş ve iki süper pasifle başbaşa kaldık. sabaha kadar koyun koyuna yattık. Hayatlarının en büyük tecrübesini yaşadılar belkide. Ama kıçları öyle bi olmuştuki daha kıçlarına sokmadan sikim cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuukkkkkkkkkkkk diye giriyordu. Anlatılmaz yaşanır. Eğer aranızda p olan ve böyle bir tecrübe yaşamak isteyen varsa hemen 10 kişilik bir grup ayarlayayım. Ehuheuhih. Acaip fantezi olur heehehehb. Yukarıda anlatılan olay geçen ay temmuz ayı sonlarına doğru olmuştur ve tamamiyle gerçektir. Sevgiyle kalın…Gönderen: Secret Boy

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Arkadaşlara Kızları Değiştik

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Slm bunu yazıyı iki kişi yazıyoruz benim ismim c ve arkadaşımın adı da s güneşli bir gündü ve biz komuşularla pikniğe gittik baya kalabalıktık komsumuzun çok güzel ikiz kızları vardı..Kızların ikiside 90 60 90 dı patlatmalıktı yani ?? s ile birlikte bunları kestik zaten ne zamandır onları sikmek istiyorduk ve tam yeriydi ormalık bir alandı biz kızları süzerken kızların da bize baktığını farkettik ve kaş göz işareti yaparak onları ormana çağardık önce biz gidittik baya bir ilerledikte sonra onları beklemeye başladık baya heycanlıydık önce gelmeyeceklerini sandık geri dönerken geldiklerini gördük…Onların ismide fatma ile burcuydu pendik escort fatamayı s aldı bende burcuyu aldım ve biraz birbirimizden uzaklaştık bir süre konuştuktan sonra onlarında niyeti olduğunu anladık ben burcunun dudağına yapıştım hiç sesini çıkarmadı bunu gören s de yapıştı başladık sevişmeye kızlarda zevklendiler ben yavaş yavaş soymaya başladım burcuyu arkadaşım da soyuyordu ben gövüslere yumuldum s ağzına veriyordu kızlar çok ateşliydi arkadaşımın ağzına vermesini görünce bende ağzına verdim çok güzel yalıyordu burcu ikimizde birer posta ağızlarına boşaldık kızların ikiside bakireydi..Bu yüzden ümraniye escort kızları bozmak istemiyorduk başımaza kalır diye sonra ben kızı domaltım yalmaya başladım s işe başlamıştı bile fatmanın inlemeleri beni çoşturdu ve bende yalamayı bırakıp göte yüklendim kızların iniltisi bütün ormanı almıştı biri duyacak diye korktum amam bu arada yüklenmeye devam ediyordum bir posta daha gözüm görmüyordu arkadaşımın ne yaptığını bilmiyordum… sadece verdiği zevki alıyordum sonra amına sokmaya başladım kız çok karşı geldi ama o da sonunda razı oldu amına sokarsokmaz kan gelmeye başladı her taraf kan olmuştu ama kadıköy escort ben devam ediyordum sokmaya kızın iniltileri 1 milden duyulurdu(ah oh oohhh yesss) arkadaşıma baktığımda onlarda aynı işe devam ediyordu sonra kızları değiştik arkadaşın fatmanın amına sokmamıştı ben hemen amına soktum onu da patlattım bir posta daha boşaldım etraf kan ve döl gölüne dönmüştü bende iyice halsizleşmiştim ama fatmanın amcığı beni bir kere daha sik diyordu bir süre böyle devam ettik bir ileri bir geri gidiyorduk burcuyu bozduğum için s ama yüklendi kızların iniltileri bizi daha da çoşturuyordu iyice zevkimizi aldıktan sonra yavaş yavaş bıraktık kızlar hala inliyordu üstümüzü giydik kızlar da giydi bu maceramızda burda bitti tabi hala kimse bilmiyor kızlarda korkularından kimseye söyleyemiyor tabiki bizde her hafta gidiyorduk tam bir sex delisi olduk her zaman başka pozisyonları deniyoruz…Gönderen: sikici_cs

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Selam ben 21 yaşında 180 boyunda 70 kilo agırlıgında ela gözlü bir gencim hikayem şu bir gün fıstık bahçesinde her gün oldugu gibi nöbet tutardım bir gün bi köpeyin bizim bahçeye girip çıktıgını farkettim o gün 3/4 kez bizim bahçeye girip çikti bende umursamadım ertesi gün yine ayni şekilde gelmeye başladi bende merak ettim köpeyin bizim bahçede ne işi var diyee köpeyi takip ettim ve bizim bahçekedi kulubeye girdiyini farkettim pendik escort bende peşinden kulubeye girdim ve yeni dogmuş yavruları vardı yavruların yanina gittim biraz sevim derken bu dişi köpek bana doru gelip kendini bacaklarıma sürttüyünü hissettem hiç tepki vermedim şaşirmiştim dişi köpek gitti ve ertesi gün yavruları görmek için kulubeye gittim dişi köpekte ordaydi ben yavruları severken yine aynı şekilde ümraniye escort bana sürtünmeye ve minik minik inmeler çıkarıyordu adeta beni sik der gibi bende çok şaşirmiştim bu olaya neysee birden gözlerim köpeyin arakasına kaydi amını görüyordum beyez kılların içince elimi amina attım okşamaya başladım köpek öylece kaldi kuyrugunu dahada sallamaya başladi çok zevk aldıgını hissettim benimde sikim kazık kadıköy escort gibi olmuştu ve derken parmagimi dişi köpeyin aminna daldırdım daracık vee çok sıçaktii köpek zenkten kendini bi yere atıyo bi kalkıyoduu huysuzlandıgını sanarak parmagımı amindan çıkardım meyeer onunla yetinmiyomuş sikimi fermeruımı indirdim kazık gibi olmuş sikimi çikardım önce bi kokladı ve sonra yalamaya başladıı hem korkuyorrr vee hemde çok zevk alıyordum korku umrumda bile deyildii tam çıldırıyor gibi oldum köpeyin arkasına geçerek sikimi amina geçirmeye çaliştim amiciigi çok dardi girmiyoduu biraz tükürüklemeye karar verdim tükürdüm vee geçirmeye çaliştim biraz[email protected]

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Karımı Sikerken Eşinin götünü yalıyordu

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Özel bir bankada müdür yardimcisi olarak çalisiyorum is yerinde sef olarak çalisan ferda ile bir müddetten beridir iliskimiz vardi müdür izindeyken onun odasini kullaniyordum ve bir gün öglen paydosunda onu orda istemesede zorla sikmistim yarragin tadi damaginda kaldigi icin her firsatta beni evine davet eder orda çilginca sevisirdik geçen agustos`da ferda eger cumartesi bir isin yoksa evine gelmemi ve misafirlerinin olacagini söyledi bende kabul ettim ve ertesi gün gittigimde isimlerinin gül ve cihat oldugunu ögrendigim doktor bir çift ile nuray isimli bir bayanla tanistirildim.Bu arada bayan arkadasimin lezbiyen iliskiye sicak baktigini daha önceden söyledigini biliyordum. Onunla sevismelerimiz sirasinda her seferinde lezbiyenligin çok zevkli ve güzel oldugunu savunurdu o gün misafirleri ile tanistiktan sonra güzel bir sohbete basladik.sohbet iyice koyulastikça cihat beyle birlikte biz salonda ayri bir köseye geçerek klasik erkek sohbetlerine basladik.tabii bu arada bayanlardan da bahsetmeye ve seks konularinda konusmaya basladik.bu arada bayanlar tv izlemeye basladilar.gündüz saati olmasina ragmen kanallardan birinde güzel bir sevisme sahnesi vardi.ona öyle bir dalmislardi ki,bizim gülme sesimizle beraber bize ortami bozdugumuzu söylediler.Ferda mutfaga giderken beni de yanina çagirdi.mutfakta bana nuray in çok seksi bir kadin odugunu onunda lezbiyen iliskilerden hoslandigini söyledi.bende bu lafin üzerine ferda`nin boynundan öperek aslinda bende lezbiyenlerin nasil sevistigini merak ettigimi söyledim.ferda,fazla merak etmemem gerektigini çünkü çok yakinda ögrenebilecegimi söyledi.salona geçtigimde gül hanim kocasinin dizlerine dogru uzanmis,nuray ise onun sirtini ovusturuyordu.içeri girince cihat`a masaj yaptirmaktan hoslanirmisin diye takildim.bunun üzerine gül kendisinin çok hoslandigini,nuray`in birazdan kendisine tam olarak masaj yapacagini söyledi.gül ve nuray arka odaya gitttiler.bende cihat ile sohbet etmeye basladim.bu arada ferda da arka odaya gitti.15-20 dakika sonra gül yanimiza bursa escort geldi.fakat içeride ne yaptiklarindan hiç bahsetmedi.arka odadan ferda bana seslenerek yanlarina gelmemi istedi.odaya girdigim zaman içerde muhtesem bir manzara vardi.ferda ile nuray yatakta 69 vaziyetinde birbirlerinin amlarini yaliyor ve çilginca sevisiyorladi.benim girmemle nuray sert bir ses tonuyla sadece seyredeceksin.hiç bir seye dokunmayacaksin çünkü herseyin sahibi yatakta benim diye bagirdi.gerçekten inanilmaz bir manzara ile karsi karsiya idim. Hayatimda ilk defa canli olarak lezbiyen bir iliskiye sahit oluyordum.iki güzel bayan birbirlerinin amlarini ve gögüslerini öyle sehvetli yaliyorlar ve parmaklarini sokuyorlardiki,benim sikimin kalkmasina engel olamiyordum. Ferda benim kalkmis sikimi görünce nuray`a arkasina geçip devam etmesini isteyerek pantolonumun fermuarini yavasça açip çikardi ve dim dik olan sikimi agzina alarak yalamaya basladi.çok geçmeden ben iyice doruga ulasmistim ki artik iyice bosalmak üzere oldugumu anlayinca yarragimi agzindan çikardi ve nuray`in memelerinin üzerine dogru fiskirarak bosaltmaya basladim.herikisi de nuray`in üzerine akan spermlerimi büyük bir zevkle yalamaya basladilar.ferda bana bugün çok güzel seyler yasacagimi ve “cihat ile gül`ün grup yapmak istedigini ancak güvenilir bir arkadaslari olmadigini,böyle biri oldugu takdirde grup yapacaklarini” söyledigini belirterek benimle beraber grup yapabileceklerini anlattigini söylemis. Önce tersime gitsede içimde bir elektriklenme oldu.gerçekten lezbiyen iliskiyi ilk defa seyrettigim gibi grup olayinida ilk defa yasacaktim. Bana öne gitmemi ve hiç bir sey yokmus gibi davranmami ve gül ile ilgilenmemi söyledi.Nuray bu arada sikimin kenarlarinda kalan spermleri bir güzel yalayarak temizledi ve pantolonumu giyerek öne gittim. Biraz sikilgan birazda istekli bir sekilde gül ile sohbet etmeye basladim. Fazla bilmedigim halde kendisine benimde istedigi zaman masaj yapabilecegimi söyledigimde esprili bir sekilde hemen yere uzandi ve hadi hemen bursa escort bayan simdi basliyoruz dedi.cihat ise gülerek basiyla yapabilirsin gibi isaret etti.gül`ün üzerindeki bluzu çikarak onu yüzüstü tekrar yere yatirdim ve izin isteyerekte sütyenini arkadan açtim.bu arda gül dizüstü kalkarak eteginin yandan dügmelerini açarak bir külotla beraber yere uzandi.masaj yapmaya basladigimda özellikle bacak ve kalça bölgelerine geldigimde gül derin nefesler almaya ve oynamaya baslayinca benim organimin hareketlendigini hissetmeye basladim.o arada odaya ferda ile nuray saçlari daginik yüzlerinden orgazmi doruklarda yasamis bir sekilde geldiler.bana bakarak acele etmememi cahitle ilgileneceklerini söyledi. Bir anda ferda ile nuray cihat`i koltuga uzatarak onu soymaya ve öpmeye basladilar.biranlik saskinligimdan gül elini önüme atarak ovusturmaya ve beni dudaklarimdan öpmeye basladi.gerçekten öyle güzel öpüyorduki onu basindan tutarak ayaga kalktim.bir anda salonda sevisen 5 insan vardi.Ferda dudaklarini ve dilini yine aynur`un güzel ve killi amina dayamis yalarken bana dönerek güzellikler simdi basliyor.herseyin tadini çikarmaya bak dedi. Bende gülü koltuga oturtarak amini yalamaya ve gögüslerini oksamaya basladim.aynur ferda dan kendini kurtarmis sanki içeride yarim kalan bir isi varmis gibi benim dim dik olan sikimi agzina alarak yalamaya baslamisti. Cahit te yanimiza gelerek sikini gülün agzina verdi.artik herkesin vucudu birbirine temas ediyor ve herkes kendinden geçiyordu.aynur`un güzel poposunu içeride gördügüm için onu önüme alarak yavasça poposunu arliyarak ortaya firliyan muhtesem seftalisini yalamaya basladim.seftali diyorum çünki ordan görünüsü ayni tüysüz bir seftali gibi yenmeyi bekliyordu.bir anda ferda yanima gelerek beni ayaga kaldirdi ve gene dim dik olan sikimi tükürükliyerek aynurun daracik arka deliginden içeri soktu.öyle muhtesem bir kalçalari vardi ki onlari sikica kavradim bosalmamak için kendimi zor tutuyordum.yine ferda beni geriye çekerek sikimi bu kez cihatin sikine oturup escort bursa içine alan gül`ün agzina dogru bosaltmaya basladi.o bosalma aninda spermlerin havada uçusmasi gerçekten çok tahrik edici idi.ben bosaldiktan sonra hala sert oldugumu farkettim ferdanin sirtini yalayarak götüne kadar indim önce bir daha sonrada iki parmagimi yavasça içeriye soktum önce biraz aci hissetti sonra sustu… Birkaç dakika sonra sikimi götüne dayadim ve tamamini bir kerede içine soktum korkunç bir çiglik atttiktan sonra gidip gelmem için yalvardi “içime bosalma” diyordu tam bosalacakken çikardim sikimin tamamini agzina aldi ve agzina bosalmami sagladi, cihat ise bir yandan gülü sikiyor diger yandan da ferda nin amini yaliyordu.ben tekrar nurayin güzel poposunu araliyarak onun o güzel seftalisine tekrar agzimi dayiyarak yalamaya basladim. Onu orgazm etmek için önce dilimle daha sonra parmaklarimla aminin içine girip çikmaya basladim daha sonra da tekrar dilimle aminin dudaklari ve bizirinda dolasarak onu çildirtiyordum.çok geçmeden nuray hizli bir titremeyle bosalmaya basladi.Ferda sikimi agzina alarak onu tekrar büyütmeye basladi.”asil simdi büyük olay gerçeklesecek ve beni sandviç yapacaksiniz”dedi.tam bir çilgin gibiydi beni sirtüstü yere uzatti.sikimin üzerine oturarak bana dogru üzerime uzandi.cihat sikini gülün agzina vererek islatmis bir sekilde ferdanin güzel kalçalarinin arasindan zorlayarak sokmaya basladi.ferda sevgili arkadasim aramizda inliyordu.gerçekten dayanilacak gibi degildi.bu arada gül islanmis amini agzima verdi ve yalamaya basladim.zamanin nasil geçtigini anlamak mümkün degildi.cihat kendini geri çekerek nurayin agzina dogru bosalmaya basladi.gül de firsati kaçirmamis esinin sikini agzina alarak spermleri yaliyordu.ferda üzerimde hafifçe kalkti ve sikimi agzina almadan önce “bütün spermler benim hakkim” diyerek ben agzinin içine bosaltmaya basladim. Yerde bes tane çiplak vucut hareketsiz ama mutlu bir sekilde yatiyorduk.Bütün gece dayanabildigimiz kadar grup ve tek olarak seks yaptik. Bu dostlugumuz hiç bir zaman bozulmadi.ama ferda ile ben istanbul`dayim.cihat ve gül münih`e tasindilar.o yüzden onlarla görüsme imkanimiz su anda yok.yalniz o muhtesem geceyi gizlice kasete aldigi için ferda ile birlikte seyrediyoruz.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Daddy Saw

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Found this half-finished story on my computer decided to complete it. Hope you like it.

All characters are over 18.


Erin kissed her father goodbye, his lips seeming to linger upon her cheek a tad bit longer than she would consider appropriate, but she shrugged it off. ‘He must have missed me,’ she thought to herself as she watched him walk towards his car parked on the street. In his early fifties, her father Frank, was still an attractive and distinguished man. She hoped that her own husband looked as good at that age.

Waving as the car pulled away, she closed the door and set about the task of unpacking from a long trip. Janie, her two year old daughter, was fast asleep in her bed already and her husband, James, wearily unloaded the bare necessities for the night. A day of battling the crowds through airports and airplanes had left them both exhausted, though not so much that Erin wouldn’t check her email before heading off to sleep.

She sat down at her desk and found that her computer was already on. Her father must have been using it before they’d come home, she guessed. Clicking on to the internet, she checked her email, writing a quick response to a friend. Her last task was to update the finances in her spreadsheet. Navigating to the ‘Recent Documents’ folder, Erin stared dumbfounded at the list of files before her.

Normally her spreadsheet was at the top, it being the file she accessed most on her computer. It was pushed nearly to the bottom of the list, seven movie files now above it. Her heart sank as she quickly realized what she was looking at. Her father had found the private movies she and James had made in their bedroom. Movies James swore he’d never show anyone. Her husband may not have shown it to her father, but it was plain that he’d seen them. And if she was correct, he watched them a number of times each.

Clicking on the first one, labelled a cryptic ’11-20-07.mpg’, Erin immediately remembered the night when she saw herself on her marital bed. She was kneeling on the bed naked, waiting for James to come up behind her. Her belly was rounded, being about 5 months pregnant at the time, her breasts hanging heavily underneath her like udders full of milk, capped by large dark circles where her stiffened nipples thrust out proudly.

“Come on daddy!” she heard herself say through the small speakers on the desk. On the screen she was gesturing with her fingers, beckoning her husband to come take her. “Hurry up daddy,” she purred. James appeared in the frame, his backside filling the camera’s view for a moment before he shuffled to the side. She watched as they kissed noisily, James’ tongue delving deeply into her mouth, his cock rising steadily like a flag rising up the pole.

Erin chuckled at the sight, she’d never noticed his reaction to their kiss before. It was heartwarming to know that despite the obscene proportions of her body, her husband still found her desirable. James climbed up onto the bed, though his face was no longer visible due to the angle of the shot. Unseen, he inserted his penis into her body, Erin watching her own face melt with sweet pleasure as he penetrated her.

After a moment, Erin felt her body react to the sight before her. The remembered sensations, the beauty of watching oneself, a disembodied voyeur to a night of love, all made her body tingle nicely. Before too long she was pressing her fingers gently against the vee of her legs, the soft tights she wore providing easy access to the growing warmth in her sex.

“Oh fuck daddy, fuck me. Do you like fucking me daddy? Do you like fucking mommy?” The words had been a specific part of James’ fantasy. The act of fucking his pregnant wife was a particular thrill to her husband, the words ‘daddy’ and ‘mommy’ eliciting a delightful extra hardness in his cock that was a treat. “Oh yes, daddy, you fuck me so good. Fuck me daddy, fuck me.”

Erin’s fingers slipped under the waistband of her tights, pushing past the briefs she wore and dipped into the wet folds of her sex, her opening welcoming the invasion. Pulling back she gently rubbed her hooded clit in slow circles as she watched her husband taking her on the computer. Her breasts jiggled in time with his thrusts, swinging back and forth as he pushed and pulled her onto his fleshy bayonet.

It was as if she were right there again, her body was reacting in time to the fucking she had received three years ago. James’ grunts could be heard over the slap of their bodies coming together and her face was beginning to show signs of the impending orgasm. At the desk, Erin’s hand worked her cunt steadily, the other cupping her breast and tweaking her nipple. She watched intently as their fuck came to an end, James pulling her back onto his cock, shoving himself as far into her as he could manage, his hot seed spurting into her body, triggering her own climax.

Erin threw her head back, rubbing her pussy furiously as she achieved her orgasm, gasping quietly as the casino siteleri torturous pleasure washed over her. For long moments she sat at the desk, her legs spread wide before her as she luxuriated in the afterglow of a nice cum, wondering if she shouldn’t wake James up for a quickie.

As she came down from her euphoric reverie, she considered what it meant that her father had found the videos. Had he pleasured himself, just as she had? Had he been sitting in this very chair and stroked his hard cock watching his daughter fuck? Calling out for daddy? Did he cum? Without a doubt, she knew that he had. No way he would have watched all of those videos, and more than once she was certain, without having a nice, big orgasm. ‘What had he done with his jizz?’ she suddenly wondered.

With a detached sense of curiosity she set about finding the evidence, her mind deliberately ignoring the implications of her father masturbating to images of her. She looked in the wastebasket next to the desk, empty. She headed to the downstairs bathroom, though the trash was empty as well. Shaking her head, she wondered for a moment.

What would it look like to see your father jerk himself off? Would he shoot it all over the place? Erin discarded that idea, knowing that her father would be aware enough that he was in his daughter’s home, he would have to take special care not to make a mess. Perhaps tissue would not have been enough. Maybe he would have needed something sturdier, like a paper towel. Suddenly she had an image of her father leaning back in the desk chair, a white sticky jet of cum shooting up into the air, only to splatter on his exposed chest and belly as it came back down. The large amount of seed she envisioned convinced her that he must have needed more than toilet paper to clean up the mess.

Stepping into the kitchen her eyes immediately sought out the paper towel dispenser. The last tear was ragged and the roll appeared loose, as if someone had unrolled too much and then backed it up hastily. With a satisfied smile Erin moved to the trash and lifted the lid. A couple of envelopes filled with junk mail sat on top, which she moved aside quickly and her heart beat jumped into high gear. A crumpled white paper towel sat in the crease where the plastic bag clung together, not fully opened.

Drawing out the fibrous material, she felt strangely elated that it did not unfurl, though no stain was immediately visible. Holding it, she spun it around in her hand, studying it intently. With a nervous look to the doorway, she brought it close to her face and smelled it quickly. The scent of spunk was overwhelming, sending a dizzying wave over her and a new wellspring of wetness in her loins.

For a long moment she considered the evidence, wondering what to do with it. She knew she couldn’t keep it, but she was loathe to just toss it away. With a sigh, she put it back in the trash, dropping the junk mail on top of it once more. Clicking off the light she went to bed, pondering what to do with this revelation.

The next morning James kissed her goodbye before he rushed off to work. Erin yawned sleepily, her dreams having been haunted by visions of her father masturbating to their video. His excitement over it fueling a primal need in her to be desired, stoked by the taboo nature of it all. She set about her normal day, the delicious ache in her pussy giving her a special warmth that spread throughout her body as she pondered different ideas on how to pursue this turn of events.

Could she seduce her father? Should she show up at his home, while her mother was out, and proposition him? Shaking her head, that was too crass. The chance that her father would turn her down was too uncertain, and then where would she be? No, she had to find some other way.

Despite the lack of a clear idea on how to communicate her feelings to her father, the thoughts were making her hornier than she had been in a long while. She couldn’t wait until Janie took her nap so that she could spend some time alone working off some of the pent up desire she was feeling.

Later that day, while Janie slept soundly down the hall, Erin lay on her own bed and let her hands roam freely over her body. She was teasing herself, deliberately avoiding touching her pussy to increase the pressure she was feeling, when she caught sight of the camcorder on the floor by the dresser. Suddenly she felt compelled to make a little movie for her husband, entice him to come home early and give her the fucking she desperately needed now.

Getting off the bed, she pulled out a beige camisole and white boy shorts out of the dresser, undressing and pulling them on quickly. Checking herself in the mirror, she pinched her nipples until they stood up proudly, poking through the soft material prominently. Grabbing the camera, she put it on the dresser and then started recording.

“I’ve been bad, baby,” Erin said softly as she sat on the edge of the bed. She tried to look coy, though she slot oyna was feeling a bit silly. She chewed on her lip and rubbed her bare legs together. “I’ve been thinking of daddy and it’s made me feel very naughty. I can’t wait for daddy to come home so I can show him how naughty I can be. Would you like that daddy? Would you like to come home and find how naughty I am?

“See my titties? See how hard my nipples are? They are so stiff right now, they need to be pinched and sucked on.” Erin cupped her tits through the camisole, though the fabric could not hide their shape nor the diamond hard tips that threatened to poke through. “I wish you were here to help me. I guess I’ll just have to take care of myself for now, daddy.”

Erin pulled one foot up on the bed and spread her legs, the boy shorts barely covering her fully opened pussy. Rubbing herself slowly at first, she quickly became engrossed with the idea of her husband watching her on his computer, his cock in hand and stroking himself. As soon as the picture was in her head it changed, and it was her father that was masturbating to her video. The thought immediately caused her to orgasm, a full bodied, leg shaking cum. She even felt herself squirt!

“Damn,” she thought, “I’ve never cum like that before!” The dreams the night before, the fact that her very own father had been stroking his cock in her home to videos of her, the completely taboo nature of it all, it was a perfect storm. Suddenly she wanted her father to see this video. Needed him to see it. It wasn’t enough just to pretend, she needed to make it happen.

Getting off the bed, she stopped the camcorder and took it to her computer and downloaded the video. Her pussy was quivering at the thought of what she was about to do. Once the video had transferred she edited the file, making it go black just after her orgasm. Opening her email, she felt her hand tremble as she entered her father’s email address and attached the video. In the subject she typed, “Just for you”. She already knew she could make the excuse that she’d sent it by accident if her father objected, or if her mother found it.

Her finger clicked the mouse to send the email and then her heart began to race. She was so excited by the thought of her father watching the video and her secret hope of how he would react. After a minute, she decided that she might as well send it to her husband as well. She needed to be fucked and fucked hard and who knew how long it would be before her father watched the video.

That night James came home randy as hell. Erin squealed in delight when he kissed her forcefully, his hand grabbing her ass fiercely as his tongue invaded her mouth. Once they put the baby down for the night Erin skipped into the bedroom to get ready. She put her hair into pigtails and put on a light camisole top that hung open at the bottom. Her breasts were already swollen with excitement and her nipples like diamonds as she anticipated what she was going to do. When at last she was ready, she positioned the camera so that it pointed at the bed from a side angle and she hit record.

Erin appeared at the end of the hall, peeking around the corner with just her head. James caught sight of her and she stuck out her long, smooth leg to entice him to follow her. “Time for bed, daddy,” she called out and then slipped back down the hall towards their bedroom.

James followed quickly, catching up to her just as she entered their room. His hands took hold of her hips and pulled her ass tight against his growing cock. Erin pulled him into the room, maneuvering him so that the camera could see all that was taking place. He was standing next to the bed and she knelt before him and began to unbuckle his belt.

“Daddy, I want to suck your cock,” Erin said, her voice deliberately girly. She looked up at James, bobbing her head back and forth, making the pigtails flip wildly. “Can I suck your cock daddy?”

“Oh yes baby, you can suck daddy’s cock, you can suck it all you want!” James began to pull his shirt over his head.

“I want to suck your cock, daddy,” Erin said, but this time she was looking directly at the camera. “I’ve wanted to suck it for so long.” She undid James’ belt and pulled the slacks off and then nuzzled her face against his boxer covered midsection.

James looked down and took hold of her pigtails and pulled her face against his bulge, thrusting against her hot mouth that was leaving wet spots on his underwear. Erin pulled his underwear down, gasping at the size of her husband’s penis.

“Oh my, it’s so big daddy! Are you sure I’ll be able to get all of that in me?” As she spoke she was amazed that his cock grew fully erect, standing up completely on its own. Her words were working better than she had imagined!

“Just try baby,” James encouraged her. “Make your daddy feel good!”

With that Erin went to work. She opened her mouth and took the head of her husbands cock in, her tongue making it slippery and wet as she canlı casino siteleri sucked and drooled all over it. She slid her hands down the shaft, working the spit into his veiny shaft, loving the feel of his throbbing cock. Turning her head, she looked directly at the camera as her husband thrust his cock further into her slutty mouth, her body on fire as she imagined her own father watching all of this.

‘Dad would surely love this’, she thought, her pussy spasming at the thought of him stroking his cock to the sight of his daughter blowing her husband and pretending it was him. The longer she thought about it, the more her pussy gushed. James was working his cock into her mouth at a frenzied pace and Erin could feel herself starting to cum as well.

“Do you like it daddy?” Erin said, pulling her face back. She kissed the tip of his cock, teasing him. “Do you like it when your baby girl sucks your big, daddy cock?”

James grunted in the affirmative, trying to push his cock back between her lips, but Erin wouldn’t let him. She could see the throbbing veins on his cock, he was so close to cumming.

“I bet all daddy’s would like it if their daughters were as nice as me, huh?” She waited for an answer, but James couldn’t provide one, he was lost to conscious thought. “Don’t you think it’s a daughter’s duty to take care of their daddies? Don’t you think all girls should suck their daddies cocks?”

“Yes, fuck yes. Suck your father’s cock,” James grunted in frustration.

“Should I suck my father’s cock?” Erin asked, her voice had returned to her normal tone. “Do you think my father would like it if I sucked his cock?”

James was too far gone to comprehend her meaning fully, but the thought must have appealed to him because his cock began to lurch. Erin knew that in a second he would be cumming regardless of what she did. She looked up at him, gripping his cock tightly at the base, almost painfully.

“Oh fuck, yes! Suck your father’s cock!” James howled and then Erin swallowed his cock whole.

She pushed her face all the way down until his pubic hairs were tickling her lips and she felt the head of his cock slide into her throat. Her mouth was so full, but she managed to stroke his cock with her tongue and bobbed up and down just enough so that the head of his cock popped in and out of her throat. Within a second she felt his cock blast her esophagus with his hot seed. As James came inside her, his hot cum shooting straight to her tummy, Erin came as well. Her pussy spasmed and gasped and she felt the sweet cream pouring from her lips like a river. She’d never had an orgasm without touching her pussy before and it was unbelievable!

That night she slept deeply, satisfied in a way that she’d never felt before. Her dreams were filled with visions of her father and her husband, both of them using her mouth for their pleasure. She’d never been opposed to blowjobs, but they’d never been anything particularly special to her. In her sleep the mere fact that she was sucking them was bringing her supreme pleasure. The dreams went on and on and by the time she woke in the morning her tiny little panties were sticky.

After James left for work, Erin couldn’t wait to get the video onto her computer. She watched it three times, rubbing herself to a breathless orgasm the last time, before she attached it to an email and sent it to her dad. She hoped that he would get the hint.

Two days had passed and she’d had no word from her father. She’d spoken with her mother on the telephone in hopes to catch some sign that he had gotten the videos, but nothing. Even a little joke that her father was particularly horny would have been something, but Erin was forced to go without.

On the third day after the blowjob video, Erin sent it to her husband at work. Once again he came home super excited and Erin was there ready to take care of him. This time she set the camera up in the living room so that it showed her sitting at the computer. She was watching the last video and her leg was pulled up on the chair, her pussy exposed as she fingered herself. Moaning “daddy” over and over again she came twice before James opened the front door.

“OH, daddy!” Erin cried in mock surprise. “I wasn’t doing anything bad, daddy!”

James picked up on her cue quickly and dropped his briefcase and jacket on the floor and closed the door.

“Daddy can see what you were doing, young lady!” James crossed to where she was and forced her to stand up and then took her place in the chair. He pulled her forward so that she was laying over his lap. “I’ll show you what bad girls get for doing such dirty things!”

Erin cried out as her husband yanked up her skirt and began to spank her bare ass. She looked up at the camera, trying to make her eyes tell her father that she wished it was him spanking her.

“Are daddies supposed to spank their grown daughters?” Erin cried out exaggeratedly.

“Yes!” James said, his hand coming down again and again. Her cheeks were becoming rosy with the continued discipline.

“Are they supposed to spank their daughters when they aren’t wearing any underwear? I mean, you can see my pussy and everything daddy!”

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Between the Pages

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Nissa sat behind the sales counter reading her book. She checked her watch, looked out the store window, then resumed reading about traveling thru Thailand. It was a quiet afternoon in ‘Second Glance’. Then again, most summer mornings, afternoons, and evenings it was quiet in the used bookstore. Once in a while a university student would come in looking to exchange their worn text books for other worn text books or an elderly matron would wander in looking for tawdry romance paperbacks that the store practically sold at 50 cents to the kilo.

Other than those sporadic visits, Nissa only slid off her comfy stool occasionally during her shifts to rearrange stock on the shelves or to turn the “Back in 15 Minutes” sign around in the door window.

Certainly for a third year university student on summer break there were more active and engaging places to work at, but she did appreciate the easy, relaxing pace of the small store. Never one for hanging out at those crowded chain coffee shops, nor did she have the chops to sell clothes to fashionistas or A.D.D teenagers at those high strung boutique stores, the laid back intimacy of the small side-street bookstore suited her.

The bookstore was the current iteration of the three-quarter century unit located in the mid-town of the city. Once a small grocery, then a cafe, then an art gallery, and so on, it now sold books, used but with still stories to tell. Who knew how many layers of paint were underneath the current rich, forest green veneer? For current fixtures, two-sided dark-wood shelves were lined up in a row like soldiers from the front all the way to the back of the long but narrow space, each with one of their sides pressed up against the wall opposite to the sales counter creating short, enclosed aisles. Low wattage ceiling lights cast a haunting glow over the books at night. During the day, Nissa preferred the hazy shimmer of white light that filtered through the store from the large storefront window.

The only things that remained untouched, it seemed, was the solid wood floor. It had been waxed and refinished throughout the years but it continued to showcase its defiantly elegant natural wood grain. The lazy creaking noises that ebbed from the floorboards as people walked across them or shifted their feet as they read amongst the shelves was somewhat of a pleasing sound to Nissa. It was also a challenge for her since, as a dance student, the floors reminded her to stay light and graceful on her feet. It added to the serene ambiance of the place.

The young storekeeper’s attire and style matched the store, simple, relaxed, classical. She preferred a natural, clean look forgoing much make-up for just a light kiss of blush on her high, cafe au lait cheeks. Her shimmering midnight black hair was kept silky straight and either swept altogether to the front over one shoulder or all back behind her neck, its cascading length stretching down to the small curve of her back. A wheat brown, soft cotton skirt covered her slender legs to her ankles which were covered by white heel socks and simple, black slipper shoes. She accessorized an off the discount shelf white T-shirt with a light silk scarf wrapped lightly once around her smooth, caramel cream neck.

Comfortable and rarely disturbed, Nissa had ample time to indulge in her love of reading — another boon for working in a bookstore. Summer time meant she could ditch the mind-numbing text books for some suspense, some enriching classics, some thought-provoking existentialism, and even some crotch clutching titillation, at least once in a while to keep the body stimulated as well as the mind. Currently it was a 4-year old travel guide to Thailand in her hands. Eventually, after graduation perhaps, she would visit the homeland of her parents for the first time.

It was nearly 2:30 in the afternoon of this particularly non-descript Thursday. A sultry voiced French crooner sang his brooding songs of regret, temptation and love through the speakers of the small CD player beneath the counter. Yet, Nissa could hear the ticking of the pendulum clock off to the side over his singing. She flipped through the pages of her book, becoming increasingly detached from the words and pictures, checking the clock with increasing frequency. Her legs crossed, she bounced one over the other, an crinkling vibe of anticipation creeping between her gut and her toes.

The fine line of her thin dark brows pinched together. He should have been here by now.

Almost simultaneous to that thought, the little brass bells above the door tinkled like chattering fairies. For a moment, the sounds of the streets filtered in, only to be dulled as the door fell shut once more. Nissa sat up in her seat, facing away from the door for a moment. She inhaled, relaxed her face then spun her stool seat around.

And there he was, at first a silhouetted figure with the halo of bright summer light sweeping behind him from the outside. As her slender, almond eyes focused, the handsomely symmetric, casino siteleri bold angled, dark figure of a man came into view. An easy, deceptively courteous closed smile slipped onto his full brown lips. The narrowed look in his marine green, crescent eyes was that more inviting.

Nissa swept here hair behind her neck, smiled and nodded, with a subtle, slow blink of her long lashes. “Good afternoon,” she said politely.

“Ms.Nissa,” the man answered, nodding in turn, “Comment ça va?”

“Bien, merci,” she replied, grinning. That was about all the French she knew but that brief exchange already represented about 25% of what their few conversations had encompassed.

His name was Leandro. In the two months since he had first entered the shop, that was one of the few significant bits of information she had gotten from him other than physical and surface characteristics. Oh, but those were attractive characteristics to be sure. That smooth as smoke voice laced with that rich French accent tickled at her ear. The clothes he wore were refined, fashionable and fit his running trim frame as if everything from his jackets to his leather shoes had been personally tailored. Perfect combinations of a rounded, wide nose, full pink lips, high cheekbones, squared off jaw and dimpled chin were all pulled together by those eyes, electric and provocative, that magnetically sucked in anything in its viewing path.

Finally there was his scent which implanted in Nissa’s head the vivid image of ocean waves crashing relentlessly and dying upon jagged rocks. This engaging musk was the enhancing sauce splashed upon his rich, roasted chestnut and mocha dark skin.

This was a creature built for seduction. Or so Nissa’s burgeoning imagination had created.

She placed her book on the table and folded her hands on her lap, legs remaining crossed. Quietly she watched as Leandro walked slowly through the store, deliberate tilts and turns of his head up-and-down, side-to-side, always as if it were the first time in Second Glance. There was a certain appreciation in his examinations as he scanned the books, the shelves, the store itself. That appreciation only seemed to intensify when his eyes crossed paths with Nissa. He would never stare though, never burn his glare into her. His looks were purposeful yet were only glances. Enough for her to skip a beat or two.

He moved his leather portfolio briefcase from one hand to the other as he stopped in front of a display of books by a shelf in front of the counter and picked up a hardcover. Nissa pushed herself upright in her seat to look over his shoulder, trying to see what he selected. However, Leandro just put it down and proceeded to stroll to the back of the store. He knew what he wanted.

The first time Leandro had entered the store, he had asked where the art and photography books were kept. It was the only time he had ever asked Nissa for help. Instead of simply telling him which aisle to go to, Nissa had felt strangely compelled to come out from behind the counter and walk him to the back shelves. As she walked in front, leading him down the narrow corridor, she wanted to look back and see if he was watching her, appreciating her as he did the store. The books he sought were almost at the very back, an area dimly lit, beyond the reach of the natural light from the windows.

Arriving at the row of shelves, she gestured towards the books. “Are you an artist? A photographer?” she had asked, feeling atypically curious about a customer.

Leandro smiled. “I do have a certain…capacity for the material, yes.”

And that was it.

Since then, Leandro always made his way to the back, just as he did now. His scent wafted past the storekeeper’s appreciative nose.

Nissa remained in her chair, she wasn’t going to chase after him or bother him. That wasn’t the type of play she felt she wanted to do with this person. She did, however, lean over the counter a little, angling her head towards the back though she knew she wouldn’t be actually able to see him.

Instead, after turning down the CD player slightly, she listened She heard the quiet creak of the floors as he shifted his weight while looking amongst the shelves. The sounds of books sliding off and on the shelves and pages being crisply turned also stirred a pleasant vibe within her.

This is how it always was, the two times a week Leandro would visit the store.

Finally, after about fifteen minutes, she heard the click of heels once more as he walked back to the front counter. Nissa turned up the volume of the player once more.

Leandro approached the counter.

“Did you find anything today?” she asked.

He shook his head politely. “No, but there is always something worth looking at in this store, I find.”

Nissa smiled gently, trying to stem a blush she suddenly felt filling her cheeks.

Leandro looked aside for a moment and listened to the music playing in the store. “Mario Pelchat?” he asked.

Nissa slot oyna grinned and nodded. “Yes…again,” she replied.

As if sensing the apology in her voice, Leandro smiled and shook his head. The artist was actually from Quebec but the Euro-Francophone man didn’t show any sign of haughty disdain for the music. To Nissa’s pleasant surprise, he suddenly closed his eyes and listened. His dimpled, dark-stubbled chin rose up slowly and his whole upper body seemed to expand as he breathed and contemplated the song.

Opening his eyes, he said, “The lyrics are very emotional, very enticing.”

Nissa looked down sheepishly. “I really don’t understand the lyrics. I just like the sound of it,” she said, “It sounds very sultry, seductive.”

Leandro tilted his chin downward, his thick, dark brows shadowing his cool green eyes. “If that is how the music makes you feel, then it transcends language,” he remarked confidently. He added, “It is better to feel than to tell, no?”

A warm rush swelled from deep beneath her chest. “Absolutely,” Nissa spoke like the word was butter in her throat. Her look, her speech was unabashedly flirtatious. It was an unusual reaction from her for an unusually intriguing and attractive man.

She mindlessly pushed aside a small pile of books on the counter and looked back up at him, fully expecting him to offer his usual genteel smile and nod before leaving. Today, when their eyes met, he remained unmoving where he stood. No courteous smile. No nod. Simply a long look from his darkened green eyes, a lingering gaze he held upon her. It wasn’t harsh or cold by any means. Nor was it unattractive or unwanted by Nissa. After two months of intrigue and flirtation, to suddenly see a look like this from Leandro erupted a mental storm in her head and a drumming in her heart.

Under the stolid, seemingly intentful watch of Leandro, Nissa felt compelled to move and, just as nonchalantly as she had moved the pile of books, she swept her long waterfall of hair back to her front over her shoulder, brushing it down gently with her hands and fingers as she looked off to the side, a touch of anxiety in her expression.

“Au revoir, Nissa,” she heard him say. As she looked up, he turned and walked away. The bells above the door announced his exit from the store.

“Good-bye, Leandro,” she said softly, too late. It was a delayed reaction, as if her whole being had to reset after that brief, compelling moment.

Nissa looked ahead blankly and blinked, still absorbing the sensation she felt and the image of that persuasive gaze of his. As if her mind finally accepted that he was gone, Nissa sat upright in her chair, realization dawning on her face.

She slipped off her chair and made her way to the back aisles to see what ‘present’ had been left today.

Nearly two month’s ago, after Leandro’s second visit, Nissa had gone to the art and photography section, simply intrigued to know what he might have been reading. She always found a different book set aside at the end of the shelves. Looking at the covers, she recognized immediately that it wasn’t a book that belonged to Second Glances. The owner of the shop refused to sell erotica.

It had taken her a moment to actually pick up and look at the first book laid out as a tempting offering. was one filled with black and white images of nude bodies entwined and connected in shadowy and seductive sexual poses. Elegant, slender bodies melted together with bold, muscular figures. Rigid lengths of rippling shafts of men were frozen in photos sinking past the soft, rippling petals of women. Appetizing looks of ecstasy and rapture were prevalent in the rounded lips and the strained and satisfied brows over closed eyes. Nissa could almost hear the ghostly ebb of moans and groans whispering all around her as she stood in the quiet shop. As it was, when she swallowed to stimulate the saliva in her dried throat, it was like the thrum of a waterfall in her head.

Each time Leandro left the store, he left a book like that behind for her to find like some sort of erotic Christmas present. Sometimes paintings, sometimes drawings, sometimes photos. Black and white or colour. Abstract, artistic, or explicitly pornographic. There was always a book left on the shelf and Nissa always pored through each one, enthralled, curious…aroused.

She never asked him about the books. She knew to the bystander it could have been perceived as the equivalent to a dirty phone call, but it didn’t feel that way with Leandro. He was trying to stimulate a reaction from her, that seemed certain. Nothing that she felt made her wary of him, though. So she never approached him about the books, just waited to see what the next phase of the game was if there was one.

She was definitely compiling quite the collection back home.

As she turned into the row, a pleased smile curled onto her lips. He hadn’t disappointed her. It was another photographic pictorial this time entitled “Compulsions”. Arching her canlı casino siteleri brow, she picked it up from the shelf and flipped it open.

“Oh my God,” she breathed.

Leandro remained present in the store and in her thoughts through the images in the book. Nissa’s prior attempts to imagine what the man looked like raw and unhindered by attire crashed headlong into the stark reality presented within the pages before her. Uninhibited views of his sleek, sinewy black skinned body curved and strained off the pages. His searing, seductive eyes reached out and seized her by the collar of her shirt and held her fast, preventing her from even thinking of turning her sights away. His nude body was adored and inhaled by the camera lens and the white lights and dark shadows that curled and wended their way along and through his rich, chocolate skin.

She could tell that, even with his clothes, his physique was muscular and cut like a fine stallion. It was pleasing but not surprising to realize she had been correct. What garnered her attention the most, though was the naked display of his handsome cock. A shade darker than the rest of his ebony body, and just as attractive as attractive as any other part of his sculpted frame, it was impressive in both length and girth. Yet it was how the man wielded it in the pictures that was most striking.

His physical presence in the photos was matched by a curvy, long-legged pale beauty. Hair like an amber sunrise, skin toned to the perfection and delicateness of eggshell, and a killer body with ample, rounded breasts, she was a match for Leandro. She had to be, as the stark but captivating images showed her seductive body accepting Leandro’s substantial length deep inside.

The glean of sweat Nissa felt at her fingertips made it easy to turn the glossy pages. Set in an empty, open studio with a white, leather chaise lounge as their sole prop, ebony masculinity and ivory feminity came together in a torrid pictorial essay. Page after sensuous page showed them pleasuring one another in the most explicit ways, using their bodies like skilled-instruments of ecstasy. Tongues and mouths licking and sucking, they painted gleaning layers of saliva on one another. Hands fondling and clutching, embracing and supporting one another as they moved from one illuminating position to the next. It was a symphony of sex.

As Nissa continued to gaze at the photos, the woman in the photo, aside from the sensation elicited from the look of delectable satisfaction on her face, soon faded. Only the determined, sexual bravado of Leandro remained in her eyes. His muscular arms and hands gripping and clutching. His legs planted and driving his powerful hips. His long tongue stretching out to sample skin and inner flesh. His beautiful cock manipulated like an irresistible force of desire.

Nissa wet her lips, having dried as she breathed unsteadily through her mouth. Her almond-shaped, night sky eyes widened. Her own shuddering gasps and frequent gulps were the only sounds her ears heard. Maybe that was why she hadn’t heard the tinkling alert of the store bells, nor the deliberate and approaching footfalls announced on the hardwood floor. Absorbed in an overwhelming torrent of illicit sensations, she thought it was simply a trick of her senses that she suddenly inhaled the scent of musk that was so identified with Leandro.

“Nissa,” a velvety, smoky voice called to her from behind.

She didn’t jump. Her heart froze but she didn’t jump. Nor did she turn turn around immediately, instead raising her eyes from the book and catching her breath and holding it. It was as if she was experiencing an energy surge but she refused to succumb to it. She knew he was there behind her, watching her. Somewhere deep inside, she had envisioned something like this happening, to be caught by him, to be alone with him. Her darkest thoughts waited for this moment. She had long resolved not to be a nervous, skittish creature when it did.

Finally she turned. Leandro filled her view, blocking the end of the small aisle with his presence. His stoic, handsome face was fixed upon hers. He had the look of confidence and cool, calm desire.

Still holding the book –the provocative piece of evidence– in her hands, she gazed long and hard towards him. She could feel the blush seeping into her cheeks and her heart had kick-started to a rapid fire beat. Still she remained steady and calm, at least in her appearance.

The Mario Pelchat CD finally concluded and the store suddenly fell silent.

A knowing look sparkled in Leandro’s riveting eyes. He had sensed her heightened level of desire and stimulation like a predator senses the fear when hunting. The floor creaked as he moved in.

They didn’t exchange words. They hadn’t ever exchanged many to begin with anyway. Their eyes spoke volumes however as they locked onto each others like beacons. Leandro took the book from her hands and set it aside on a shelf. With his next deft move, he simply took her face in his hands and raised it towards his. An anxious, tiny gasp slipped from her lips before they came together in a smouldering, hungry, lustful kiss. His lips were large and soft, covering hers with an impressive surge.

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Lemonade and White Melons Ch. 04

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Chris Jenkins was at the counter of his Lawrence, Kansas convenience store around 12:30AM. He was pulling a double shift to make up for the time he took off during his mother’s recent illness. It was a day to remember, spent in all consuming ecstacy with Anjie Pearson, who he’d just met three days before. The figures on the page before him struggled to hold his attention, and the bustling of his co-worker, a young man from the University, was on the edge of his perception.

His radio was playing “Take It Easy” by the Eagles, and Chris could relate. Much to his shame, he had fallen hard for his old German teacher, Anna Pearson, gone much farther with her than he was comfortable with, and now he was involved with her granddaughter. In a couple weeks, Anna would be back, and Chris was not sure if he could handle the situation.

Jessica Smith strode into the store, followed by a couple of squirrely looking guys with bags of equipment. She was wearing a pink tube top and cutoffs above her sandals; her body was a gift from God; her face supposedly a gift from her father’s bulldog; her attitude a gift from the depths of the Pit. She came to the counter and rested on her elbows, smiling sweetly. “Hey, faggot boy, how’s it hanging?”

“Hi, Jessica. Miss you horribly–not!”

“Got a deal for you.”

“Not interested.”

“Shut up and listen. My boys want to do a photo series here, where I became famous.”

“Excuse me?”

“You know, where we foiled the robbery a few weeks ago?”

Chris shook his head. “I don’t understand. You mean that security tape where you paraded naked in front of that drunk would-be robber and freaked him out so much he got arrested?”


“What do you mean ‘photo series’?”

She put her hands on her hips and snorted. “I started a new website: ‘Jessica Justice’, and I go around doing scenes where I fight crime.”

“Oh. It’s a pay site?”

“Yeah, but it’s got really great stuff in it.”


“Me, naked. A couple of guys sent me a lot of money to do a site where I could fight crime and show off my excellent body.”

‘I got a great idea for your shoot here.”


“Yeah, put a bag over your head.”

Jessica stuck out her tongue at him. “Anyway, the boys here will give you $50 if you’ll let us take a few shots here.”

“No deal.”

“All right, $200.”

“Done. But what about my co-worker?”


“The guy who does your old job.”


“The same as me.”

“The same as you? You packing his fudge?”


“All right. But he’s the lookout; we don’t want anybody seeing my bod without paying for it.”


He called his co-worker, Frank, over and told him what the deal was. He accepted the assignment without hesitation, and went outside to divert traffic from the store. Jessica went over by the hot dog rotisserie to plan her poses while Chris went back to his inventory.

Chris looked up from time to time during the hour to see what they were doing. Jessica was showing strategic parts of her anatomy in various places of the store, while one guy held the light and the other shot a flash drive full of pictures. They wanted pictures of Chris playing the robber while a naked Jessica disarmed him: for another $150 he agreed to put a bag over his face and hold an extremely fake gun pointed in her direction.

They were taking pictures back toward the cooler, when he noticed Jessica was naked inside, pressed almost full body against the glass and she left an imprint as she pulled away. “Hey, be sure and clean that up before you go,” he ordered.

He got home around dawn, and was awakened at 8:00AM. Going upstairs, he found his brothers Virgil and Fred, demolishing the old plaster from the living room walls. Seeing them at work, he waved and went downstairs, showering and dressing in sweats before going to Anna’s house.

Anjie met him at the door with a warm, muzzy smile wearing a white silk blouse, jeans and fuzzy house slippers. She gave him a long kiss and asked: “What brings you over here at this time of day, punkin?”

“Hey, babe,” Chris started. “My brothers are tearing up the house. Could I grab a nap here before I have to go to work later?”

“Sure, sweetheart,” she replied. “You can take the master bedroom. I’ve got a teleconference in five minutes.”

“Sweet.” Chris found the bed unmade, and crawled in to her residual warmth, falling asleep almost immediately. His dreams were the same as when he discovered his lust for Frau Pearson: he was writing German declensions in chalk on a blackboard while Anna sat topless, saying “Was has du jetzt gelernt” over and over again.

At 1:00, he was awakened by a soft hand stroking his stomach and a warm body pressed against him. A tongue nuzzled his ear. He rolled over to be suffocated by a hungry mouth, and reached out to find her soft puppy fat eager for his touch. The sweats disappeared; two bodies began a dialogue in the soft glow of the early afternoon on an old fashioned four poster casino siteleri bed surrounded by antique furniture and lace curtains.

They turned, and as he savored the salty sweetness of her dark flecked valley, soft lips and a velvet tongue sought for his solid passion. His fingers clenched her bottom hard and her nails dug into his hips. Before they reached the summit of their longing, he withdrew, arranged her on her back, and mounted her, starting thrusting slowly, while she wrapped her legs around his midsection. The grandfather clock downstairs maintained its sentinel measure of time, but it was unheard as two lovers lost themselves in one another.

Streaked with sweat, they lay in each other’s arms, resting after their dialogue, exhausted by their journey through clouds and rain. “Chris, what’s your work schedule like the next couple of days?”

“I’ve got to do another double shift tonight, then single shifts the next three days.”

She frowned . “I’ve got to go back to New York tonight. Need to spend a couple days in the office.” Her finger started tracing his arm and she looked down. “Was hoping you could come with me.”

He kissed her. “I’d like to, but I can’t. Gotta work for a living, babe. Need to do some yard work from your Grandmother. Keep an eye on Virgil and Freddie, make sure they don’t kill themselves tearing apart the house.”

Her eyes bore on his. “You’re a writer now, Chris. You need to think about life beyond the convenience store and yardwork. You need to think of a new place to live, space to write your stories, space to write books. Space for people who care about you.”

He started to speak, but she put a single finger on his lips. “You say your house is being torn up by your brothers. It’ll take them a while to finish what they’re doing, won’t it? It’ll be noisy and dirty and nasty, won’t it?” He nodded. “Bring your clothes and your laptop over here for a few days. Take the stories you put on the Internet and rewrite them, fill them out a bit and make the characters people we’d like to know. Or elves or dwarves or whatever. I’ll draw up another contract in New York and you’ll be able to quit the store and wind down your lawn business.” He frowned and thought; she kissed his forehead. “Chris, I’m not asking you to make the great leap now. Just try out a new lifestyle for a few days and see how you like it. You can take the back guest room: it’s away from the street and it’s the quietest room in the house.”

“What–what–what will your grandmother say?”

“Mutti won’t mind; I asked her about it this morning.” Chris’ jaw dropped. “So it’s settled. Get your stuff together and move in–for a few days.”

She traced the line of his jaw with her index finger while he thought about it, and eventually he nodded in agreement. “Good,” she said, sitting up quickly enough to make her breasts wobble. Reaching her hand over, she stroked him and smiled. Her fuzzy black hair was tousled and a few strands escaped the pony tail she wore that day. “We have time to celebrate before we have to go.” As his manhood reasserted itself, she bent down to kiss it again, her soft tongue questing every curve until it was fully restored, then she sat on it, welcoming into her velvet vise and rocking gently on him.

During a slow part of his shift, he put his laptop on the counter and checked his e-mail for the first time that day. He’d barely had time to shower, gather a few things, and make it on time for work. His co-worker Frieda gave his a quizzical look and a smile, shaking her head, but said nothing. There was a message from Germany:


We’ve had such a good time in the Schwartzwald! It’s been a long time, but I think I’m

finally back in shape; Magda has been wearing me out. Yesterday we took a lovely boat trip on the Rhine. Tomorrow we’re making a long trip to spend a week with my father’s relatives near Dresden, and visit some old villages just over the border in Poland where our ancestors lived.

I’m glad you’re having such a good time with Angela. It takes a great burden off my

mind. Please stay at my house while your brothers remodel; you need some quiet space. Have as much fun as possible, and I’ll treat you both to something nice when I get back.

Love, Anna

There were pictures attached, and a second e-mail with more. Most of them were forest shots of stately trees and a few of a boat trip on the Rhine. The last ones were of Anna naked: several where she was sitting in the middle of a small waterfall, and in the last one she was peeking from behind a small tree, her breasts resting on a pair of strategic branches, a silly smile on her face. Chris shook his head as he closed the window; he was seeing a side of her he’d never seen before. I didn’t fit with the storm trooper of the old days.

The old house was silent as he returned, lugging his bags through the front door, and he spent several moments looking around the living room after he put his things away upstairs. Anna was all around him: in the furniture still in the same place they slot oyna shared lemonade and she offered him her white melons not that long ago, in the pictures of her family all around, in the books of indeterminate age resting on worn shelves, in the degrees hanging on the walls he hadn’t noticed before.

Before he went to bed, he opened his laptop and looked at her pictures still attached to the e-mails: taking a flash drive, he downloaded them for later scrutiny. A storm blew in from the Plains in the wee hours, and his thoughts flickered back and forth between the women in his life.

The next three days were a blur: wakening in the early light, a quick breakfast at his home where he checked in with his brothers, a morning at his laptop immersed in old stories, a late afternoon and evening behind the counter. Angela sent him updates of her meetings in New York and asked him when he was quitting the convenience store. Anna sent him more pictures of her travels in Germany, which always included a picture of her naked or preparing to enthusiastically devour huge sausage swathed in mustard.

He dared not quit his jobs. The tension in his relationships with the two women was making him nervous, a tension only banished when he was lost in a story. His fear was he would lose both of them, and life would be back to its normal solitude. Chris firmly believed in the old Wing Walker’s Maxim: don’t let go of something until you have hold of something else.

Saturday morning found him awakening later than usual with a stranger at his computer. Angela was sitting at his laptop reading one of his text files. She sat with her knees drawn up toward her chest; which gave him an excellent side view of her breast as her white halter top hung loosely. For a moment, his mind spun, thinking she would be reading his e-mail, but it became clear she was reviewing a story.

“Good morning, sunshine,” she said calmly, not looking up from the screen. “Busy the past few days?”

“Yeah. Got a lot of things written. You?”

“It was insane. Had to let go of a couple of vice presidents and a couple of editors. I never like this part of the job, but they were leaking data to the competition. Gotta go back at the end of next week to hire replacements.”

“When didya get in?”

“Fifteen minutes ago. You were dead to the world, so I thought I’d see what you were up to. This is good stuff: I knew you were a quality writer.”

“Thanks.” He sat up heavily and rubbed his eyes. “Fancy some breakfast?”

“Great idea. I gotta run by Watson Library to check up a couple things. Mind tagging along?” He shook his head, and she looked at her watch. “Sounds like a plan. Let’s go.”

They rode their bicycles downtown and had croissants and coffee at a little place on Massachusetts street, taking their time and people watching as they nibbled their food and read the newspaper. By the time they reached campus, it was just past noon and Watson had barely opened its doors. Anjie led them up to the Eastern European reference area and checked some catalogs in Polish before heading into the stacks.

Arriving at their goal at the end of a long stack, she reached down to pull an old book off the shelf, flipping the pages. Chris looked around at the incomprehensible titles before looking over her shoulder. “How many languages do you speak?” he murmured in her ear.

“Eight,” she whispered back. “Spanish, French, German, Italian, Greek, Czech, and Polish.”

“That’s seven.”

“Oh, and English,” she giggled. “You?”

“I survived your grandmother’s German class, and that’s about it. Unless you count Redneck as another language.”

She wiggled her backside against his groin. “There’s another language I think you do quite well.”

He responded by circling her waist, hugging back to him. The response below his belt was immediate, and probed her bottom urgently. It wiggled against him more and he lifted his hands to cup her halter. A sigh and a gasp; his tongue emerged to trace her earlobe. She put the book down on top of the others, open, and put her hands on the stack to steady herself. All was quiet around them; they were alone in the entire wing of the library.

She reached around to undo his fly, and he undid hers to slip her shorts and panties down. Bending over at the waist, she reached between her legs to find him and guide him to the moist canyon that longed for his touch. His hands moved fabric aside, and his fingers stroked her bare nipples as they moved together. She turned her head and his tongue returned to the delicately scalloped lobe. It wasn’t long before she gasped and shuddered, and together they reached their goal of jubilation.

“God, I’ve missed you,” she murmured when she could talk again.

The spent the rest of the daylight at Clinton Lake, walking hand in hand on the shore, sheltering in the shade of the trees, drinking in one of the last days of summer. There were more beautiful people there, University students in prime shape displaying their tanned and toned physiques, and some anglers testing canlı casino siteleri their prowess. They didn’t care, the world was theirs. They dined simply at a small restaurant downtown, and went home to share a bed.

Sunday found them working separately: she hunched over the computer in her grandmother’s study, and he tending the yard. When he went back to his room, he checked his e-mail: Anna was due to begin her trip home early Monday. There was a note from her:


I’ve had such a wonderful time here, and yet I long to come back to the two people who

mean the most to me. You have no idea how much I wanted to share everything here

with you, to have you see everything I’ve seen the past three weeks. That day may come


Angela is very grateful for your company, and hopes you will stay with us for a while, as

do I. Your life is changing for the better, and though it’s a scary proposition, please

believe me when I tell you everything will be all right. I love you and your happiness

means a great deal to me. I can’t wait to hold you in my arms again.

See you soon. Love, Anna

He stayed in his room, surfing the Internet absent mindedly until it was time to go to work. When it was time to leave, Anjie was obviously in another conference online, so he left quietly.

It was a slow night at the convenience store, and Chris nodded off just before 11:00PM, while sitting upright on the stool behind the counter. The dream came back to him: he was at the blackboard writing German declensions, this time he wore a white shirt and the room was empty. A single rose sat on Frau Pearson’s desk, and the clock on the wall read 4:37. Anna was wearing a simple black dress, but instead of talking she came forward silently and embraced him hard. He felt the hot sweat of her skin, the muscles of her arms, the smell of her perfume, and her breathing in his ear. Over her shoulder he read a line on the board in his own handwriting: Bleiben sie mit Angela, bitte. Es ist, was ich will. Es ist Ihre Zukunft. It seemed Anna wanted to say something, but couldn’t, and she was reluctant to let goof him.

The phone rang, and he awoke with a start. Chris picked it up: it was Angela. “Come home now,” she said, weeping.

“What? I’m off in another hour.”

“Come home now. Please, Christopher. If you never do anything else for me, come home now.”

“As soon as I can.” Fortunately, his midnight relief was able to come in early and he was on his way in five minutes. He found Angela in the living room, lit only from the light coming through the kitchen door, sipping from a glass with the Schnapps bottle on the table before her. “Anjie? Anjie? What’s up?”

“Mutti,” she said and began to cry.

“Yes? Is everything all right?”

She shook her head no violently. “They were on the way to the airport, got caught in a crash on the autobahn. Magda was driving, something happened. Flipped a couple of times and hit a truck.”

Chris stood waiting. Anjie took another sip and wept some more. “Those crashes on the autobahn are horrible. Mutti told me she was always afraid of the roads there. Almost never survivors, they drive so fast. They drive so fast.” The last sentence came out in a whimper. Another sip, an intake of breath. “It was around 4:30 in the morning. Nobody on the road.”

“Did her cousin have a heart attack? Stroke? Seizure?”

A nod and a shrug of the shoulders. “Probably. She’s gone!” She started wailing and gestured him to come sit by her; when he sat she wrapped herself around him and sobbed heavily into his shoulder. Tears started welling in his eyes and fell on the back of her neck.

For a quarter hour, they held each other and wept. She poured a glass of Schnapps for him, and they drank in silence. The phone rang and she shook her head, so he answered it. After listening to the report, he thanked the other party and hung up. She looked at him quizzically, and he said: “They think cousin Magda had a stroke. Her daughter said Magda was complaining of headaches a month ago, but didn’t get it checked out.”

Anjie nodded. “You wanna be alone?” he asked.

She shook her head briskly. “Absolutely not, Schatzi. I need you.”

“Okay.” He sat down and she sat on his lap, her head on his shoulder, and they sat in silence long into the night.

They saw the dawn through the living room windows, the lace curtains turning from red to pink to yellow. Chris tried to puzzle through the writing in his dream without a dictionary and without asking Anjie. Bitte was please, and Bleiben was the verb ‘to stay’. So the first sentence was about staying with Anjie. Zukunft stumped him: he couldn’t remember for the life of him what it meant.

“Mutti was my mother more than my mother was,” she started out of the blue. “I spent every summer with her since I could remember, my folks both worked, and they died in a highway accident when I was in grade school. I was here when I heard the news. Now I hardly remember what they looked like, or how their voices sounded. I understand their drive now, their passion to succeed, but life’s about more than success. It’s like the Ghost of Marley said: ‘People were my business.’ I just started to realize that, and now it’s too late.”

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